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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » War Games 2020 PPV Board
Who I Am?
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LiamRoberts Offline
Procrastinating King

XWF FanBase:
Hardly anyone to be honest

(booed by most fans; hurts people even when not supposed to; often angry and shitty)

05-23-2020, 10:25 PM

Part #1 – Who Am I?????

The scene opens to a small metal folding chair sitting against a plain white backdrop. The camera zoomed tightly to the chair before I can be seen walking into the frame. I turn to the camera and give it a little wave before sitting down. I sit there in silence for a few moments taking a few deep breaths before I begin to speak.

Hello XWF, this is your good friend Liam Roberts speaking, I know most of you are thinking who and truthfully, I don’t blame you for that as I haven’t been the bright shining star of the XWF that I originally hoped I would be. So, with that being said I figured I would take a few moments out of your I am sure very busy day to finally introduce myself.

I pause for a moment and you can tell from the look on my face that I am trying to figure out what to say next.

As I already said my name is Liam Roberts; I’m from London Ontario, Canada. I am fairly new to the wrestling scene as the XWF is the first company I have worked for, but I was trained by the great Tyson Dux at Tyson Dux Wrestling Factory, so I am more than capable to hang with the best that XWF has to offer. I know I didn’t really show that the first time I was here when I got my ass handed to me in the few matches, I had but when I first joined the XWF I was this cocky young punk that bit off more than I could chew. Don’t get me wrong I am still a cocky little punk but I am more prepared for what is in store for me here.

I reach down beside me a grab a water bottle that I placed down off-camera, I open the bottle and place the small straw into my mouth and take a few deep sips. I swished the water in my mouth a few seconds before swallowing it. I lick my lips as I place the bottle back down beside me.

Sorry had a little tickle in my throat. Where was I? Oh yeah still talking about who I am. Hopefully, I haven’t bored you too much and you have since changed the channel I am just sitting here talking to myself. Ok back to more about me, I am a 2nd generation wrestler and while I didn’t know my father too well on a personal level, the XWF knows him pretty well as once an upon a time his name actually mattered, not so much anymore but at a time he was one of the top superstars in the company. My father is Chris Evans or better known to all of you as Chasm.

I shake my head and smirk softly at the camera before a serious look comes over my face as I begin to speak again.

Wow that is one of the first times, I have actually admitted that Chasm was my father publicly, and truthfully it kind of made me feel a little sick to my stomach. While Chasm might have been the sperm donor that helped created me, he hasn’t been a father to me for way too long, come to think about it I can’t really remember a time when he was there anymore. Chasm left me and my mother when I was just a little boy about the age of 7 or 8 when he moved to Toronto when he got the chance to train at one of Canada’s top wrestling schools at the time. Money was tight so Chasm just went himself while we stayed in London. For the first little while, things were going well but then there was that day my mother got the phone from Chasm saying that he wasn’t coming back and that while in Toronto he had met someone and they had fallen in love. My mother kept those little details from me as she didn’t want me to think less of my father and it worked as while I didn’t fully understand why he wasn’t around much he was still my idol and I wanted to be just like him. So now let me tell you what happened when I was 15 that changed all that.

I stand up and start to walk away and the camera follows me. I walk out of the small room that we were sitting in, once out of the room we could see that we were on a sound stage like those that you would see in a TV show. I walk over to near a kitchen set and we can see a woman standing doing dishes. The camera zooms into the woman and as she is cleaning the dishes, we see a boy with short blond hair who looks no older than 14-15 years of age walks into the frame. He was wearing blue jeans and a Chasm t-shirt.

You can hear me say off-camera to someone that can’t be seen

Where the fuck did, we find a Chasm T-Shirt?

The person doesn’t answer me and just tells me to be quiet. The child walks over to the woman and pulls on her apron. When the woman doesn’t stop doing the dishes the child pulls the apron one more time but this time he also speaks when he did it.

Mom, Mom guess what?

She turns to him and looks down at the child

What is it Liam can’t you seem I am trying to do the dishes.

The boy just ignores what his mother

Guess what guess what?

You could tell the woman was starting to get a little upset with the child and snapped a him


The child is a little startled at his mother raising her voice, but when the woman’s face breaks to a smile, she asked calmly

What is it?

The child pulls out a flyer and hands to his mother but before she even had a chance to look at it he blurts out

Dad is doing an autograph session here in London next week, can I please go?

I begin to speak voice over as the woman looks at the flyer and little me is waiting for an answer from my mother.

I couldn’t imagine what thoughts were going through my mother’s head when I handed her that flyer. Even though she never spoke down about my father to me, I now know that she would have rather I would have just forgotten about him as he did us.

The woman hands the flyer back to the child and with a sad look on her face she answers him

No, I am sorry hunny I don’t think I can get that day off work to take you.

The child wasn’t willing to take for an answer and replies to her is this almost winey voice, as he shoves the flyer back into his pocket.

Can’t I go myself?

No, you are still too young to go to an event as big as this by yourself

The child is now throwing a fully blown fit and replies to his mother in as he stomps his feet on the ground.

That’s not fair stop treating me like I am some child, I am 15 and I think I can handle one little autograph session by myself.

She now raises her voice to almost screaming


Tears begin to form in the child’s eyes, he doesn’t say anything for a moment before he screams as he storms out of the frame

I fucking hate you

The camera zooms into the mother’s face and you could see that tears flow down her pale face. She whispers quietly

I wish you would understand I am doing this for you

The camera pans over to where I was standing off-camera, I look straight into the camera and begin to speak.

To this day I wish I did realize that my mother didn’t say no because she wanted to punish me by not letting me go see my father but because she knew what would be in store for me in I did.

I begin to walk over to another set that is made to look like the autograph session that my mother told me I couldn’t go to. We see a group of people standing waiting patiently in line for the autograph session to begin. In that group we see the same child from the scene before 3-4 people from the front of the line. He was wearing the same Chasm shirt as before.

I once again begin to speak out of frame

As I can see I didn’t listen to my mother and I snuck out to go to the session by myself. I was so excited to get the chance to see my father again as it had been years since we had seen each other but I he had been writing me every week telling me all about his adventures in wrestling. I later found out that it was my mother who was writing me those letters as she didn’t want me to be raised without some type of male figure in my life.

A man walks out from behind a curtain and heads towards the table that was set up covered with Chasm merchandise when the crowd sees the man they begin to scream and cheer. The man sits down and I realize who we got to play my father for this little scene.

Holy shit is that Howie Mandel? Fuck I know I asked you do find someone that looked like Chasm but didn’t think you would go that far.

Again, I was told to be quiet and just let the scene play out. One by one the people waiting in line went up to the table and got their merch signed and a photo taken and before you knew it little me was next in line to go up. He walks up to the table when he is signaled by the man sitting next to Chasm. A smile is plastered on his face but Chasm doesn’t even look up from the table. The boy clears his throat and softly said


Chasm still doesn’t look up and just said in this boring voice

Hey kid what would you like signed?

I knew it was a little weird but figured that since he hadn’t looked at me and only heard my voice which had changed a fair bit since he had seen me last that he didn’t recognize me.

The child stood there in silence before Chasm looked up at him

Come on kid, I don’t have all-day

I was speechless, I couldn’t believe the man that I called daddy and saw daily just 5 years before didn’t even recognize his own son.

The child just pointed to a photo of Chasm holding the Canadian title, Chasm pulls the photo toward him

Who should I make it out to?

What the fuck he really didn’t know who I was and to him, I was just another kid wanting an autograph

The child stood there frozen before saying


Liam, I also liked that name

You should you fucken picked it, I found out not too long ago that he also named one of his other children Liam, which pissed me off and felt it was a huge slap in the face.

Chasm picks up a sharpie and begins to sign the photo

“To Liam

Thanks for being a fan


Chasm slides the photo back to the child who you could see now had tears flowing down his face.

Chasm being the egomaniac he was just figured it was because he just got an autograph from his hero, that might have been the case a few moments ago but now these weren’t tears of joy but tears of sorrow that the man that I idolized and was hoping would embrace me didn’t even remember who I was.

The child took the photo and began to walk away from the table, with every step the look of shock and confusion begins to turn to that of anger. Once he was far enough away from the table, he looked down at the photo one last time before ripping it up and throwing it to the floor. The camera zooms into the ripped-up photo on the ground for a few minutes before panning over to me.

You see that was the day my father went from being my hero and a man that I wanted to be just like, to being a person I despised. That hatred is what fueled me to become a wrestler just like him and to join the ranks of the XWF, so that I could prove that even though we might share DNA I am nothing like my father. So now that you know who I am outside of the ring and what drives me, it is time for me to show all you doubters what exactly I can do inside that ring and that will now begin with the upcoming XWF PPV War Games 2020 when I help Team Carnes win this whole thing, but we will get more into that another day.

With that, I just turn and walk away but this time the camera doesn’t follow and it just fades to black

[Image: zVNrMXw.jpg]


1x Heavymetalweight Champion

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