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Saturday Night Savage 01/19/19
Author Message
Atticus Gold Offline
Gold is the New Black
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

01-19-2019, 04:49 PM

[Image: MMIM1Rv.png]


Pyro goes off as the camera passes the roaring crowd. Once again the raucous energy is interrupted by Vivaldi's Il Gardellino in D; but some of the crowd sing along with the tune; Atticus walks out with a kind smile and laughs while his theme goes quiet. He raises the microphone to his mouth.

"Ladies and gentleman I am Atticus Black and welcome once again to Saturday Night Savage!"

The crowd pops.

"We have a good show for you all tonight and I will try my best to deliver you quality shows week in and week out. We have the talent to do so. So without further ado, let's get this show started! Ladies and gentleman, we are XWF and this is Saturday Night Savage!"

Hugh Callidus
- vs -
Sebasstian Dyke

Player's Choice!
Each wrestler will name a stip for the match in their FIRST promo
The stip will be chosen by XWF staff

Another Brick In The Wall plays as Hugh Callidus walks out to the stage to a chorus of boos. Hugh walks down to the ring with a confident swagger as the crowd continues to voice their disdain. Hugh walks the steps and wipes his feet on the apron before entering the ring.

If I was invisible blast throughout the arena as Sebasstian Dyke walks down to the ring sulking like a little girl.


As the bell sounds, Dyke darts off from his corner and rushes towards Hugh. Taking him by surprise, Dyke leaps into the air with a splash but misses as Hugh moves out of the way. Dyke crashes into the corner and bounces off the turnbuckle a few steps. Hugh then lunges forward and knocks him to the canvas with a clothesline. Dyke quickly gets up from the mat but gets attacked with punches to the back as Hugh goes on the assault. Grabbing Dyke by the back of the head, Hugh throws him to the opposite corner. Dyke slams into the turnbuckle back first and then gets greeted with a superkick to the chops.

Hugh then kicks Dyke in the chest and follows up with a double palm thrust to the chest. Dyke slams against the turnbuckle again. Defenseless, Hugh attacks him with a series of punches and kicks, slowly wearing him down into a seated position. Hugh backs away from the corner and waves his arms in the air, getting the crowd behind him. Hugh then turns his attention back to Dyke and runs at him, hitting him in the face with a running dropkick.

Hugh gets up and grabs Dyke by the head, pulling him up as well. He then lifts Dyke into the air and drops him in the center of the ring with a vertical suplex. Quickly popping up to his feet, Hugh runs to the corner and ascends the turnbuckle. He stands at the top and looks over the crowd as he raises his arms in the air, working up the crowd. Hugh then leaps from the top rope with a diving headbutt splash and connects with Dyke, before rolling off and grabbing Dyke’s leg. Hugh locks in Harsh Lesson Taught Well (single leg Boston crab) and Dyke waste little time tapping out!



Dyke stroms up to Hugh, getting nose to nose in an effort to intimidate.


Hugh can’t help but smile, wondering if this guy is for real.


Hugh motions to the referee to restart the match. Dyke smiles and tosses the microphone out of the ring.


Dyke begins taunting Hugh, he points to her chin, offering Hugh a free hit. Hugh cautiously approaches Dyke. Dyke leans forward, sticking his chin out and tapping it ever so lightly as if to say, put it there champ. Hugh rears back and throws a nasty right hook, but Dyke leans back and dodges the blow. With Hugh off balance, Dyke easily connects with a skull crushing big boot! Hugh sputters and crawls away. Dyke grabs Hugh and hammers down with a few clubbing forearms. He then drags Hugh to his feet and lifts him over his head in a gorilla press. Dyke charges the ropes and launches Hugh to the concrete floor below! Dyke tries to exit the ring, but Hugh looks hurt and the referee stops Dyke in his tracks. The ref and Dyke argue for a moment, but ultimately Dyke backs off. The ref walks to the opposite side of the ring and leans out to talk to the ring announcer. Suddenly, Hugh springs to life. He grabs a metal folding chair and slides into the ring! Dyke sees him coming through, and throws up his guard. Hugh stands there with the chair, keeping on eye on the official and the other on Dyke. Dyke motions for him to BRING IT! Not fearing the weapon in hand. Hugh snarls and gears of to advance when suddenly he smashes the chair on the mat and quickly tosses it to Dyke before dropping to the mat. Dyke catches the chair and stands there looking confused as the referee turns around to see what looks like the aftermath of a vicious attack. The official angrily calls for the bell.


A rage comes over Dyke as he tightens his grip on the chair and rushes for Hugh. Hugh quickly rolls out of the ring as Dyke swings and hits nothing but canvas. Hugh laughs at Dyke as he points to his head signifying that the smarter man just won.

- vs -
Justin Sayn

Drezdin is like a machine. As soon as the bell rings he begins to walk forward. The much smaller Sayne tries to back him into the corner with a flurry of punches and kicks, but they seem to have no effect on the big man. Drezdin takes a few of these, then karate chops Sayne on the top of the head. The much smaller superstar crumbles.

Drezdin picks him up and throws him like a rag doll into the corner. Drezdin walks over and boots Sayne in the face. Sayne crumbles in the corner. Drezdin, showing a mean streak, puts a boot to the chest/throat of Sayne and holds it until the ref gets to 5, breaks it, then puts it back again until the ref gets the 5 and breaks it up.

Pulling Sayne out of the corner, Drezdin sets him up for a DDT!






A dominating win for the big man!

Winner: Drezdin

Tommy Wish
- vs -
Dax Harris
- vs -

Triple Threat
If Harris still has the HMW Title, the championship is on the line

Dax and Random start in the ring wearing red shirts from Star Trek for some reason.

Wicked by Korn plays. After the drums play, once WICKED is shouted on the X-Tron, we see Tommy walking down to the ring in a leather jacket and he high fives some fans. He then slides into the ring and takes off his jacket tosses it to the floor. He then leans on the corner as he waits for this opponent as the theme cuts off.

Tommy Wish seems strangely confident and the fans begin to chant his name; a wave of determination and energy washes over him as he stares at his opponents. The ref calls for the bell and the match is underway; Dax sprints as fast as he can towards Tommy who just raises a fist and lets Dax run into it; a gush of blood pours from Dax's mouth as some teeth fall to the mat. Harris is down clutching his jaw and kicking his feet on the canvas.

Random just sits in the corner and sulks but Tommy ain't having none of that shit and steps over Dax's body and moves towards Random; Wish grabs Random and pulls him away from the corner. He nails Random with an uppercut, Random falls to a knee and Wish combos into an enziguri. Random is down and Tommy finishes his onslaught with a jumping elbow drop to Random's sternum.

The crowd chant "Fuck em up Tommy, Fuck em up!" and Wish is more than happy to oblige. Dax stumbles to his feet, blood pouring from his mouth and wobbles towards Wish; Harris throws a weak punch which Tommy simply steps aside from; Dax throws another but the jab weakly slides past Wish's arm and Dax collapses against Tommy. Wish chuckles and grabs Dax before lifting him high into the air. J-BOMB!!!

Wish throws Harris down to the mat with a hard as fuck powerbomb and Harris lands directly on his neck and begins to spasm. Wish lifts his arm to the crowd who cheer him on, one fan throws a steel chair towards Tommy who catches it with zero effort. The crowd chant and stomp their feet Tommy smacks the chair on the canvas egging Random to get to his feet, he slowly does and Tommy knocks the shit out of him with a steel chair to the head. The crash echoes throughout the arena and Random flops to the mat and throws up.

Tommy looks at the bent metal in his hand and throws it aside, he sees that both his opponents eyes are still open and decides to end things with authority. He grabs Dax in a headlock and moves towards Random with Harris still in the hold, he then grabs Random in a headlock too.


Somehow Tommy does this and it's looks dope! Wish smiles and places a hand on each of his oppoents chests, the ref starts the count!






The bell sounds and for the first time in a long time, Wish gets the admiration he deserves from the fans with a decisive victory!

Winner - Tommy Wish

Donovan Blackwater
- vs -
Dolly Waters

Xtreme Rules

The bell rings and the two circle, Blackwater smirking at Waters who had the crowd behind her. The fans seems to be really anticipating this matchup.

Finally they circle ends and Blackwater grabs at Dolly, who slides under his legs and shoves him from behind. He runs into the ropes but catches himself. Turning around he runs immediately into a running kick from Dolly, which sends him over the ropes and to the mat below.

Blackwater is slow getting back to his feet, but when he does--using the apron for support--Dolly runs and hits him with a baseball slide, shooting him back first into the barricade oh the outside. Dolly, now with a full head of steam, bounces off the far ropes and goes diving over the top and crashes into Blackwater on the outside. The crowd "ooohhhsss" as they both hit the barricade hard, making a loud thump noise.

Both are slow to get to their feet but the younger and more nimble waters gets up first. She has a mean streak in her eye as she picks up Blackwater. He fights out of it, and hits her with an uppercut to stumble her back, then rams her head off the ring post to buy himself some time. Blackwater rolls back into the ring and waits for Dolly, as she gets up slowly, running her hand along a small cut on her forehead.

Rolling back into the ring, Donnovan immediately begins to stomp on her. Needing to gain momentum early on, he stomps once more then picks her up by the hair, tossing her over his shoulder and back first hard onto the mat. With a wicked grin he gets down on a knee, grabbing Dolly's arms and putting a knee into her back, pulling her arms back. The young girl winces, in clear pain, as one of the Brothers Blackwater continues to try to work her over. He pulls on her arms tighter, eliciting a small scream, but the resilient girl begins to twist out of the hold. She spins around and is able to hit a knee to his gut and tries to break the hold completely but he holds on and twists her into a DDT!

Blackwater covers!



Dolly gets a shoulder up!

Donnovan slaps the mat. He walks over to the turnbuckle and begins to take the padding off.

Once the turnbuckle is exposed he grabs a now wobbly Dolly and whips her towards it, but she reverses and shoves him towards the turnbuckle. He catches himself on either side of the ropes around it, but she drop kicks him in the back and his head bounces of the exposed metal. Blackwater stumbles back, his head bleeding now, and Dolly rolls him up!




Dolly, frustrated, wants to end this. She slides out of the ring and up to the top rope. She is going to put Blackwater away. He sees this and reaches out, grapping the ropes and shaking, causing Dolly to fall off balance and land upside down in the perfect position for the tree of woe!

Blackwater rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair. Slamming it shut, he slides into the ring and makes it known to everyone that he plans to use it on the young Ms. Waters.

He slaps the chair once then gets ready to charge. As he does, Dolly slides out of the way. He stops himself and turns around...........


Blackwater is out!

Dolly hooks the leg




She did it! Dolly survived!

She wipes blood off her forehead and lip and holds her hand up in victory as her music hits.

Winner: Dolly Waters

Vita Valenteen
- vs -
Dillinger D'Marco


"Ode to the End" hits the speakers and the lights momentarily dim as a hush covers the audience. Suddenly, a single blue spotlight shines down on the stage entrance and Dillinger emerges as a bright blast of cerulean and azure explosions greet him from either side of the stage. The audience reacts with extreme love and hate towards Dillinger's appearance yet he pays them no mind as he strides down the ramp, eyes locked straight forward and the single blue spotlight following him on his journey to the ring. He climbs the steel steps and enters the squared circle, turning his attention to the crowd while a smirk slowly slides across his face and the lights return to normal. This causes another exuberant rise of mixed feelings as Dillinger takes his position and awaits the fight.

Hit me with your best shot by Pat Benatar plays, Vita Valenteen bounces onto the apron and walks down the ramp with her titles on her shoulders. She enters the ring and poses with her titles and hands them to the ref.

As the bell rung, D’Marco and Vita circle around the ring, beaming at one another. They lock up, and D’Marco pushes her up the corner. He strangles her throat until he broke it up by three, and gets a cheap shot to Vita’s face. D’Marco takes Vita out of the corner, and Irish Whips her to the ropes and lands a Running Big Boot, and covers her.



Vita kicks out at 1 1/2, and D’Marco lifts her by her hair and tosses her across the ring. D’Marco starts taunting to the fans who boo him, but Vita gets on her feet and starts waling on his back with a flurry of punches, but D’Marco turns around grabs her by the throat. Vita nails D’Marco in the jaw a few times until he breaks the hold, and she Irish Whips him to the ropes. She connects with a Dropkick. Vita keeps on stomping on his gut, and she goes to the apron.

The fans start to clap as she waits for D’Marco to get up. She launches herself on the Springboard to hit Eat Defeat. She grabs D’Marco by the head but cuts off her momentum. He eye rakes her and gives her an Inverted Suplex. Then he locks in a Sleeperhold with a modified Body Scissors. The ref lifts her arm up twice until she raised her fist up; as she tries to break the hold. She ended up slamming D’Marco on his back, and she goes to the top rope. D’Marco turns his back and shit hits a Top Rope Bulldog and goes for the cover…




D’Marco kicksout but 2 ¾ , D’Marco rises on his feet and he grabs her arm and Short Arm Clothesline her. He does it again, and again until she ducks the third Clothesline and Pele Kicks D’Marco which made him stagger. She Kick’s him in the gut, and hits a Facebuster on D’Marco. Vita then circles around the ring, and D’Marco slowly rises to his feet. D’Marco gets in rage mode, and Knee Strikes her. He the locks in a Boston Crab tight, as Vita gets near the bottom rope. As she holds it, D’Marco refuses to let go, and gets counted to four by the ref. He breaks the hold and drags her near the corner.

He goes to the outside, and he grabs her left knee. Then we see him smashing her left knee on the pole. He does it few times until he climbed back in the ring. He drags her by the hair to the middle of the ring and lifts her up, is about to hit the Final Coffin Nail, but she reverses it into her own and spikes him with it. She then slowly goes to cover him...




Winner: Vita Valentine

The X-Tron lights up, and the lights go dim.

[Image: 4Hx6Glc.gif]

The room was dingy, dark, paint chipped, and seemed to be damp. The walls had water stains on them. There looked like there could be mold speckled across the concrete surface.

...some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

[Image: oRmh8cf.gif]

A child's voice say's "I SEE YOU" before the rabbit on the screen goes up in flames.

A voice can be heard from the back of the room.

It's Chaos.


Oh Robert.....

Nothing much has changed, has it? Still the overzealous has been who gets gifted the richest prize in the game and walks around like he did anything to earn it. Glad to know that, despite all the change on this roster, the old bullshit hasn't budged.

You have eyes, Robert, you can see it. This roster is anorexic right now, it is hemorrhaging of talent with the only real "talent" having a promo hide and seek game. Right now, when you look around your kingdom, you see it is faltering. There is nobody on this roster that is worth a squirt of piss when it comes to that strap, so for once you feel like you don't have to look over your shoulder.

You couldn't be more wrong.

Robert Main, the alpha, the OMEGA, the scared little boy holding on to his final shredded scraps of dignity. You just can't leave well enough alone, can you? You just can't put that ego aside and continue to roll over a roster of also-rans as the ruler of the mediocre, being looked at as a king among peasants because you have a droplet of athletic ability.........

Oh, no, never you Robert. Because you are a fighting champion, aren't ya? Well, who is there to fight? You can scroll through name after name and every syllable out of your mouth would make Vegas odds makers die of bordem. Robbie you could have had a kingdom to yourself, reigning supreme, but you couldn't just let me go........

You saw what I did at the super show, you saw what I did to gator, you heard my words......'I will not compete in another match in XWF unless it is for the Universal Title'. You could have ended the Chris Chaos epidemic, you could have just let me ride off into the sunset and waved goodbye as I disappeared over the horizon. You didn't do that, did you? No. Because you are a fighting champion and you realize that life is about to be very boring here in XWF.

The plan worked, and it worked to perfection. Jenny and I have successfully weeded out any and all threats to MY Universal title, and we have made this roster as anemic as its ever been. I don't mind being the champion to nobody. I don't mind being the iron fist ruling over a land of the weak-minded and broken-hearted, and I don't mind being the champion without a real threat for a long, long time. You can't do that. You needed to poke the bear, you needed to evoke some sort of pride behind that strap, you needed to tell yourself that you truly EARNED that prize.

Go ahead, call me whatever name you want. Selfish, scared, egotistical, whatever you need to call me to help you sleep at night, but at the end of the day I have been on your mind and you just couldn't let me go. You even concocted some idea about a match with a hand picked opponent to give me the chance to "earn"--that word has been used a lot around here lately--a chance to compete for that strap over your shoulder.

Rob, there isn't a single person on this roster whose career I couldn't and wouldn't end. Whoever you threw at me, I would embarrass them on national television and their blood would be on your hands. You want to keep me at an arms length. Relevant, but at a safe distance. Why? Because I am the ONLY one on this roster that poses any real threat to you. You know it, they know it, but you don't want to admit it. I made my stance for a reason, and I plan to keep it that way. No deal, Mr. Business man.

I am perfectly fine sitting here watching the XWF crumble to shit with you as their leader. They need me a lot more then I need them. So I will not play your game, I will not be baited into a trap, I will not go back on my word.

I will not step foot in the ring unless it is for that title.

Stop hiding behind that title the same way you hid behind that briefcase.

So have fun being the king of the swamp, Main, have fun trying to be even a quarter of the champion Engy was. Step into the ring with me and truly EARN your Universal Title crown......or simply continue to be the best of a bad situation.

Balls in your court......dribble or pass"

- vs -
Broken Oswald Autem Sephtis

Steel Cage

The Deletion Anthem plays

Moonlight Sonata plays and Alysia is on the stage off to the side, near the rampway, with the audio system connected so her playing could be heard. As the song hits its first more frantic notes, Oswald walks out from the back, arms out wide, as the crowd begins to chant "DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! DELETE!" and he moves his arms, swaying to the music. He makes his way to his wife, giving her a kiss as she plays, before making his way to the ring, swiping his right hand across the air in a horizontal fashion, joining the crowd in their chants. He then jumps up to the apron, and moves through the middle of the ropes, resuming the cutting of the air and chanting with the crowd. Finally, he waits for the match to begin, and during that time, he takes off his Hellraiser Warrior's cassock.

Monster by Eminem & Rihanna plays

The lights go out, and when they come back on, Mastermind is seen on top of the top right-hand corner of the ring and acknowledges the crowd before climbing back down.

Mastermind stands in his corner, he tugs at the walls of the cage testing its sturdiness. Broken Oswald spins in his corner with his hands held far apart in some kind of praise of the steel structure. What a weirdo.



The bell sounds, the countdown starts and Mastermind begins to pace the ring as Septhis counters his movements speaking jibberish. Mastermind stands still listening momentarily before blindsiding Oswald with a quick forearm; knocking Oswald back Mastermind takes advantage and hits Oswald in the gut with a hard knee. MM then grabs Oswald and Irish whips him against the ropes and catches him with a big back body drop! Oswald crashes onto the mat holding the bottom of his spine; Mastermind waits for Oswald to begin to stand and then runs against the ropes and sprints back going for a bulldog but with insane speed, Septhis meets Mastermind with a stunning Pele kick! The boot meets Mastermind's face in mid-air and the two fall to the mat.

Oswald gets to his feet first and crouches ready to spring; Mastermind slowly gets to his feet holding his head and shaking the haze from the strike. Mastermind turns and Oswald grabs him in a bear hug! Bones crack as Mastermind roars in pain; Oswald shakes The Master of Minds body like a predator knocking it's prey unconscious. Mastermind struggles in the hold but gains the strength to throw a headbutt against Oswald, but he doesn't flinch. Mastermind throws another.

And another.

And another!

Until finally Septhis releases the hold; Oswald stumbles back dazed as Mastermind falls to the ground like a sack of potatoes, clutching his ribs. Oswald snaps himself out and rushes towards Mastermind in an attempt to spear but Mastermind dodges around to Oswalds back and MIND SLEEPER!

Out of nowhere mastermind locks in his legendary sleeper hold and begins to choke the life out of the Broken One! Septhis struggles desperately, clawing at Mastermind's arms but to no avail. He tries to throw jabs and elbows into Mastermind but due to Oswald's massive frame, he can't seem to find the angle! His face turns bright red; Mastermind's got this! The crowd chant!


Suddenly, Oswald stands to his feet with Mastermind still around his neck. Septhis gets to his feet with some trouble and sprints towards the cage wall, jumping and turning against it crushing Mastermind between him and the wall! Air leaves Mastermind's lungs as he smashes his already damaged ribs and releases the hold! Septhis collapses forward gasping for air and looks back at the fallen Mastermind between the ropes and the cage wall.

Oswald gets to his feet and limps toward the cage wall and begins to climb! Mastermind rolls under the bottom rope and tries to pull himself up!

Oswald is halfway up the wall; Mastermind tries to pick himself up but his body won't allow it!

Septhis gets to the top and saddles the wall! This is it!

Mastermind grabs the top rope and gets to his feet; his eyes widen in shock. It's over!

Oswald laughs but the crowd chants. "DELETE! DELETE! DELETE!" His eyes turn wild and chimes in with the crowd.


Oswald leaps from the top of the cage! What the fuck! And meets Mastermind below with a huge crossbody! The crowd go fucking insane as the pair crash against one another and explode away from themselves; clutching their torsos. The pair lay on the mat motionless as the crowd exchange chants supporting the two in the cage.


After what seems like an eternity, Oswald is the first to get to his feet. The crumpled body of Mastermind slowly moves back to the ropes to aid himself up. Septhis stumbles around clutching his ribs and motions to make Mastermind obso-leeeete! Mastermind gets to his feet using the ropes as a crutch when he's turned around by Septhis and thrown against the opposites ropes and rebounds into Oswald.


Is what Oswald was looking for but Mastermind, God knows how, flips out of the pop-up vertical DDT and counters in the air and drops Septhis with an RKO-stunner!! Legitimately out of nowhere! The two lay face down on the mat, breathing heavily. Mastermind pushes Oswald onto his back and throws an arm over him. Pins and submissions are allowed so smart move to try and take advantage of that now. The ref begins the count!






At the very last moment, Septhis gets a shoulder up and rolls away from Mastermind! MM outs his palms to his face, shaking his head. Septhis begins to push himself up from the mat but his arms start to give way; Mastermind crawls towards the cage wall and begins to pull himself up with every ounce of strength he has left!

Mastermind begins to climb, Oswald gets to his hands and knees.

Mastermind gets just halfway, his feet slipping as he desperately climbs.

Septhis gets up to his knees and wobbles to his feet.

Mastermind's hand hits the top of the cage but he's stopped!

Oswald clutches Mastermind and slides underneath him before ripping him away from the wall and dropping him with a devastating powerbomb! Mastermind crumples to the mat as Oswald falls to his knees.


Septhis looks to the countdown and grabs Mastermind, smashing him across the face with a forearm. But the Kiwi won't go down, instead being reinvigorated and throws a punch at Oswald! The two get to their feet and trade blows as the crowd chant for each combatant with every strike. Mastermind goes for a haymaker but Septhis grabs MM's fist and chops his sternum; he then spins Mastermind away and throws him into the ropes on the rebound Oswald lifts his leg for an almighty big boot but Mastermind drops and grabs Oswald's other leg and causes Septhis to fall!


Mastermind locks in the Boston Crab; the pair scream in agony, both their bodies are broken! But Mastermind won't relent! He's trying to rip Oswald in half!

Septhis struggles, veins popping from his head as he lets out a blood-curdling scream. He tries to lift himself up but it only causes more pain!

He tries to grab at Mastermind but simply can't!

Mastermind uses all his energy, all his strength he needs to end this!

Septhis' hand hovers above the mat!

He bites his lip!

And finally taps out!!!!

The bell sounds and Mastermind collapses onto the mat; his theme playing. The cage is slowly raised and the ref checks on the two; the crowd ignites in applause as Mastermind rolls on his back and lifts an arm as he receives his title.

Winner and STILL Television Champion - MASTERMIND

[Image: SAksQ2K.jpeg]
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