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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
When duty calls.
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Heironeous Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Super Face

(always cheered; has massive following; almost never cheats)

06-04-2013, 01:11 PM

The scene opens with Heironeous staring right at the camera. His face is painted slightly red with anger and frustration being the tools the artist used.

"What have I heard from everyone? Nothing, nothing but idol jabbering. Must I continue to invoke passion in the very blood of those who are around me?"

The Paladin paces around for a few moments mouthing and closing his mouth a few times trying to pick the right words.

"People have been questioning my very name. Heironeous. What is it? Why does he pick it? What do you all care about my name? Seriously people don't you have anything better to come up with?"

Begins to pace again and starts to punch the wall behind him.

"JEG er lyset. JEG er godheten det vill utrenskning du alle med det gi avskjed av Heironeous! Du skal alle falle." Taking a few deep breaths he seems to calm down a little. "Du ikke gjør det vite hva slags mann JEG er! Du ikke gjør det oppfatte mannen JEG det kan tenkes. Din dumme kommentarer bare sprett av meg hud like den ville en skjerme. JEG er beskyttet av loven det ynde av alle det er fint og rettferdighet!"

Taking a few moments to compose himself slowly dropping his head.

"Janitor, Slick Rick and Brian Campbell. I will show you. I will enlighten you. With every drop of your blood will increase the very depth of your soul. I do this merely for your own good. Do not hate me for the pain I inflict, it is for your own good.

Your insults mean nothing.
I am the Paladin of light and virtue.
My faith is unwavering.
I am the Grace of Heironeous.
No matter how good you are you shall not beat me.
For I am the Natural Twenty."

With these party words the camera very slowly fades out.

(OOC, on a side note I am not Norwegian, so I have no idea if it translated how I hoped.)

Successfully held a Wildcard Briefcase to Wildcard Weekend.
W3 / L2 Streak - 3W
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