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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Thrown Into The Fire
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michaelarcherjr Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-10-2019, 12:50 AM

A Long Way From Home

“I just don’t like it.”

[the scene opens to the inside of a hotel room, we see Michael Archer sitting on a bed in a pair of black basketball shirts, and a white t-shirt. Michael decided to call his wife after coming back from the gym, a decision he began to somewhat regret as he listened to her voice her opinions on him being across the World from her, as he stared out the window watching the day quickly turn to night.]

“I mean I miss you, and the kids miss you, we’re use to you being here every night not in fucking Germany, or Wales or wherever the fuck.”

[Michael chuckled a little, he was used to not having his father around, even though he wrestled in Manhattan where Michael grew up, for Big Apple Wrestling. When they weren't running a show his old man would be gone working in Jersey, or Boston, or other surrounding areas. Suffice to say Michael couldn’t quite relate to his families current peril, then again the fact that Michael didn’t care if his dad was around or not had more to do with his Father’s stern nature toward him than anything else, they’re weren’t a lot of happy father, son memories in the Archer household, something Michael promised himself a long time ago he would rectify with his family.]

“I know...I know, but this is it babe, my big break. I get that it sucks it has to be in Wales, but this is the biggest opportunity of my life. My first mainstream match, and it’s for a championship.”

[We can hear Ashley groan on the other side of the line.]

Ashley: “Yeah against four other guys, what if you get hurt?”

[Michael laughs, attempting to reassure his wife.]

Michael: “That’s kind of the nature of my business, besides you know you don’t have to worry about me, I can handle myself in the ring.”

Ashley: “Yeah but you’ve never done anything like this, this, what did you call it? A Chambers match?”

[Michael nods, forgetting that she can’t see him.]

Ashley: “It sounds dangerous, plus you don’t know anything about the other four competitors, what if their like really crazy or something?”

[Michael scoffs at her notion.]

Michael: “They’re not crazy babe, there is some stiff competition though.”

Ashley: “What do you mean?”

[Michael exhales, letting out a long sigh before answering.]

Michael: “Well two of the guys, Robbie Bourbon, and Chris Chaos are both former Universal Champions. Then there’s the Champ himself, Centurion, who just won the Belt fairly recently so I’m sure he’s eager to prove he can hold on to it.”

[There is a pause as Michael waits to hear a response from his wife, he can hear the clicking of a computer mouse on the other side of the line.]

Ashley: “What about this Barney Green guy, from the looks of his profile of the XWF website he looks big, and scary.”

[Michael laughs a little too loud into the phone.]

Michael: “Big maybe, but scary? Nah. I mean don’t get me wrong the guy is tough as nails, he’s a veteran for crying out loud, but if you ask me I think his time in the service did more damage than he’s willing to admit, he’s a bit slow and dumpy in the ring I’ll be sure to stay light on my feet anytime the big boy looks my way.”

[Ashley laughs at her husband through the phone.]

Ashley: “Okay. Cocky much?”

Michael: “Not cocky, confident, unlike my opponents I know exactly what I’m capable of when I step in the ring. I was there at Lethal Lottery, I saw Centurion defend his Hart Championship, I saw Chris Chaos make his triumphant return to the XWF, but none of these men have seen me. I hold the ever important element of surprise, and I will use that to my supreme advantage, I will walk into Wednesday Night Warfare the unknown underdog, and leave the new Hart Champion.”

Ashley: “Whoa big fella, someone's mighty high on themselves...Listen I know you know what your doing, I just don’t want you to get hurt especially so far away, I mean it’s not like I can just pack the kids up and come to the hospital in fucking Wales. I know your gonna do whatever it takes to make an impression, but just be careful okay?”

[There is a long pause as Michael contemplates his wife’s question, being careful is for losers, at least in Michael’s head, nothing good ever came out of not taking risks, and no one in history was ever famous for not going for it all. Michael understands his Wife’s concern however, he is no longer the lone wolf he once was, people say having a family makes you soft, for Michael it’s what makes him strong, there is so much more to fight for now. Michael conforms.]

Michael: “Okay Babe, I promise I’ll be careful.”

[Ashley: “Thank you, and hurry up and get your butt home.”

Michael: “Will do.”

[With that the two say their goodbyes as Michael hangs up the phone, and gets to his feet, he walks to the end of the bed and stares into a full size mirror positioned on the wall. Thoughts run through Michael’s head as he stares into his own eyes, he promised his Wife he’d be careful, but Michael knows exactly how to be successful in this business.]

Michael: “Whatever it takes.”

[Michael utters the words before walking toward a closet, he opens it and grabs a hoodie, slipping it on he exits the room as the scene fades.]

Thrown Into The Fire

[The scene reopens to a wrestling ring, we see Michael Hunter Jr. sitting in the middle with his legs crossed, he is wearing black tights with green letters that say “Marksmen” running down the side, and no shirt. There are three Pods on separate corners of the ring, the camera closes in on Michael as he begins to speak.]

Michael: “For those not in the know, my name is Michael Hunter Jr., and on December Twenty-Fifth, I will be making my XWF debut. My first match will be for the Hart Championship, against four other men, four of the best competitors the XWF has to offer. Some would say I’m being thrown into the fire, but I volunteered.”

[Michael stands to his feet before continuing.]

Michael: “I asked to be put in this math, I begged for it, because you see while others may shy away from a chance to possibly embarrass or humiliate themselves, I jump at the chance to prove myself, to show everyone exactly what I’m made of. Thrown into the fire? I love the fire, I thrive under pressure I live for it. A chance, not to embarrass myself, but to embarrass my opponents, to be the unknown unheralded Rookie who comes in and shocks the world against not one, not two, but four other men.”

[Michael pauses staring at the camera, he takes a deep breath before continuing.]

Michael: “Robbie Bourbon, You and I will be the lucky two to start this contest, like my other opponents you might not know anything about me, but I know a little about you. A former XWF Universal Champion, and one half of the Motherfuckers.”

[Michael groans at the name of Robbie’s tag team.]

Michael: “While I can go on and on about how stupid that joke of a name is, I won’t, because the fact of the matter is you are no joke, one of the biggest men in all of the XWF, but I’m sure you know what they say Robbie, the bigger they are the harder they fall. You see Robbie you’re size doesn’t intimidate me, nothing does, so don’t think you can scare me, don’t think you can push me around you can’t, I will take the fight directly to you, I will never give up, I will not relent until your flat on the ground with your shoulders on the mat as the referee makes his three count.”

[Michael walks to one of the corners with a glass pod in it that has the number one on it, he stares at the pod as he continues.]

Michael: “Barney Green, while you might not have the physical stature of a Robbie Bourbon, your still a rather large individual yourself, some might call you unhinged, the scars of the War have seemingly taking a hold of you mind leaving you in a sick and dangerous state”

[Michael turns his attention back to the camera.]

Michael: “Some people have said the same about me, they call me sick, unstable, willing to put my body through immense punishment to get what I want. You see Barney you and I have a lot in common, the difference is I know how to win, something that seems to have eluded you as of late, by the way I hope your ass feels better come Wednesday Night Warfare, because I can’t wait to light it on fire all night.”

[Michael smirks before walking over to another corner with a pod marked number two.]

Michael: “Chris Chaos, You and I have something in common as well, we both enjoy the element of surprise. Congratulations on you triumphant return at Lethal Lottery, entering as a surprise mystery opponent, and earning the right to be the number one contender for the Hart Championship. Come to think of it this must kind of sting for you huh? I mean this is your rightful spot, your the number one contender, and yet you have to share the spot with three other men.”

[Michael pauses to let his words sink in before continuing.]

Michael: “I wonder why that is? I wonder if it’s because the powers that be don’t really think you have what it takes, they don’t think your good enough to give Centurion a competitive affair, oh sure you yourself are a former Universal Champion, but let’s be honest that was quite a while ago wasn’t it Chris? Since then it would appear you’ve lost a step or two, the wear and tear of this business has done to you what it does to all men in time, it’s made you weaker, slower, more prone to mistakes. It’s made you the perfect target for someone like me, you see Chris I am the Marksmen, I am a highly trained hired gun who always hits his target and when I set my sights on you, and I pull make my bow.”

[Michael raises his arms as if holding a bow and arrow, he fakes pulling back on the string and releasing.]

Michael: “I will expose you for the fraud you have become, I will prove you no longer belong in that ring against the top competition, your time has come and gone, it’s my time now.”

[Michael smiles at the camera confidently before walking over to the last pod marked number three.]

Michael: “Which brings me to you, the self-proclaimed legend of XWF, The Hart Champion, Centurion. I’ve seen your work, I was there when you successfully defended your title at Lethal Lottery, I must admit your good.”

[Michael once again stares back at the camera, this time with a new intensity in his eyes.]

Michael: “But I’m better, and this match, this is my chance to prove it. My chance to prove to the world that I belong here, that I will excel in this environment, Centurion you carry yourself like a champion, with your swagger, and your little three-piece suits, but I see through you. I see the weak frightened man you really are, you hide behind all this bravado, and flash, but on the inside your just hoping no one calls your bluff. Well here I am, calling your bluff, what are you going to do about it huh Cent? You gonna hurt me? You gonna maim me for exposing the truth about you right here in this very ring?”

[Michael laughs loudly.]

Michael: “Good luck with that, better men than you have tried, and they’ve all failed.”

[Michael walks back to the middle of the ring, sitting back down before continuing.]

Michael: “The truth is all my opponents are talented, all of them are dangerous, but I am the most dangerous man in this match. I am a man thrown into the fire, I can either burn or withstand, rise above and come out the other side a new man, a champion. I guess only time will tell what happens when you throw Michael Hunter Junior into the fire, I know if I was my opponents, I would be worried.”

[Michael smirks at the camera before standing up.]

Michael: “I could use a beer.”

[With that the scene fades.]
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Barney Green (12-10-2019), Theo Pryce (12-10-2019)

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