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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Young And In Love
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Centurion Offline
Active in XWF

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(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

11-05-2019, 12:31 PM

(This may be the most awkward moment in the lives of everyone in the room.

Standing against the counter in the kitchen is Centurion. He's not even looking at the table. He just looks straight down at the floor.

Sitting at the table is Nellie Cortinovis, who is looking over a folder of naked pictures. The subject of those photos, a visibly distraught Erin Morgan, sits next to her. She looks ashamed, depressed, and like she would rather be anywhere else.

The look on Nellie's face is completely stoic. She leafs over the photos in silence. Finally, after a few minutes, she puts the photos back neatly in the folder, closes it, and tosses it into the center of the table.)

Nellie: Fuck 'em.

(Centurion picks his head up as Erin turns look at Nellie.)

Centurion: I beg your pardon?

Nellie: Fuck 'em! If they want to try publish photos that were already on the internet, let them. I won't negotiate with blackmailers.

Centurion: Come on, Nell. That's a terrible idea. You shouldn't have to deal with my problems.

Nellie: I know this may come as a surprise to you, but not everything is about you. This isn't just "your problem". They're messing with me and my family now. You and George can have a pissing match all you want. A couple of capitalists fighting over a billion dollars isn't high on my list of things to care about. But trying to rope my fiance into this? Now I'm involved.

Centurion: You didn't work this hard to have your political career ruined by some pictures that are a few years old.

Nellie: No, I didn't work this hard for someone to slut shame my wife!

(Nellie stands up out of her chair and grabs the folder. She walks over to Centurion and gets close to him with an intense look on her face.)

Nellie: I don't care if these were taken 10 years ago or 10 hours ago! I'm tired of women having to feel ashamed because of their bodies! What kind of a hypocrite would I be if I bowed to the pressure of these assholes.

(Centurion takes a deep breath before placing his hands on the counter. He just shakes his head.)

Centurion: They're going to kill you for this. You'll likely be censored on school board. And it's going to be real tough to get re-elected.

Nellie: Dad, the moment Erin and I say "I do", my re-election becomes incredibly difficult. If George has these pictures, then so does the New Jersey Democratic Party. So does anyone who wants to discredit me. But the last thing I'm going to do is back away from a fight. That's not me. That's not who I am.

(Centurion sighs)

Centurion: You're right. That isn't who you are. I just never wanted to see this day happen...

Nellie: What, the day where I'd have to deal with all the horrible decisions you've made in your life? Hate to break it to you, Dad, but I've been dealing with your crap since high school. You know how hard it was being Centurion's daughter? It's a hell of a lot harder than being Centurion, I can promise you that.

(For the first time, Centurion smiles. It lets out a slight laugh. Nellie, though, continues to look as stoic as she had all day.)

Nellie: I'm ready for a fight. I WANT a fight. These are the kinds of people I've been wanting to fight my entire life. Their hate and their fear mongering have to be taken on, head on.

Centurion: Some fights you shouldn't have to take up.

Nellie: Some fights shouldn't happen at all, yet here we are. Do you know how mad I was when Katie Hill resigned? Dad, I was furious. I almost threw my computer through the window. And I knew she wouldn't be the last. Women in politics will face this on a yearly basis. It won't end until we stand up to these assholes.

Centurion: So, what now?

Nellie: Now, you buy your house back. And if they outbid you, you bid again. And if they bid a ridiculous amount of money, then I'll chip in. And if they outbid us both, Jocelyn and Allison will chip in.

Centurion: You don't know that.

Nellie: I'm Allison's only niece. I do know that. If we have to raise a billion dollars, we will. We won't let these fuckers win.

(Centurion turns his head to face Nellie.)

Centurion: Thank you.

Nellie: Don't thank me yet. We still have a LOT to talk about. Remember, I'm not doing this for you, but right now, you're my ally.

Centurion: I'll take it.

(Nellie walks back to the table, where a sad Erin still sits. Nellie grabs Erin by the hand and kisses it.)

Nellie: I know why you would keep this from me. And I'm not upset with you. But know that you can tell me anything, especially something like this. I love you. I'll always love you, no matter what.

(Erin cracks a smile as she lifts her head up. The two kiss, which causes Centurion to smile, too. Nellie's happy. She's in love. This is all Centurion ever wanted for her. He may have been a shitty person and a shitty father at times, but Nellie turned out to be an amazing person through and through.)

Nellie: By the way.

(Nellie reaches over and grabs the folder of photos. She opens it, showing it to Erin.)

Nellie: Fire your photographer. The lighting is terrible.

------Look At You Kids With Your Vintage Music-----


We've heard a lot about it lately. Thunder Knuckles lives for them. Apparently it's given to people for matches and shit. It's a brand new concept to me, honestly. It was never a thing when Jon Brown was around. Back in the old days, we got paid in cash, under the table, no tax forms. Jon claimed it was to make it easier, but it was probably because this whole federation was built on mob money.

But then, sometime after this place went to hell, this currency system was invented. As far as I know, it was the only payment to wrestlers. They have since started issuing direct deposits because it's 2019 and they want to be taken seriously as a business, but the XBux thing still exists.

I don't collect them. I don't need them. I survive off of more than tshirts and vape juice, so I never asked about it. Apparently I have a few grand in an account somewhere. They give the shit away. So, I have something to show you...

(Centurion walks forward, and as he does, the camera zooms out. After a few steps, we see Centurion standing next to a pile of bills.)

This is one hundred thousand XBux. Now, I know what you must be thinking. "But Cent, Thunder Knuckles said you don't have that many!" You're right, I didn't have this just lying around. I got this from an Albanian shemale that Shane paid to take a dump on his chest. I gave her five bucks, and she gave me this pile of trash. Do you know what one hundred thousand XBux buys in Albania? Nothing. Not a God damn thing. Just like in every country, because, come to find out, this shit it worthless. You can't pay your rent with it. McDonalds doesn't accept it. Hell, the vending machine at our own XWF shows don't take it, because they actually want to make money!

Basically, what I'm saying is that Thunder Knuckles is busting his ass, throwing matches and getting title shots for what is essentially paper. It's something you can make at Staples.

That's why this is a joke. This match is a joke, Thunder Knuckles is a joke, and everyone who insists on keeping this man relevant is a joke. I mean, come on! The biggest insult Thunder Knuckles throws at me is that he has more of this shit than I do. How am I supposed to compete against something like that? It's like when your little brothers laughs at you because he has more imaginary friends. It's sad, but you don't really want to argue.

So, Thunder Knuckles, you want to put XBux on the line? Fine, fuck it. If I lose, you can have them all. I'll empty the entire fucking account for you. It's all yours. If that's what you truly want, then I'll put it on the line. And you don't even have to put yours on the line. I don't need them. In fact, you don't have to put anything on the line. There's nothing that you own that I want.

That's how confident I am that I'm going to beat the unholy hell out of you. I'm not even considering the possibility of a loss. I might die of a heart attack between now and tomorrow, and my corpse will find a way to beat you. Seriously, do you actually think you're going to get me to quit? Right there is your biggest problem. You can't get a fluke victory over me. It's impossible. It's not that kind of match. A fluke roll up? Possible. A count out or a disqualification? I've seen it happen before. But actually getting me to physically quit a match? Please. That will never happen.

And don't try to pull that "fake voice in the mic" thing, or try to get someone to play a fake tape. I have actual cash, and I'm willing to pay every member of the production team just to make sure that doesn't happen. I don't even have to bribe them to fix the match for me. You'll walk out on your own accord.

It's over, Knuckles. You have no chance, and you know it. You already lost one title match to Madison Dryson, and she's half the man I am...seriously, she's half a man. If you can't stand up to weak competition, how do you expect to stand toe to toe with the best? Your in way over your head. You're not ready for this. Not even close. Problem is, you don't know that. You don't understand how out matched you really are. Mainly because this is the biggest step up in competition that you've had. Seriously, going from Gilmore and Von Don to me? That's going from the bunny slopes to the Alps.

(Centurion pulls out a cigar from his inside pocket. He then takes out a box of matches and lights his cigar. He looks at the lit match for a second before tossing it onto the pile of XBux. Within seconds, the entire pile goes up in flames.)

A nice metaphor for your career, Knuckles. A pile of useless garbage going up in flames.

Have any more snide comments? Any witty comebacks? Because that seems to be something your good at. You have a joke for just about everything, don't you? Though, I guess that does make sense coming from a clown.

What jokes will you have tomorrow night? What witty comeback will you have while I'm inflicting a pound of pain on you? Will you still be making jokes then?

I'm over this, and I'm over you. Once I've disposed of you, the entire world will be over you, too. All the best to you, Thunder Knuckles! Hope you hold on to all those XBux you've worked so hard for. I hear you can trade those in for prizes at the local Chuck E Cheese. While you're there, fill out an application. You're going to need a back up plan after you meet your...


[Image: UdLSPlv.png]
XWF Record - 214-100-9
XWF All Time Wins Record Holder
Official XWF Legend
3x XWF Anarchy Champion
3x XWF World Champion
8x XWF Canadian Champion (Record for most Canadian Title reigns)
1x XWF Hart Champion
6x XWF X-Treme Champion
5x XWF Tag Team Champion
2x XWF United States Champion
Inaugural XWF IDL Champion 
1x XWF King of Anarchy
1x XWF King of Massacre
1x XWF Stable Champion
XWF Star Of The Month - May 2007
XWF Star Of The Month - July 2009
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2019
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2021
XWF Holiday Battle Royal Winner - 2007

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