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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

01-29-2019, 06:44 PM


Griffin I want you to comprehend something before I move forward. I want you to understand that I don’t despise you in anyway shape or forum. I don’t even dislike you a little bit, honestly its quite the opposite. You seem like a forthright man, a man I could relish a bottle of exquisite bourbon with and smoke a few cigars shooting the shit. Maybe when this is all said and done we can do just what I said. But until then you and I have business we need to discuss. Now I don’t want you to take the things that I am saying personally. But when someone challenges me for what is mine I take it too the heart. It’s kind of like dogs pissing on trees. I’ve marked mine and here you come pissing all over the place. I don’t blame you for stepping up and taking this shot, but you’ll regret it in the long run!

Whether you foresaw this championship opportunity or not is beside the point, you're here, you signed on the dotted line..... You can denounce management all you’d like in the end all you had to say was no. But you chose the ladder, didn’t you? That’s got to mean something right? Or am I just misguided? Am I seeing the glass half full here? It’s perplexing to have a man say one thing yet do another. Now, most of the Champions around here are quick to tell the world how much they are willing to go through to keep their Championship around their waist. I won’t do the same here today. I am a different breed of person. So those of you listening or even watching this transmission rest assured: “The Omega” will not bore you. Those type of cheap theatrics is for men like Chris Chaos!

I will ask however what are you willing to do Griffin to attain my Championship from me? Tell me just how far are you willing to push that line in the sand past the point of no return? I guess we’ll find out how much gumption you really have here in a day or so. This is my third defense since winning the holy grail. I’m something you rarely see in the world today. Maybe you’ll get a guy like me every once and a blue moon. I’m a man willing to brawl and do it week in and week out. There have been many men that have called themselves a fighting Champion, few have ever lived up to those expectations. Since winning the Universal Championship I’ve Obtained One half of the Tag Team Championships with my brother from another mother , I’ve become a triple slam.. Oh, and did I mention I was December 2018 superstar of the month also?

So, back to my question from earlier just what are you going to do to slow down this runaway train? What rabbit are you going to try and pull out of a hat that no other man or woman has tried? There isn’t a damn thing you can do besides take the loss on the chin and keep on keeping on. I mean hell I’ve only been pinned to the canvas.

The murky room was like a place out of time, a location to decompression without consequence. The blackness was a sanctuary for Robert, a haven a place to rejuvenate and overlook the world and everything in it. He needed that significance of stepping out of the madness even if it was just for a little while. The gloominess hung heavy in the still air as Robert stepped forward revealing himself to the camera. His silhouette is the only thing that can be seen other than the twenty pounds of gold hanging over each shoulder. Robert holds his hand up as he begins counting his fingers. Then holds his hand up showing only two fingers.

Twice! Twice in nearly three years Griffin and that man that pinned me down to the canvas for three seconds, three seconds, he stole, is no longer with us. Tell me what are you going to do to put “The Omega” down for three seconds and acquire what I HAVE EARNED? Griffin, if I wholeheartedly hand an answer right now I’d give it to you, so you had a fighting chance against me come Warfare. One thing you said took me by surprise, and I sat and thought long and hard about it realizing you just didn’t know what you were talking about. Well, let me rephrase that. You didn’t seem to know just who you were talking about. If you think that I am a showboat running down to the ring to make a name for myself, you honestly haven’t been paying attention over the past three years. I’ve got every moniker a man could ever ask for!

It’s just a dick move man, dick move. Griffin, unless you have been hiding underneath a rock someplace you’d already know about Robert “The Omega” Main. You’d known I made a name for myself a long ass time ago I've certified my point more times than I could ever be able to count. The amount of times "The Omega" has served up a huge helping of humble pie is a beautiful thing. But seeing how you are playing armchair quarterback, let me tell you just why I am a household name. Let's go down memory lane for a moment. Longest reigning Hart Champion in XWF history, countless superstar of the month awards, winning War Games, conquering Leap of Faith, current Universal Champion and one half of the current Tag Team Champions to boot. Need I say anymore?

So, do us all a favor and spare us from the bull shit. I don't need to make a name for myself I've been doing that by decimating guys like yourself. You are nothing more than a Johnny come lately, flavor of the month! Fifteen minutes of fame, tell me, Griffin, what have you done lately? You do your best work underground. This business is a what have you done for me lately business and Griffin you haven’t done a god damn thing. You don’t even deserve this match. Maybe management just wants me to wipe the shit stain out for good.. Don't worry though you'll make the records books whether you like it or not. Your name will be in there as one of the many I eradicated along the way becoming the longest reigning Universal Champion in XWF history.

Robert pauses cracking his neck. There was something in the gloom that was like insurance a guarantee or even a vow. It was a room as a canvas rather than accomplished art. Robert clears his voice continuing.

Griffin I'm not like the other men and women in this company, I take this shit seriously. I don’t show up every now and then. I’m here year-round! When I set out to do something I do it right. I'll never take a shortcut, or cheat the fucking system screwing the next guy. I do what I say and say what I’ll do, and I have proven that over the past three years of wrestling for this company. When I say I'll be in the record books as the longest reigning Universal Champion you can rest assured I damn well mean it! For some clutching the brass ring is just enough, they want to be able to say that they were Champion, me I'm a fucking trendsetter, I'm a maverick! I want to keep stacking the bodies as high as I can, exchanging blows until a higher quality man comes along and takes me to a place I've never been.

When that day comes there will be no sneak attack from behind like a bitch boy either. You won’t catch me lurking around trying to find the first set of ears that will listen to how I was screwed. No! I'll get up after gazing up at the arena lights like a man hand this person the Universal Championship look them dead in their eyes and shake their fucking hand. I'll take it on the chin step to the back of the line and start the entire process over again. That's who I am.

Robert moves closer to the camera revealing his majestic beard and pearly white teeth revealing sadistic sneer

That man I just spoke of, that annihilator won't be you, Griffin.

Robert waves his index finger

What I am building is my legacy because one day when the fans are no longer screaming my name and my body is broken down to the point where I won't be able to lace my boots! When that day comes, and it will come, I want to be recognized as one of the finest that step foot inside of a ring. That belt I carry around over my shoulder is nothing more than a symbol showing everyone how boundless I truly am. It's a Beacon of hope for those who believe they can become something greater than average. This isn't about shiny trinkets or fan adoration for me. It's about being something greater, what I'm reminisced about, it's about what those I've slain tell their grandchildren the tale of Robert “The Omega” Main. I want to be the face they flashed back to when the reaper comes calling their name. I will be the greatest to ever live it, inside or outside the ring!

For me Griffin it's about being the premier compared to no others this is what I strive for, this is what makes Robert Main tick. Envy keeps me awake at night while some chase mementos, I hunt something for a greater. I’m pursuing dominance, superiority, grandeur is what I seek. Everything else that comes along with it "the glitz and glamour" is just a by-product. While you might not prowl for glory Griffin or the glimmering trinkets you spoke of. I do! The fact remains the Universal Championship is on the line, my legacy is up for grabs. And whether you like to admit it or not you want to be the one to bring down the ship. Just think of the headlines, taking me down will you shoot you in the superstardom you've never seen.

Just think about it the man who doesn't give a shit just took down Robert Main. But to take down an icon you must do more than just hope it into reality. Every person I have ever come across has dreamt the very same goal. Walloping me puts a sizable feather in your cap and opens doors to brighter beginnings and vast paydays. The issue is I never displace feathers or open doors. I'm the one and always have been the one to bring this company out of the darkness and back into the light. So, looks no further Griffin for that drubbing because I'm going to hand out an ass whipping you'll never forget. You claim that we are not cut from the same cloth and you are very correct Griffin! You'd have to show your face and wrestle more than once in a great while and be a winner to be cut from this cloth.

Robert adjust both Championships

Oh, and that little comment about busting skulls for the sake of busting skulls. Look around, I've been cracking skulls for the sake of it many times over difference between you and me. I've always had something to lose in the process. My eye has always been on my next accomplishment not on the next thrashing. Here you are playing checkers and I’m playing chess! Get it together! I don't believe in the pie in the sky theory you suggested. I don't need or want any consideration, I'm not Chris Chaos! Griffin, in your eyes I might be this wrestling megastar, this God among men, but in my eyes, I'm just Robert Main, the nobody from Las Vegas who has everything to prove. Once you believe you are mightier than thou bad things start to happen. There is a long list of men and women who have done just this. Look when it got them.. Wanting more! You lose focus on reality, on the things that matter it’s all she wrote. The fat lady sings loud and clear! Sure I see illustriousness but I'll never acknowledge or buy into the fact that I am great.

Robert pats the Universal Championship then looks to his half of the Tag Team Championships .

Griffin, you talked a big game spreading false narratives with that manure spreader of yours. Hard-bitten tough talk reassuring me a squabble unlike I have ever seen before. To this I say bring all that aggression, I want you to ball those two fists up as tight as you can, white-knuckle. Then I want you to walk to the center of the ring and get nose-to-nose and throw down. Let's see who falls first. I've heard all this before and not one time has any man or woman delivered on their promises. Assurances are a funny thing, no one ever remembers the guarantees that are made they only remember the promise that was broken. Griffin, I'll make you break your pledges when you talk tail and run.

You'll show me nothing I haven't seen before. Even the mighty Engineer could not keep me down with his sick and twisted mind, and you want me to believe you are more demented than him. I'm sorry Griffin but I don't believe you. All I hear is a man crying wolf, blowing smoke, writing a check his ass cannot cash. No matter how this plays out Griffin you will fall to my sword. I smell like smoke because I've been through the fire. You have nothing to threaten me with. When I'm done with you, Griffin it will be you who remembers me not the other way around.

Suddenly the light in the room comes on revealing Robert in the food pantry of his hotel suite, Robert quickly shields his eyes as Drew grabs a box a Captain Crunch. Drew stands in the doorway placing a hand full of cereal into his mouth

Damn it Drew! I was in the middle of something!

Sorry Bobby, I didn’t know you were in the middle of brooding. I got hungry!

Drew shuts the pantry door leaving Robert with the light on. Robert leers around for a moment grabbing a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. He then shrugs at the camera flipping the light off.

:::::End Transmission:::::

[Image: giphy.gif]

:::::Continued From Party On Main:::::

In the lobby, Robert asked for the name given to him in the package from the mobsters that had visited him and Drew in their hotel suite. Robert was sitting on an imitation leather sofa, hazily dumbfounded why so few people were coming and going. The teller area was so quiet, and you could hear a mouse piss on cotton. Robert began tapping his rattle snakeskin cowboy boots on the white marble floor, he watched the three elevators to one side, above the teller station, a row of clocks showing the times in every major world city around the globe. Across from Robert, there were cushy chairs, in the back-ground light music and smooth light from above. Robert again looked towards the tellers, still utterly soulless.

What the hell is going on here? I know this is a mob ran bank but Jesus this place is dead!

A man in a brown suit approached Robert leisurely. The bank was still dead silent as his large brown dress shoes made a rhythmical noise against the marble floor. The man had a swagger of someone you didn’t want to cross or even lock eyes with for that matter. Robert stands as the man stops just to his left. He extends his hand shaking Robert’s. In a very tense moment the two squeeze each other’s hand seeing if either one would pull away, neither man makes a move. Beneath his piercing brows are as direct as Robert expected, not even blinking as much as the average person. Then from the shadows of the elevator comes three more just like him.

What the fuck is this?

Check um!

Robert is slammed up against the wall by three larger men. They begin checking him for weapons but find nothing more than his cell phone and a metal flask filled with bourbon. The three men release Robert still holding his flask. The way Robert’s eyes squinted when he glared at the three men made each of them take a step back. His eyes flashed with displeasure seeing his flask in one of their hands. Robert snatches his flask from the man’s hand placing it back into his back pocket pointing at him.

[Image: z3hvfxC.png]

Don’t ever touch my bourbon or ever play grab ass with me again!

Mr. Main it’s just a precaution you can never be too sure nowadays. Seeing how we have been under attack from a man no one has ever seen or heard from. Well, besides you and your friend! You’ve seen Locksley haven’t you? Might I ask what did he look like?

What did he look like? If I knew I would tell you. It was dark, and the guy was wearing a mask. I will say this, he was as fast as lighting and had the reflexes of a cat. He had a large build and seemed strong as hell. That’s all I know. He could be anyone. That’s why I don’t really see why it is necessary for me to be here. How am I going to stop a guy from hitting a bank when I don’t even know what he looks like?

Robert you are the closest thing that we have. Not to mention, you must! Or you know we kill you and Drew for stealing from us! Now let’s go upstairs and watch the security feed. If you see anything that might catch your eye just say the word. We’ve got armed people all over the building posing as customers!

So, is this a public bank?

It is..

Why is it so dead right now?

Early morning hours Mr. Main.. Business generally picks up towards the end of the day.

Tell me what could be so important here in a bank besides money. This place is run by the mob. What could Locksley take that could cripple your origination?

Robert, organized crime has changed over the years. We used to invest in legitimate businesses and through those, we had a base of operation where we could launder money, drug trafficking, weapons dealing, prostitution, smuggling, counterfeiting and robbery. We’ve always favored unregulated or cash-based businesses. But nowadays those things have changed everything is digital, stored on hard drives and computers. Wipe one of those clean and guess what were broke! But cash is not what Locksley is after. That would be a secondary prize to wipe us clean. Here we have our main server and through that, he could find out where we are storing our nuclear weapons we plan to sell next month!

[Image: 8zYWNqK.png]

Robert stops dead in his tracks shocked

What do you mean nuclear weapons! You guys can’t be serious! You want me to stop a guy who is trying to stop you from selling nuclear weapons! This is immoral. Why not just lock the place down and move the server? Seems logical am I right?

The man pulls his pistol sticking it into Robert’s stomach

Robert, don’t get any bright ideas. You’ll do what we tell you! Or you can wear a pair of cement shoes! Capeesh!?!

:::::To Be Continued:::::

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[Image: nLYNvyj.png] x2
[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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