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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Sitting Down, But NEVER Shutting Up
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B.O.B. D Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

06-17-2019, 07:20 PM Music  Sitting Down, But NEVER Shutting Up -->

Arenas sure do look different when they're not filled with thousands of screaming fans. It was rare that I'd come to any show hours before the doors opened, but this was a special exception. I hadn't appeared at any TV show in weeks, nor did I compete at any Live Events. The fans didn't want to appreciate me or all the years my career knocked off of my life, so I wasn't gonna give them the satisfaction of booing me until I proved to them their hate was all misplaced. And that moment was approaching fast.

The whole reason I WAS here was to do a final sit-down interview with Steve Sayors, in the center of the ring before the event. He was already awaiting me there, with a camera crew and an open chair. I walked down the aisle towards him, again taking in the aura of the mostly empty building. It was an odd feeling entering the ring without any music or fans, almost in a humbling way. Though the circumstances were different, I couldn't help but think back to the beginnings of my career when I was nothing more than a faceless guy without music, just showing up to collect a paycheck. Sometimes it still felt that way, despite everything I'd done.

"Big D, so glad you were willing to join me," Steve Sayors greeted me with a handshake.

"Thanks, Steve," I reciprocated, before sitting in my chair. "How's your new phone treating you?"

"It's not as good as the one you broke," he responded, disappointment in his face. "But it's better than not having a phone at all."

"Well, maybe once I'm Champion I'll be able to afford to replace it with one of those fancy Sarah Lacklan ones," I promised with a chuckle.


Steve's lack of a response showed he had no faith of that happening. It would've been one thing had he thought this due to not believing I WOULD do that, but I sensed his doubt came from him not believing I would become Champion. Luckily they didn't pay him for predictions, much like Donovan Blackwater, otherwise both men would be out of a job post-Warfare.

"Steve, I'd like to start this interview off with a story, if you don't mind," I stated, getting a go ahead nod from Sayors. "When I was a young boy, I used to browse through wrestling title histories. I'd go to a certain Championship and just spend hours clicking on a person's name and reading about their reign, who they beat for the belt, and who they eventually lost it to. I learned alot by doing this, finding out who were the true Champions of an organization, and who the one hit wonders were...."

"Are you trying to imply Robert Main is a one hit wonder?" Steve questioned.

"No," I answered with a head shake. "I am." I paused for a second, thinking about my only World Title reign and how I never got to be the pinnacle of a company since. "Winning the NWF World Heavyweight Championship was the greatest moment of my career, hands down. But as great as it was, it wasn't enough. A measly one month as Champion doesn't prove to the world you're the very best, it makes them doubt you ever deserved to be there in the first place. I went from people telling me I would never hold the gold, to them claiming I got lucky when I DID get it. And here I am, once again, facing the same adversity I have since my career began. But no matter what they say, I'm here to stay, so they better get used to it because after Wednesday I'm gonna be a multi-time World Champion and no-one will be able to argue otherwise."

"You sound awfully confident," Sayors interjected, looking a bit surprised. "Is it at all possible your confidence is a mask to hide any doubt YOU may have?"

"There is no mask, Steve," I said grasping at the skin on my face. "I know Robert Main is convinced I don't truly believe in myself, but the guy's also convinced I do steroids....." I lifted my shirt up to show the lack of abs and the semi-manboobs I had. "As you can see, he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. If there's ANYONE with some doubt, it's Main."

"Does this have anything to do with your recent discovery of how the Champ won his Title?" Steve asked, leaning forward as if he were some high school bitch waiting for the latest scoop of gossip.

"That might have something to do with it," I snarked.

"Alot of people would argue that even though he won the belt in a questionable way, it's hard to deny he's proven himself a credible Champion since," Steve responded in defense of Main.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," I boomed as I tossed my hands in the air in disbelief. "Steve, first off, had he NOT done what he did, the rest of Robert's reign wouldn't even exist. Had Main just been a real man and shaken the Engineer's hand, then beaten him on another night, might be sitting here PRAISING him."

I sighed, knowing it did no good to talk about the way he won the belt. This was getting a little frustrating, but I had to keep my cool. There was no way I was gonna lose my head and end up being a new Facebook meme like R. Kelly. Instead, I calmed myself and played Steve's little game.

"Okay, let's ignore the circumstances of HOW Robert Main became Universal Champion," I explained. "When I first arrived here, I didn't see Main around much. Sure he competed at times, but for someone who criticized ME for wanting a break from one of the TWO shows I compete on, he certainly wasn't appearing on more shows HIMSELF. And then there's the matter of his Ned Kaye match........"

"Which, to your credit, others backstage also had a problem with," Steve interrupted me, but considering it was to prove my point, I wasn't mad.

"Exactly," I continued. "Robert Main could've chosen ANYBODY to defend his title against, but he chose someone he KNEW he not only COULD beat, but WOULD beat for sure. Keep in mind, this is the man who REPRESENTS THE COMPANY!!! When given the choice to fight anyone he wanted, why didn't he face the Engineer in a legit rematch?!?!"

"Maybe the Engineer wouldn't have accepted the match," Steve played devil's advocate.

"It's very possible," I agreed. "But Main still could've CHALLENGED him. At that point, if the Engineer declines to accept, then HE'S the one who looks like a coward and Robert Main is off the hook. At least he tried to show the world he actually IS better than the man he robbed of the belt, but instead he chose to take the easy way out, just like he HAD to do to even BECOME Champion."

"Some fair points," Steve replied. "But that's just ONE Title Defense, it's not like everyone else he's clashed with was his decision. Hell, one of the men he beat actually has a win over YOU."

"Let me tell you something, Steve," I stated, ready to defend myself. "I've looked through the Universal Title History and, quite frankly, I'm not impressed with most of the previous holders of the belt. Guys like Scully, Peter Gilmour, and Robbie Bourbon were considered the best XWF had to offer. Robbie fucking Bourbon?!?! That guy looks like a generic wrestler you'd find in the Dollar Tree for crying out loud! If you're telling me guys like that we're getting thrown to Robert Main, then his entire reign is just as much of a sham as the moment it began!"

"You conveniently avoided talking about his former opponent you LOST to," Steve pointed out in an attempt to poke the bear. It was a failed attempt, though, as I had no shame about it.

"I was gonna get to it," I snapped. "I did lose to Griffin McAllister and I wish I hadn't. The record books will forever show an L next to my name, but the truth is it wasn't me who McAllister defeated, it was the Grappling God. And while I won't deny I should've done better in that match, I was doing exactly what Robert Main is doing now: I overlooked my opponent. I thought McAllister was just some nobody and I was thrown off guard which allowed him to capitalize. Not an excuse, just the facts. He walked away victorious and I did not. I would gladly face him again but you know, much like people named Genie Tate and EDWARD, we haven't seen much of him since that win over me; and yet here I am."

"And yet here you are," Sayors repeated with a nod, seemingly impressed by my explanation.

It felt nice knowing someone could see things from my perspective, but considering it was Steve Sayors, it didn't REALLY mean much.

"Big D, is there anything the Champion does that actually IMPRESSES you?" Steve Sayors asked. "I know he hasn't been too kind with his words of you and Donovan, but maybe you could be the bigger man?"

"There actually is," I answered while nodding my head. "I'm pretty impressed with his hypocrisy."

Steve Sayors face palmed at my response, but it didn't stop me from continuing.

"The last time we heard from Robert Main, he had ALOT to say about Donovan Blackwater, like how he has to resort to made up stories and name calling. I think this is funny coming from the guy who accused me of juicing and continues to use dick jokes as a substitute for my name. I mean, it's not even original and doing it when you've tried calling someone else for something similar only makes YOU look stupid....."

"You're really getting tired of the jokes about your name, huh?" Steve inquired with a grin.

"No, Steve, it's not even that," I retorted. "It's more about the fact Main doesn't seem to have a clue what the fuck he's talking about! The dick jokes have never bothered me, I've been called much worse, and he's just constantly reusing it with a different word each time. You can cook shit in different dishes, but at the end of the day it's just a different version of the same old shit! No, this is about much more. When you have a Champion saying he'll never make a false claim, days after he just MADE a false claim, it's a problem. When that same guy talks about how he's tired of hearing about mine and Donovan's history, but then uses his own as a platform to defend how amazing he is, IT'S A PROBLEM. He wants to know if my promos are the best I've got?!?! They're not, the best has yet to come. My absolute best is gonna happen at Warfare, when I'm locked inside that Cell and the talking is over! It won't matter that Robert Main has only had 4 losses in 3 years, just like it won't matter that my win/loss ratio is around 50%; all that does is the result of our match! And come Warfare, Main and Blackwater will see that the past isn't what's gonna define me, it'll be that very moment when I'm walking away with Main's Championship after giving him that 5th loss. No games, no shit talk, just an embarrassment at the hands of a real opponent. And that ain't no story, it's the Cold Big D Truth!"

My rant got me hyped up as I rose from my chair, knocking it down behind me. Feeling good about the interview, I turned to exit the ring.

"Big D?" Steve said, stopping me in my tracks. "Do you not have anything to say about Donovan Blackwater?"

I stood there for a moment, thinking about the third wheel in the showdown of my lifetime. After a moment reminiscing about the only promo Donovan had done up to this point, I turned to Steve and responded.

"I don't give a shit about Blackwater," I spat out in disgust. "Robert's right in talking down about HIM, I mean, the guy criticized me for not finishing in my War Games match, and then bragged about how he lasted second to last. Someone like that who also think they have superpowers need serious help. Maybe I'll knock some sense into him Wednesday, but something tells me I'll just kill off whatever brain cells he has left....."

"And that's the Cold Big D Truth?" Steve asked, quoting the catchphrase I'd used throughout my entire career, no matter how stupid everyone thought it to be.

"Bet on it," I replied before leaving the ring.

Robert Main talked about how I reached my ceiling and not to break through it, but I knew it was actually MAIN who had hit his own ceiling. He may have walked into XWF and made a name for himself, but it was obvious the company had started off with Kid Kool level talent and become better as time went on. Just because he was the best at the time didn't mean someone wasn't gonna come along and raise the bar he was happy sitting at. That person had finally come along and his name was Big D.

June 2019 XWF Superstar of the Month
2019 Relentless Fishing Contest Winner
1x XWF World Heavyweight Champion
1x bWo World Heavyweight Champion [despite what Miss Furry or James J. Dildo says]
1x NWF World Heavyweight Champion
2x XWF Xtreme Champion [current]
2x XWF TV Champion
1x XWF Internet Champion
1x NWF World Tag Team Champion (w/Slim)
1x NWF Xtreme Champion
1x NLCW Slamfest Champion
1x LCW Hardcore Champion
3x WWF X-Division Champion
1x WWF World Tag Team Champion (w/Seth Flash)
1x WWF Dark Champion
1x WWF TV Champion
1x EGW Fury Champion
3x XWF Federweight Champion
4x XWF Heavymetalweight Champion
1x 420* Cruiserweight Champion
2x CMW Hardcore Champion
1x XHW T.V. Champion
1x WXC Hardcore Champion
1x XPW U.S. Champion
1x WLFC Tag Team Champion w/Chance
1x WWC T.V. Champion
1x WWC European Champion
1x WWF 24/7Hardcore Champion
2x WLFC 24/7 Hardcore Champion

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