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ANARCHY: Micro RP Show Osira Themis
Author Message
Osira Themis Offline
Kalon Kakon

XWF FanBase:
Hardly anyone to be honest

(booed by most fans; hurts people even when not supposed to; often angry and shitty)

01-13-2020, 01:10 AM

[Image: lRkLIPl.png]

[Image: Z6qxJ7N.png]

In-Ring Name: Osira Themis
1. Daughter of Eris
Real Name: Osira Aileen Themis
D.O.B: September 24, 1996
Billed From: Athens, Greece

Alignment: Tweener

New to XWF. Rookie Year Beginning January 2020.

Height: 5'7" (172cm)
Weight: 121lbs. (55kg)

Personality: She acts different ways in different situations, press a different button for different results.

Appearance: There's a picture somewhere...
Ethnicity: Greek/Irish
Pic Base, if any: Barbara Palvin

Entrance Theme Music:

Clockwork - Hyper

Special Entrance (if any):TBA

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:

Body Press - Thesz Press - Backhand Chop - Spinning Knife Edge Chop - Kesagiri Chop
Clothesline - Short-arm Clothesline
Elbow Drop - Spinning Headlock Elbow Drop - Forearm Drop - Leg Drop
Back Elbow - Corner Back Elbow - Short-arm Elbow Smash
European Uppercut - Forearm Smash
Double Knee - Running Single High Knee
Spinning Heel Kick - Scissors Kick - Dragon Whip - Sole Kick - Drop Kick - Enzuigiri
Lariat Takedown - Northern Lariat
Body Guillotine - Chop Block - Turnbuckle Thrust - Flying Crossbody

Stepover Armlock Camel Clutch - Chinlock - Stretch Plum -Stepover Toehold Facelock - Stepover Toehold Sleeper - Stepover Armlock - Cross Armbar - Flycross Armbar - Fujiwara Armbar - Hammerlock - Short arm Scissors - Chickenwing - Bridging Chickenwing
Wrist Lock - Abdominal Stretch - Boston Crab - Ankle Lock - Cloverleaf - Kneebar - Figure Four Leglock - Spinning Toe Hold
Anaconda Vice - Guillotine Choke - Half Nelson Choke - Sleeper - Dragon Sleeper

Armbar Takedown - Japanese Armdrag - Tilt-a-Whirl Armdrag - Wheelbarrow Armdrag
Inverted Atomic Drop - Backbreaker - Body Drop
Bulldog - Cobra Clutch Bulldog - One Handed Bulldog - Wheelbarrow Bulldog
DDT - Double Underhook DDT - Tornado DDT
Fireman's Carry Takeover - Flapjack - Hotshot
Headlock Takedown - Headscissors Takedown - Kneckbreaker - Swinging Kneckbreaker
Piledriver - Scoop Slam - Pumphandle Drop - Shin Breaker - Shoulder Breaker
Snake Eyes - Snapmare - Rolling Snapmare - Spinebuster - Double Leg Slam
Fishermen Suplex - Hammerlock Suplex - Slingshot Suplex - Snap Suplex - Underhook Suplex
Belly-to-Back Suplex - Leg Lift Belly-to-Back Suplex - German Suplex - Tiger Suplex
Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex - Double Underhook Suplex - Northern Lights Suplex - Russian Leg Sweep

Diving Pointed Elbow Drop - Diving Leg Drop - Diving Crossbody
Sunset Flip - Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex - Avalanche Belly-to-Back Suplex

Backslide - Gannosuke Clutch - Gedo Clutch - Jacknife Hold - La Magistral
Oklahoma Roll - Prawn Hold - Roll-Up - School Boy - Inside Cradle - Split Leg
Victory Roll

Trademark Move(s):
What Ten Count
[Image: tenor.gif]
Forearm Smash Ground & Pound
[Image: tAUFJUx.gif]
Fuck Your Tits
[Image: tozzEks.gif]
Butt Bump
[Image: LLhgBVO.gif]
Finishing Move(s):
Discord Driver
[Image: oFJKbk1.gif]
Strife Toss
[Image: yTU17Ia.gif]

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots:
I like to jump off things, throw people into things, and especially slam people into things.
Additional notes:
My sister is Atara, look in her bio for the full deets. Pretty much same life.

[Image: fggl7iL.jpg]
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