(Centurion hasn’t exactly been receptive to the things that may be considered the “occult”. Spells, horoscopes, fortunes – these things all seemed like phony cash grabs to him. None of it was real, and was just a way to scam middle aged white women into spending money to make up for their lack of happiness.
Centurion has found himself in a bit of a dilemma lately. He is teaming with Lux, who he respects and considers a huge star, but he is facing his Apex Prophecy team mates this week. With all the turmoil that has gone on in Centurion’s life, and all the people he has wronged in the past, the feelings of betrayal are swirling in his mind. While this may be all junk science, it’s at least worth a chance, according to Centurion.
We open up in the dark room in the back of one of those new age hippie shops. There, we see Centurion sitting at a table. At the other side of the table is a woman – a masculine looking woman in a suit. Her appearance is not one you would normally associate with this kind of racket. Her outfit is sensible, not over the top, and her eyes are warm and welcoming.
Centurion relaxes. He was expecting a lady with a cultural inappropriate turban and gawdy jewelry that is meant to distract you.)
Centurion: Clarity, Miss Lee.
Lee: Hmm…don’t we all.
(Miss Lee reaches below her and pulls out a pack if matches. She lights two candles on either side of the table before blowing out the flame. She puts both of her hands on top of the table.)
Lee: Hold my hands.
(Centurion does as told, placing his hands on top of hers. She closes her eyes for a second, taking in a deep breath, before opening her eyes again.)
Lee: Tell me, what is causing you to not have clarity? Where is your mind?
Centurion: I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life. Mistakes that have lead me to turn my back on people that I love. I’m afraid, if I keep going down the path I’m heading, I will do the same. Problem is, I have other people who are relying on me. I feel like, no matter what I do, I am screwed.
Lee: First thing’s first. You have to seek forgiveness.
Centurion: I’m already doing that…
Lee: No, there’s someone you’re missing.
(Centurion stops and thinks for a second. Who could she be talking about? Allison? Nellie? Centurion is in the process of reaching out to both of them, in hope of repairing his relationship with them. Raven and Main? Are they that upset about Centurion joining the tag title tournament and he just doesn’t know it? Thoughts rattle around in his brain – who could she possible be referring to?)
Centurion: I don’t understand. I have been trying to reach out to everyone I know I hurt. Who am I missing?
(Miss Lee closes her eyes again and takes a deep breath. There is silence for a few seconds before she opens her eyes again.)
Lee: I’m seeing an old friend. A partner, even. I’m seeing Japan. I’m seeing a hammer.
(Partner? Japan? Hammer? All of these things are so cryptic. They don’t seem to have anything in common. Perhaps this all was some big waste of time and money, like he originally knew it was…
-------Flashback. October 22, 2012------
Quote: Centurion and Miyoko Kawashima stare each other down, when finally Centurion can be heard saying "let's do this." Centurion and Miyoko begin wildly throwing punches at each other, as the crowd goes wild. Centurion, still feeling the effects of his match, gets backed into the ropes, and Miyoko closelines him over the top rope. Centurion starts to crawl under the ring as Miyoko looks out into the crowd, who cheers her on. Miyoko steps out of the ring and drags Centurion out from under the ring...
...who nails her with a hammer! The crowd boos as Miyoko falls into the side of the cell, busted open from the hammer shot by Centurion. WGWF officials run out from the back, trying to get the cell up as Centurion begins to stomp away at a helpless Miyoko. Centurion grabs Miyoko by the hair and tosses her back into the ring.
------Present Day------
(Centurion’s eyes dart open and his pupils dilate.)
Centurion: (whispers) Miyoko…
Lee: Yes, Miyoko. You hurt her, and you’ve yet to move on from it.
(Centurion closes his eyes again as he lowers his head, remembering his former tag team partner. The two of them never accomplished what they wanted to achieve – the XWF Tag Team Championships – but not only did Miyoko’s partnership breath a new life into the stale career of Centurion at that point, but she was the one who introduced Centurion to Tomoko Hanahara, his most successful tag team partner. Centurion also remembers the last few times he had seen Miyoko. Following this encounter, the two faced each other in a wrestling match, where Centurion went above and beyond the rules and standards of a pro wrestling match. He hurt her, bad, and he hasn’t seen her since. This was just one example of the many relationships Centurion had shattered over the years, but perhaps it is the worst example of how badly Centurion had burned his bridges.)
Centurion: What do I do? I don’t even know how to get a hold of her. I don’t even know if she’s still alive.
Lee: The answers you seek are out there. You just have to work harder. The more you unravel about your life, the more you begin to learn. Healing requires more than just your conscience mind being able to understand what’s going on. Your subconscious mind also needs to heal, or else it will hold on to trauma for the rest of your life.
(Trauma? Healing? This psychological stuff wasn’t something Centurion expected to deal with. He was hoping to say a few things, smoke a little peyote, and hope to forget everything, Now he’s talking about deep wounds and bearing his soul to a woman whom he doubts has her psychology degree.)
Lee: Ask yourself this question – this match you have coming up, against your friends…do you really think they will take it personally?
(Match? Centurion didn’t mention anything about a match.)
Centurion: How did you know…
Lee: You came to me, seeking advice and clarity based on my gifts, and you’re surprised to hear you didn’t make a mistake? The world is filled with things and people you may not understand. Back to my question – do you really think your friends will take it personally?
Centurion: I…I don’t know. They haven’t said anything to me, except for their usual jokes.
Lee: It appears to me as if the pain of your past is stopping you from seeing things clearly. If these are your friends, and I mean, truly your friends, they will understand, and they will not hold it against you, regardless of the outcome. You need to remind yourself that you are more than the mistakes you have made. Trust yourself to make good decisions, and trust your friends to have your back through it all.
------Some Of Them Want To Abuse You------
I want to get something out of the way right off the bat – fuck you, James Raven! I stood behind your self righteous bullshit for a really long time, but you crossed the line now! I don’t know if our friendship can ever be repaired following those words you spoke…
…how DARE you insult Crystal Pepsi!
Yeah, I get it, it wasn’t the brown sludge soda that everyone is used to, but if you got past that, you’d notice that it was actually a tasty beverage. It maintained all the good qualities of regular Pepsi, while making it a little more crisp, and didn’t leave as much of an aftertaste. It’s literally perfect!
You soda snobs are all the same. “Crystal Pepsi is bad.” “Orange vanilla Coke is bad.” Just shut your mouth and admit you don’t know what you’re talking about. We should be applauding soda companies for putting a new spin on old classics. It keeps them honest, and keeps the market fresh. I bet you’re also the kind of person who hates Jones Soda, you sick bastard.
Fuck New Coke, though, that was disgusting.
Though, I will also say to James and Robert that you get what you deserve. You didn’t invite me to the fair? Fine, be happy with the shiity food you were given. See, if you would have taken me with you, I could have shown you all the tricks and treats of “Fair Food.” I’m an expert when it comes to fairs, so I know what to get and what to avoid. Don’t buy 10 pieces of pizza. I know it’s an easy go to because it’s safe and reliable, but all you’re doing is overpaying for greasy cardboard. Now hot sausage, that’s a good go to, especially if you find one of those Italian trucks where the cook speaks very little English. I usually don’t eat hot Italian sausage, but I will at a fair. Also, make sure you save room for deserts – deep fried Reese’s Cups are the new hotness, but they may be a bit filling for someone trying to watch their figure, especially if you’re looking at hitting the gym later that day. Milkshakes are always a good go to, especially if you go to a fair in a rural county. I went to the Wayne County Fair in Pennsylvania this year, and let me tell you – the dairy there is top notch.
…what the hell am I talking about?
Oh, right, I have a wrestling match this week, with both the tag team and the Universal titles at steak. And yet, here I am, talking about Crystal Pepsi and milkshakes. What does that say?
Well, one, it says if I wasn’t a pro wrestler who hit the gym every day, I’d be a fat bastard, and likely have my foot sawed off due to diabetes. The other thing it says, though, is that I really don’t have anything bad to say about Robert Main and James Raven. Like, at all.
Two weeks ago, I faced Ned Kaye, who I also consider a friend, but I was at least able to point out his relative inexperience and talk about how I’m a legend and he’s not. I can KIND of do that with Robert Main – he hasn’t been here that long, and he isn’t in the Hall of Legends – but those words would soundly awfully false when they’re being lobbed against one of the longest reigning Universal Champions of all time. And James has been kicking ass across several eras. Saying anything bad about him would not only be a lie, but I would never get laid again.
Fact: Bitches love James Raven.
Don’t mistake my lack of negative comments about my opponents for a lack of confidence, however. Just because I’m standing across the ring from two of the best in the business, doesn’t mean I automatically think I’m going to lose. In fact, when I signed up for this tournament, I knew there would be a chance that I would face my brothers in arms. I wouldn’t have signed up for something thinking I’m going to lose.
I will say, though, that I am mad at the XWF for having this “random draw” occur in the first round, and on a random episode of Savage. This is some dream match level stuff, and we’re going to give it away for free? This should have been the finals. It should be main eventing Relentless. Instead, one of these two teams is going to be knocked out of the tournament. Then what? You’re going to justify giving a high profile pay per view spot to Fuzz and Noah Jackson? Or Sarah Lacklan and Kenzi Gray?
Those are the only two teams I’m going to mention because they’re the only two teams who are actually worth a shit, and one of THOSE teams will be knocked out this week, as well. Seriously, XWF, you guys need to do a better job at setting up tournaments. I know you wanted to do a “random draw” in order to “make things fair”, but the last time I checked, you are in the business of making money, and you can’t tell me you think you can make money off the Sugay Sisters or Famine Of The Vile.
Not to mention, this could be my crowning achievement in the industry. 18 years in the XWF, and finally I could be crowned Universal Champion. You want that to happen on free TV? People from around the world would throw money at their TVs in order to watch that moment. You’d get several million pay per view buys if you promoted that. Instead, fans are going to have to watch my shining moment, immediately followed by a re-run of Duck Dynasty.
I shouldn’t be worried about such thing. Whatever horrible decisions management wants to make is up to them. I have to focus on the task at hand, and that is to become a double champion, and to go on one of the hottest streaks of my career. Think about it – one day prior to the XX reunion show, I have the chance to become the tag team and Universal Champion. There isn’t anyone else booked on that show that can say the same thing. All that talent, all these returning superstars, all taking pot shots at me, and yet I’m the one who is still battling the best of the best, while the rest of them are booking a tee time at the golf course in their retirement village.
You know how I know I’m a threat? You know how I know I have a chance to win this match? Look at the people talking trash about me. When I first decided to come back, I mainly had low level talent and dudes on their way out looking to get one signature victory over a legend that they thought they could beat. Now? Now I have Shane openly recruiting Sebastian Duke, whom I’m told was among the best during his era, to try and beat me down before our match. I see folks, both current stars and returning stars, making snide comments about me, or outright challenging me to a match. They no longer see me as some aging legend – they see me as one of the top guys in the XWF, and they want to knock me down now before I get to the top.
I didn’t know where my life would take me when I decided to come back. I didn’t know if it would be for one match or for several. I didn’t know if I would be fighting newer talent in opening matches or aging legends. I do know where I fit now – at the top, and those at the top deserve the opportunity to prove it. James Raven and Robert Main are the two top guys around here – I DESERVE the chance to test my skills against them. It isn’t a hate thing. It isn’t an ego thing. It’s a competitive thing. Iron sharpens iron. The best want to fight the best.
So I say this to James and Robert – while I hope you don’t take this match personally, I do hope you take it with caution. I hope you’re preparing yourselves like you would for any other opponent. Because I’m going to be ready. And I’m going to come at it with all I’ve got. And at the end of the day, despite being friends, and despite being brothers, I will walk out with the Universal and the Tag Team Titles, and you two will be the ones that will meet your…
XWF Record - 214-100-9
XWF All Time Wins Record Holder
Official XWF Legend
3x XWF Anarchy Champion
3x XWF World Champion
8x XWF Canadian Champion (Record for most Canadian Title reigns)
1x XWF Hart Champion
6x XWF X-Treme Champion
5x XWF Tag Team Champion
2x XWF United States Champion
Inaugural XWF IDL Champion
1x XWF King of Anarchy
1x XWF King of Massacre
1x XWF Stable Champion
XWF Star Of The Month - May 2007
XWF Star Of The Month - July 2009
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2019
XWF Star Of The Month - December 2021
XWF Holiday Battle Royal Winner - 2007