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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Family Ties
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Jeremiahdixon Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-23-2018, 07:52 AM

OOC: I tried a different style of writing for this roleplay. Lemme know what you think please.

Cast: Jeremiah Dixon(Our Hero), Ryan Dickson(Jeremiah’s Half Brother), Stanley(Jeremiah’s Electronic Control Hub)

Location: Dixon Residence

Time: 10AM

**It’s a beautiful morning, sun is beaming in Jeremiah’s kitchen windows. We see Jeremiah leaning up against his nice new Granite countertops, drinking a bottle of water. He appears to have been training due to some small beads of sweat on his forehead and dampness of his hair. Stanley shoots an image onto the wall in front of him.**

Stanley: There’s a guest at the door sir.

Jeremiah: Thank you Stanley, I’ll be right there. (He rolls his eyes, he knows exactly whom this guest is.)

Stanley: Very good sir.

**Jeremiah walks to the front door and opens it to see a similar looking man with an Ed Hardy T shirt on.**

Jeremiah: What do you want Ryan?

Ryan Dickson: Hi bro! How are you?! It’s been awhile. I missed you!... (His sarcasm is easily picked up on.)

Jeremiah: You notice those words didn’t come from me right?

Ryan: What’s with the hostility bro?

Jeremiah: First of all, it’s half brother... Second, what the hell do you expect?!

**Jeremiah notices an elderly couple taking a stroll down the street past the house. They glance over and he realizes they are making a small disturbance. He grabs Ryan’s arm.**

Jeremiah: Come in before we have the cops called on us. This is a relatively quiet and respectable neighborhood.

**Jeremiah leads Ryan into the kitchen where he finds his bottle of water still waiting for him to finish. Ryan is in awe of the luxury lifestyle his half brother is living.**

Ryan: Do you realize that this may be the very first time I’ve ever been in your house?

Jeremiah: It could be the last time too, unless you answer my original question... What do you want? What are you here?

Stanley: There’s a strange package located next to the residence sir.

Ryan: (Looking around.) Who the hell is that?

Jeremiah: The best security system money can buy. Stanley, call the pol...

Ryan: Wait!.. It’s my bag.

Jeremiah: What’s in the bag bro?

Ryan: Clothes.

Jeremiah: Stanley? Check the bag.

Stanley: Scanning sir. It is indeed clothes.

Jeremiah: Thank you Stanley. What’s goin on Ryan? Wanna use my washer and dryer? Why are you hiding bags around my house?

Ryan: I wanted to crash here for a little, I can offer you something in return...

Jeremiah: It’s obviously not money, or else you would be at some shit bag hotel. I should have known. The great Dicksons! Only around when they need something! Where have either of you been for over 20 fucking years! When I sat and watched my mom die! Where was that asshole that knocked her up?! I needed a family when I was 1 year old, struggling on the streets of LA. I don’t need one anymore...

Ryan: Dad went on another epic bender. Sold the house, car, and everything in it. All I could get was a bag of clothes I had stashed at a buddies house. I was away on business.

Jeremiah: He is such a useless piece of shhhhhh... Wait a minute? Business? You? What business?

Ryan: Well that’s also what I can offer you. You see the one thing you and I have in common, we like to train, and fight... I guess that’s two things really. While you went off to wrestle, I went to MMA.

Jeremiah: You? MMA? Aren’t you a little small for full contact?

Ryan: The great thing about being small in MMA is speed. I’ve learned Judo, Ju Jitsu, Aikido, even some Kung Fu...

Jeremiah: Your point?

Ryan: Let me crash here... You obviously have the room, and I’ll teach you Martial Arts. That would immensely help your wrestling. Especially since I saw your fighting some Asian Saturday.

Jeremiah: (Stares out the window for a moment, then at the floor, then finally back at Ryan.). Grab your bag, I’ll show you where your guest room is.

**Ryan smiles so big you can even see his lips. He runs outside and grabs his bag, comes back and follows Jeremiah upstairs. He takes his bag and tosses it on a bed from the hallway.**

Jeremiah: Get your training gear on, I wanna see what you got.

Ryan: Cool, are you taking us to Golds?

Jeremiah: We don’t need Golds in this house.

**Scene ends on a confused looking Ryan.**


[Image: JQ0zJTP.jpg?2]
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(03-23-2018), Darius Xavier (03-23-2018), Vincent Lane (03-23-2018)

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