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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy Results
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ANARCHY - 10/17/19
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-18-2019, 09:33 AM



Barney Green
- vs -
Big D


Bobbi London
- vs -
"Amazing" Ashley Ackles
Internet Rules!
This will be an arm wrestling contest to see whose arm has the most BEEFY STRENGTH!

- vs -
X-Treme Rules!

The Brothers Blackwater
- vs -
Boris & Amjetkun Socio
- vs -
(John Black & Tommy Wish)
Tag Team Triple Threat!

Vita Valenteen
- vs -
Noah Jackson
Tables Match!

Sarah Lacklan
- vs -
Zane Norrison
Special Do-Over Match Since Zane Shitted The Bed Last Time!


- vs -
Internet Rules Match!

Vinnie Lane: “Folks, something WEIRD happened during this event! It turns out the infrastructure inside the great state of West BY GOD Virginia isn’t spectacular… and the lights kept going out inside the Wesbanco Arena! We managed to salvage some of the matches that took place while the lights were on, but I think we owe the fans of Wheeling a free show in the future… or maybe they owe us?”

Barney Green
- vs -
Big D

The match was a back and forth affair in the early going and Barney used a deadly combination of strength based moves using the power of muscles forged over years of hauling around an extra half ton of Green Meat and VETERAN WILES.

After a while though, Green’s momentum started to waver and his endurance slipped. He’d spent the week cutting weight like a madman in the sauna with plastics strapped to him. Efforts to rehydrate before the bell weren’t sufficient and Barney was soon out of gas.

Big D had a big comeback after Barney went to the well too many times and missed a high risk move off the top rope, unfamiliar territory for the XWF legend. D put his foot on the accelerator and never let up, keeping Barney reeling through a series of shoulder tackles and spinebusters, each more spine rattling than the last.

Finally, Big D was able to put Barney Green away with his Dan Slam, getting the pinfall and his hand raised in the middle of the ring.

Winner by Pinfall - Big D

[Image: gR8affl.png]


Bobbi London
- vs -
"Amazing" Ashley Ackles
Internet Rules!
This will be an arm wrestling contest to see whose arm has the most BEEFY STRENGTH!

The crowd was excited to see the XWF’s reigning Internet Champion as she sauntered to the ring with a plate of chicken wings in her hand, gobbling the drummies and flats like a pro as she made her way to the ring.

Entering the squared circle with her title strapped tightly around her waist, she pats her belt, then throws up a huge bicep and points to it, letting the fans know that she is more than ready to snap her opponent’s arm off. She bobs her head with the fans clapping in time with her.

The crowd was LITTY like a TITTY for Bobbi, but unsure what to expect from Ashley Ackles. Would she come out big and muscled? Fat and ugly? White or Asian? Was she even a SHE this week? The seemingly shape shifting “Amazing” one was a chameleon to say the least.

But the roof blew off the place when Ackles came through the curtain looking and sounding exactly like award winning superstar rapper LIZZO! She just took a DNA test and it turns out she is 100% that bitch!

Unfortunately for Ackles, even though she mesmerized the crowd with a big thick booty rolling rendition of Lizzo’s “Juice” as she twerked to the ring, the arm wrestling didn’t come as naturally to her! Bobbi London treated Ackles’ arm like one of those chicken wings… actually, let’s just watch this scene from the indelible classic, 1987’s “Over The Top” starring Sylvester Stallone.

Winner by Dismemberment and Permanently Retiring Ashley Ackles - Bobbi London

[Image: gR8affl.png]

- vs -
X-Treme Rules!

Both men glare at one another from their respective corners.

Vinnie stands beside his booth to begin to set up the tower at ringside, a huge smile on his face as he hums a song by W.A.S.P.


And we're off! Mastermind pumps himself up with a head full of steam and charges towards Fuzz; The Afterthought meets MM in the middle and throws a quick low knee to the gut, Mastermind takes the hit and rolls over Fuzz's knee and back to his feet. Mastermind spins around with a lariat but Fuzz ducks under the strike and gets to Mastermind's back and tries to throw the Master of Minds back with a German suplex but MM plants his feet and throws an elbow back into Fuzz's jaw breaking the hold. MM turns and whips Fuzz against the ropes. Mastermind takes position but sees Fuzz coming in with a big boot and drops prone to the mat, Fuzz regains his balance and goes against the ropes once more to return fire but Mastermind is back on his feet and drops the Xtreme champion with a hellacious clothesline!

Fuzz rubs his neck with a cough as Mastermind picks himself up to his feet and throws a boot down aiming for Fuzz but the champ quickly dodges the stomp, rolling out of the ring and reaches back in to grab Mastermind's ankle and pulls, knocking MM to his back. Before Mastermind can react, Fuzz slams the Kiwi's knee against the steel turnbuckle. Mastermind howls in pain, grabbing his leg as Fuzz thumbs his nose and motions towards a medic on stand by. Yes, we actually do have medics on standby in the XWF, they just never work. Fuzz snatches the first aid bag and rips it open, taking a hold of a surgical stapler and a hypodermic needle. Fuzz smiles as he quickly examines the small vials and draws a liquid with the needle. He turns around to Mastermind who is on the outside now, one hand on the apron as he adjusts rubs his leg with the other. Fuzz, stapler in one hand and the needle ready darts towards his opponent and jabs the stapler into Mastermind's face!

MM recoils in sharp pain but throws a hook knocking Fuzz back briefly. The Xtreme Champion goes to stab Mastermind with the needle but MM grabs Fuzz's arm and pushes it against Fuzz's chest. The needle sticks into Fuzz's sternum which causes him to gasp and freeze up, Mastermind takes advantage by booting the needle and sending Fuzz flying back with a wince from the crowd.

Vinnie stands next to his Jenga tower with some pride as Fuzz falls precariously close by before tumbling against the barricade. Fuzz struggles to get back to his feet, falling back down while his eyelids get heavy. A slight smile hits his face as he can't seem to focus while his body goes numb. Mastermind shakes his head and reaches under the ring, taking the leg of a steel chair and menacingly walks towards Fuzz.

Finally, Fuzz gets to his feet but his legs buckle. He uses the barricade to steady himself as his upper body wobbles, leaning to and fro. Mastermind raises the chair up high and smashes it down but hits nothing but barricade as Fuzz falls over with a giggle before getting distracted with how cool his hands look. Mastermind goes into a rage and throws the chair back down but Fuzz gains his bearings and with a wide smile and slight eyes, he kicks the chair back against Mastermind's face who stumbles back against the steel steps. Fuzz scrambles to his feet and almost loses balance again. He looks to Lane's brick tower and carefully removes one brick with excitement from the crowd. Gingely Fuzz takes a brick away and holds it in the air with a pop from the crowd. Fuzz then pushes the tower over just to spite Lane which is met with boos.

Vinnie Lane: Not cool dude!

Fuzz takes the brick and smashes it over Mastermind's head! The brick crumbles as a trickle of blood falls from MM's hairline. Mastermind falls to the ground and Fuzz falls on top of him for the pin!






Mastermind throws Fuzz away and sits up in pure rage. Fuzz, looking sleepy, just gives MM two middle fingers which backfires as Mastermind grabs both fingers and warps them into painful positions. MM slowly stands, taking Fuzz by the birds with him. Mastermind bends the fingers back with expert joint manipulation and pulls Fuzz's arms apart before nailing Fuzz with a brutal headbutt!

Fuzz falls back into the pile of bricks, his hands a mess and blood flowing from his nostrils. Mastermind wastes no time in grabbing Fuzz's legs and quickly turning him over, the crowd pop.


Mastermind locks in his trademark Boston Crab and Fuzz is in agony with nowhere to go!

Fuzz hollers in pain as Mastermind keeps the hold in tight.

The downers quickly wearing off, Fuzz feels the full amount of pain.

His hand shakily hovers over the ground.

Mastermind leans in further.

But his busted leg and the unsteady bricks underneath him cause him to lose some balance!

Fuzz hands falls!

On to a brick!

And he throws it back smashing Mastermind's knee!


And again!


Finally, Mastermind drops to his knee and releases the hold. Fuzz retreats in a great deal of pain, but he manages to gather himself long enough to snare Mastermind into his Afterthought finish! Fuzz hooks the legs!




Winner by Pinfall - Fuzz

[Image: gR8affl.png]

The Brothers Blackwater
- vs -
Boris & Amjetkun Socio
- vs -
(John Black & Tommy Wish)
Tag Team Triple Threat!

This was a pier six brawl from the opening bell. Tommy Wish and John Black both but themselves into two on one situations right from the jump, with JB attacking Boris and Socio (who I like to call “The Eastern Bloc”) and Wish giving hands to Donovan and Raphael. JB was soon overpowered by the sheer beefy musculature of Amjetkun, finding himself in a torture rack after Boris was sent flying over the top rope by the former leader of the Blackest Hole.

Wish was more successful, taking turns knocking the two Blackwaters to the mat. After eating a bionic elbow, Raphael bailed to the outside leaving Donovan to put his hair up and square up. He does well, catching Tommy unawares with a leg sweep followed by an Indian death lock.

Across the ring, Boris re-enters and rushes across, putting a big boot in Donovan’s grill and then popping a squat to mock him as he rolls around in pain. Raphael then slides back into the ring behind Boris and drops him face first with a big bulldog headlock. As he gets up he’s met with a flying cross body from JB, courtesy of being flung onto him by Socio, but Socio then has to think quick and break up a pin when Black holds on for a cover.

Tommy Wish then leaps onto Socio’s back, sinking in a deep sleeper hold that nearly fells the U of Michigan Muscles. Boris thinks quick and drags Wish backward in a backstabber, but JB takes advantage of Socio being out of commission by double teaming Boris along with Wish.

The two on one beat down continues until Wish notices Donovan Blackwater attempting to sneak a cover on Socio. Tommy spears Donnie and they both fall to the outside, leaving Boris one on one with JB. Black peppers Boris with rapid fire punches like Sugar Ray Leonard in his prime, but when he goes for the KO, Boris avoids it and jumps upward with a knee lift that cracks Black’s jaw.

Raphael Blackwater then takes over for JB, snagging Boris in a reverse STO that leaves the God of Vodka motionless and face down. Donovan joins his brother, pointing out that Wish is dispatched after having been thrown into the guard rail. Raphael then nods and settles his weight on Boris’ sghoulders, applying a camel clutch. Donovan grabs Boris by the ankles and leans back into a Boston crab. Boris is nearly snapped like a wish bone!

Socio clobbers both Blackwaters with a running lariat that sends Donovan bouncing out of the ring and flips Raphael ass over tea kettle. He helps his partner to his feet, making sure he’s ready to cut off John Black, who slides into the ring just in time to get front chancery’d by the balaclava’d badass. Socio then bends Raphael over and humps him like a dog before tucking and bucking him overhead in his Pump Handle Pill Popper Plex! He holds on for the pin and secures the victory, the three coming down mere nanseconds before Tommy Wish is able to break up the fall.

Winners by Pinfall - Socio & Boris

[Image: gR8affl.png]

After the bell had rung, Tommy snatches the mic from the RA and climbs back into the ring. He taps on the mic, until he hears something, and speaks.

“Listen up Brothers Blackwaters, as much we don’t have beef with you guys, we just want you guys to watch your back against us. Also, at least you both managed to even put on a show in this match.”

The crowd decides to chant “FIGHT FOREVER!” on repeat, as Tommy looks around the ring, then speaks again.

“Boris and Socio, you both aren’t as good as you tend to think you are, in fact, I feel like that if me and Black didn’t have to be involved in this triple threat tag match, Brothers Blackwater could easily kill y’all with one bullet, one fist to end y’all in a quick flash.”

Boris and Socio tries to confront Tommy, but Black Hits Socio with a Steel chair on the back of his head, and stomps on Socio. Tommy clocks Socio with a mic on his head, and they stomp on Boris and Socio. As the fans are giving mixed jeers, Black picks up Socio on his feet, and Whips him to the ropes and hits a…


The fans go off on T.H.U.G.S by throwing garbage on them in the ring. Black rolls Socio out of the ring, and Boris slowly get on his feet, and turns to Tommy, and he hits with a Kissing The Freak on Boris. Tommy speaks on the mic.

“We have to do something that needs to prove that we don’t fuck around here, and I know you’ve seen this before in a previous decades or so… but we bringing it back. Black, get the spray can!”

Black goes to the outside, and looks under the ring, and grabs out a Red Spray can, and tosses it inside the ring which Tommy catches it. He takes off Boris’s shirt, and flips him to his gut, exposing his back. Black slides into the ring, and stomps on his exposed back. Tommy shakes the can, and rips the top of it. He then starts to tag T.H.U.G.S on Boris’s back, as the fans start to grow hostile on them. After Tommy was finished, he speaks once more.

“Looks like our favorite Vodka drinking gutter slut is too out of it, well now he’s a part of what our motivation is in this company. Tagggin and Baggin people who get in our way, and as we always claim…tell em’ Blacky.”

Tommy hands Black the mic.

“We T.H.U.G.S and we don’t care on who we need to harm. Either we win or lose, at the end of the day… we are the under-appreciated…we are the hated… we are the Gangstas of XWF.”

Black drops the mic, and both of them leave the ring as the camera pans to Tommy’s art on Boris’s back as the next segment comes in.

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Vita Valenteen
- vs -
Noah Jackson
Tables Match!

This was a damn fine match that just so happened to take place in near total blackness. Noah Jackson seemed to have that sorted as he wore a miner’s hat to the ring, but Vita Valenteen was equally diligent with her preparation because she somehow found a pair of night vision goggles. I mean, there’s lots of miner’s in West Virginia but not really too much top tier technology, you know? Just weird.

Anyway, Vita began the contest by shouting at Jackson that her Anarchy title was definitely NOT on the line, and that he didn’t even deserve a shot at anything, much less the most prestigious championship in the company that occasionally gets defended via boat race. Noah was annoyed, because duh.

The action truly never slowed down as the two combatants had a see saw battle with many close calls. More than once a collision with a table was only narrowly avoided by both Vita and Noah. One of the more impressive and memorable moments came when Vita was seemingly defeated, laid out across a table. Noah careened off of the apron with a somersault senton, but although he collided with Valenteen, the table did not break. Apparently this was a table from catering, which must always be triple reinforced due to the voracious appetite of performers such as Mini Morbid (JK it’s because Bobbi London - did you know she always demands an entire shrimp cocktail before every show? Christ.)

After causing Noah to EAT DEFEAT suddenly later in the match, Jackson found himself wandering absently like a zombie, stumbling out of the ropes and pacing on the apron. Vita charged him with a full head of steam, plowing a shoulder into him and driving him off the ring, sending him crashing through the announce table at ringside! Not the typical table match ending, but it counts!

Winner by Table Debacling - Vita Valenteen

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Sarah Lacklan
- vs -
Zane Norrison
Special Do-Over Match Since Zane Shitted The Bed Last Time!

The rematch no one asked for! After coming up lame against Lacklan a couple months back, Zane Norrison was looking to rebound in a non title match with the Anarchy Champion. Obviously realizing a win here would do wonders for his standings, probably securing him as the top contender for the title, Zane wasn’t pulling ANY punches once the bell rang.

Lacklan, though, did a fantastic job of countering and avoiding most of Norrison’s advances. Zane did land a lucky cartwheel kick out of the blue that stunned Sarah, leading to a long series of moves from Zane that ramped up with intensity after each one. Several times Zane went for a pin, and each time Sarah found a way to get a shoulder up in just the nick of time.

A turning point came after Lacklan pulled a shining wizard out of thin air in a moment of desperation. Zane’s head spun around 360 degrees, possibly loosened on the last Anarchy when Big D pulled it clean off. Good thing the XWF shop has plenty of Zombie Glue for moments precisely like this one!

It wasn’t long before Zane was back in control, seemingly cracking the Lacklan Code by playing possum just long enough for Sarah to let her guard down and then pouncing. Zane nearly finished the match with a rear naked choke that had Lacklan dead to rights, but when he started gnawing on the top of Sarah’s skull the official forced a break.

After the affair went on for over fifteen action packed minutes, Sarah Lacklan looked poised to claim the victory after countering a suicide dive from Zane through the ropes to Lacklan on the outside. Sarah blocked and avoided enough of the impact to counterbalance Zane into landing on his feet, then rotated him in a swinging neckbreaker - but rather than completing the move as normal she opted to adjust mid-move into her patented Abyss inverted DDT! Norrison was unmoving on the floor, but as Sarah began to move him toward the ring to roll him in for a pin, the Anarcho-Tron came to life with the image of Vita Valenteen on the screen!

Vita held her version of the Anarchy Title, laughing at Sarah and mocking her for not even being in the main event after Vita knocked her out of the “title picture.”

As Sarah seethed, Vita then stood back and showed the world what she’d done - a pile of extremely expensive looking shoes sat in a pile on a backstage floor, and Sarah’s albino face found a whiter shade of pale as the recognition dawned on her. Those were HER shoes! And Vita was holding a can of yellow paint… that she dumped all over the pile!

Lacklan screamed and yanked at her hair, then took off running for the back. The referee eventually had no choice but to count to ten, ending the match in a double count out.

Double Count Out, Like I Just Said

[Image: gR8affl.png]


- vs -
Internet Rules Match!


‘Sup, Vinnie?


What the...what do you MEAN we don’t have time for a 60-minute Main Event?!


It’s Ruby vs. THE MONSTER MAXINE II, man! The last one was EPIC! This is going to be epic...ER!


But I’ve already done the 20-minute custom intros, man!


Ya know what? Fine. I quit. Let some jackoff handle this shit.



Sexy as FUCK Masked Dude: Hello everyone! I am the Generic Heel, the SEXIEST man alive, and I am here to SAVE this shitshow! As you ALL know, I am the greatest play-by-play man in the history of the business. So, sit back and enjoy the sultry sound of my voice, try not to fall in love (I don’t love the hoes), and feast your eyes on this match.



There is a big chick in the ring. Looks like a man. And a small chick. Didn’t she used to wear a mask? Fugly without it on. Oh! Oh man! What a move THAT was! And another! One of the women is doing some VICIOUS things to that other woman! But don’t just take my word for it, lets cut away to the Special Guest Ringside Color Commentator for the Main Event...Vinnie Lane! Give the fans at home some insight, Vinnie.

Vinnie: Dude. Woah.

Generic Heel: You are amazing at this, man. Back to the action, one of the women just did another thing and, boy let me tell you, that reminds me of when I wrestled back in the Omni in ‘74. Know what else I did in the Omni back in ‘74? Slept with Noah’s mom. In fact, lets cut to the back where Noah is right now and ask how he feels about that time I slept with his mom. Noah?

Noah: Cunt.

Generic Heel: Well spoken! Deep analysis there and...WOW! One of the chicks just did her thing! The crowd is pretty happy that she did that. I would have done it better, of course. See, at my wrestling school, the Generic School of Wrestling, we teach REAL fundamentals! We teach REAL wrestling. And if that chick had gone to MY school, she would have done that move better. To prove my point, one of my alumni has just texted me to put over how much better that chick would have done that move if she had gone to my school:

Angie Vaughn: OBVS!

Generic Heel: Obvs, indeed. Now, before we get back to the action, we have a very special report from our Arial Support Group with a special and UNIQUE vantage point! Tell them what the action looks like from up in the air, Hootie!

Hootie the Owl: Hoot! Hoot!

Generic Heel: Why I sure wish I could see this action from up there. And...uh of the chicks is coming this way. The big one. Listen, sweetie, I know you want some of Papa Sexy over here but...oh, you want to join me on commentary? Okay, I guess that’s fine. Here’s a headset. So tell me, what do you have to say?

Maxine: *menacing stare*

Generic Heel: Wow! I sure smell what you’re cooking! Annnnnd now she’s gone and back and oh! The other chick just flew out of the ring and landed on her! That’s a pretty decent move. Pretty decent. Kind of like the catering here. Pretty decent. And with a report on how decent the catering in, let us cut to the catering table for a word from our resident expert, Ashley Ackles.

Ashley Ackles: *changes her face/body/weight six times before stealing someone’s entire premise and crying when she gets called out on it and then quits wrestling FOREVER until probably next week*

Generic Heel: Okay! Well then, I-...wait...hold on...apparently there is ANOTHER catering expert who wants to add to that. Go ahead?

Ghost of Chubby Fletcher: BOOOOO! BOOOOOOOOOO!

Generic Heel: That must have been some cheeseburger. You know, I-

Fuzz: #ShowTheBrackets

Generic Heel: Look, mang, they literally just threw darts at a board every week. You need to get-Oh shit! The fugly girl just hit that one move on the bigger girl! The ref can count to 1000!

Winner by Pinfall - Ruby

Special Thanks:
Noah Jackson
Bubby London
John Black
Sarah LackFriends

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 3 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
Atticus Gold (10-18-2019), Corey Smith (10-18-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (10-18-2019)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post!
Noah Jackson (10-20-2019)
Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-18-2019, 10:12 AM





[Image: 193QVMb.png]
Banner Made By: @reinventiongfx
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[-] The following 2 users Like Shawn Warstein's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (10-18-2019), Atticus Gold (10-18-2019)
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-18-2019, 11:04 AM

Fuzz, I think you make a very valid point about deserving a shot at the Anarchy throne!


I'm not giving it to you while you hold the X-Treme Title. Now, let's be honest here a minute okay buddy? You aren't gonna have that thing for too long. Once you fall asleep for your old man nap some random Tuesday and get pinned by whatever the current roster's version of Ghost Tank is, then we'll talk!

Rad? Rad.

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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Shawn Warstein Offline
Blood In Blood Out

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-18-2019, 11:25 AM

If you honestly think that I’m going to lose this title to some no name hack you’ve got another thing coming. I’m in this for the long haul. Even when I’m asleep I’m better than majority of this pathetic excuse of a roster.

And best believe that if/when I lose this title I’ll be knocking on your door.

[Image: 193QVMb.png]
Banner Made By: @reinventiongfx
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Centurion Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

10-18-2019, 12:11 PM

Boris is a national treasure, you assholes!

[Image: UdLSPlv.png]
XWF Record - 214-100-9
XWF All Time Wins Record Holder
Official XWF Legend
3x XWF Anarchy Champion
3x XWF World Champion
8x XWF Canadian Champion (Record for most Canadian Title reigns)
1x XWF Hart Champion
6x XWF X-Treme Champion
5x XWF Tag Team Champion
2x XWF United States Champion
Inaugural XWF IDL Champion 
1x XWF King of Anarchy
1x XWF King of Massacre
1x XWF Stable Champion
XWF Star Of The Month - May 2007
XWF Star Of The Month - July 2009
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2019
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2021
XWF Holiday Battle Royal Winner - 2007

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T.H.U.G.S Offline
Tribalistic Mindstas

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-18-2019, 12:25 PM

(10-18-2019, 12:11 PM)Centurion Said: Boris is a national treasure, you assholes!

"If he was a national treasure, how come you didnt save him?"

"Nahh T, he's too busy running things in Warfare and is the hart champion..."


"So his time is too valuable to waste on a D show like Anarchy, so Boris is nothing more then drunken rookie who had it coming."
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-18-2019, 02:33 PM

Amjetkun Socio is seen throwing a fit backstage! He's throwing trash cans, suitcases and mirrors like they're candy at the 4th of July parade!

Amjetkun: "I think the fans said it himselfs with all that garbage he's threw in the ring when I got mugged by those three crack babies Wish and Black!"

Of course there's an icepack pressed against his swollen, oozing, infected face. His face is looking like some rotted vegetable, all sunken in and decomposing. Seeing his reflection in a mirror doesn't help matters! He's losing his shit again! A cameraman gets thrown through the wall! Socio's breaking shit and bleeding from a few different places as he sweats so hard it's like it's spraying out of his skin.

"Black Wish! You scumbag! You pervert! I'm not happy about you laying your filthy hand on this body!"

He's punching the wall and when that doesn't work he headbutts a mirror. His homie Bluto is babysitting two different syringes, one in Socio's shoulder and one in his ass. He's getting fired up!

"You won't get away with this!!!!!!!!! You're gonna feel this Pump Handle Pill Popper Plex before all is said and done!"

Bluto works his thumbs to the bone making sure every drop gets in. Nothing is calming The All Day All Nighter down, though. He starts rapidly headbutting the mirror!! Medical attention is on hand when he knocks himself out.

Bluto: "Let me just grab those and be out."

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
Corey Smith (10-18-2019), Theo Pryce (10-18-2019)
Boris Offline

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-19-2019, 08:56 AM

My tracksuit! I only have 15 more, cyka blyat!

[Image: KGR16Cy.png]
Oppa! - 17 1/2
Blyat! - 14 1/2
Neither! - 0

Former Weight Of Metal Champion
WINNER - Race Across The Everglades in the Slav Cruiser 9000!
2020 XWF Games Tug Of War Gold Medalist
Both Won And Lost The Quarantine Battle Royal
Successfully Contracted Coronavirus
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Boris's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (11-01-2019)

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