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Zombie {Final}
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Mandii Rider Offline
Eat Your Heart Out Bitches


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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-03-2018, 08:25 PM

Teakin was no longer speaking to me. She refused to see or listen to me. I've burnt bridges my whole life but this was one of the more painful times to watch the bridge turn to ash. I had to push this aside though, I had to find Nero wherever she was, stop Ashba, and win a championship. The mind is a tricky thing so I knew while I was able to push Teakin out of my thoughts now it would later come through my regret of losing her trust.

My first priority right now was to find Nero. She now was walking around in a new body that I had made for her with no direction to go. There were so many things running through my head like if she would be the same person she was before. I knew she looked different now but how would she react? Would she still be a Siren or would she be human? I needed to find her before it was to late.

Shortly after Amaryllis said her goodbye to her mother and left I started packing a duffel bag. It had clothes in it as well as some of Nero's things that I had kept after her passing. Helen watched me pack, silent. I knew she was still upset that I wouldn't inform the court of my knowledge of Ashba. I understood but at the same time this wasn't an affair the court should be apart of. For all intents and purposes he was my father and this had to do with my family. This wasn't a fight for the Sirens, this was my fight.


Helen finally broke her silence. Her tone was loving, something that took me off guard considering she hated me.

Don't you think it's time to choose one life and leave the other behind? You've always wanted to be a human. You tried to stay human by injected yourself with cells. Why are you trying so hard to keep a human life together and this Siren life you live here? Why not choose one and let the other die?

Because, while I wish I could live a normal life as a human...While I wish I could live and die I have accepted the fact that won't happen. I am the Siren Helen, but I still have what I've always known and that's wrestling. I'm not pretending to be human, I am doing something I love...Something I'm used to. It's a human tendency that when things change you revert back to the one thing that has always brought you confort. Some people have places they go, hobbies they pick back up, or even people they reconnect with. I turn back to wrestling because it is what I put my human life into. It was my everything.

So what about here? You are apart of the court now even though it helped us so little. You can't take that back and it is going to be tasking to keep up with it and wrestling. What are you going to do if you have to choose?

I thought for a moment. If I had to choose between this life and wrestling...I never thought of it before. Given the options, I would stay with wrestling. Being a Siren and being accepted here was nice but I would never feel the same way about the court that I do about wrestling.

I would choose wrestling. I won't ever have to choose but if I had to I would choose wrestling. I don't need to explain my choice to you because I won't ever have to choose one over the other. Like I said, I am both a wrestler and the Siren and that will never change.

I finished packing and tossed the strap of the duffle bag over my shoulder.

I'm going to find Nero and bring her back here.

If you do that the court is going to ask questions.

I know...I wasn't planning to keep this a secret from them but I knew if I told them about Ashba now they would start to plan for an attack. Don't worry Helen, you'll be free soon.

How do you know where to find her?

There have been killings in a small town near here. They started as soon as I woke up. It's not a guarantee but it's the only lead I have to her.

Be careful, Ashba is going to start a war with or without you and your sister. As much as it pains me to admit it, we need you this time too.

I nodded before leaving the room. The drive to the nearby town was only about thirty minutes. The moment I reached the border of the town I could tell something wasn't right. It was daylight out yet no one was around. It was a ghost town. I finally came across someone, a officer on the side of the road. He motioned for me to pull over so I did.

I haven't seen you around here before. Are you lost?


Well, make sure you take shelter as soon as you get to where you are going. There is a hawk that flies over now and then. It's already taken lives so if you see it keep driving and don't leave your car.

Thank you for letting me know.

He nodded and I rolled my window up. There was no doubt now, this was Nero. I drove deeper into the town before seeing the shadow of a large bird. Immediately I stopped and looked up to see golden brown feathers. I got out of my car and called out for Nero.


She paid me no mind and flew off. I retreated back into my car and started to follow her. She lead me out to a forest before I was out of road. I parked my car and got out. My body ran with heat again and I was in the air in a matter of moments. I had lost her trail but I wasn't giving up now. I flew for hours before landing in a clearing. There was still no sign of her as I leaned on a nearby tree to catch my breath. It was at this time that I remembered something, Nero was connected to me because my blood ran in her veins now. There had to be a way to reach her even if I couldn't see her.

I pulled a necklace out of my duffel bag and gripped it tightly in my hand before closing my eyes. There had to be a connection...There had to be. I focused on Nero but nothing happened. I tried harder until I felt a coldness wash over my body. A picture formed in my mind of rain as the feeling of doubt and worry washed over me. It wasn't much but it was enough.

When I opened my eyes I noticed rain clouds rolling in above me. She couldn't be far so I forced my body to morph and was once again in the sky. Hard rain began to fall forcing me to fly lower.

Come on Nero, where are you?

I flew into another town and began to notice bodies laying on the ground. She was here. I landed in the middle of a street and noticed a woman gasping for breath. As I ran over to her I could see a large gash across her neck. She held her hand out as I dropped to my knees and applied pressure to her neck. She looked up at me before barely making out words.

My daughter.

She choked on her blood and her eyes rolling in the back of her head. I looked around for a girl but never saw one. I decided to follow a blood trail leading into an enclosed ally. There I saw the girl. Her body was turning blue and I could see gashes on her back and arms. Her veins were close to the surface of her skin and the blood inside them was black. I darted toward her drawing the conclusion she had been poisoned.

Hey! You need to open your eyes! Come on kid, wake up!

I shook her trying to wake her. When my attempt proved unfruitful I bit into my wrist hard enough to draw blood and tried to drip my blood on the gashes. It was no use, the girl did not wake up and the longer I waited the darker her veins got and the more the poisoned spread. During my failed attempts of waking the girl up I herd whimpering from near by. My eyes darted up to see Nero. She was scared, shaking and watching the little girl die right before her.

Nero! Nero did you do this?!

She looked away from me giving me the answer I needed.

[Image: QNFyA63.gif]

Nero! If you poisoned her you are the only one who can help her. Please, help her!

Nero shook her head. I layed the girl on her back and walked over to Nero. She was shaking profusely and seemed to be unable to speak.

Nero, talk to me.

She shook her head.

Blink if you can't talk or move because of Ashba.

She blinked over and over vigorously. I yanked her up from the ground and drug her over to the girl before slitting her wrist and dripping her blood onto the girls lips. I shoved Nero away and pulled her girl up.

Come on.

Seeing that it wasn't helping, I wiped the blood from her lips and shoved my fingers into her mouth. The girls eyes shot open and she became responsive. I took my coat off and wrapped her in it before pulling her into my arms and running under a canopy. I propped her up on the building near by.

I want my mommy...

I know hunny but for now I need you to stay here ok?


I stood up and saw Nero frozen. I walked over to her and put her face between my hands.

Is he in your mind?

She nodded. I put my hands on either side of her head and pushed. I had to try to do something to get him away from Nero before he broke her...Before he made her do something she couldn't come back from. I felt a warm rush of air pull my air back before feeling the heat run through my veins. The burning was more than normal causing me to open my eyes. I looked deep into Nero's eyes, a dark brown, and watched them fade to green.



I pulled her into an embrace and fell the ground. Tears streamed down her face and mixed with the rain on my shoulder. She let out shrill cries and began to yell and scream into my shoulder.

It's ok Nero, I have you you are ok.

She gripped me tighter.

I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I killed so many people Mandii, I killed them!

You didn't kill anyone Nero he did.

No! I wanted to help him! I wanted to kill those people! Mandii...I'm a- a- monster.


I couldn't imagine what had happened to her...What he did to her. I tried to comfort her and listen to her between sobs.

I tried to fight him off but...

But what?

She stopped crying suddenly and looked up at me. Her eyes began to change before she slammed my back into the ground and began choking me.

[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=9021408]


I could barely speak let alone breath. I clawed at her hand but it was no use. I reach my hand above my head finding a rock near by and bashed it over Nero's head. She fell off me and rolled over onto her back. I took in deep breaths along with coughs as I rolled over to my side.

It's ok Nero...We're going to get you better.

I forced myself onto my feet and pulled Nero into my arms. Once again I morphed and was in the sky on my way back to the car. Half way there Nero opened her eyes and whispered under her breath.

The girl...

Will be fine. Someone will find her and take care of her. Focus on keeping him out of your head.

He's to strong...

You're stronger Nero fight him!

She grunted and clinged to me before letting out a growl.

Fight him!

I'm trying!!

This is your body Nero, your mind. He can't control you anymore, fight him!


Her grip on my arm loosened as soon as we touched ground. She looked up at me while still in my arms and whispered under her breath.

He's gone...For now...

And with those last words Nero closed her eyes and feel limp in my arms. I sat her in the front seat and pulled a pair of chains of my car and wrapped them around her. I pulled my phone from my pocket and called Teakin. It went straight to voicemail.

You don't have to talk to me but I need you to listen. He's in Nero's head...Please, unless you want more blood spilled...Please help me...

I hung up the phone and turned to see Nero resting easy in the front seat. She didn't ask for this. She didn't ask to be brought back...She didn't ask for our father to torture her this way.


As the hours countdown to turning point I reflect on the past few weeks. I realize that I have made mistakes and said things that would deem me unworthy of a champion. I understand that people are upset with my lack of care and for that I apologize. However, I have proven this week that laying down and taking hits isn't what I'm here for. I've shown that when it really matters I will fight tooth and nail until I reach my goal. I might not be the champion but damn, I have the burning desire to be crowned one. I proved myself in the past that I deserve to be here and that I deserve to be more than just a face on the roster. If all of that was for not then I guess I have work to do, but I will do it. I will prove my worth many times over if it means I earn the respect I know I deserve. There is no time for excuses anymore, only time for action and believe me when I say I will bring plenty of action at Turning Point. I will keep those fans on the edge of their seats waiting in anticipation to see who will be crowned not only the Bombshell Champion but also the face of this division. No matter what happens in this match, no matter who walks out the winner, it has been an honor and privilege to bring the women's division back to life. I truly have missed this federation and the talent in it. So thank you to the fans, thank you to the management, and above all thank you Jenny Myst because if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be able to say I have earned my spot on the bombshell roster.

Now that that is out of the way, I've noticed over the past week that Jenny doesn't know the difference between a dictator and a champion. A dictator dictates what a person can and can not do. They use fear and threats to get people to listen to them. They talk a big game so that the weak will bow before their feet. Well, she isn't a very good dictator considering I won't lay down and listen to the bullshit she has to spill about me. I will not allow her to tell me my value nor will I allow her to rule over me. I make my own rules, I break them if I must. I do what I have to for myself first before doing what people think I should do. A champion earns respect and that is why they are a leader of the division. A champion makes people watch them not because they say so but because they captivate in their attention. A champion doesn't allow people to come into their division and through them away when they seemingly have no use to make the division better. That is the main difference between me and Jenny. I'm not a dictator I am a champion. I draw in people's attention and make them watch me. I earn my respect and never tell someone they have to respect me. I might tell Jenny she should respect me but I don't force her to.

Jenny doesn't know the fundamentals of being the leader of a division because she has never had to try to be the leader. The championship was given to her because she was the only one worth anything in this division, or so she claims. She hasn't earned the right to be called a champion in this division because she hasn't had to bend over backwards for it. That is, until this week. This week she has met someone who is worthy of being called a champion. I have forced her to fight for her desires and for the very thing that gives her worthless life any meaning. I am the reason people are looking at this division, not her. I have brought meaning to this division and this championship and that brings me more honor than anything. I am honored that my hard work as finally forced Myst to get off her ass and work for what she wants.Jenny, you should be thanking me for bringing the best out of you something no other woman has done. I brought meaning to your career and I've even given you your fifteen minutes of fame when I didn't have to. Now, I take those fifteen minutes back.

I know I shouldn't expect to come back and be where I was after two years Jenny, I know that. Maybe the way I word things or do thing isn't right but you need to understand I have been through so much shit to be in this business. Yes, I have been broken by women far greater than myself at the time. I have walked away from the ring bloody, burned, and with scars I can never remove from my body. I have hung from a noose in the middle of the ring gasping for air and you want to know why? Because I love wrestling. I've had close calls of almost dying for the sport I love and I would do it a thousand times over if I had to. I have been disrespected and humiliated to the point of being shunned from federations. So if I have an attitude when it comes to the way I feel I should be treated or the matches I enter then I guess I have an attitude. I love this sport and would do anything to leave a permanent mark on it.

Like you said there is nothing more that needs to be said because it has been said all before. We have run circles around each other and now we put it all out on the line at Turning point. Low blows have been given along with bows when they were due but at the end of the day what matters is what happens in the ring and you have to see that I will do what I have to in order to win this week. I regret my choice of not trying at Warfare, believe me but not for the reasons you would think. I regret my choice of not trying because I did not give this federation the same discipline and drive that I had before. Turning point is my redemption and I plan to walk out the champion. Your drive is to get back the very thing that makes you worth something in life this week. My drive, my drive is to once again prove to this company that I am the wrestler that is going to buckle down and do what I have to in order to win, in order to put on a show.

I close with this, I know this match will not be an easy win. I realize mistakes I have made and plan to correct them. I have a lot to prove in this company again and I will. If I leave the ring broken and bruised at least I leave it knowing I put in my all. If I leave the ring on a stretcher at least I know that I put on a show and proved myself once again. Even if I can barely walk after this match I can hold my head high knowing that the Mandii who put her heart and soul into this business is back and will be better than she ever was. And you Jenny, you will know not to poke the bear. You will know to give credit where it is due and bow when you need to. If I can't leave the ring on my own neither will you because I will do to you what you do to me and worse. This is it Jenny, no more word tangos and no more repeating ourselves.

This is it.


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