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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Jim Jimson comes to a horrifying realization
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Jim "the Jim" Jimson Offline
The man, the myth, the legend, the pin

XWF FanBase:
Not Over

(the perfect heel; hated even by the fans who usually cheer heels; pisses off internet fans too)

10-25-2019, 02:10 PM

The scene opens with Jim in front of a cabin, messaging someone on a phone, quietly talking to himself. Jim looks up to the camera with a surprised look

Oh shit!
Hello, my name is Jim Jimson and I was NOT sending xbux to anyone with the letters T or k in there name.

Wait, should I be recording this?

Yeah, we need to record this or we're not going to make it in time for the show and by the way. Don't talk if the camera's on.

Ok sir

What did I just say!
Just don't talk and nobody has to pay off police force to make a dead body disappear, let us get into the meat and potatoes, the interview. Just be happy we aren't live and can edit

Jim walks into position and quickly counts down to himself

Hello and welcome to the formally named Jim Jimson podcast, but luckily we got upgraded to a show. On the first episode od the Jim Jimson show we look into the incredible match that we saw of the anarchy championship. At the last Wednesday night warfare, we saw Vita Valentine face off against one of the most legendary workers of all time. This man has wrestled a who's who of workers, it's the Invisible Man!
I am at the invisible man's house and am here to have an exclusive interview with the man himself.

Jim walks into the cabin which belongs to the invisible man and sits down in a chair next to another empty chair

So, invisible man, can a call you that? or do you want me to call you vacant, it's your choice

*complete silence*

Oh ok, I'll just call you Mr Man. Anyway, what compelled you to work in the XWF, better yet what compelled you to challenge for the Anarchy title?

*confused silence*

Wait, what! what do you mean you didn't wrestle last Wednesday? You had a match with Vita Valentine, it was watched by billions and billions online

*reassuring silence*

Wait so you're saying that you 100% DIDN"T wrestling at Wednesday warfare.

*even more reassuring silence*

On My God!, I can't believe it! this is insane! Vita Valentine straight up lied about facing you

Jim is so amazed by this that he grows back hair just for it to turn grey, for that grey hair to fall out
*Annoyed silence*

Yeah! this is uncalled for. I can't believe that Vita has gone out of her way to try and tarnish your incredible legacy, You've won hundreds of titles in practically every company in the world. Of course this was under your alias vacant, but still, you won those championships and you should be respected. Vita, you are a scumbag, luckily your partner for the lethal lottery is a hard-working man, who has reaped the rewards of his hard work. have you seen him! This guy is a genetic jackhammer, maybe you could learn some morals from Amjetkun Socio.

*bad news silence*

Wait a minute are you telling me that Amjetkun uses Steroids! I would have never known. What a terrible role model you both are, Vita you lie and pretend to be such a wrestler, but how good of a wrestler can someone be if they pretend to beat people that they NEVER FACED!

*agreeing silence*

And don't think you're an angel Amjetkun, you show and flaunt your muscles everywhere, but you cheated, you took the short cut, you showed impressionable children that if they want to accomplish something make sure to lie and cheat your way there. You and Vita should be ashamed of yourselves, you pathetic, dolphin loving, oxygen stealing, steroid-using, garbage

Jim steps out his chair and storms out in anger.

2 hours later

Jim and the camera-man are driving away to the Halloween Saturday savage in a sweet limo until Jim remembers something he did leading into the match with Melanie and random.

Hey Mr Camera-man can I ask you a question?
Don't worry, you can talk now, the promo's done

Sure go-ahead

How are you here?

I drove here with you

no, I mean, how are you still alive, I bludgeoned your head in with a pinecone, you were dead. Completely dead. How is your head not a messy pile of brain goo and blood

Oh, well you see I started eating avocados, they're a superfood.

Oh. That makes lots of sense and I 100% believe you.

Hey, can we stop for a second? I need to go take a piss

Yeah sure go, I'll wait here

The camera-man steps out of the car and talks to a mysterious person on the phone

Hello, you there?
Yeah, he has no idea that I'm a dolphin in disguise as a human
Phase one has officially been completed, time for phase two to start
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Atticus Gold (10-25-2019), Theo Pryce (11-02-2019), Thunder Knuckles™ (10-25-2019), Unknown Soldier (10-25-2019)
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Vita Frickin Valenteen (10-25-2019)

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