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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "C*nt Fest" RP Board
An Old Friend
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michaelarcherjr Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

01-14-2020, 07:14 AM

An Old Friend

“This is so awesome.”

[We hear a young man in the crowded line say as the scene opens. We see Michael Archer Jr. standing in the line along with his wife, Ashley. Michael smiles at her, happy to be with his wife for what little time he has off before heading to Australia for, Cuntfest. Ashley smiles back before speaking.]

Ashley: “So who did you say this guy was?”

[Before Michael can answer the camera pans around to see a large convention center like building, there is a banner hanging that reads “Legends of New York Wrestling”. There are pictures scattered across the walls of old wrestlers, several are in black and white.]

Michael: “An old friend.”

[Ashley grabs Michael’s hand and leans into him a little as the line begins to move.]

Michael: “He was my father’s tag partner, but to tell the truth he was more of a father to me than that old bastard ever was.”

[Ashley rubs Michael’s arm with her free arm trying to comfort him, she knew he loved and missed his father, despite his many faults. Michael gives her a quick smile to let her know he’s okay. As the line moves, Michael begins to look around at all the old pictures, he locks on to one of his father and another man in a cowboy hat, each man is holding a Championship Belt. Michael sneaks the picture off the wall as the line continues to move.]

Ashley: “You think he’ll recognize you?”

[Michael shrugs his shoulders.]

Michael: “It’s been a long time. I just hope he accepts my offer.”

[Ashley’s face brightens up as she tries to reassure her husband.]

Ashley: “He will.”

[Michael looks down at the ground a little nervous as he notices the line in front of him getting smaller and smaller until finally he is standing in front of a table as an older man sits on the other side, wearing a cowboy hat and a white button up dress shirt. Michael looks at the picture in his hand, then back up to the man behind the table, old age has not been kind to him. The man seems to have let himself go since his wrestling days, a light gray beard covers most of his face, and the pounds have seemed to pack on over the years. Michael takes note of the other men standing behind the table next to the man, older wrestlers he doesn’t quite recognize.]

“Can I help you son? You got something for me to sign?”

[Michael snaps out of his trance and slides the picture on to the table as the man nods and picks up his pen.]

“Who should I make it out to?”

Michael: “An old friend.”

[Michael says as the man looks up at him, he stares at Michael for a few moments before his face begins to light up.]

“Little Mikey?”

[The old man jumps out of his seat with excitement as he turns to one of his friends behind him.]

“Lenny, It’s little Mikey.”

[The man walks around the table and gives Archer a hug, he holds on to Michael’s shoulders as he begins to speak again.]

“How the hell have you been?

[Before Michael can answer the man looks over to see Ashley.]

“And who is this beautiful young lady you got here?”

[Ashley extends her hand toward the man.]

Ashley: “Ashley, I’m his Wife.”

[The man meets her hand with a firm grip, and shakes it furiously.]

“Rod McCoy. Pleasure to meet you.”

[Michael smiles, looking ecstatic as Rod turns his attention back to him.]

Rod: “What are you doing here boy?”

[Michael shyly looks down to the ground before looking back toward Rod to speak.]

Michael: “Just in town for a little bit in between travels.”

[Rod nods as Ashley gives Michael a light elbow to the side of the arm, trying to encourage him to tell Rod the truth.]

Michael: “Actually, I came to make you an offer.”

[Rod looks confused as Michael lets out a burst of air before continuing.]

Michael: “You see, I’ve gotten back into the business lately, and the level of competition out there now is intense, so that being said, I was wondering if you’d like to come along with me, as my manager.”

[Ashley grabs Michael’s hand as the couple wait Rod’s response, Rod thinks for a moment before letting out a sigh and shaking his head.]

Rod: “I’m sorry son, I got out of the game a long time ago, and I really never plan on going back.”

[Michael drops his head back to the ground feeling dejected.]

Michael: “Fine.”

[Michael snatches the picture of Rod and his father from the table.]

Michael: “Let’s just go.”

[Michael leads Ashley out of the line by the hand and quickly begins to make his way out of the convention center as Rod watches them leave.]

“Who did you say that was again Rod?”

[Rod turns around to see the man identified earlier as Lenny ask the question, Rod shakes his head.]

Rod: “That was Archer’s boy, poor kid. That old son of a bitch sure was rough on him, I was always there to look out for him back in the day, protect him from the old man’s wrath. Lord knows what would’ve happened to that boy if I wasn’t there for him.”

[Lenny gets a puzzled look on his face as he listens to Rod’s words.]

Lenny: “So why can’t you be there for him now?”

[Rod just stares at Lenny, not sure how to answer. Outside we see Michael walking quickly through the parking lot as he drags Ashley along behind him, muttering swear words under his breath, paying no attention to the sound of the Convention Center door opening.]

Rod: “Hey kid, wait up!”

[Michael’s stops dead in his tracks, his face lights up as he starts to turn around as the scene fades.]

Breaking Down The Competition

[The scene reopens to Michael Archer Junior, wearing a black shirt with green letters that read “Marksmen” on them, and black athletic shirts. He is with the same man from earlier, still wearing the same cowboy hat, and white dress shirt with blue jeans and cowboy boots to match. The two men are sitting in office chairs with a metal desk behind them as they face the camera.]

Michael: “Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to a legend of this business, a former Big Apple Wrestling, Tag Champ, along with my Father, “The Great” Michael Archer. XWF Universe, meet my new manager, and adviser, “Lighting” Rod McCoy.”

[Rod tips his Cowboy hat to the camera as Michael smiles.]

Michael: “Now that we got that out of the way, let’s turn are attention to the ridiculously named Cuntfest, where I will be competing in a battle royale. It’s clear to me that the powers that be here in the XWF have thrown this match together as a way for someone to prove themselves, for someone to impress them and show that they are ready to be bumped up to that next tier of competition, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing. I plan on rising above the rest of the pack and proving that I’m ready to go toe to toe with the best of the best in the XWF. This man right here.”

[Michael points toward Rod.]

Michael: “He taught me to always have a plan, and that’s exactly what I’ve done since coming to the XWF. So far everything has gone according to plan, I said I would shock the world in my debut and I did by knocking big bad Robbie Bourbon on his ass, not once, but twice. I said I would beat Link Rexx and I did, and honestly after the absolute decimation I delivered at Warfare, I wouldn’t be too surprised if he didn’t show to Cuntfest at all. Two weeks from now we’ll be no different, I will do exactly what I say I’m going to do, and at Cuntfest, well I’ll make my biggest statement yet.”

[Rod nods in approval of Michael’s words.]

Rod: “Should we break down the competition?”

[Michael nods in agreement as Rod turns around toward the desk behind them, he picks up a piece of paper, and squints his eyes a little to read it.]

Rod: “Alright, first off looks like we got...Phantom Panzer.”

[Michael Scoffs.]

Michael: “Joke.”

[Rod’s head snaps up from the piece of paper as he looks at Michael.]

Michael: “I mean the guy actually seems to think he’s some kind of superior being form some alternate dimension, he either wants people to believe that goofy shit, or he actually believes it himself, which is honestly disturbed. Anyway this is apparently his first match back, he use to wrestle in XWF a couple years ago, but I guess he got lost in between dimensions or some shit, I mean I really don’t care what his excuse is. Like I said he’s a joke, he saw the rise of the XWF within the last couple of years and decided to come crawling back to scrap out as much money as he could out of his little novelty act. The problem for him is he’s stepping in that ring with real, serious wrestlers, myself included. If this wasn’t a battle royale, I would say he will be hurt badly, but the rules of the match being what they are, he’ll probably just be eliminated quickly to allow the real competition to duke it out.”

[Rod slowly shakes his head.]

Rod: “Still, you shouldn’t take anyone lightly, he’s here for a reason kid, same as you.”

[Michael simply nods in response as Rod turns his attention back to the paper.]

Rod: “Alright next up we have a Kieran Overton?”

Michael: “That guy’s a dick, self-proclaimed actually. The destructive beast.”

[Michael lets out a laugh.]

Michael: “I honestly don’t understand why every overweight slob around here has to consider themselves some kind of monster or beast, especially Kieran, I mean the guy lost a match at Lethal Lottery against an XWF Mainstay in Scully, which is nothing to be ashamed of, and then just because he lost, he took his ball and went home. Kieran can say he was busy being a Monstimal elsewhere or whatever, but all that tells me is he can’t get the job done without his little buddies. Well his little buddies won’t be there in the ring with him during Cuntfest, it’ll be just him and me in that ring together, and I can't wait. I can’t wait to see just how destructive Kieran really is without Lord Raab, or whatever other freak he likes to run around with.”

[Rod stares at Michael, making sure he’s done before moving on.]

Rod: “Okay let’s see here, what do you know about Geri Miller?”

[Michael sits up in his chair a little, rubbing his hands together as he begins to speak.]

Michael: “Hmm, now it’s getting interesting. Geri is a former Olympic gold medalist, she’s legit, some people give her shit about her love for certain herbs, but honestly that’s none of my business. What you do in your own time doesn’t concern me, what does concern me is what you can do in that ring, and Geri presents quite a few problems. However It appears she might not be exactly one hundred percent committed here, splitting her time between the XWF, and some low rent indy called Action Wrestling with her Boyfriend and whoever the hell she calls “The Cool Kids.” and that will be her downfall. Geri is incredibly talented, but she still young, she makes the same youthful mistakes everyone has, stretching herself too thin just to please others. The XWF is my one focus at the moment, my one goal is to dominate here, against the best of the best, and that is what gives me the advantage over Miss Miller, if I were talking to Geri right now, I would tell her to remember this, remember Cuntfest. Remember what happened, remember that the reason you lost, because you will lose, is because your priorities were all wrong, you strived to make everyone else happy, your boyfriend Derrick, your friend Miss Luiz. You put them above your own future, a future that could be so bright if you would just put your all, your heart and soul into this company, the XWF, where the big boys play. But I’m not talking to Geri at the moment, I’m sitting here with my good buddy “Lighting” Rod, so I’ll just say that Geri won’t be too much of an issue and leave it at that.”

[Rod takes in Michael’s words, taking mental notes before once again moving on.]

Rod: “Who’s this Michael Mcbride guy I see here?”

[Michael slowly shakes his head.]

Michael: “Don’t know much about him, other then he use to hang out with the dick guy.”

[Rod cocks an eyebrow up at Michael.]

Michael: “Peter Gilmour’s his name, he runs around telling everybody to suck his dick, and talks about his super dick or whatever.”

[Rod shakes his head in disgust.]

Rod: “Kids these days.”

Michael: “Yeah, I guess they were a pretty successful Tag Team in the olden days of the XWF, but they had some kind of falling out and Mcbride went away for awhile. Now he’s back and he’s been so-so ever since, oh and there are some rumors that he has some kind of connection to the mob.”

[Rod interjects quickly.]

Rod: “You better be careful then kid.”

[Michael scoffs.]

Michael: “Trust me I’m not worried.”

[Rod jumps out of his seat, pounding his hands down on the desk as he gets loud.]

Rod: “God Dammit Kid! That’s what’s wrong with your whole generation, everyone thinks there a bad ass, nobody’s afraid of anything anymore, well I got news for you kid. Sometimes fear is good, it kept us alive back in my day, kept us safe.”

[Michael simply puts his head down as if a kid who had just been scolded for doing wrong.]

Michael: “Fine I’ll be careful.”

[Rod nods as he sits back down, regaining his composure.]

Rod: “Looks like there’s one more, last minute entry. A Estel...Estrella Lou...Luiz. Estrella Luiz?”

[Michael’s head pops back up at the mention of the name.]

Michael: “You mean Geri Miller’s friend? Hmm guess maybe The Cool Kids can help her here. No matter, I may not know much about Miss Luiz, but what I do know is that I’m ready. I’m ready to shine, to take my spot in the limelight, to show everyone exactly what I’m capable of. The XWF Management want to throw this little Battle Royale together as a type of proving ground then fine, I will prove myself to them once again, I will reach up and grab that brass ring, as long as I have you by my side, as my manager, my mentor, and my advisor. I know I’m ready.”

[Rod slaps the desk in excitement as he jumps out of his seat, he extends his hand in the air.]

Rod: “Well hot dog let’s get to it then son.”

[Michael stands up and shakes Rod’s hand as the scene fades.]
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