03-06-2020, 06:47 PM
As the jet was heading from England after Wednesday Night Warfare, it was heading fir a couple of days stop over in New Zealand so Mastermind could see his family.
But the camera shows XWF Prime Time Interviewer Steve Sayors sitting alone in his seat.
From the V.I.P section skips Melanie 'Crayzee' Childs. She sits down in front of Steve.
MELANIE: "How's it going Stephen?"
STEVE: "I'm fine thanks Miss Childs,"
MELANIE: "You may call me Princess Y'Mera Xebella Challa.... Na jokes that was a reference to Aquaman, you may call me Melanie."
STEVE: "Sorry but I have to be professional and call you MIss Childs, it's what I do with everyone."
MELANIE: "Whatever Trevor, whatever floats your boat. Anyway Big Boss Man, Mastermind, wants to know if you are ready to resume the interview after what happened last time?"
Steve squirms in his seat after he remembers almost coming apart after Antony had grabbed hin in a threatening pose.
STEVE: "I'm fine to resume."
Melanie stands.
STEVE: "I have one question for you just quickly Miss Childs,"
MELANIE: "Oh a question for me? Fire away!"
STEVE: "When are you or Mr Von Bonn going to wrestle again instead of playing body guard to Mastermind?"
Melanie's smile disappeared from her face. She looked like she wanted to throttle Steve, but instead just shook her head, and skipped away.
A few minutes later, Steve felts someone standing beside him, and he looked up to see Mastermind, who wasn't smiling back.
"You do have a habit of pissing people off, don't you Sayors,"
Steve gulped.
"Go on why don't you ask me what you asked Melanie that she seemed so wild about? She was in a good mood before I sent her to ask you if you were ready to go again,"
STEVE: "I'm sure she would have told you,"
"No she didn't Steve, why don't you tell me?"
Steve gulped again.
STEVE: "All I asked was when was she or Mr Von Bonn going to start wrestling again instead of playing body guard to you."
That question seemed to make Mastermind chuckle. He looked at someone who was standing a couple of feet away. Steve knew it must be Antony The Jerk.
"This guy, with the funny questions,"
Mastermind then looked back at Steve. He was making fists with his hands by his side, and trying to decide if to hit Steve, grab him, or something else. Suddenly he took a breath and decided to sit down across from Steve.
"Let me answer that question for you in a nice calm manner Mr Sayors...... Miss Childs, and Mr Von Bonn, are not my body guards. In fact all of us are a team, a stable. It's just that at the moment everything was brought into the open so everything revolved around me, turning heel, and joining a stable, and announcing it. Now after March Madness they will be wrestling. They knew this coming back, and they will be busy after the Pay Per View. So don't for one minute turn it into something that it isn't. You should run for President of the United States Mr Sayors, there's plenty of shit coming out of your mouth."
Steve looked shocked.
STEVE: "Well if you think that, then I think we better terminate this interview, I know when I'm not valued."
Mastermind smirked.
"Fine by me."
Steve got up looking like he had tears in his eyes. Suddenly Antony the Jerk blocked his escape.
ANTONY: "Now now, I know that tensions are boiling over, but I'm sure Mastermind was trying to do what he can to make sure he looks and sounds more healish. Which he is. Mr Sayors, you have to give him time and breathing space, he hasn't turned heel before and I'm assuming he's trying to justify himself to himself. But he doesn't need to justify himself to himself, because he's doing a good job. A whole lot of his opponents are noticing his change."
Steve looked back at Mastermind, who just nodded. He then breathed again.
"What Antony said. It seems I'm fighting within myself to prove to myself I can do this. My good side, my face wants to come back. But things are too far gone to allow that, and I won't. So if I'm overstepping, I won't apologize, but I will try to turn it down a bit for you."
Steve looked back at Antony, who raised his eyebrows as if to say 'he's given you a back in'. He sat back down, and Antony remained standing.
ANTONY: "And on the subject of Miss Childs, and Mr Von Bonn, they will be ready to resume their careers in the XWF after March Madness."
Steve just nodded.
STEVE: "I'm sorry, I overstepped too. Shall we carry on with the interview."
Mastermind nodded.
STEVE: "So let's start with what Mr The Jerk touched on. A whole lot of people are now starting to see you more. Since your change. What do you think of that?"
"It's not that they never saw me before, but they viewed me as gutter trash, as someone who wouldn't stand up for himself. Like I said last interview, I just took it on the chin and said and did nothing. That was the old me. It wasn't getting me very far. Granted I did win the X-Treme Title 3 times, and the Television Title once using that method, but it wasn't getting very much else. I was looking more for.... let's say the word....... R E S P E C T. Respect."
STEVE: "So you felt you weren't respected as X-treme Champion or Television Champion?"
"I was viewed a laughing stock Mr Sayors. Or boring Mr Sayors. Or like I said. Someone who was a champion, but was being laughed at. Not respected. Sure there were extenuating circumstances when I was Television Champion, and some of those circumstances made me look like a fool."
STEVE: "In what way?"
"Take the first ever Chamber Matches for example two years ago. Survival of the Fittest Pay Per View. I was Television Champion at the time, and whats her name was still here. Moxie Monarch. Gator's friend, Todd, won the Bombshell Title at a show before the Pay Per View and went into that as the champion. Moxie made a big fuss of the Bombshell Title, which was the women's championship, being second rate or useless. And that Todd or ever was wearing it was demeaning it further. She didn't want it. She won the Chamber Match, became Television Champion, and I became Bombshell. I didn't mind because I was face back then. But then the decision got reversed because of her attitude. And I stayed Television Champion.
"That Steve was one time it was extenuating circumstance. And that then was how I was perceived. Laughable. It made my 129 Day reign look weak as Television Champion. I hated that period of time. But I still stand here today as the 2nd best Television Champion of All Time, because I held the title for 129 Days. No matter what anyone says. I still own that title no matter what happened."
STEVE: "You've seemed to hold onto that as a weakness instead of looking at it more in a positive light."
"Nothing positive about some moments of my tenure, Sayors. I took a break a few times because certain things were happening in my life, and Television Champions and Hart Champions are meant to be defending it every show. Look at Centurion. He defends the Hart twice out of three shows. No ones moaning at him that he takes the first Warfare off after every PPV. But I take it very seriously. Those were tough times back then. And I had to defend myself. But others were saying it was different circumstances and I was being saved by Management. That hurt. It wasn't true. But because I was face. I didn't do anything about it."
STEVE: "So it seems there's a lot you want to get off of your chest about those days?"
"Now's not that time for that. Maybe another interview when I feel up to talking about those days I will. But for now let's just go with what I skimmed over, and move to the present."
STEVE: "Sure. Last week you won your first round King of the Ring match against Kieran Overton, and then you just came to Warfare and took care of Finn Kuhn,"
"I'm not going to speak about Finn Kuhn, Sayors. He disrespected me, as did both Michael Archer Junior and Red-X, and therefore I have nothing more to say about those three fuck tards. But I will speak about Kieran Overton, he did have the balls to give me a good challenge."
STEVE: "He almost had you beat."
"There's the word right there, Sayors. 'ALMOST'. It's not he beat me. He 'ALMOST' did. Good for him for standing up and trying to get a win over me. But I proved more to myself and the world that I could hang in there and win. Last year, another extenuating circumstances happened and I failed in the first round of that tournament. I felt I could have beaten Lux back then. But then Christchurch happened, and well that's your history."
STEVE: "So moving on. Your second round opponent, is none other than Jesslayn Hart."
"Let me say this about Jesslayn Hart. I've come up against her a few times before and she's come off second best. Next Saturday, she will continue to come off second best, because she doesn't have it in her Hart to do anything good enough to move on. I mean she's good at teaming with others. She has won the Tag Team belts. But that's her in a nut shell. She doesn't have what it takes to be good enough on her own. She only just tries. And that's all she does."
STEVE: "So what are you saying?"
"I'm saying Sayors, that I have more Heart than she does. I have more Heart to get things done, and win things. She just scrapped past her opponent. I don't care what his name was because he's not my opponent next Saturday. So he's a nobody to me, But Jessalyn is a some body with half the heart. Oh sure, she'll give me something to play with. But that's all about it."
STEVE: "So you think she will turn up and do a promo, like Kieran did?"
"She may do one promo and she may do the two, who knows with her, but at least she'll give me something. And I know she's looking forward to competing against me, because she'll try her best to beat me, because she hasn't yet. I shamed her the last time we met, because I used her to win the X-treme Championship. Vita was the one looking on, and she couldn't even stopped me if she tried. So it was all on Jessalyn."
STEVE: "Is there anything else you would like to speak about Jessalyn Hart before we move on?"
"Nope. I've said what I wanted to on that subject."
STEVE: "Okay then so moving on............"
The camera fades in to the private plane of Mastermind as it finds him sitting waiting.
"Half pai. Pai means good in the Maori language. For those of you who haven't been following me, you guys are imbeciles, idiots, and whatever else I like to think of. The Maori Language is the native language of the the natives who are Maori who lived in New Zealand before it became colonized by the British in 1840.
"So the saying Half Pai, means only half good. And those are the two words that I am describing my 2nd Round opponent for the King of the Ring tournament. Jesslayn Hart. Because she only does things half pai.
"She got through to the 2nd Round by beating that no hoper Phantom Panzer. Sounds like another German, who cares, because I don't fucking follow him anyway.
"Like I said Jessalyn only got through to Round 2, by beating Phantom in a cruddy match, and both of them competed like only they would without giving a fuck. So here I am competing against Half Pai Jessalyn Hart.
"Who has the biggest Heart around here Jesslayn? Certainly not fucking you. I mean you managed to win the Tag Team Titles with Vita Valenteen, and somehow you managed to hold the X-treme Championship, but that's about all you have done in your sucky career. You come and go like you want to, like most part timers, and you think you can do the impossible by beating those better than you.
"I hate to tell you, Jessalyn. Everyone knows that I have the biggest heart. I compete every week so I don't do things half pai. I'm not half pai either. Not like you. But the thing is you aren't going to get further than Round 2. You won't be competing at March Madness in the Semi Finals, because I'm going to make damn sure that I am going to beat you. I have already. And I will come next Saturday.
"You will show up, which means you have the balls, unlike those other fuckwits that don't. So I will give you that. But you don't know how to beat me. You will never beat me in singles competition, and I can guarantee you that.
"If you think you can, then give it a go. But I know you. I see inside you. You just don't want to give it your best shot, because it means too much work. And you aren't known as the best worker. Half pai worker at best.
"So come get some if you want, but everyone knows I am better than you, and therefore I am heading to March Madness Semi Finals. You just have to accept that half pai Jessalyn. Just let it sink the fuck in. Just let it happen naturally.
"I'm ready for you half pai Jessalyn. We both know that. I am the best, and that's all it is about.
"I have the biggest heart. You only have half a heart. And what does that feel like?
"It must eat you up that we both know that I have the biggest heart, but I don't give a rats ass what you think. Or what you feel. I don't give a damn. End of story.
"All I know is the end of the story will be me beating you next Saturday Night, and me going to March Madness to compete in the Semi Finals of the King of the Ring and then making it to final, and then me becoming King of the XWF for 2020. And there's nothing, and I mean nothing, that you can put up to make you get that far, because who are you Jesslyn Hart? You are Half Pai Jessalyn Hart.
"I would wish you good luck, but nah, I'm not even going to, because I know how you are going to come at me. Not even trying to. So I'll see you next Saturday.
"I have your number, I've dialed it before, and I'll ring it again, and it'll be answering the call on who wants a place in the Semi Finals of March Madness. You, Half Pai Jessalyn Hart, will miss that call by not seconds, not minutes, not hours but quite a lot. I know it, you should know it, everyone else knows it. I'm in your head, I've proved that I've been in your head, and I'll continue to be in your head. You can't, you won't, shake me.
"My time is now to be King of the Ring, your time is never. And I mean that. Because I am the Master of Minds. And that's all I have to say."
Mastermind gets up and walks down the aisle of the plane to the V.I.P section and as he goes through the curtains, the camera fades out.
Overall - 64 Wins 107 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 4 Wins 5 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 4 Wins 5 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals
February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month
Former 2x XWF Television Champion
Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020
50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020
100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023
Check out my page for victories and losses
![[Image: misfits.png]](https://i.ibb.co/3RwJgMK/misfits.png)
![[Image: Misfits2.png]](https://i.postimg.cc/bN0QGzpq/Misfits2.png)