05-28-2019, 12:00 AM
We learned in order for Mastermind to move forward in his fledgling Wrestling career he needed to stop getting injured in particular getting concussed. It was also because of all the egis of the veteren wrestlers in the NZWC. They couldn't handle a young upstart last Mastermind climbing the ranks so fast. To Mastermind it felt like those Veterans had signed a pact to retire him early.
Instead he felt he needed to go offshore to learn in particular Australia and Japan. He headed to Australia first where he started training under Australia's iconic wrestler, Outback Jack.
It was he who discovered that in order to moce forward with his life and prove a success in the Wrestling industry, he needed to work on his past which meant finding ways to deal with his drunk father issues.
And now the continuation:
"What can you remember about the night before?" asked David McKay, the 'mental' therapist
Mastermind looked at the space in front of him and saw images of nuns with kids!
"Dad was called in to the hospital because something was going on with mum. Next minute, nuns arrived, and took me, my brother, and sister out for tea."
"Wow it's not every day people have meals with nuns," said David semi smiling "What did you have to eat?"
"Fish and chips,"
"Ah the great Kiwi past time, having fast food when there's not much time,"
"It was then that I felt deep down in my gut, that something was wrong."
"So what happened next?"
"After we finished eating, the nuns took us home, got us changed, and put us to bed. I don't know when they left because I must have conked out quick."
David nodded. He knew that the next few minutes was going to be hard..... heck everything up to now had been hard.
"Okay, so then you woke up in the morning, can you tell me what happened next? Tell me as slow as you can,"
Mastermind swallowed hard "It's as if it was only yesterday that it happened, I can always remember so vividly....."
Friday 5th August
Cobden, Greymouth
West Coast
South Island
New Zealand
It felt like a normal school day when I woke up. I quickly got showered and changed into my school uniform.
I tried waking my brother, he's not a morning person, but he still had to get up and go to school. Then I went down stairs to have breakfast.
I was just preparing my weetbix, when Dad walked into the room.
"There's no school today, you can get out of that uniform and go back to bed. There'll be a family meeting in half an hour."
I looked at Dad "Don't be daft Dad, it's Friday, it's not the weekend yet," is all I can remember saying.
"I told you there's NO SCHOOL today, now go upstairs and get OUT OF YOUR UNIFORM... NOW."
I stood there looking at my father..... it felt like I was defying him. I had never felt like that before or again ever. I think it was at that defying time that HE CHOSE to make me the bad person. Then it just came out, without me realising it.
"Give me one damn reason why I'm not going to school?"
The fire that I saw enter his eyes after I said that was like nothing I had ever seen or would see again. When my father got angry because we misbehaved we either stayed put and took our punishment or we ran and the punishment would be much harder. 95 percent of the time we always chose to stay put.
But the fire that I saw in Dad's eyes made me wanna run, but because I stood there still feeling defiant, I chose not to run.
What he said next, he said calmly, which he had every right not to be at that stage, hit me like a tonne of bricks.
"Because your mother has died......"
For the next few seconds that just repeated itself, over and over....
"Because your mother has died....
"Your mother has died....."
"Mother has died....."
"Has died......"
I remember blinking, putting my bowl of weetbix on the counter, tirning around and walking off. It just felt like I was in a haze.
The next thing I remember was, looking out of my bedroom window, seeing my best friend walking past. He always picked me up on the way to school everyday. In fact he use to stay with us as his father was always hitting him.
Anyway, I opened the window and shouted: "Hey, wait there I'm coming now."
He stopped and yelled back "No you have to stay home, your mum has died."
Dad must have rung him and his family. They only lived just down the road.
I shouted back.... "No I'm coming,"
BACK IN 1997
Mastermind looked out the window.
"I remember running down the stairs, grabbef my bag, and joined my friend and we headed to school. After that, things were a huge blur, for quite a while afterwards."
"It"s called being in shock," David stated "Even though you weren't you were clearly in shock."
Mastermind just nodded. He looked back down at the dirt.
"I didn't even go to her funeral. I refused to go. Only my sister went. They left my younger brother at home with me. Apparantly I didn't know that."
"Maybe they thought it best for him to stay home as well," said David
Mastermind just nodded. David tried to keep him talking.
"With all the family around, can you remember what your father was like?"
"Having family around helped him out of the situation of being a parent. Whenever my aunties were in town, especially my godmother, they use to take over, even when Mum was alive. I didn't mind they were fun."
"So what happened when they eventually left?"
"The memories got too much for Dad to handle. He didn't start drinking until we moved further south to a plsce called Alexandra. In Central South Island. Central Otago. Hot in Summers like here in Aussie, and very cold in Winters. It always snowed."
"How long after your mother did your Dad decide it was time to move?"
"Within a year, we were all packed up and moved to a new location, we never made it to her commiseration year. We were in Alex around May, June."
"So it was on your father," started David "who gave up virtually having a support system to help with three children, to basically go out of his comfort zone and be further out of the way. It was if he knew he was giving up himself."
"He started drinking not too long after we arrived in Alex," offered Mastermind
"Which clearly suggests that he tried drinking away the pain and the memories. He needed to forget."
"Well that's when it started..... the verbal attacks," said Mastermind looking back down at the dirt.
The camera fades in to the cabin of Mastermind's private jet as he heads from Russia back to Australasia for his next match in less than 2 weeks. His Wednesday Night Warfare match against newcomer Samuel MacPherson.
He looks worn out after managing to finish in the last four of just his second ever WAR GAMES match. But the fact still remained he was 2 losses from 2 attempts.
He was the final two for Team Notorious, standing tall with his team captain Notorious Ned Kaye until he was eliminated by the Queen of the XWF, Sarah Lacklan with help from his former team mate from his first War Games, and now the owner of the XWF, Loverboy Vinnie Lane.
He shook his head at the memory of what just happened, drank a glass of water, and finally looked into the camera.
"So finally War Games is over for another year and we can move on from a team event I detest so very, very much. Although our team was strong this year. But in saying that, it was one of the strongest in 2014 but we still lost. Anyway I'm over it, and just want to move on,"
Mastermind grabbed an open file that was in front of him and looked back at the camera.
"Moving on, so my next opponent at the next Wednesday Night Warfare, also participated at War Games but in another match. His name is Samuel MacPherson.
"I must say leading up to War Games, Samuel, you made me sit up and take notice with your promo. Not many people manage to make me do that, sit up and take notice. Ned did, Lacklan did, and Lux did when they all first arrived in the XWF. But you did it just before War Games.
"And how you did was sheer bluster. I expected the same amount of energy in your match, but you couldn't stand up to any of your stronger opponents, you tried but you failed. And you were the very first one eliminated, how embarrassing is that after a great initial bluster to get yourself out there.
"So do you know what that tells me, Samuel? It tells me you have too much wind. Your all bluster but not enough action, and that means you are mine for the taking whether you like it or not.
"To me War Games showed your weakness and that will continue into Warfare. You better watch out because I'll be ending my three match losing streak with a win against you and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. You can try but I will be the one standing tall. You can bet on that. Talk to you again soon."
Mastermind starts smirking as the camera fades out.
Overall - 64 Wins 107 Losses 8 Technicals 2 Draws 1 No Contest
Comeback Record - 4 Wins 5 Losses
8th Year Record - 2024 - 4 Wins 5 Losses
7th Year Record 2023 - 5 Wins 16 Losses
6th Year Record 2022 - 5 Wins 8 Losses 1 Draw
5th Year Record 2020 - 7 Wins 12 Losses 1 No Contest
4th Year Record 2019 - 12 Wins 1 Draw 21 Losses
3rd Year Record 2018 - 6 Wins 2 Losses
2nd Year Record 2015 - 1 Wins 9 Losses 2 Technical
1st Year Record 2014 - 24 Wins 34 Losses 6 Technicals
February 2020 Star of The Month
November 2014 Star Of The Month
Former 2x XWF Television Champion
Former XWF Thursday Night Anarchy Champion - 2022 - 1 Successful Defence
Former Three Time X-Treme Champion
Former Two Time Ark of the Covenant Champion
Lost in the 1st Round of the Woodstock Open - Wrestlestock 2019
Semi Finalist in the XWF King of the Ring 2020
50TH CAREER WIN vs TOMMY WISH - Wednesday Night Warfare - 2ND SEPTEMBER 2020
100TH CAREER LOSS vs BOB D - Weekend Warfare - 12TH AUGUST 2023
Check out my page for victories and losses
![[Image: misfits.png]](https://i.ibb.co/3RwJgMK/misfits.png)
![[Image: Misfits2.png]](https://i.postimg.cc/bN0QGzpq/Misfits2.png)