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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
PlaceMarker ttfnPT.2 [ "i'm still here" ]
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red-x Offline

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

04-21-2020, 10:59 PM

Quote:"I am the steward of my own destiny,
I am the captain of my fate."


~ + ~

Russian Fucking Rose. The biggest boy on the block, future champion, hated by many, loved by a few, Olympian, Russian Robot, Wrestling Machine.... Double R, I know a man such as yourself must have been following the product as soon as you crossed the t's and dotted the i's, but I'm unlike ANYONE else on the roster. I'm the man with the plan, the kid who became a man to become something the Realm of Xtreme is sorely lacking in these days.... I'm a true, bonafide STAR, babe, and I'll be DAMNED if some newcomer like you is going to derail my mission.... in fact, i look at you [and to a much lesser extent, Azrael] as my chance to break my losing streak and to begin changing the way my name is perceived around here. I'm going to ignite the fire, the FLAME that will engulf this place like a living, breathing inferno. My people are aligned, my agenda is set, your end is near.... iAM your end. and i will NOT change who i am, not for you, not for Azrael, not for Vinnie or even Shane Fucking himself, i'm THE fucking future of the XWF, and i will not stop till my goal has been reached... You ppl think that i'm a joke, that my lofty ambitions are nothing more than the daydream of an overly confident punk, but i'm not. i'm NOT a fucking joke, I'm NOT another random masked dude destined to be a let-down.... i'm the harbinger of a new era of Xtreme, i'm the only person on the roster that's willing to assemble the team i have, the team i KNOW will help me lead the Realm into glory it has never experienced, even in its brightest of days. i'm here to save u all from yourselves, i'm here to crush the doubt and to prove the critics wrong. in the end, i will be the savior i've claimed to be since day one, i'm DESTINED to ressurect an age where the XWF was truly on top of the pro wrestling industry, and there will be no stopping this movement. this revolution WILL be televised.... i'm here to bring hell. #bPrepared

Quote:So, back to the student begging me to tell her if she has what it takes to make it or if she should “stop writing right now.” The best answer is to tell her that it’s not up to me. Is she willing to keep reading and practicing writing until her eyeballs bleed and the letters wear off her keyboard? Because that’s what she needs to be doing at this point in her embryonic career. Is she willing to keep writing even when no one else is reading her work, even if no one else cares whether she writes or not? Because all that matters, really, is that she cares. And is she willing to keep writing even after an agent, editor or anonymous colleague has just delivered a withering critique of her work, the kind that stops a less determined writer cold. Because the truth is, I’ve met a lot of other writers along this path, writers who were more talented than I was and who, for one reason or another, put down their pens long ago. But I’m still here.

Which is, I supposed another kind of answer. I’m still here.



W: 1 // L: 8

learn, survive, believe & thrive...
...become the best & eat them alive.

'...what happens when the joke dies...'

Quote:When I was a little girl, my mother spoke of a prophecy, of a time when all the world would be covered in darkness and the fate of mankind would be decided. One night I finally got the courage to ask my mother, why God was so mad at His children.

'I don't know,' she said, tucking the covers around me, 'I guess He just got tired of all the bullshit'
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Alexei Medved (04-22-2020), bRiaN sTorM (04-22-2020)

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