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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Lethal Lottery V RP Board
Making another statement - vs Centurion - PART 2
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Kris The Hammer Von Bonn Offline
Active in XWF

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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

11-26-2019, 03:51 PM



"Hustle, hustle, hustle." yells the trainer as he's trying to get me to run faster.

For the first half of the week I had been working out inside, making sure I get my focus sorted, and my hand-eye co-ordination and my inner strength work.

For the last few days I had been outside focusing on my speed, and outer body strength work.

Mr Antony The Jerk had been keeping his distance and had been receiving reports on my training, every few hours.

But now we were a day out from flying to South Africa, and get us prepared for the last few days before the Lethal Lottery PPV.

Now as I did my quick sprints I noticed Mr The Jerk standing on the sidelines watching.

"Come on, Von Bonn, hustle, hustle, hustle don't slow down now."

I sprinted hard over the last 15 metres and made it to the end of that training section. I bent over and sucked in as much air as I could.

This trainer was tougher than Mr Jackson, the inside trainer.

"My I please have a word with Mr Von Bonn, Mr Stapley. Say 10 minutes?" said Mr The Jerk walking up to us.

"Sure take 10 minutes, Mr Von Bonn," said the trainer, Mr Stapley.

He walks away, leaving me continuing to suck in the oxygen.

Mr The Jerk looks at me, before looking away, but he spoke to me.

"I just wish to tell you in person how proud I am of the way you have been training these last few days. I know my trainers have pushed you, but you have sucked it up and pushed back."

"I appreciate those words, sir. All the hard work will be worth it WHEN I beat Centurion for his Hart title."

I had to talk positive in front of Mr The Jerk, even though I knew it was going to be a tough ask, because of how great Centurion was.

Not to say I didn't have a chance, because if I thought I didn't even for a second then Centurion would murder me in that ring, once the bell sounded.

I always doubted myself about competing in big matches, but ever since I signed with The Misfits, Mr The Jerk always had one hundred percent faith in my abilities.

When I lose, I know he's disappointed in me, because he knew I could win certain matches. He doesn't talk for at least half a day.

Don't get me, Centurion is a legend. That's why he came back and proved a point to win that Hart title. But that's just it. He's too old, and way too slow. I know I am faster than him, and I also know I could use my sped and my age as an advantage.

"I have belief that you can beat Centurion, because he is not young anymore, and you have proved how fast you can participate in matches. You just need to curb your enthusiasm down a bit, and focus on others around you."

"But lucky for you it's one on one, but you need to focus because Centurion has experience on his side, he knows how to turn a match."

"That is why the last few days we have had exercising as hard out as possible so you can learn to focus during difficult circumstances."

See he had everything planned out. He had scouted Centurion and his two major weaknesses was his age and his speed. He had meticulously planned out what I needed to do in order to make an upset and win the Hart championship.

As I stood there listening to his reasoning, it took me back to a time when meticulously planning needed to be in order to help my situation.


Previously I was tagging along with my brother and a small group of our Rudolpher gang when we bumped into Luther who had been a member of my wrestling night group that I had secretly attended before them finding out who I really was and having to leave before I risked their lives.

Now Luther was a member of the Northerner gang and so my little group saw him alone and Jacques was about to beat him, but I managed to stop citing we were late for a special project. I then I said I would finish the job and managed to show Jacques that I could do it.

When they left the area, I let Luther go. Luther promised me he owed me one.

And now the continuation.

It was almost three weeks later. I had forgotten about the incident even though my brother Jacques had started trusting me a bit more.

Then one night, I received a text from one of my former wrestling night class members.

We would like you to come to the Outer Hanover Wrestling Group

I did text back 'why?' but never received a reply.

So I got up, and disappeared back into the night. I don't know why I trusted the text, I just did.

So I made my way to the Night Wrestling School.

When I got there I didn't bother to scout the area like I had always done. None of my senses felt like I was in danger.

But the moment stepped through the doors was the moment my senses had deserted me.

I was surrounded by Northerner Gang Members. Luther's gang.

(NOTE: The following conversation has been translated into English because none of you know how to speak German.)

"What the hell is this?"

"Hold on, wait," said Luther running up "This is Kris, the guy who saved me."

Luther seemed to look behind him to someone who was in charge.

I looked around the room, seeing the rest of my former classmates sitting in the middle of the room on the floor. Some of them looked good, a couple of them, who had never been around gangs before, looked worried.

I heard a knock knock on the floor. I turned to a tall bearded man with three or four scars on his face, and used a walking stick to walk up. He had used the walking stick to knock two times.

Now the guys who had surrounded me were now backing off.

The scar face guy walked up to me.

"So you are the one who saved Luther's life?"

"I wouldn't say I saved his life."

"Then how would you put it?"

"I saved him from a beat down." I replied


"Why what?"

"Why did you save him from a beat down?"

"Because to me I felt more loyal to him than I did my own gang because this group here" i said motioning to the group sitting on the carpet made me feel more comfortable than my own gang, and thus this is where my loyalties lie."

"Interesting. Your loyalties are here even though your own brother is also in your gang."

"He sold me out a long time ago, my loyalties no longer do not include him!"

The stranger seemed to turn to look at Luther.

"I see why you like him."

"Are you going to tell me why I am here?"

"Because by helping Luther escape from your brother and the rest of your gang, I am now in your debt."

"No really, you don't need to owe me anything!"

"Really? That's kind of you!"

Luther quickly walked up.

"You aren't getting this, so I'll quickly spell it out for you. This is Mr Hans Schmack. He's the leader of the Northerners and he has the resources to take down Rudolpher and help you in your quest to leave East Germany!"

I looked back at Hans.

"It's a one time offer kid, soon to expire,"

I looked at Luther.

"But all I did was save you from a beatdown. How is it right for me to ask to sacrifice their lives battling Rudolph,"

"Because I felt guilty shunning you when you came to ask for our help. So when you did what you did, I went straight to Mr Schmack and asked him personally to help you in your quest to leave the Rudolophers, get your mum's life back in order and to leave East Getmany. You have to say yes!"

Knowing this could start a gang war, and knowing I really had no other choice, but to accept.

I turned to Mr Schmack and nodded. I knew what he was really after. If Rudolph was gone, he would be next in line to take over the vacumn of power.

"Excellent decision, kid. You won't regret this. Plans please,"

Hans knocked his walking stick twice on the floor, and someone came forward with well thought out, meticulous plans.

~to be continued~


I blinked and saw Mr The Jerk looking at me, waiting for me to respond.

"Did you hear what I said?"

"Yes sir," I said lying

"That's good thenx now get back to training."


The Manager of the Misfits organization, Antony the Jerk and his client Kris The Hammer Von Bonn walk into the Promo room, and Antony walks in front of the camera. Kris stays where he is. Leaning against the wall with his arm folded.

Antony asks the XWF Camera man to broadcast live to the XWF universe. The camera man gives Antony the sign that he is now live.

Antony starts pacing backwards and forwards. He begins to talk.

"Centurion, you do not get to play god, you may think you do, and you may think you are a god but alas you are not. Not even remotely. So you do not get to come up in my grill and tell me what I should or should not be doing with my 'clients' and if I want to speak.... I will..... unless..."

"Unless.... oh my god I figured it out..."

Antony stops pacing and turns towards the camera and smiles.

"You are in love with me. Oh wow. As if I would roll that way. No wonder you are always so wound up about me. No wonder you are so always talking about me. No wonder you are so concerned about my 'clients' they get more of my focus and attention than I give to you. I didn't see that until now. I so pity you. You want my attention so badly, you talk too much about me."

"Let me say this about you Centurion. I care more for my 'clients', thats Miss Childs and Mr Von Bonn, than I do ever care about contemplating whatever thrills get you going."

"I care about my 'clients' and I make sure they get the best training available. You should be ashamed of yourself Centurion. Hiding yourself in your promos while really knowing the truth."

"Well the truth is out now. So are you. Centurion has to come out of the closet now, surely."

"Find someone else to fixate on it's that simple."

Antony starts laughing and walks off camera. Kris walks to the front and stares at the camera.

"You Americans have a saying, I'd like to add that in here now. 'Whatever floats your boat.' Centurions been exposed for his secret love of Mr The Jerk. I will be exposing Centurion in the ring for the loser he is. Then I will be holding high the Hart belt."

"You've spoken a lot of crap over the last few days. I'm wanting to reply to your crap."
"You said that 'you don’t need to be an asshole ALL the time in order to get ahead.' But you're so wrong that you are one complete asshole who has managed to keep a hold of your precious Hart title by bullying opponents into submission. You are such a bully. I'm going to expose you at Lethal Lottery."

You spoke about me 'couldn’t even get past Peter Gilmour and Thunder Knuckles. Pathetic.' Did you not see how fast I started the match? I made one error in judgement and it cost me. I have learned from it, andI won't make any errors against you."

"You said that I 'beat back the unstoppable force that is Jim Jimson.' I not only bet him Centurion, I destroyed him. It was really easy,"

"You then said 'no one thinking that I have even the slightest chance at winning.' You are oh so wrong Centurion. I have the biggest chance of them all. I am comingto South Africa to take you down."

"You can call me silly names Centurion, but that's because you are weak. You do not want to give in to your fear, but you really should, Centurion because I am your biggest fear, and you are afraid I am going to win, and win I shall. I'm ready for this match. You aren't. You are cracking too many jokes, and it just shows that you are cracking under the pressure of your biggest ever match."

"I am going to judge you, and then I am going to execute my plan to take you down, I will be the full on jury to end your reign as Hart Champion. Mark my words. It's that simple."

Kris starts laughing as he walks off camera without ever throwing his hammer for once. The feed is cut.

Former X-treme Champion - 1st ever title

From 2nd May 2023 to 14th May 2023

12 Days as Champion.


'Does a Hammer make a noise
while it is in flight? 
It certainly does when
it find it's Target!'


[Image: Chris-Hemsworth.png]

[Image: TH03208.png]



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