bRiaN sTorM
I'm here to help
XWF FanBase: Some of everyone (cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)
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Joined: Mon Mar 25 2019
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01-25-2020, 06:37 PM
bRiaN sTorM
So our hometown hero is driving the van around back just like he was asked, when he heard a loud gunshot! He quickly hit the breaks, and leaped on the fence, scaling it in a hurry. He kicks the back door in just in time to see his best friend Griffin holding a gun, and an injured security guard on the floor bleeding. bRiaN instinctially wants to believe this is Reese's fault. Upon further inspection, bRiaN discovers the security gaurd is far from injured. He's dead. The blood is on bRian's hands and he wants to believe that it was shed by Reese but the time for inquiry is through.
"Police! Freeze! Noobody Move! Hands where I can see them!"
Shit just got real.
Griffin MacAlister
The sound of the gun shot was enough to send shivers up Griffin's spine. Reese brought a gun? Why? What the fuck for? Where the hell did he get a gun? Why did he think that was necessary? Griffin could only speculate the reasons. His boots pounded on the concrete floor as his arms pumped beside him, he raced to Reese, his mind reeling with possibilities. There was always the chance some frivolous, trigger happy security guard got the drop on his brother and fired his weapon. This type of thinking only fueled his feet to go faster. However, Griffin soon uncovered that his initial thought had been accurate. Reese brought the gun and now, he stood over the body of a security guard. The security guard's coat was covered in crimson from a very visible wound and he was laying motionless on the floor. Not a good sign, at all. Griffin was acting on instincts now, He marched over to Reese and took the gun. From trembling hands Griffin yanked the weapon and then narrowed his eyes. He was so pissed at his brother. How could Reese be this fucking stupid?!?!
"A gun? Really?!?! How could you be this fucking stupid?!?!"
Reese didn't have time to answer before bRiaN STorM, stormed into the room, breathless. All Griffin could do was look at his best friend, with eyes pleading for bRiaN to understand that he wasn't to blame. It was like bRiaN could hear Griffin's thoughts and he merely checked on the security guard. Alas, there wasn't much that could be done for that man, he was dead and turning cold by now. bRiaN's hands were saturated in scarlet from the very visible wound on the man's chest. The time for talking was through though.
"Police! Freeze! Nobody Move! Hands where I can see them!"
Shit just got real
Hey there Jimbo fuck any good dolphins lately? And Thunder your mother didn't think I was stupid this morning after i helped her finish her daily crossword puzzle.
"Gross. You slept with Thunder Knuckles' mother? Why? Your my friend bRiaN and I respect you but you're really makin' it hard for me to say that in public. What with these questionable life choices that you're making. I mean that with all the love in my heart too man. Peter Gilmour wouldn't even fuck TK's mother and that's saying... A LOT! Peter fucks transgender prostitutes. While eating trays of On-Cor chicken parm. He dong worships the devil and admitted it. Pretty sure he abducted Unknown Soldier and has both him and Sid Feder tied up in the cellar. Peter nearly ate Sebastian Duke out of house and home, Duke is on welfare because of Gilly. Don't get me started on Dim, lets just say he's not doing so well and leave it at that. There's an overpass that seems to have acquired a troll that looks suspiciously like him though."
"Anyway, don't go around saying that you slept with TK's mother, even if it's true. She created Thunder Knuckles, I'm guessing she looks exactly like him, in a dress. That's not a 'look' that's desirable or befitting of any woman. Or human in general. I'm going to let you have a free pass on this one buddy, don't make the same error again. Speakin' of errors, lets talk about TK... Mr. Total Knockout, himself. Cause he totally knocks ya out every time he opens up that mouth of his and verbally vomits all over the place. Thanks for tallying up my record Thunder Knuckles. That would be an amazing feat, if you didn't weigh in the fact that I rarely wrestle and that my losses, were against some of the major names in wrestling. The Engineer. Robert Main. Gator. Lux. These are folks that would eat you alive."
"I have never lost a fight that you would have won, in my stead. It's just I've been in battles that are far more impressive than anything in your history. And that's just in the wake of my return. I'm still one half of the longest reigning tag champs. Then Duke challenged me for sole ownership of both titles and lost. I beat Vita at Leap Of Faith, that was back when Corey was bangin' her and it infuriated him. Fairly certain he cried cause I stomped her skull in. I tried to tell him that I don't book the fights and obviously, some sick freak assigned the match but he wasn't having it and didn't listen. I'm pretty sure the same twisted bastard forced Donovan to fight Dolly Waters, who's dead and layin' in a ditch now. Not from the match against Donovan, more than likely some kind of overdose or drug related reason. She seemed like a meth addict, so I'm going to go with that. Either she smoked too much or tried to cook it."
"Funny story, Shane and Unknown Soldier burnt down my apartment trying to cook meth. They thought they could make it after watching an episode of Breaking Bad. Clearly watching a television show doesn't make you knowledgeable on the subject. You try telling two lunatics that though. You have insight into that subject I'd imagine, dealing with Jim Jimson. God.... how can you put up with... that? The cost for ibuprofen must be astronomical by now. All the incessant rambling on and on. Not really making much effort in thinkin' before he speaks. That's why he said I have super powers."
"I don't have super powers, I was conditioned. Trained and altered genetically. I was born a normal human. There is a difference. Sure, to a dullard like Jim, it's all the same. He probably thinks Azrael and I are the same being. We're not by the way, not sure if I have to tell you that or not, you might not be as dumb as Jim but you still are very slow in the thinking department. Far be it for me to assume what the mentally inept can figure out. That's a level of thinking that I'm just not prepared to do. I'll fight you but I won't tread the waters of attemptin' to think like you. That's a job for management to deal with. So we have this match that we're booked in and somehow you think you're going to get a big pay day from it. Hahahahaha! Really? Because of the damage that you hope to inflict on me."
"Lets go back to the topic of my conditioning, remember when I mentioned that subject? Well part of that includes an advanced healing factor, which means short of you, killin' me in the ring, my wounds will mend themselves. On top of that, I have a higher state of durability and endurance and you're an overweight, out of shape, lard ball. Jim called bRiaN fat, you two have the same body type. The only difference is the fact that bRiaN embraces it, meanwhile you hide your shame... and now, probably more than ever. Since you found out your partner is against fatties. It's going to be fun when bRiaN beats the crap outta that guy. I'll let him have Jim. You and I will definitely have our dance though. I wanna see how well you talk sideways out of your neck, when my size 13 Grinder is kickin' your teeth in. Hey but if it makes you feel any better, I really believe that you believed that you would win. It's your right to be wrong."