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The Value In Winning AND Losing
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B.O.B. D Offline
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(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-18-2019, 09:40 PM

The clock read 3:40 a.m., but I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep. While my wife was lucky enough to be off in dreamland, I laid beside her wide awake. Something Thaddeus Duke had said lingered in my brain like a raunchy fart inside of an elevator.

'So what has Big Daniel actually done to warrant his title shots?'

It was an interesting question that came with a complicated answer. What HAD I done to warrant them? I didn't like to admit it, but I hadn't let another wrestler's words bother me since Centurion's comment about my War Games team. Thad did his homework, as you'd expect from someone STILL in school, and he discovered my short comings. I couldn't help but wonder if maybe I should do some studying of my own?

Knowing I wasn't gonna fall asleep anytime soon, I crawled out of bed(slow and careful as not to wake Krystal up) and made my way for the living room. I went over to our pot drawer and pulled out a couple joints before heading to the couch and sitting down. As I lit the first joint, I turned on the TV and hopped over to the XWF Network.

"Where do I begin?"

I remembered Thad mentioning going back to my match with Robert Main, an interesting decision to say the least. Why not just go back to the start of my XWF career? It wasn't like it'd be THAT much more tape to watch AND it'd give him more perspective than the small sample he conveniently selected. Considering I wasn't even wrestling for one of those four months, I was rightfully skeptical of his opinions and wanted to check out the facts for myself.

Being the veteran I was, I made the decision to start at my XWF debut, knowing there were likely things Duke missed by only go back so far. I also suspected that was no accident on his part, but I wouldn't know until I watched.

The first match was against Genevieve Tate, my return to the ring after nearly 8 years away. I was ashamed to admit it, but I looked out of shape and VERY rusty in my debut. It was also blatantly obvious I had underestimated my opponent for being female, a mistake I certainly paid for. Being a desperate man not wanting to be upstaged by a girl, I rolled to the outside in search of a weapon and was met with the horrifying sight of EDWARD. His distraction allowed for Genie Tate to hit a suicide dive, followed up by her finisher to put me away for the 3 count. Thanks to EDWARD, no-one would ever know if I would've won that match fair and square. Tate said she'd give me a rematch in the future, but I haven't seen her around here in so long I don't even know if she ever ACTUALLY existed. All I DO know is that Big D is still around, proving that one loss didn't mean anything. Especially given the questionable circumstances behind the ending.

My next match was nothing more than one big clusterfuck. My opponents were Jake Avery and my first XWF rival, EDWARD in a Triple Threat match. The three of us barely got going when some guy by the name of Black interfered and attacked all of us, before dragging me onto EDWARD for a bullshit 3 count. As glad as I was to have a victory on record, I wasn't gonna ignore the circumstances of someone giving me the assist like Thaddeus Duke does.

The match that followed was my Parking Lot Brawl with EDWARD. To this day I consider it to be one of my most embarrassing losses of my career. Someone who I was far superior to in every way(except stupidity) managed to pull one over on me. It wasn't like I did anything wrong, I HAD the 3 count before he fell through the roof of that car. I truly believe even a caveman with mush for brains could admit to that(but not Thad Duke).

I sparked my second joint at the start of my bout with Mingermind, and it was over before I could even take two puffs. That was definitely the most dominating victory I've EVER had..........but it was SUPPOSED to be. Had I lost that match, there would've been no reason to even continue my journey. If I couldn't beat some who's paid to lose, how could I ever become Universal Champion?

I followed my squash of Mingermind up with my best win, up to that point when I defeated Vita Valenteen and Apocalypse in a Triple Threat Match. Though Apocalypse is nothing more than a forgotten name of XWF's past, scoring a victory over VV is a big deal in hindsight. Sure, she may be a fake Anarchy Champion, but she's a former Champion of other sorts AND a constant top contender for the Anarchy Title. Not much to learn from this match besides the fact I should be considered for a shot at Sarah Lacklan.

I skipped over my next match because it was a one off Tag Team match with Luna Hightower(yet another ghost of XWF) against the Perfect Storm, who no showed. I followed that one up with my first TV Title shot against Lux. Talk about a match, me and Lux went back and forth like we were fighting for the Universal Championship. I didn't underestimate her like I did Genie Tate(maybe because Lux is a man on the outside?), but I also didn't do enough to walk away with the belt. Say what you will, but the fact it took TWO kicks to my thick head to put me down shows I'm alot tougher than people give me credit for. Considering Lux never technically lost the Title AND is the current Number 1 Contender proves I can hang with the very best.

Sometimes when I think back to those days, I fall into a depression. I truly believe I am one of the best wrestlers to ever grace the ring; and to walk into a new place and have my words shoved down my throat really sucks. Not only does it open the gates for others to trash you and your reputation, it also holds you back from the opportunities you feel you deserve. When I rewatched my match with Lux, I could see myself at my peak again. I was the man who held the NWF World Heavyweight Championship, a true talent capable of carrying a company on his back. That night just wasn't meant to be, and that was okay. Robert Main has lost. Ned Kaye, Tony Santos have lost and they're some of the most admired guys in the XWF. Hell, even Lux has lost, and she's one win away from having it all. You learn alot about a person's character by how they react to a loss. There's value in winning AND losing, it's just a matter of finding it.

When I faced Double G and Griffin McAllister on the following Warfare, I found out a little research goes a long way. I didn't know who either man was, and I let it go to my head. They were nothing more than jobbers in my eyes, the same way others had viewed me at first. I had no idea The Mechanic was a seasoned veteran with a history of success, something I didn't realize until it was too late. He may have won the match(by pinning Double G, I'll point out), but I won a valuable lesson in doing your homework. From that point on, I never went into a match blind to my opponent's past EVER again.

I followed that loss up with another easy victory against Snow and Hootie. Both are more examples of opponents who disappeared off the face of the earth after meeting me in the ring. There wasn't much to learn from this match, except that I've been in ALOT of Triple Threat matches since joining XWF. On the one hand, it's nice to consistently be in the same match type, but on the other it sucks because it leaves you open to losing without ever being pinned. I'd much rather win or lose by my own accord because it leaves little doubt about who the better man was. Hence why I'll NEVER say Robert Main is better than me until he proves it one on one.

Speaking of which, there was just one more match to go until I reached the point Thad decided to start with HIS research. As I searched for it, I pondered why he didn't go back as far as I had. Could it be the fact I had quite a few more wins back then, and he couldn't use his 'I'm used to losing' bullshit he probably stole from an old WWF VHS? Maybe. Was it because even WHEN I lost, I still looked better than he ever did in a win? Possibly.

And then it finally became clear.

War Games.
There, on my TV screen, the answer became crystal clear......... the Pay-per-view he no showed. I immediately grabbed the remote and turned off the television.

"You sly son of a bitch......." I muttered before putting out the rest of my joint and standing up.

I couldn't believe the audacity of this kid. He really had the nerve to dig through my past, but leave out the dark history of his own? Thaddeus Duke had to be the biggest troll in the company, if not the world. Not only does this punk actually believe he beat me all by himself in our last match, he also won't man up for the mistakes of his past. Ironic, he can dish it but he certainly can't take it. Unfortunately for him, I was about to lay it on him and there was nothing he could do about it.

"Bravo, Thaddeus, I must admit you ALMOST got me! Questioning why I've gotten so many Title shots, claiming an average Joe has more credibility than me; you must think you're pretty slick, huh? While I may have lost some sleep over your mind games, I'm NOT gonna lose our match because of them! If anything, you just cost yourself the TV Title."

"You see, while you've been slacking off going to costume parties, I've been busy preparing for our showdown tomorrow night. I took a page out of the book of Duke and did a little studying. Seeing things from your perspective can provide alot of insight, something I've learned from one of my losses. And do you wanna know what I found? I'm ALWAYS there. For the shows, for the Title pictures; if it says XWF, Big D is there. I may have lost alot more than I've won lately, but I'm still THE former Xtreme Champion. Even though I hate the man who beat me for that belt, he's still a million times better than you'll EVER be and I'd take him as my partner over you ANY day."

"You want to know WHY there was a commotion on Twitter when you criticized me? Because everyone KNOWS had it not been for Mastermind bailing your ass out, I would be the TV Champion. And I'd put down 100,000 more X-Bux that Vinnie & Theo would've preferred it. You're a liability and the sooner you're NOT holding one of their belts, the better. One of these days, you're gonna not show up for one of your Title defenses and completely shit on the crowd, as well as the company. Just like you did to my buddy, Ned, at War Games."

"You talk about bringing credibility back to Championships, questioning what I've done to deserve MY shot; well what the hell have YOU done?! You were nowhere to be seen for MONTHS, then all of a sudden waltz back in, pickup a cupcake victory over a stripper, and get handed a TV Title shot?! Thad, YOU'RE the average Joe off the streets! You didn't do shit to deserve to face me for the vacant belt, and you did even less to actually win the damn thing! Mastermind has more claim to being Champion than you do. Sure, you successfully defended the Championship against him and some nobody at Relentless, but you shouldn't have been the one making that defense in the FIRST place! Face it, Thad, you're as legitimate of a Champion as Vita Valenteen!"

"If you want to know what I've done to warrant all of my Title shots, go back and watch my fuckin' matches! Not just the ones you want to pick and choose because it's convenient for you, ALL OF THEM. You'll see there's a hell of alot more to a match than the end result. Much like how you said there's no shame in losing to Robert Main, there's none in losing to Lux or Centurion, either. You'd know if you ever faced people of that caliber! While you're struggling to keep your head above water against curtain jerkers like Jenny Myst and Cambyses, I'm going toe to toe with the very best XWF has to offer. At least I WAS until management decided to throw you into the mix. If anyone walked off the street and got handed an opportunity, it's YOU, Thad! My win/loss record may be far from perfect, but at least the powers that be can count on me to show up everytime I'm booked!"

"Thad, you should be shaking in your boots right now. You think I'm a fool for spending 100,000 X-Bux to face you, but I consider it an investment. Think about it, I could've challenged Centurion for HIS belt, a wiser choice for sure. Not only does beating him grant me a Title, it also earns me the respect of the entire XWF lockeroom. Hell, Apex would probably be so impressed, they'd welcome me with open arms after such a feat. The same cannot be said about you. While the prospect of receiving a Championship is certainly enticing, I must admit I'm more excited to tear the Champion apart! All the shit talk, the blatant trolling you've constantly done on Twitter and in your promos, I'm ready to SHUT YOU UP! You've been looking at everything wrong, Thad, I didn't pay 100,000 for a Title shot; I paid 100,000 to end your career. Didn't you notice how I said 'another shot at Thaddeus Duke', as opposed to your Title? It's because I want to destroy you. I want to humiliate you. I want you to feel my wrath that's been building ever since you stole that belt from under my nose!"

"You escaped your humiliation at War Games, and you did it again last Savage. But Saturday night, there's gonna be nowhere for you to run, nowhere to hide, and nobody to save you! I'm gonna show you that I'm alot better than my record shows, and teach you a lesson in humility! I'm gonna take your Championship and shut your mouth up, once and for all! And that ain't no story, it's the Cold Big D Truth!!!!!"

I was tired, moreso of Thaddeus Duke than from lack of sleep. Nevertheless, my mind was at ease and there was no need to stay up any longer. I had seen the value in winning and losing, and if that was too much for Duke to understand, than he'd soon learn from his own loss. But for now, I wanted to go cuddle with my wife and have pleasant dreams of TV Title bliss. Thad Duke's fake reign would survive for one more day. Hopefully he enjoys it. Because it's almost over.

June 2019 XWF Superstar of the Month
2019 Relentless Fishing Contest Winner
1x XWF World Heavyweight Champion
1x bWo World Heavyweight Champion [despite what Miss Furry or James J. Dildo says]
1x NWF World Heavyweight Champion
2x XWF Xtreme Champion [current]
2x XWF TV Champion
1x XWF Internet Champion
1x NWF World Tag Team Champion (w/Slim)
1x NWF Xtreme Champion
1x NLCW Slamfest Champion
1x LCW Hardcore Champion
3x WWF X-Division Champion
1x WWF World Tag Team Champion (w/Seth Flash)
1x WWF Dark Champion
1x WWF TV Champion
1x EGW Fury Champion
3x XWF Federweight Champion
4x XWF Heavymetalweight Champion
1x 420* Cruiserweight Champion
2x CMW Hardcore Champion
1x XHW T.V. Champion
1x WXC Hardcore Champion
1x XPW U.S. Champion
1x WLFC Tag Team Champion w/Chance
1x WWC T.V. Champion
1x WWC European Champion
1x WWF 24/7Hardcore Champion
2x WLFC 24/7 Hardcore Champion

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