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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Chaotic Inc Chapter 1: The LLC
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Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-18-2020, 09:19 PM

The desk was a but cluttered, there were papers everywhere. Jenny was frantically typing away on a computer. Chris was on the phone, frustrated from the hold music that was playing in his ear.

It was always such shitty music.

"How's it going over there?" he asked, his voice pointed and the frustration clearly seeping through.

"Almost done," Jenny said, "gonna be glad when this process is over."

There was a small droplet of sweat on her perfect forehead. Her brow was furled, she was focused. Her nails clicked on the keyboard as she went a mile a minute.

"Yes....Hi. Are you here? It's about time...."

Jenny put an emphasis on the last punctuation just as the person answered the phone on Chris's line.

She looked over at him with a smile. That was her man. Through good and bad, thick and thin. He was truly something amazing. She would go to the end of the world for him.

Chris was nodding, giving the person on the other line a lot of "mmhmm", "yep", "I understand", "okay". Typical get-me-off-this-fucking-phone lingo.

Finally he thanked the person on the other line and hung up. Sighing he set the phone down. Jenny sensed some tension so she got up and walked over, putting an arm around him.

"Everything okay?" she said, trying to comfort him as much as possible.

He sighed again, looking at her. In soft words, he smiled.
"We got the LLC". Jenny's heart hit the ceiling.


"Yes, really."

"Oh my god! We need to celebrate!" she jumped up off his lap and ran into the kitchen, slipping a little as her socks slid on the tile. She came back out with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

She pops the bottle, not really caring where the cap goes.

"Chaotic Inc." he said, "it has a ring to it, no?"

"It does!" she almost squeaked with excitement. "Since I am not part of the management anymore, I always thought we should make our own company!"

He smiled.

"They have no idea what is to come. It's know those lip seal marks on the reinstatement letter and the therapist paperwork?"

"Shane , that over-sexualized pervert......"

"Yes....well, despite Shane's moral character, he still has a lot of pull around here. A lot of clout. There is a revolution coming, and Chaotic Inc. is going to be at the forefront."

She pours the wine into the two glasses. They toast and each take a sip.

"This is going to be a new era. All the past bullshit, that is done and over with. The Robert Main chapter is closed. After tonight, I will find out who I am facing with my number one contender ship for the Hart Title....."

She nods, pouring another sip. She drinks wine much faster than Chris does.

"....and the first order of business, the first item on the agenda, is to close the chapter known as Maverick."

"It will be over before it even begins, hun. Don't even worry about that."

"It needs to be. Chaotic Inc. is going to be the most dominant force the XWF has ever seen."

"Don't forget about the Chaotic Blondes.....Kalel is here now."

"Yes........and you two are going to take the titles off those sick cunts."


He finishes his glass, setting it on the table.

"Want some more?"

"I am good for now. I am focused on Warfare. This has to be a big night for us."

She rubs his back, running her other hand through his blonde locks.

"You just leave Maverick to me."

He smiles, they begin to kiss as the camera cuts out.

[Image: i0Rpni6.gif]

"Maverick, I am not quite sure you know what you signed up for. When you called out Chris Chaos, you opened a whole can of worms you weren't ready to eat. You entered a world you're not ready to be a part of. Now you have to reap what you sow. All of the people on this roster that you could have had your little return match against, and you chose Chris? What makes you think you deserve a shot at a former Universal Champion, a Top 50 All Time Competitor and my amazing boyfriend?

You don't, it's simple. I'm blonde and I figured that one out.

So I get the pleasure of putting an end to all this madness, and go about our business. This littler Maverick "problem" we have. More like a Maverick mosquito bite. You are going to learn exactly what league you're in. You took all this time off while the wrestling world passed you by. I took that time to win titles, be in every major storyline in some capacity, and even ran the entire Savage show in your absence.

What did you do?

Sit in your moms basement eating Flaming Hot Cheetos, drinking homemade Lemonade and watching all of this unfold. Watching me and Chris dominate. That is why you came back, wasn't it Mav? You wanted a piece of the wanted to matter to someone, you called out Chris because you wanted to go after someone who filled the void while you were gone. You called out Chris because you were too scared to call out Robert Main, The Engineer, Centurion, Robbie Bourbon....... wanted someone who was a big name but was also just coming back. You wanted to spoil his return like he spoiled your relevancy. You jealous, sniveling little twerp. "You have clearly mistaken people politely tolerating you for truly caring about you as you are bitter and repulsive. It is clear that anyone that has ever told you they love you was either lying or extremely inept at it.

So now you get to face get to face your Man Crush Monday if you get through me. I bet your little micro-penis is blood-filled with the excitement of it. I bet you are humping couch cushions all over your mothers house in anticipation for the Queen to be within 100 feet of you. It's a real shame that you can only die once. does it feel to enter the Matrix? You got a small taste of what you are in stuck your nose into the business of the most chaotic and destructive force on this roster. You thought you were going to get over by going after the company's top heel. False. All you did was get exposed for who you truly are. Mav, all you''re a pathetic, shallow pile of poorly hidden insecurities. That is all you will ever amount to.

On Warfare I am going to embarass you. I am going to make you question ever coming back, question getting into this profession at all. You aren't getting in the same ring as Chris Chaos because quite frankly, you don't deserve to. I am going to prove that to the world tomorrow night. There's level's to this shit, Mav, and you're stuck on beginner. This is Xbox X-Series. This is Playstation 5. You're stuck on Atari. You're not even 35, and you're already a has-been. An alsoran. You're weekly newspapers and VHS tapes. Nobody cares about Maverick anymore. You're accomplishments are from a day an age when XWF was just a name in the stenopool of wrestling federations. OUR accomplishments are new, fresh, and at Warfare we are going to end your sorry excuse for a comeback and even sorrier excuse for a career, for good.

Now before you raise an eyebrow and ask the question, "WE?", let me clear the air. Chris Chaos will be in the building. He will be watching the match. He will be there to watch my hand raised as I stand over your bruised and beaten carcass after I hit you with Pink Perfection. You are a daredevil, a risk-taker, you do anything to win a match. I applaud that, but it simply isn't going to be enough. Your looking at the innovator of risk -taker. You are looking at the one who invented doing whatever it takes to get her way. You aren't bold, Maverick, you're just dumb. You don't know any better. You poor thing.

I've seen your game tape. Not impressed. You get upset when people boo you, it takes you off your game. You get distracted. Well don't you worry, boo boo bear, they boo ME a LOT more. The difference is, I feed off it. It fuels me. I ENJOY it. The more they boo me, the more I know I am doing a good job. So you don't have to worry about that. You're on the flagship show, the crowd will be on your side, and you have the size advantage. All of that in your favor, and 5 feet of fury is going to take you to the woodshed like a bad report card came home.

Bank on it.

It's not easy being Queen.

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[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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