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If only 35% didn't suck too
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Dolly Waters Offline

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

03-30-2019, 10:49 PM

Ya know...

It damn near didn't mean enough fer' me to comment any further because contrary to something GameGirl said in her first promo while riding her moral stallion and boring everyone to death with episode one-hundred of:

'Random XWF Character wanders around Disney when a show is in Florida' (something I've yet to do, but would certainly do it better if I ever decided to be so grossly generic)

But GameGirl said that I was just lucky that management even let me into this tournament. Insinuating that I hurt their feelings I guess. But basically Dolly Waters should be counting her lucky stars. I should have been oh so honored to participate in another random tournament to crown another cheap ass way to win the Universal Title that ANYONE could have participated in.

Well, fer' everything GameGirl knows, she knew the moment that she uttered those words that she was full of dogshit, and that was one of her first few sentences. Let's be fucking real fer' a second, if we're gunna' play these *games*, she goddamn well knows that by the time I threw my hat in the ring, management was all but BEGGING fer' participants for the March Madness tournament. Hell if I'm not mistaken, it's also the only reason she jumped in as well.

But admitting something like that though and leaving her whole little 'Dolly is a desperate piece of shit' angle she decided to run through in three sub-par sounding promos in her bag would have left her with nothing to talk about. Because honestly, she's trash. Flat out. That's why the bitch had to jump the gun and start hollering-about trying to discredit my career because it just didn't sit with her well that Lacklan and Lux couldn't stop praising me as the perceived favorite to beat her.

That's why she decided to press pause on her lame ass video game that no one finds entertaining and just start cutting promos, because she hasn't the effort or the talent required to keep up any semblance of a required pace to be anything other than fucked. She's an unimaginative slug-uva-geek's idea of something cool who finds photoshopping nineteen-ninety-five back to life a good substitute for the fundamentals of this entire THING we do.

It makes her feel icky to know that other talented competitors are compelled to point-out that I'm talented, while in opposite breathes, bashing her over the head fer' being bland. But through it all, and even though I've left her choking on her own hypocrisies like she's an embarrassed and undressed rendering in some sad anime porn game, only excitable to fat slobs jerking off in their mothers' basements', I felt I'd be remiss to at least not leave some flowers at her grave before tomorrow night. She's earned it y'all.


Well it just stays the same fer' me I guess.

See I'm not some uniquely educated corpse being inhabited by an even more educated spirit of an assassin. I'm not some drab lead of a video game that no one ever heard of, or a rich lesbian vampire who wrestles. That's what not-a-one of you idiots can quite figure out either. Fer' all of Lux and Lacklan being overly fixated on figuring out and trying to diagnose who I am, it's really pretty simple. I'm Dolly Waters. A simple little hick girl who found herself thrown into a most unfitting world fer' her in the XWF... and that's what pisses people like GameGirl off the most.

I don't and never had to be flexing the four flimsy walls of reality to remain relevant. I never had to claim to have special powers, or special insight into certain subjects to widen the proverbial eyes of the audience.

GameGirl powers up to thirty-five percent and, again, says the exact same crap she already said. Over and over and over and OVER again. Only in the most recent iteration though she started claiming that I was jacking her promo style. AWE! That's so goddamn darling it makes me just want to hurl with a reversed connotation about flattery and imitation. Bitch! Trust me! I want to be nothing like you- you cowardly, deflective little cunt.

A goddamn genius who knows that Peter Gilmour not winning a match means that he won a match.

A desperate little bitch who scrambles to say anything they can to prove that they're not entirely out of their league.

An OH-SO-ORIGINAL gaff of an existence who get's green-lighted to say something funny by yours truly, then turns around copies the entire history of limp wristed insults on southerners that was somehow less humorous than a Jeff Foxworthy standup routine.

But see, it wasn't just all of that garbage that proved you suck GameGirl. It wasn't you flailing around like a newborn baby who doesn't know how to latch on a nipple that proved that yer' totally incompetent, needing Mama Waters to keep holding yer' hand.

It was when you decided to attack me with a puny line of shit that no one outside of a few random folks would even know what yer' talking about. Scrambling, hoping to god that these little not-so-subtle jabs would get you over with the folks who knew or know anything about what yer' saying. That's all you thought you had, and really, it was fucking weak.

Do you think Lax or Luckland gave the faintest of fucks about what you said about SEE making me an offer to jump ship? You may as well had been smearing hieroglyphs on yer' fourth wall of fallacy with bat-shit like the primitive fuck that you are when you started blathering about begging management to sound some certain way or whatever in the fuck.

SEE, here's the thing, you never really had anything to attack me with you twit, I ripped apart every single one of yer' feeble little attacks so you had to resort to hoping that the little clique of folks who would judge something so prepubescent as the proverbial 'ish' might find yer' words worthy of a slow golf clap. Sorry fer' catching you SO off guard though.

GameGirl shoves an energizer bunny up her ass, powers up, and vomits redundancy fer' the whole world to see- and what she'll never admit is that she knows deep down that if I REALLY wanted to, I would snip her AC adapter and leave her relegated to a free download on the PlayStation Network.

I'm better than you GameGirl…

Sux and Lesland knew it...

Luca knew it...

[Image: 3V3J4ai.png]

And you knew it when you started getting all obtusely obese cocksuckerish on us.

If I really wanted to, I'd come out tomorrow night and leave in a fit of fucked that you'd chalk up as glitching out fer' an excuse in a couple of years when you show up here again and start calling people unworthy.

But again, just to shit all over yer' entire argument, I never gave a fuck about winning this tournament. I don't hold myself in this regard that you have programmed in yer' dialect fer' Dolly Waters. I just happen to fuck around and do more than you will ever... EVER do if I so fucking please.

Neither of us deserve to win this thing, and that's a fact, and most likely, neither of us will win. I don't deserve to win because I have a vested interest in seeing someone else win, but you?

You don't deserve to win because... well, everything you do?

[Image: mOOKZr.gif]

eat shit.
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