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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Book 1, Verse 2 - One Foul Step From The Abyss
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Elena Bellatrix

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08-20-2018, 08:12 AM

"The darkness was aroused with every kiss,
And all who fell under it's spell,
Were one foul step from the abyss,
One foul step from the abyss..."


[Image: gothic-city.jpg?1388885937]

The city of Omsk, Russia was a place with stunning and surreal architecture. The strong gothic and Victorian-era influence painting a magnificent and spectacular picture of grandeur, elegance and excellence, there was something quite incredible about the layout of the street and the way there were positioned. Whether or not it was the way the roads and layouts of the city just magnificently and majestically intersected and intertwined with each other in a elegantly, intricately designed landscape of virtuosity...there was something special, something grand and something incredibly divine about the way the city was designed and the way streets reflected and carried that design full forward into a state of ultimate bliss and definite, atmospheric, electricity.

For Elena Bellatrix, the city of Omsk had a much different meaning entirely, a much stronger meaning. Omsk, Russia, the city that has been referred to by many as the "Hidden Pearl" of the country was Elena Bellatrix's ancestral home. It was were her dynasty and ancestry lie, and like earlier in the week, she used her ventures to the city of Omsk as a place to collect her thoughts, recollect herself and in the process, hopefully pull and remove herself from a continuous state of frantic animosity as she leveled her head out and hopefully over time, be able to comfort and regain her senses.

This was her final night in the picturesque city of Omsk. Her final night in this "hidden pearl" as she weaved and wavered her way through the city's immensely, divinely-crafted streets. The final where she could reset her roots in her ancestral home before she made the journey back to the United States and back to her home in Chicago amidst her Warfare debut in an Xtreme Rules Match against Kim Anderson but perhaps more importantly, the opportunity to become the Number 1 Contender for the Bombshell Championship up against another newcomer to the fray, Skylar Rylee. With her mindset finally in a place where she could collect her thoughts and ultimately, place her mental frame where she could at least temporarily sustain, a moment of current, inner, harmonial, peace.


[Image: tumblr_nq0brnto3S1swrlico3_250.gif]

With a definite sense of poise as always, Elena tilted her head up to the camera lens before she begun to speak.

"Beautiful, isn't it? Radiant, isn't it? There's something about this city, the city of Omsk here in Russia. The atmosphere just has a cooling, calming holster on any single person who chooses to navigate their way through the divinely crafted streets that bear and hold this entire sprawling metropolis together. There's something in the air that is in this wonderful city that although I can't exactly quite place what that is...this aura is undefinable, but the one thing that I can certainly and definitely confirm about this city's wonderful aura is that at least for the time being it's currently stopping and holding my mind back from thinking so many various thoughts including those of driving your brain into a smashed pulp come Saturday night Skylar..., but as I said those thoughts are not there right now. This city breathes to me. It speaks to me. This city holds nothing but the utmost mental and physical inspiration that courses through every single fucking fiber of my to this grand, majestic, place. The jubilant city of Omsk, I salute thee. Thank you for keeping me grounded. Thank you for keeping my mind sane so it won't burst out into a cataclysmic eruption of destruction, bloodshed and insanity...but it is my final night here."

"You see Skylar, it's going to be a completely different ballgame the second I arrive back home in Chicago, a completely fucking different ballgame. The game will change. The mental state of divine bliss that I'm experiencing right now? That will go away. That will flat-line. That will disintegrate to nothing more than a black, cloud of disintegrating ash in a matter of motherfucking seconds. Yes Omsk is my ancestral home. It is my home of mental calmness and mental and neurological peace, however Chicago? Chicago is my true home. And whilst every single, majestic thing about Omsk hides what I am inside, the Windy City, my true home of Chicago releases and unleashes every single thing that I bottle up inside and keep hidden away whenever I am here in this city...because the second I come back to Chicago, I revert back to being the "Queen Of Nightmares" and the only things that will be flowing out of me at that point, are nothing more than an extreme motion of carnal, primal rage where I would want to do nothing more than decimate you from limb-by-limb, to destroy you viscerally right square in the middle of that canvas and perhaps most importantly, to claim the Number 1 Contendership to the XWF Bombshell's Championship by ripping you to absolute shreds as you stare into the downward, spiralling, verdant, abysmal abyss that will become the only jarred remnants of you're soon to be sorry, [i]pathetic excuse of a professional wrestling career."

"You see Skyler, the second i arrive back in Chicago I will back in my element. You know how I talked about the city of Omsk just having the most wonderful aura where your brain feels that it is reaching a state of eternal bliss? Chicago has the opposite. Chicago awakens things in me It awakens the part of me that this city of
Omsk tries so hardly to push away, but it awakens in me something sinister, something dark...something [i]macabre
, and in all honesty I would not have it any other way. Would not have it any other way at all. Because as much as I love Omsk, as much as I love this city and as much as love the spectacular, grandiose nature that this city just seems to magically imprint on me every single time I visit her...that isn't the true me. The true me is the one that is a bit unhinged, a bit distorted and ultimately a bit too fucking violent."

The camera lens rotates it's way around now staring directly at Elena - her eyes showcasing something that is quite unnerving, a particular shade of coldness now emanating from her eyes. An icy stare that could cut through glass.

"Now Skylar, Skylar, Skylar...I'm going to put this as delicately as possible because as of right now, I'm going to go ahead and directly describe in quite, albeit, graphic detail of what I'm going to do to you come this Saturday night. You see, the second that bell rings I become a different person than the one you see right now. The chaos incarnate inside of me that is just squirming and swarming, finally erupts. It erupts into a malicious demonic form of nothing more than pain, suffering and absolute, mental and physical domination. It erupts and evolves into the very physical and mental personification of incarnate terror and the second it does I have one word of advice. Just one simple, measly, singular, word. Run. Fucking. Run."

"Because if you don't, then the only person you have to blame in that particular situation is undoubtedly yourself. You will be nothing more than a obstacle standing in my very path and you know as they say, obstacles are meant to be broken. And the second I hit that point and the second I hit that point of incarnate destruction and desecration, I WILL FUCKING DESTROY YOU. The swirling, cascading abyssal torment will eclipse everything you ever knew and will know, and soon the cesspool of darkness that is every single fear and doubt you've ever had will circle you and swallow you alive. Covering and closing off every single dream and hope you once had...every single goal and mission you once think you had at some point in your life will now become a mere, distant, fantasy because the second the darkness consumes you...I will have you right where I want you. Directly in my...fucking...cross-hairs."

"You'll be in my cross-hairs...why? Because you'll be trapped. Trapped in that darkened abyss of infestation that will FEAST AND FUCKING FEAST on you until there is nothing left...and when there is nothing left that's when I'll take advantage. I'll strike and I will strike fucking...hard. And the second I inflict as much damage on you as I possibly, humanly, physically can, you will be stuck in a never-ending limbo as the darkness consumes until finally when you can't take the pain and destruction anymore, when the chaos and anarchy destroys your very inner soul, WHEN YOU HIT THE POINT THAT THIS DARKENED ABYSS OF INFESTATION WILL FEAST ON YOU UNTIL NOTHING ELSE REMAINS...that's when you lose...that's when you fall apart because by that point Skylar you will have nothing left. Everything will be gone because after you face me, as the torment arises as you repeatedly fall in the line of my fucking cross-hairs... the darkness will...swallow you...WHOLE."

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(08-20-2018), (08-20-2018), (08-20-2018), #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick (08-21-2018), Dirty Willy (08-24-2018)

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