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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Simplemente no puedo esperar para ser rey PART 2
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Hanari Carnes Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

03-13-2020, 09:34 PM

Continued from Simplemente no puedo esperar para ser rey:


"Sometimes it isn't about being at the top, Tomás, it is about the climb."

"You aren't saying what I think you are saying?"

"We leave tonight, as soon as it is dark. Pack your is going to be one hell of a journey."


It had been quite some time since the two men left out the back door, cutting down a path behind the house that would avoid human contact as much as possible.

The streets, as crazy as they were in spots, were completely dead in others. Trash littered the streets, there were several glass storefront windows that were smashed. Some of them had blood on them.....

...these savages smashed them with their bare hands.

"Check some of these stores, Tomás, see if there is anything salvageable left."

His friend nodded, entering a store through the giant hole in the front window. Hanari looked for anything he could find on the street that could be of use to him. This climb to the top was going to be a long, hard journey, and he had to make sure he was ready.

Tomás came back out of the store shaking his head.

"They stripped it clean, there is literally nothing left."

Figures. When humans go into mass panic mode, often times it is more dangerous than what they are panicking about to begin with.

“When the chips are down, these . . . these ‘civilized people’ . . . they’ll eat each other.”

There were gun shots in the distance. Not one at a time pops like the handguns most civilians owned, but rapid fire. Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop.

They had brought in the army to settle the riots. This small stretch of the town was all that was left over. What was left of it, anyway.

On the top of the hill, wayyyyyy off in the distance, was the throne Hanari sought. He was going to get there, it was only a matter of time. A matter of grind. How hard he was willing to fight, to survive. This wasn't going to be easy but he welcomed the challenge. As Tomás exited yet another store with nothing, Hanari nodded to himself. He was going to have to find another way.


They walked down the deserted island roads, their feet crunching over the shards of broken glass and debris in the path. The sun beat down on them, it had to be 100 degrees outside. It was summertime in the Southern Hemisphere.

By the time they made it to the other end of town, they were drenched in their own sweat and Tomás wanted to sit down. They managed, at least to this point, to avoid human contact. The automatic machine gun fire, however, still rang out in the distance. Faint, but audible.

Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop Pop

"Tomás, we need to keep moving". At this point, his friend was breathing heavily.

"Hanari" he said in ragged breaths, "what is so good about this stupid throne anyway? We are't even out of the town yet, we have no water, no food, no supplies. God knows no way to defend ourselves if shit pops off."

Hanari looked off into the distance. He could see the throne in his mind, even though he couldn't actually see it.

"Sometimes it isn't about being at the top, Tomás, it is about the climb."

Those were the same words he told him in the house before they left.

".....if we don't try, we never will know. If we give up now we will spend the rest of our lives wondering what if."

"I won't"

"I will."

He signaled for Tomás to get up. He obliged.

They continued to walk until they got the forested edge of the town, where the foothills of the mountains began. It was nighttime at this point, and the only sounds besides their footsteps were the crickets. In the distance there was a small light, seemingly from a cabin.

"There" Hanari said to Tomás, who was smacking away mosquito's. "That is where we take shelter tonight."

1 HR Later

They arrive at the cabin, and stand about 50 yards from it. There is a light coming from inside....someone was in there. They could hear a radio station broadcasting news of the riots that took place in town. Apparently, they covered the entire island. The broadcaster had a shake in his voice. This was more serious than anyone thought, and he knew more than anyone assumed.

As the approached the front door, they made no effort to be quiet. They were going to get into that house, no matter the cost.

Hanari was ready to die for his cause.

Tomás, not so much.

Hanari walked right up to the front door. By this point he was feeling the effects as well. His quads killed him, like knives diving into every nerve ending in his upper leg, and he was severely dehydrated. When he got within 10 yards of the door, a light switched on above the door. Hanari clenched his fists, but his legs kept moving.

This must be what a zombie feels like, because he was not in control of his actions right now. The door opened before he got there and Hanari was greeted by a shotgun to the face.

"Don't fucking move!" the person shouted, but Hanari's legs kept moving. Was this what the people rioting felt? The inability to listen due to an insatiable need for whatever lie ahead?

"I said don't move!"

Hanari could almost see the whites of his eyes now. Two young children ran to the man, hugging his legs.

Tomás yelled something from behind him, but it was a blur.

Before Hanari knew it, he was holding the shotgun. The man below him bled from his nose, the children were screaming, there was a woman crying. The barrell was pointed directly between the man's eyes. Hanari was seeing double, he needed water.

Tomás was now in the house behind him. His eyes were wide as he looked at his childhood friend and the mind-state he was in.

"Water" Hanari said, "now."

The man on the ground signaled to his wife, who practically ran into the kitchen. Hanari cocked the gun. The man gulped.

The woman returned shortly after with a large cup of water. Hanari looked at her with a crooked smile.

After he gulped down the water he signaled to his friend behind him, and the wife ran back into the kitchen again.

When both men were satisfied, they sat down on the tattered and worn couch, the well-used piece of furniture creaking beneath them.

The father of the household almost choked out his words when he asked the man holding the gun why he was there, where was he headed, what did he want.

"We are headed to Pico Duarte in the morning".

The man looked at him like he was crazy.

"Impossible" he said.

"Impossible is not a mind state I am ready to adopt" Hanari said, "nothing is impossible if you want it bad enough."

The man still had a skeptical look on his face.

"I am going to climb to the highest peak, and I am going to become king."

The man promptly informed him that you don't become king by reaching the highest point in the nation. Hanari smiled and cocked the shotgun.

"It isn't about being king, is about the climb."

This man was clearly delusional. He was crazy.

"Tonight, we sleep. If you afford us that, we will be on our way and you will never have to hear from us again."

The man nodded, sheepishly.

The man looked at his wife and kids, then ushered them into bed. Hanari laid down on the couch, the shotgun on the table next to him. Tomás slept in the nearby chair.

A few hours after they fell asleep, the man entered the room. He didn't want these two in his house. He did not believe they planned to climb to Pico Duarte. Nobody had made it up there alive in decades, and nobody would even try. This man obviously had other inentions. He would beat him to the punch. As he got close to the chair where Hanari lay snoring, the floorboard creaked.

Pan out...............................

The dark house lights up as 4 gunshots can be head.

Pan in..........

Hanari walks outside the front door, covered in blood. Tomás was a step or two behind.

They looked at each other without saying a word before heading back up the trail towards the impossible.

“The line between good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either – but right through every human heart.”

"So it is clear to me, that dis es going to be nothing but a "no, chu are! No, chu!" little kid recess type verbal battle, mang. I thought that in a promotion with a name such as dis, that someone, anyone, would have de capablility to be a little more creative than mimick insults and poop jokes.

Then again, Thunder Knuckles doesn't strike Hanari as de brighest bulb on de tree.....

I say he is an average wrestler with a big ego. I provided FACTS, I show de world jus' how vanilla his accomplishments actually are....and his reply? "Hanari Carnes es a bad wrestler". Dogshit, I believe he used? So creative, ese, chu should get a Nobel Prize. Being a former TV campeón is not good enough? A former Tag Team campeón? Let me ask chu holmes.......what belt has chu EVER held here?

I'll wait..........

*Hanari continues to wait......looking at his watch, tapping his foot....taking out a cigar and lighting it, taking a few puffs........blowing smoke rings into the air.......*

".........exactly, chico. Dis business is about being de best, about holding gold, and if chu cannot do that....den chu should no be here. I have been a former Televison campeón.....chu ask is that all I got to come at chu with? Well, I've only been here for 18 matches hermano, and I have held two belts. So, as of now, si, that is what I got. That and de fact that I have either broken the arm or damn near broke it in nearly ever match I been in.

Facts are facts, chico, I took part in taking down the most dominant and roster oppressive Tag Team in the XWF, and a man who held that title for 129 days. 129 days, ese. Chu try holding any for one, then tell Hanari who sucks.

All of dis film study on me chu say you have, holmes, and chu still fall back on de same tired, vanilla cliche. My accent. That is all chu have on me, the rest is just posturing. I'll admit, I am learning more and more each day I am here. Some es good, some es still "broken", but at the end of the dey the accent should be de least of your concerns.

Racist? How can I be racist, DIS IS HOW I TALK! If anything, chu es racist for pointing it out! Surprised de back office hasn't fixed it? And I am de racist? If anyone's mouth is an issue around here, Thunder, et be yours. But that es okay, because tomorrow night I will close it for you.

Chu have nothing to brag about, so chu no need that big mouth of yours. All chu seem to care about are dose X-Bux's. If dey aren't worth anything, why did Vinnie steal them? That es simple, holmes. Entertainment value. Look at chor reply, look at the entertainment ratings. Vinnie es a troll, we know dis, and he trolled you. It was executed to perfection, and it MADE you. Since then, that es all chu had to hang your hat on.

Pathetic, really.

Literally everything chu said in your last promo es a farce, a fallicy, a delusion. Literally every. single. word. Chu saw fear in my eyes? Chico, Hanari fears nobody. Perhaps chu saw de reflection of yaself in my eye? I don't see how that could be confusing for chu doe....chu spend so much time looking at ya ugly mug in the mirror as it is. Management stuck me against chu? Homie, de names were drawn out of a hat. Chu literally could have been put against anyone......chu just got unlucky enough to draw me. Chu claim that I didn't want dis fight.......


I didn't want Jessalyn Hart, I didn't want Massamind......I wanted CHU. I was happy to see de name drawn against mine because I got to humble another arrogant ass-clown with a head too big for the shoulders it sits on.

Chu claim I was going to beg.

Wrong answer again, ese. Hanari es never going to beg. It is amusing how chu think you are Thanos, some unstoppable being who es supposed to strike fear into your opponents with little work put in. Holmes, I am not scared of Thunder Cuck. In fact, I am very excited to be able to push chu to a place chu has never been before. So much pent up anger, ese! Smash this, smash that. So many "fuck" words. I am calm, cool, collected! Chu are so worked up....and chu es going to make a mistake. That mistake es going to cost chu.

Who es really in whose mind here? Chu claim chu are in my head but chu es the one getting all defensive, yelling about how bad chu wanna hurt me. Why?

Because chu can't beat me, and chu know it.

Chu can't out-wrestle me so chu have to resort to using every weapon chu can find around ring side.

Puffing your chest out, yelling threats into de camera, saying all de horrible things chu es going to do to me. That don't make you tough. holmes, it makes chu a scared little bitch.

A perra.

A puta.

Chu know Hanari es de next big thing, so your strategy is to use weapons because chor skill level isn't big enough to beat me in de ring otherwise. I would have respected chu more if chu had just came out and said that, hermano. I get it, coming out isn't easy, but et es 2020 and admitting chu es a bitch now es more accepted than ever before!

I am going to beat chu. I am going to embarass Thunder Cunt. How? I am going to break you down to the lowest level chu has ever been to. Everything chu do to me, I will keep getting up. I will keep coming at chu. Your Mr. Funny Man promo was all fine and dandy, but this piece of shit es going to show you that I es still floating while chu........

Homie chu were flushed a long time ago. I am just the one who has the task of breaking de news to ya.

I am going to be de next king of the XWF. I am going to go on to hold de top title in dis business, and at the end of this entire thing.......chu es still going to be sitting de whining about chor X-Bux. That es de difference. I am a born winner, chu are a born complainer. So bring any weapon chu want, bring your sorry culo, bring ya bitch made power bottom Jimmy, bring whoever or whatever chu want.....because chu es about to run into the Hanari Carnes storm.

De storm of de century.

A storm chu are not prepared for.

When the storm overtake chu, there are three options. Tres. Tap out or feel ya arm snap.

Or, my personal favorite option....

Feel ya arm snap, then tap out like the arrogant little bitch you are.

Your arrogance will be your downfall.

Viva la Republic!
Viva la Dominicano!
Viva la Hanari Carnes!

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Your Next King of XWF
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