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04-25-2018, 05:54 PM
In-Ring Name:Steve Wolf
Wrestler's Real Name: Steven Homes
New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New
Wrestler Date of Birth: 12/29/1990
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 236 lbs
Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia
Personality: Wild, random, party animal who doesn’t mind putting his body on the line and laugh about it.
Looks Description: Physically fit, covered in tattoos. He wears a tall mohawk to match his wild personality.
Ethnicity: White
Pic Base, if any: Jesse Neal
Strengths: His unpredictable nature which always keeps the opponent guessing.
Weaknesses: His wrecklesness which has landed him in the hospital on a few occasions.
Entrance Theme Music: “Coming in Hot” by Hollywood Undesd
Special Entrance (if any):
5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves: Calf Kick, Diving Headbutt, Dragon Sleeper Suplex, Snap DDT, European Uppercut.
Trademark Move(s):
Crotch Rocket
Spanish Fly
Crotch Rocket - 3 back to back manhattan drop
Cannonball - Summersault senton into corner
Spanish Fly - Moonsault Side Slam
Finishing Move(s):
Mark Of The Beast
Swinging Certical Suplex
Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: Hitting the Mark Of The Beast on a pile of broken glass.
Additional notes: Even though Steve Wolf is a fun loving maniac there is a side of him that isn’t quite right.