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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "C*nt Fest" RP Board
One Door: Attention Nedward
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Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-25-2020, 08:37 PM

“You’re back? That was a quick change of heart…”

What the hell? Why am I back here, I haven’t done anything to change my mind. I have no conflicts I need to resolve. I made my choice, and I’m happy with it. Sure not everyone is going to understand why I did what I did, but that’s life. Some people are going to like it, while others will be in awe of what I did. Certain things that I have chosen can no longer be undone. Things that have been said can’t be taken back, and I’m at peace with that.

“Why? Just why am I here again?”

“I don’t get it. You chose and you left ... wait how do you remember here?”

“I don’t know, I just do.”[/color[color=white] I shrugged. “Last time you had two doors. The last thing I remember is walking though, then I went to Noah’s. I agreed to another paternity test. I got a little drunk off of some whiskey, and now I’m here.”

The hooded man turns around, and opens his hands for a moment.

But nothing happens.

“That’s not right…” Puzzled the man looks around and sees nothing. “They were both just right here. Just a second ago, right before you showed back up.”

“Well obviously you were mistaken, because I don’t see shit.”

I climb to my feet, and steady myself. I feel a throbbing in the back of my head.

“How did I get here again?”

The hooded man snaps his fingers, and a bright light flashes in front of the two of us. I shield my eyes, as I can hear Noah.

“What a stupid cunt!” Noah exclaims while leaning back in his computer chair. “Dad… Come look at this fucking tool on the internet.”

I walk into the room and glance over Noah’s shoulder.

“What are you watching?”

“Twitch.” Noah states as if I have any clue as to what that is.

“What’s that?”

“How old are you?” I know he’s just joking but that hurt a little bit. I’m not that old, but I’ve been a little bit busy to concern myself with what’s going on in terms of the internet.

“Just get on with it…”

“It’s a site where people can stream themselves playing video games and such. It’s a type of social media.”

“Like MySpace?” Okay, maybe I am slightly older than I lead on. I’m still under forty, but I'll admit I’m much closer to 40 than I am to thirty.

“Seriously… How old are you?”

“So what’s the deal?”


“Oh shit… is that?” I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I needed Noah just to verify what I was actually seeing.

“Yup.” There it was, Ned needing to put himself out there for the entire world, well 450 people. For someone who was soooo popular on the indy’s that’s all he could muster? Seems like someone was lying when they were talking about how important they were outside of the XWF’s walls.

“What’s he playing?”

“Some stupid fucking single player game. He talked about you. I can show you if you want.” Growing up all games were single player, but now it’s all about multiplayer. I’ll never understand the way kids today think.

“Yeah sure why the hell not.”

Noah begins to scrub the video and finds a few clips. He hits play on them as I sit there just watching. I don’t even crack a smile.

“That’s it?” It sounded exactly how I thought it was going to sound. Someone who is clearly in over their head. I’m starting to feel bad for the kid.


“What can we do…. Wait what’s your screen name?”

“FuzzFann9100” Of course that’s his name, I wonder how many accounts he has on this site? This clearly isn’t his only one.

“Wait what’s going on?”

“YES!!! It Worked!! Ohhh shit… he’s going to be fucking famous.” Noah leaps for his chair and begins to celebrate as if he just won the fucking Super Bowl. Fist pumping, the whole array of celebrations.

“Is that a SWAT team?”

The camera abruptly shuts off. Either that or Noah turned off the monitor. Noah spins around in his chair.

“That’s what he gets for talking shit…”

“I don’t think he was talking shit… That was more of an attempt at flatterly. I don’t get it… We are about to fight for my title, and that’s the weak shit he comes up with? Is this going to be that easy?”

“Well, you missed all of the really good stuff.”

“Noah can’t they trace that shit back to you?”

“Nah, I’ve got that all covered. I’ve got so much internet protections, I could buy and sell hundreds of kilos of heroin and they would think Vin did it. We are good.”

“Is he going to make it to Cuntfest?”


“Well that’s not what we want.”

“Why not? I mean think about it. If he doesn’t show up, not only do you get the win, but you’re still fresh for the Helldome. Why else do you think I picked a water fight with Atara?”

“You’re not wrong, but that isn’t the way that we want to go about this. I chose him because I knew he’d put up a fight, but not too much of one. I’m going to plenty fresh for the Helldome. I mean that is if I don’t decide to cash in…”

“Say what Cunt?” Noah stood up and began to look around the room frantically.

“Yeah. I might cash in.”

“No Cunt! You can’t. I need you for the Mafia.”

“You’re not wrong, but let’s be honest. How fucking sick would be if at the end of the night we were standing there, You, Vita, and Myself WITH EVERY TITLE.”

“Yeah sick, but not going to happen. I mean you’re a legend, but I’m not sure you understand what’s at stake…”

“Yeah Noah I do. Everything. I didn’t run from Engy, I have him where I want him…”

“But what about me? What about the Sick Cunts?”

“You think I’m just going to walk away from that?” I can understand why he’s worried. I know what happens when I go after the Universal title. Everything and every person gets pushed to the side.

“Yeah. I know everything there is to know about you. You can’t just walk away from everything we’ve built…”


“Oh Fuck You!”

It didn’t take much to set Noah off. It’s not the first time, and I’m sure it won’t be the last. The last thing I saw was his fist flying towards my jaw. I felt my neck snap, and fell backwards. It felt like slow motion. That’s where I opened my eyes in the Darkness.


“You’re going to want to calm down.”

“You can shut the fuck up too! You need to get those fucking doors back here right fucking now!”

“Just look, it’s right there.”

I turn around and there is only one door there. I take a step towards it. Every step I take towards it, it slides back. Frustrated I look at the man. He shrugs his shoulders and begins to follow me. I reach for the door. My fingertips are inches away. Sometimes my finger will graze the knob, but I can’t grab it. Finally I open the door.

There I stood with the X-Treme title, and the Tag Team titles, as Noah appears in the doorway.

“Where’s the other one?”


“What are you…”


The man grabs the back of my head and slams it into the door frame. I get on all fours. When I’m kicked in the stomach, over and over again. I can taste the iron in my mouth, I spit out blood. I grab his foot, but am quickly stomped in the throat.

“You stupid fuck… This is what you need.”

I get kicked in the temple and fall flat to the ground in a heap. I struggle to keep my eyes open. My vision is blurred. I watch as the man walks towards the door.

“This is where you NEED to be. There are people who now RELY upon you. Yet you are willing to just let them falter without you? How fucking selfish are you? He’s by your side and you’re willing to drop him for what? A title you’ve already had?”

I try to say something, but as I try.

“If you won’t do it… Then I will.”

I reach my hand out, as I watch the man walk through the door. In a blink of an eye, he and the door were gone. My hand falls to the ground as I roll over to my back and just stare off into the black.

The Afterthought

So that’s all you’ve got for me? I thought you were going to at least put up some sort of an actual fight. I saw what you said, and there really isn’t much for me to go attack. I guess that could be some sort of a way to keep me from actually going hard at you, but that isn't going to work. I went hard on you without you saying one fucking word. Do you really think that need you to say anything of importance to tear you apart? I didn’t think so. However I will actually take that weak shit you’ve flung my way and respond.

I mean first and foremost, even your own fans don’t think you stand a chance. I mean sure they are all a bunch of homophobic assholes, but they all are saying the same shit I’ve been saying this entire time. You don’t stand a virgin’s chance on a porn set.

Sure I know that there isn’t a single person on this planet that isn’t going to be as hard on you as yourself….

Guess what? That’s everyone in this fucking industry. If people didn’t constantly try to better themselves then what the fuck is the point? Like seriously my biggest critic is myself. I go over everything like a fine tooth comb, but at a certain point you have to get into the ring and just get the job done. Which you haven’t done in quite a long time, or even ever in my eyes. You had all the momentum here, yet you couldn’t scrounge up one title win? For someone who claims to be an indy sensation, I expected more from you. A person with that much history behind them should be able to go anywhere in the world and make a statement, but the only statement you’ve made here is…

“I almost won.”

Ned I don’t think your boring. I think you’re from a bygone era. In 2003 you would’ve been… Well still garbage. I don’t give a fuck if you have as much personality of paint chips, the fact that you suck in the ring is what people don’t like about you. Being blander than toast is just the cherry on the top of the sundae. I’ve seen boring people climb to the top, but they had something you don’t. A killer instinct. If I would’ve challenged them, they would’ve come out firing first. They at least had the common sense to know that you have to strike first against me. The worst thing that you did was allowing me to take the first shot.

That was just a warning shot. Now? I’m aiming right for the chest. I was going to let you get off easy, but then I was reminded that I could just as easily stomp you to the point where your own mother wouldn’t be able to identify the body.

After watching that “promo” I need to ask you one single question…

Are you trying to suck my dick? You do realize that you’re supposed to talk bad about me right? It’s not supposed to a fucking love letter. Sure, you’re right about a lot of what you said. I do make the difficult decisions when it comes to keeping myself relevant. I don’t care what people think of me. Sometimes I have to bad things to continue to move forward.

And that’s a big difference between the two of us. You don’t have that in you. You’d much rather everyone like you, kind of like Vinny, and that’s where you’ll always fail. This business has no room for nice guys. You need to be able to fight and make those tough decisions. I don’t think… Wait.


I know you don’t have what it takes. I know what I am. I don’t hide from it. I was once like you. I was a beacon of hope for the XWF. I had everyone on my side. Do you know where that got me? Fucking Nowhere. I know who I am. I don’t think for one second that I am invincible. I am just a man, and I am fallible. I know that I am not perfect in any sense of the word, but compared to you I am a GOD.

Yet everyone gets one thing twisted. I don’t think I am overlooked, and I am no way an Afterthought in the XWF. I know that I am now at the top of the food chain. Since no one knows where that moniker comes from it’s simply put…

When I come back from my extended absences…

I am an Afterthought to the XWF.

Then I follow the steps and get back to the top where I will always be remembered. So before you call me out my Moniker, know the fucking story behind it. What about your’s? Notorious? For what? What have you done to be so noteworthy? What have you done to earn that? Usually that moniker is for people who have a personality. So either you lost yours when you got here, or you were like every kid thinking they were being edge-lord. Either way… it’s pathetic.

Speaking of pathetic…

Your partner can tell you everything you need to know about getting into the ring with me. Twice. Thrice if you count Noah. You’re not about to change the fate of Daniel, but you sure as hell can try. He did too, and that didn’t work out for him. So while you want to talk about people taking off weeks?


You do realize that on MULTIPLE occasions I was on Anarchy, Warfare and Savage on the same loop? And I have someone to pick up the slack? Moron he has his own title to worry about to be concerned with what I’m doing. We were both too busy beating Big D like an old rug to worry about what the other was doing. So what were you saying about being here week in and week out? That’s right, once again talking right out of your ass.

Yet Ned the biggest thing that was said as and attack towards me wasn’t even by you. It was by Robert Main claiming that you were destined for titles here in the XWF and that’s why you were invited into Apex, and again that was just because I said you didn’t deserve to be in the same breath as everyone else in Apex.

And right there he proved my point for me. You are DESTINED for titles, yet even with your association with Apex you couldn’t even get a sniff at one. So are you the failure or was Apex in your ‘grooming’ process? Maybe you should’ve said no and went out on your own, because now all you’re ever going to be compared to them.

That’s not where someone like you needs to be.

I gave you an opportunity to fight for a title. Did anyone else? When Big D won this title did he offer you a match? What about Centurion? Engy? No. I did. I saw something in you that made me think you and I could make some money. It’s just too bad that I was wrong…

Oh well…

I always have a second match to break a sweat in.

[Image: 193QVMb.png]
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