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Taken 2 an XWF presentation
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Crimson Cobra Offline
Dat Crimson Boy

XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

06-12-2013, 01:54 PM

Dakota Cobb is lying on the ground of his new home, freshly built after the explosion that caused the last one to crumble. The arm that the snake had bitten is extended while the rest of him is just still. He is beginning to wake up and remember what had happened. The reason he is awaking is the constant ringing of his cell phone in his pocket. This time is wasn’t the attractively annoying voice of Seri but instead an insanely annoying ringing that only goes off three times a day for Crimson’s phone.

Cobra reaches the arm that isn’t extended down and pulls out the phone, he looks at why it is making the unbearable sound even though he knows that it is.

“It’s 1:30. Time to check XWF website for news on you, Champ ;)”

(Oh right since you know the time I should probably do one of these generic setting thingies huh?)

Time: 1:30 p.m.
Place: Crimson Cobra’s Mansion…. Floor right in front of the front door.
Objective: Save KnightMask!

The self-note would be embarrassing for sure had anyone in the XWF found out that cobra was so self-absorbed he only went on the website for self-pleasure and gain. Cobra was just glad to be alive at this point, the only problem he noticed after waking up after being bitten by a king cobra was that his vision was a little blurry but with his working arm he reaches into his eyes and pulls out the contacts.

Sure enough Cobra’s eye sight has almost seemed to have been restored. Odd, maybe everyone needed to try getting bitten by a snake to heal their sight. Knowing that there was no way that’s what had helped him he shook it off and stood up. Upon standing he noticed that his bitten arm was fully functional again, like before it had been bit. Cobra balls it up into a fist and retracts his arm, something then falls from where the bite mark was.

Cobra bends down to see what it was that had fallen and it was skin. His skin had shed and now where the bit mark once was is perfectly healed?

“Holy Shit! I’m Wolverine!”

Cobra balls both of his hands into fists and throws them towards the ground expecting three blades to come out of each fist, but he is poorly mistaken, his skin had shed but that is not how wolverine’s healing factor worked. Noticing this he slowly started to think maybe the bit made him like…

“Spider-man! I am just like fucking Spider-man now!”

Cobra throws out his hands in the symbolic spider-man hand shape, also the love sign in sign language. Again Cobra has been disappointed and he looks back and forth at his hands since nothing has come out of them yet.

“Well damn, I guess I’m not a super hero.”

Cobra continues down the hallway out towards his car to head for the warehouse that he believes Antonio is holding his tag team partner KnightMask! Cobra sprints down the hall but notices something odd now, he is moving noticeably faster than when he was bit by the fucking snake. This makes Cobra slow down and come to a stop not knowing how fast he was running and incorrectly timing it he slams right into the front door and opens it with the force. Coming to the complete stop Cobra is actually able to do what he wanted.

“Come on…. Who in their right mind wants to be like the flash? I would rather have no super powers and be god damn Batman!”

Cobra seems to be aggravated by his increase in speed though he was didn’t seem as fast as a speeding bullet when running down the hallway of his home. Still Cobra entered his car and headed right for the warehouse.

(Gotta throw another one in there for good measure right? It’s not like you won’t be able to tell where I am in a few fucking seconds huh? God damn these things aggravate me…)

Time: 2:17 p.m.
Place: Warehouse 5 blocks away from Cobra’s gym… just like the text message said
Objective: Still saving fucking KnightMask

Crimson Cobra arrives at the rusted warehouse and sees no cars around it; the parking lot is empty as are the alleys around it. Cobra still rushes to park the car and upon exiting it is surprised at the insane speed boost the snake’s venom has seemed to put inside of him. Well at least I can get in there a little faster now, wait… Is this my thoughts, like my actually thoughts being written down? Holy shit that’s crazy I thought you were just supposed to type what people thought I was thinking, but that gets confusing now doesn’t it. Well maybe you’re just dumb writer…

Hey WOAH-oa-oah there buddy what are you doing now? I was not done talking here… or thinking… whatever. Well any who, I think getting bit by that snake gave me super powers but you all know that already don’t you. Now I am going to run into this here warehouse, slap the shit outta who ever kidnapped my buddy KnightMask and then I’ll untie him and we’ll happily skip out of the warehouse unhurt by the bad guys in there. Oh and you should see what I just picked up on the way down here, I thought it would really complete the whole… snake persona.

Here… I’ll help you out….

I walk over to the car and open the- oh wait that’s not right is it?

Crimson Cobra walks over to the trunk of his car and pops it open. There is a long item that Cobra pulls out but beneath that we see what appears to be a dentists tray of objects but has a little more than what the dentists usually has on it and oh look that’s my bone saw for when I… ok I’ll get back to narrating myself….

The long item is in a sheath and Cobra pulls it out making the clinging sound a sword always makes when being un-sheathed. The sword is then matched by another one that is un-sheathed. Cobra is wielding two swords and spinning them around as if he had any idea what to do with them at all. He eventually notices that he is wasting a little too much time showing off and not trying to save his partner who may be getting tortured. In an attempt to shut the trunk he cuts it up and notices how sharp the blades truly are. Cobra is shocked and angry the his car just got scratched but he places the sheaths across his back making an x with the straps and keeping them snug in place to not annoy him.

Cobra sheaths the swords, walks to the door of the warehouse and kicks it in. Dust flies everywhere and the light that is coming in through the window
would be perfect for like a movie or something because I look like a fucking badass- oh right sorry. Back to the story…

Cobra notices in the middle of the open abandon warehouse is a hooded man wearing a robe, looks like a dress, kinda gay… maybe something Sebastian Duke would wear pre-being buried in a hole at the pay per view and all. Damn it, I’m not very good at sticking to the story maybe I’ll let you get back to telling it and me get back to just talking.[/i]

“Where is he!?”

Cobra shouts loudly and the sound echoes throughout the building until silence returns. The hooded man turns and begins to walk; confused Cobra just follows him hesitantly thinking it may be a trap. The man enters a door way that is blocked off by a curtain and Cobra hears a voice sounding much too far away to be the man leading him into the room.

“Ahhhh, So our guest finally arrives yes?

I do hope you brought what we were asking for.”

“God damn are all of these fuckers dressed like a Sebastion Duke wanna-be?”

“What? Sebastion Duke? And who are you talking to, you imaginary friends in the corner? I am over here.”

The man seems to be confused by Cobra’s actions but no Cobra turns to face him and begins to step towards him angrily.

“No I don’t have imaginary friends! I have KnightMask… well you have KnightMask but I will have him soon and I was talking to the people… you know what never mind your simple mind wouldn’t understand the complexity of it all, now… hand over my friend!”

The second hooded man shakes his head and sounds to be laughing. But it wasn’t until now that Crimson Cobra noticed the “M” symbol on the hood that matched the symbol of the ninja who ordered to have him thrown into the trunk and also matched the symbol that was on Antonio’s gi when he taught the seminar at Crimson’s gym. Perhaps this was all the same man, the man Cobra was looking for. But before we could find out the man begins to speak.

“KnightMask? Hahaha…. Another name of which you speak that I know not of. But here, under my robe I do possess something you hold very near and dear to your heart… Dakota Cobb!”

Cobra thinks to himself, “Ah shit, he knows me so this could be bad… but who doesn’t know my real name, sometimes I even question why the fuck do I go by Crimson Cobra… WAIT! Did this fucker say he doesn’t FUCKING HAVE KNIGHTMASK!?!?”

Almost as if Cobra’s head explodes he pulls the swords from the sheaths and in one swing slices the head off of the first robed man and the man’s lifeless body drops to the floor. Cobra rushes for the second man ready to kill and swings for his head but the man is able to duck under it, only foolishly reaching his hand up in attempt to stop the extremely sharp blade.


And right off comes the hand.

“You dumb mother fucker, what in the hell were you going to do catch a fucking sword?”

The man is unresponsive and lying on the ground with his arms spread, one of them looking like a tree stump without the hand and all. Cobra lifts his head to the sky drops his arms as if to be pouting and rolls his eyes under the mask.

“Now I have to do so much more work than if you were awake.

We’ll let’s get to tying you down to this table…

Wait, is this really what you thought I was looking for?”

Crimson Cobra picks up his brown belt that he was missing and bundles it up and throws it at the man without a hand as if it would hurt the already unconscious man. Cobra lifts the lifeless body up to the table and begins to tie him down…

(Continued in RP#1 “The Search”)

1x Quote of the Moment
4x 24/7 FTW UFO E1999 Champion
1x Tag Team Champion

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