Vanessa Navarro
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XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
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Joined: Wed Apr 11 2018
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04-13-2018, 05:42 PM

The wind whips outside as a bitter chill envelops the air. This isn't anything new for the area, but it still makes the young lady shiver. She pulls her coat up closer to her head, hoping to shield out even a little bit of the wind.
Vanessa: You can make it as cold as you want, God. I'm not leaving. It's not time yet.
The young girl places her perfectly manicured hands on the gravestone ahead of her. She traces the fine lines and decorations of the gravestone, not missing an inch. Memories come flooding to her and she takes a deep breath. She notices the leaves that once surrounded the grave have since disappeared. The trees have slowly started to show life once again. It's been a rough, brutal winter, not only for the country but also for her. She slowly places her head down, and thoughts begin to come forward, some of which she can't understand. What happened? Why did it have to be him, the one who believed in her? She looks up, admist the start of tears.
Vanessa: I did it, daddy. I proved them wrong. They said I couldn't do it and I did.
A small smile escapes her lips and her eyes start to twinkle.
Vanessa: I just wanted to come here and let you know. Right now, I have to fly out for something pretty important. You'd be proud of me, daddy. I won't let you down, I promise.
Vanessa places her hand to her lips, kisses them and then places that on the gravestone. She stands up, glances back at the gravestone, smiles and walks to her car.
The limosine pulls up outside the arena. Everyone is chattering away, wondering who has arrived. There is a slew of new talent that has arrived in the XWF so everyone is eager to see what new superstar is exiting the vehicle. The camera zooms in while a long leg starts to emerge from the white limo. A mid-length black skirt highlights perfectly toned thighs, kissed from the sun. Long, flowing blonde hair accentuates a slender face with beautiful eyes. They carry some sadness within them, ones that someone could get lost in and not care. She smirks to herself because she knows that everyone is wondering who she is, where she comes from and what her story is. Soon, she thinks to herself.
She makes her way to the backstage area and starts to head to her dressing room. She opens the door, glances around the room and sighs.
Vanessa: Ugh. These pitiful things that they call a dressing room. It's no bigger than a walk-in closet, with less style and flair. This one is bigger than the last arena we were in so I suppose it'll have to do, for now at any rate.
She goes to close the door when a hand reaches out for her, startling her.
Interviewer: I'm sorry, ma'am but I was instructed to come find you the second you made it here.
Vanessa: And you know who I am, do you?
Interviewer: Of course I do, ma'am. You're Vanessa Navarro, the newest talent on the XWF roster. Also, you're one of the competitiors in the Roxy Cotton Bombshell Battle Royal slated to air on Wednesday Night Warfare, in just 11 days.
Vanessa: Ah, yes. The Roxy Cotton Battle Royal. 10 Women, one ring and only one winner.
Interviewer: Yes, well you forgot the bombshell part but yes.
Vanessa chuckles out loud.
Vanessa: My dear boy, I am not a Bombshell. I don't belong on a Victoria's Secret advertisment, I don't wear wings nor go to fashion shows and I'm not your typical woman. I'm the unexpected, violent storm that happens during a gorgeous day.
Interviewer: Uhm, ok.. To the real question now, how do you feel about being a competitor with ten women? Does that intimidate you? Knowing you will be facing off against ten other women, some more experienced that you, in your debut match?
Vanessa: That's the best you got, intimidation? Oh please. If anything, they should be intimidated by ME!
Interviewer: How so? You're new.
Vanessa: Yes, I'm glad we know that you graduated kindergarten and can state the obvious. As to your question, I might be new but thats an advantage for me. I might not know these women I'm facing, I might not have ever even heard about them, in all reality. But I learn, quickly I might add. One match is all it takes for me. I watch. I wait. I stalk. I will learn their moves, their quirks and their routines. I will adapt. I will change. I am like a chameleon, you put me in a situation, not only will I come out shining, I will come out different than when I went in.
Interviewer: Do you have a particular talent in your sights?
Vanessa: Well, I was wrong. You can't state the obvious, apparently. *she rolls her eyes slowly* Mandii Rider is in my sights. I know that in order to be the best, you have to beat the best. Please, don't take that a compliment honey. You are only the "best" because there was a major lack of talent in this company. You were dealing with amateurs, newbies and honestly, those with no hope of a future in this company. Now, you have REAL competition, looking right at you. I'm not scared of you but you most certainly should be scared of me. Come Wednesday night, after I've watched and waited, I'll strike. Just like a rattlesnake, except there won't be a warning rattle with me. It'll be unexpected but not unplanned. I'll be plotting all night long, just waiting for the right moment. At the end of the night, while all the bodies are in the ring, and even outside the ring if all goes to plan, I will be the one with my hand raised in the center of that ring. The ring that will be spilled with everyone's tears, hopes and dreams. Dreams that I have mercilessly crashed and helped burn, with a fire that has never been seen before. The XWF has never seen someone like me. The real question is, are you ready for Vanessa?
Vanessa winks, blows a kiss and then abruptly slams the door, startling the interviewer.