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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » LEAP OF FAITH 2018
Number 5
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drezdin5788 Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

07-19-2018, 08:34 AM

i kinda feel sorry for random, I mean here's a person who every time looks at the card to see who's he's facing in the next match.

At that particular moment as he looks at the card to see who in the hell hes facing he's probably thinking it will someone else, someone who he's faced but it's been a while, a rematch type of match, or what ever.

But you know what?...........nnnope, nada, zilch, nothing, jack shit is what the mother fucker is getting.

You see what he's getting is not a person who's not what he though of what he though, not one bit.

He's getting a person who he has faced, not once not twice not even three times, he facing a person that he faced for the fifth..damn..time.........STRAIT! In me.

Random the poor bastard.

Now at this moment in time he's gotta be thinking that it's one thing to face a person twice with one of them being a rematch, or even a third time being a fill type of role, but for a forthnor a fifth damn time strait.....BULL SHIT!

As a matter of fact at the same time just as he saw who he is facing on the card I guaranteed your ass he was thinking about taking a loss or even forfeiting the match then fight someone for a fifth straight.

Now that I think of it, I betcha on anything he on his recliner drinking his ass off, going what the fuck what the fuck that while not even giving a shit about the match.

And you know what? Who can blame the guy? Not me not ever all of y'all.

I mean if I was random I would be just like him in terms of what the fuck not giving a shit, drinking his ass of, thinking about taking a loss or forfeit the match rather then facing a person this many times in a row and so on and so on.

Until I masterbate my dick off to a vagina at the very least.

None the less I think we can all agree that we don't blame the poor mother fucker one damn bit.

But on the other end of the spectrum so to speak while MY OPPONENT just simply gave up, if you think about its a win for me.

I mean I don't have to waste my time with opponent in random, I don't have to or y'all for that matter listen to his endless amount off bull shit, nor do I have to waste my time kicking his ass.

Don't get me wrong my dream or dreams is to be the best of the best if not thee best, shoe the whole world that I ain't the laughing stock that they think that I am, and become the xwf universal champ, but in the case this situation...if you you'll look at it you'll see why.

In closing while I toss a steel chair in the middle of the ring sit on it waiting to see if my opponent Radom will show, to my fellow xwf super stars that are in the roster, of random won't give a shit and much rather take a loss, who ever on the roster, PLEASE FIGHT ME!!! ALL I WANT IS TO FIGHT SOMEONE WHO DOES GIVE A SHIT!


[Image: FSYLxSs.png]
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