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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Wild Wednesday Warfare!
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MrVyper Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Heel w/ Cult Following

(the heel you love to love; does whatever they want)

06-04-2013, 05:52 AM

(ooc: all I'll say to reader is you'll never have seen anything like it haha.)

[Image: xwf-headerPurp.jpg]

“It’s quite scary, and really upsetting. He used to be out and about but every time I knock on his door or ring his phone he never answers. He just sits in his room, fighting with.. himself.. it’s quite mad really..” the man buzzed in an odd fashion. His face was slightly blurred but you could make out his dark spiky hair and what looked like a pair of shades leaning on the top of his forehead. The camera then transitioned into a picture of Zayne Vyper looking angry during a match whilst a voice over reads.

“A ‘close friend’ of Zayne Vypers opinion on his current state.”[

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTA9uwKHGYf6X8IMbILSAU...wCpHSR5AIg]

“He’s been acting differently, he seems more sinister. I’ve never noticed the red glint before until someone spilt a drink over him at a party the other day, and he flipped. He seemed possessed, for days after her just spent time in his gym in the basement. He’s losing it.” The picture was just of a black silhouette as the person was obviously scared of Zayne seeking retribution. Again the captain read over:

“An anonymous source who did not want to be named due to fear of reprisal attacks.”

[Image: 20091013tu-man-silhouette-head-black-white.jpg]
The camera then returned to the studio where the News Reporter was sat smirking smugly at the camera with his pearly white teeth stinging the eyes of the viewers. He ruffled his sheets of paper and cleared his throat.

“So if you missed any of that, Zayne Vypers condition is still unknown after a mad turn of events occurring after the wrestling promotion Xtreme Wrestling Federation’s weekly show Monday Night Madness. Zayne still hasn’t contacted media but is scheduled to face Peter Gilmour on the 5th June in a Wild Card match. More news on that as it comes in, and in other news...”

The television set that had been playing the news report smashed stopping it abruptly. The red leering eyes of Zayne Vyper set in stone on the television set. His usual sparkling white teeth had rotted a little and been gnawed away. His untamed, unshaved beard and sideburns sprouted from every orifice on his head bar his sinister devil-esc eyes.

He reached up with his broken and bloody right hand and wiped some crap out of his beard and laughed. The television remained knocked over and smashed on the floor. Zayne was leant back against a sofa sat on the floor, his knees aloft in the air with his arms wrapped around them in quite an odd fashion. His head was tilted instead of vertical and he frothed a little from the mouth.

They don’t know my state of mind...
Not even I know my state of mind....
Are my demons really my demons...
Are my angels really my angels...?!

“They want to know what my state of mind is...
It’s never been better. .I’ve never felt so.. so.. empowered.
I feel like I am at the top of my physical conditioning, my mental conditioning..
I need none. Me and my demons fought, we fought a mighty battle, a long strenuous battle.
Neither of us were going to win, it was self destruct or come to a truce.. so we did.
Me and my demons, we negotiated and we came to terms. I shall let them have partial control.
For the power.. for that power I seek. You know the power everybody lacks, every single damn World Leader lacks this skill. I possess. Nobody can put a name to it. Names are not important, success, dominance, POWER.. that is what is important. POWER. If you have power you have EVERYTHING...”

“You need to feed me Zayne... Feed me Zayne... Peter Gilmour will quench the thirst for now but if it is power you seek. You must feed me victories, feed me Gold. Feed me success and the power you desire shall be yours Zayne. It shall be all yours Zayne. ALL YOURS. Imagine it Zayne. Me and you, you and the POWER forever. If you do not understand Zayne it is very simple. You must and you WILL destroy, dominate, decimate, decapitate.. you will Zayne. Peter won’t know what’s coming Zayne. The Wild Card match is just the beginning Zayne, me and you can have lots of time together. We can take out and remove Dean McGovern and take out Peter Gilmour all in one week. Think about it.. you only slightly used me the other night, what could you do with all the power. Feed me the hatred, embrace it Zayne, EMBRACE THE HATRED ZAYNE.”

The frothing Zayne Vyper seems locked in a trance in his own mind. His eyes twitch open then shut, and his head bounces relentlessly. All he can see is those flashing colours. The battle in his mind, the fight he is desperate to end and get rid of. His life flashing before his eyes, his very own birth right to his first day at school right to his first MMA fight. Before waking up in his room, breathing heavily, the birds chirp loudly outside and the sudden change of light stings Zayne eyes before he rubs them and throws the quilt back over him. After this short affair is over, he reflects on his dream the previous night.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTPIXz_BmZFZs6o41mWLYy...o6RneufBsA]
“The third this week... damn. I’ve got to go to the Doctors. There has got to be something in this.”

His eyes were red raw and was still shaky getting to his feet, he checked his teeth in the mirror to see whether they were fangs and checked his eyes and they were back to their usual normal state. This mad trip/experience/dream had taught Zayne a lesson. Use the freakin’ doctors if your paying for it anyway!

[Image: 11038946450a12997168457l.jpg]

"The leader of the egotistical society, the prosecutor of the weak, leader of the great."
I am, "The Serpent"

Match Record
Win| Loss | Draw

5 | 2 | 0
Match Record:

Warfare: defeated Frost & SVD via High&Dry
Shove It: defeated Intemporaliter Scelestus w/ Swift Ion
High Stakes: defeated Dean Moxley via High&Dry
High Stakes: defeated by The Crimson Knights via escaping the cage.
Warfare: defeated Kristen Silver via Lights Out
Madness: defeated Danny Danger & Jonathyn Davydson via High and Dry.
Warfare: defeated by Peter Gilmour via pin-fall.
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(06-05-2013), Unknown Soldier (06-05-2013)

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