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CBS Sports Exclusive: Centurion's Return To XWF CONFIRMED?!
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Centurion Offline
Active in XWF

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(has an old school wrestling mentality; no nonsense; less appealing to some younger fans)

03-13-2019, 06:12 AM

We come in during a live broadcast of Taz and the Moose, a syndicated radio show for CBS Sports, with co-hosts Taz and Marc Malusis.

Malusis: Alright, we're going to go over to you for this one, because this is right up your alley.

Taz: Yeah, this is really cool. This started as a rumor last night, and has picked up a ton of steam since. So apparently, Centurion, who started wrestling before ECW died, if you can believe it or not, is looking at making a comeback in the XWF. On the line, we have someone who can shed some light on this - long time manager Walter Crowe. Walter, good to hear from you man!

Walter (over the phone): Good to speak with you, Taz.

Taz: So what's this all about. Is Centurion going back to the XWF?

Walter: We're in the process of making a deal. As of right now, we have a date and we have an opponent. All we're waiting on is for the XWF to finalize the paperwork with the correct amount of money, and we'll be good to go.

Taz: So, were the rumors true? Is it end of March, and is it Jack Nation?

Walter: Yes, what we're looking at now is March 31st, the next pay per view in the XWF's schedule, and Jack Nation is the opponent, correct.

Taz: Why now and why Jack Nation?

Walter: Well, there's a lot of questions that Centurion is going to answer when it's time for him to answer them. What I can tell you is that Jack Nation is said to be retiring, and this was Centurion's idea.

Malusis: Walter, Moose here. Is Centurion even going to be ready? He hasn't wrestled in years, right?

Walter: His last match was in 2014.

Malusis: So five years, that's a long time in that business.

Walter: This isn't the first time Centurion has come back from an extended hiatus. Physically, he's better than he's been in years. His back is in good shape, he's mended a lot of the wear and tear you accumulate throughout a long career.

Taz: We're looking forward to it, and tell Andy, whenever he decides to start talking, to come on our show.

Walter: Will do. Thanks, gentlemen.

The sound of Walter hanging up is heard.

Taz: Wow. There you go. Centurion back in the ring, March 31.

Malusis: Does it make you feel like getting back in there yourself?

Taz: Let's not get carried away here.(laughs)

Malusis: (laughs) Alright, well coming up next, do the off season moves make the Cleveland Browns a playoff contender? We discuss it next.

[Image: UdLSPlv.png]
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