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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Reaction to the six-man tag team match from The Janitor's Closet
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TheJanitor Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Raging Face

(heavily cheered BECAUSE they'll break rules & bones)

06-04-2013, 05:49 AM

The camera focuses into a silhouetted figure slowly mopping the floor. The faint sound of a dripping tap can be heard echoing around the dingy, damp Janitor's Closet.

"Y'know, it's funny. When I was last in front of these cameras, I promised that I would level the playing field for guys like me, guys that weren't handed anything. When I got the opportunity to start making some changes to this company, this industry, damn it this society, there's no-one who could stand in my way. Colton Stewart - the former MMA fighter - couldn't even get him dumb ass to the plane on time, maybe he's had too many blows to the head. Looks like you learn more mopping floors than you do getting greased up and hugging guys in an 'octagon'.

"At least Rick Jones showed up to get his ass kicked, but I got a lot of respect for that guy. We had a battle last week in Kansas City, a few times I thought I had him beat, but he's one tough S.O.B. But now matter how tough they are, getting dropped on your head is a bitch.

*Still mopping the floor*

"Now I don't play nice with others. I've never been considered a "people person". So when I hear I gotta team up with Rick in a six-man tag team match, I didn't exactly enjoy hearing the news. I came back here and thought about it. Now I'm OK with it. I figure the more arrogant, cock-sure showoffs I get to bring down a peg or two the better. I might have to carry this kid, Brian Campbell, but I'm used to mopping up after the young ones pee their pants.

"Now as far as Tony Santos and Jason E. Smith go I don't know much about them. But I know a spoilt little rich boy when I see one. If Tony Santos gets in the way of me doing what I came out to do, flipping around the arena, showing off and acting like a damn fool, I'll give him a scar over the other eye so he's got a matching set. And what the hell does Heironeous mean any way? Sounds like a detergent.

"As far as our "Special Guest" referee goes. I don't care about what happened between him and that Witasick kid. What I do know is I respect the hell out of him for kickin' ass for this country... But if he tries to screw my team over, he'll learn, like everyone else...

"...LIFE..... ISN'T...... FAIR."
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(06-05-2013), #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick (06-04-2013), Elisha (06-06-2013), Mr. Radio (06-11-2013), Unknown Soldier (06-05-2013), Wallace Witasick (06-04-2013)

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