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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "C*nt Fest" RP Board
Addressing The Situation
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Centurion Offline
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(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

01-17-2020, 08:49 AM

(There is no greater feeling in the world than the first step you take into your own place after a long trip.

Well, that's not completely true. There are a lot of things better. Sex, Absinthe, the first slice of cake at a party that isn't yours, but your the closest to the cake, so fuck it, you might as well go first - but the first step into your own place is high on the list.

We open inside the current home of Centurion - the former C&C Inc. training facility. There, the front door opens, and in steps Centurion. He looks confused as his front door was unlocked, and the lights are on in the building. He glances around the room, looking for some kind of evidence.)

Athena: Mrow!

(Athena the cat runs up to Centurion, rubbing her head against his leg. While that cat may be smarter than your average pet, it seems very unlikely that she would find a way to unlock the door and turn on the lights.

It only takes a few seconds for the evidence to present itself - out from the office turned Centurion's bedroom steps Genevieve Tate.)

Genevieve: She's an affectionate cat. Doesn't act like she was on the streets her whole life.

(Centurion arches an eyebrow and tilts his head to the side in confusion.)

Centurion: I don't remember giving you a key.

(Genevieve raises a familiar set of keys and holds them out in front of her.)

Genevieve: I got them from your daughter.

(Centurion let's out a sigh and shakes his head as he walks further into the building and tosses his gym bag onto the floor. He walks into the room Genevieve just emerged from and flops, face first, onto his cot.)

Genevieve: When were you going to introduce me to her?

(Even though his face is into the cot, a cringe is visible as the muscles in the back of his head tighten. Centurion slowly lifts his head and looks at Genevieve.)

Centurion: I was thinking sometime around my funeral.

Genevieve: Funny. What, you don't want to show me off to your family? Afraid they'll get too...attached?

(Centurion sighs again, a common emotion for him, and he sits up in his bed.)

Centurion: I honestly didn't know if Nellie was going to ever speak to me again. We just repaired our relationship. The last thing I needed to do was bring you around and complicate things even further.

(Genevieve gives a wry smile, as if she doesn't believe him.)

Genevieve: You didn't want us to team up on you.

Centurion: ...the thought had crossed my mind. Look, whether it's you, my daughter, or my sister, one of you redheads is going to be the death of me. It might even be a joint effort.

(Genevieve let's out a seductive laugh as she walks over to Centurion. She slightly pushes him forward, causing Centurion to move to the edge of the cot. Genevieve then gets behind him and starts rubbing his shoulders.)

Genevieve: You're tense.

Centurion: It's the travel. All the amenities in the world won't stop you from getting bunched up. This schedule has me rageded.

Genevieve: Why don't you just stay at Allison and Jocelyn's place for a while? The XWF is going to be in Europe for a while.

Centurion: I still have things I have to work on here. Besides, it wouldn't help me in my schedule coming up. I have to go from Australia to Scotland. If I get tossed into a Savage match in between, I'll have to stop in the States. Fine when your 25...not so great when you're 42.

Genevieve: You know what else isn't great? Sleeping on a cot.

(Genevieve pushes down on the cot, causing the weird plasticy material to let out a squeak sound.)

Genevieve: Just stay with me. At least until you get your house back.

Centurion: And give you a chance to smother me in my sleep? No thank you. No, you're great and all. We've had a lot of fun times together. But I don't think I'm anywhere near ready for that.

Genevieve: I'm not asking you to marry me. I'm asking you to stay with me on the days you're not traveling - which, by your admission, is a lot.

Centurion: And as generous of an offer that is, I have to decline. I need to stay here. I'm still working on getting back my house and my business, so I need to be in town as much as possible for that.

Genevieve: Have it your way.

(Genevieve moves her hands from Centurion's shoulders to the back of his head, and Centurion changes the subject to avoid the lingering awkwardness.)

Centurion: I'm going to be wearing a dress at the next pay per view.

Genevieve: I heard. It's ok - I'm not going to judge you for having to put up with these silly games. I know this is one of your enemies trying to make a fool of you.

Centurion: Actually, I was going to tell you not to be jealous when I come out looking smoking hot.

(Genevieve stops rubbing Centurion's head and flops her arms to the side as she gives Centurion a sideways glance. Centurion turns his head to look at her with his cheesy, toothy smile. Genevieve tries to look stern, but she has a soft spot for Centurion's lame sense of humor, so she can't help but smile.)

Genevieve: You know, your sister and I are going to be the ones who pick out your dress. Oh! We can call Nellie, too! Make it a date.

Centurion: I hate this idea...

Genevieve: Oh, hush. I'll give them a call right now.

(Genevieve jumps off the cot and grabs her cell phone. She walks out of the room, leaving Centurion to think about all the horrible life choices he had to make to get him to where he is right now.)

------5;9" Beautiful, Tall------

Oh, now you fucked up.

I get what Noah Jackson was going for. "Put the dude in a dress! That's hilarious!" You're trying to humiliate me. Fair play. A couple of problems with that

1) It's 2020. Dudes can wear dresses now. You were so obsessed with humiliating me that you forgot about the rise of woke culture. I expect you to get slapped with another Twitter ban for this one.

2) When I beat your girlfriend from pillar to post, who is the one that is going to be humiliated - the dude in the dress, or the lady who got her ass kicked by the dude in a dress.

3) I'm going to look fucking gorgeous. You've never seen a man wear a dress as good as I'm going to wear one.

So sure, you want me to wear a dress? Fuck it, I will. Hell, I'll even wear a corset so my tits look super nice. I'm going to look so hot, Noah is going to rip his dick right off his body, and it won't be because of Vita. Happy I can provide Noah with whatever weird fetish he has. I am a man of the people, after all.

Seriously, this is it? This was your massive plan to humiliate me and give Vita an edge? You could have done better than that. You're not forcing me to wrestle in high heels - that could have been interesting. Then again, I probably would have just jabbed one of those fuckers into Vita's skull, so maybe that was for the best.

Therein lies the biggest problem you had, Noah - no matter what you tried to do to humiliate me, you know deep down I'm going to stomp the unholy Hell out of your girlfriend, and giving me all the handicaps in the world will just make her look that much worse. One arm tied behind my back? BOTH arms tied behind my back? Not a big deal - Vita will just be known as the person who lost a wrestling match to a dude with no arms.

Look, I'm going to talk a lot of shit, but I want to make it very clear - I actually respect Vita in a lot of ways. I wanted her to be my next challenger because I think she actually earned her shot. Unlike all these other hacks who have been handed title shots for literally nothing, Vita has proven she has the skills in the ring to compete with anyone.

Vita already has a win on me. Now, I know what you're thinking: "that shouldn't count. It was a surprise attack after a match with an unsanctioned referee." Most wrestlers wouldn't consider that to be a loss in their record, but I do. Not because I was physically out matched but because I was out smarted. She caught me slippin', as they say downtown. She waited for the perfect opportunity - after a brutal match, when I had my fucking thumb bit off - to strike. As someone who has been in the business for almost two decades, I should have expected something like that to happen.

So good job, Vita. You got one over on me... you can't do it again.

In fact, I know you can't, because you just tried, and you failed. What made you so smart the first time is what made you really dumb the second time. You made the quintessential rookie mistake - you don't do the same thing twice. I know some people like to say "if it isn't broke, don't fix it", but when it comes to catching a legend off guard, you always have to switch it up. Want to know how you really could have gotten me? You should have gotten a job at the local McDonald's, wait until I pull up for my Big Mac with no onions order, the dive through the drive thru window at me. It's a long game, I know, but it would have worked.

But let's get real - when it comes to actually stepping in the ring with me and fighting me, you know you don't stand a chance. That's why you were doing all the things you were doing. You tried your damndest to avoid a straight, one on one match. If you had your way, you'd still be running around, claiming to be Anarchy Champion while getting ready to wrestle Sarah Lacklan for the 900th time. While she may exceed you in talent by a pretty wide margin, at least things were interesting enough that people kept caring about you.

No one is going to be interested in a rematch after this. Because there will be one clear, decisive champion. There will be a winner, and there will be a loser, and it will be a margin large enough that it will leave no doubt.

Here's the thing - I know, in a couple of years, Vita will be holding the Universal Title. I see it in her. She has such raw potential that she's wasting by hanging around such imbecels. When she gets older, and get more experience, she's going to be unstoppable. That is, as long as she survives her impending heartbreak.

How do you think the story of you and Noah ends, Vita? Do you think it ends in a white dress under a gazebo in front of friends and family? Come on, you can't be that naive. You know him and his personality. The moment you turn 20, he's going to find some other high school to creep on, leaving you in the dust. This is likely to occur after Fuzz breaks HIS heart and leaves HIM crying in the ring. I've been around long enough that I can write the damn book before it's even thought up.

By the way, thanks for what you did to Corey. You broke the dude's heart so bad he became an undead zombie. This is why teenagers shouldn't be in the ring!

Let's get past the bullshit and into the real reason we're here, Vita. You decided to stick your nose somewhere it doesn't belong. You heard Shane was offering a couple bucks to attack me, and you just couldn't resist the offer. An 18 year feud, and I had to deal with two brats I had known for three months.

By the way, I bet your real happy with your decision now, considering Shane is pulling Corey's strings and building an army to destroy the XWF. I know - he's going to go for all the gold, and considering you're real close with two champions, well...what do you think is going to happen?

But that's future you's problem. That's something you will have to deal with when it's staring you in the face. Right now, you need to deal with the mess immediately in front of you. Remember what I said, the day after XX? Actions have consequences. We were always going to get to this point. It may have taken some time, but this was always going to happen.

How much was it, Vita? How much did you sell your soul for? Was it a buck, like Noah? Or are you a classier hooker than he is? I bet you are. I bet you asked for twenty bucks, AND a paid lunch.

It is kind of funny, isn't it? This whole thing started because you decided to help Shane , and now you're staring down the barrel of a gun, and is there to help you. You seriously need to find better friends. You put all your trust into folks that will sooner stab you in the back than lift you up.

So what's it going to be, Vita? What kind of sick, twisted match do you have in mind? Are you going to continue the humiliation route, and do a bra and panties match, or a pudding wrestling match? Or maybe you go the other way, and we fight inside a electrical steel cage with razor wire ropes. It's your pick. How nice of your boyfriend Noah to let you pick how you're going to lose. I don't know about you, but if I got to pick how I was going to die, I'd choose something painless.

Vita, I'm better than you. I'm stronger than you, smarter than you, more experienced than you, and in two weeks, I'm going to be hotter than you. You'll have nothing, but an entrance theme and a dream. After next week, I may just take that from you, too.

All you could ever want is in front of you, Vita. A win in this match would be the biggest win of your career. Not only would you win the Hart Title, but you'd slay the legend in the process...

...too bad there's no chance of that happening, as you're going to meet your...


[Image: UdLSPlv.png]
XWF Record - 214-100-9
XWF All Time Wins Record Holder
Official XWF Legend
3x XWF Anarchy Champion
3x XWF World Champion
8x XWF Canadian Champion (Record for most Canadian Title reigns)
1x XWF Hart Champion
6x XWF X-Treme Champion
5x XWF Tag Team Champion
2x XWF United States Champion
Inaugural XWF IDL Champion 
1x XWF King of Anarchy
1x XWF King of Massacre
1x XWF Stable Champion
XWF Star Of The Month - May 2007
XWF Star Of The Month - July 2009
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2019
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2021
XWF Holiday Battle Royal Winner - 2007

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(01-26-2020), Atticus Gold (01-17-2020), Corey Smith (01-17-2020), michaelarcherjr (01-17-2020), Ned Kaye (01-17-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (01-18-2020), Theo Pryce (01-17-2020)

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