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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » TURNING POINT 2018 RP BOARD
#MADE4TV - Sweet Dreams (Part2)
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Scully Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

03-03-2018, 11:55 PM

Part 1 -
Read Part 1 first if you haven't already :)

You may recall Scully being held against his will in some basement by some mystery attacker. He had no where to go, his partner and little boy were also helpless and Scully had to do or receive some bizarre, unwanted shit. The envelope had been chosen on the roulette and now was the time to see what Scullys fate would be...

Drum Roll please......

Mystery opened the envelope and put their had in. After smirk arose on the face of the disguised individual, they pulled out a...


"It looks like you'll be....
AGAIN! Hahahahaha"


Mystery hovered the syringe over Scullys wrist. Skull was about to become special just like he used be, just like Chris Chaos is now.... ..

"Babe! Babe"

Scullys body began shaking. The syringe was coming down to his wrist, he is nudged again and his eyes opened slowly. The first thing he seen was

Natalie.... It was just a dream.

"Was you having that dream again, sexy bum?"

Scully nodded. It wasn't the first time Scully had dreamt that dream, it was now the 2nd time, in fact. "Yeah and the same outcome."

"Let me help you forget..."

Natalie kisses Scully on the lips passionately and then moves down to his neck as grabs a good of her long, blonde hair. She kisses his chest and licks his nipples. First the left one and then the the right. She kisses down his toned abs before reaching his tower.... And the pleasure began....

Saturday, 4th of March
Location: Skull & Natalies house, Miami, Florida.

Natalie was in the living room playing Candy Crush saga on her phone. Little Aston was playing with his rather large, you aeroplane and his cars. Scully was just on the phone to his mate, Matty who had come over from Birmingham, England to stay for a while. Skull had let Matty stay at his flat across the way. It wasn't too far and Skull had some news for his mate. Skull sat on the end of his kingsize bed as he continued to speak to Matty....

"So I've got something to tell you."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Well I'm going to be moving back in with Natalie, permanently."

"That's awesome news mate, I'm happy for you."

"Well not to leave you deserted, I'll keep the pad on for a while so you can stay as long as you like. But I will need to let it go at some point."

"I understand. Well to be honest, I'm in no rush to go back. What if I pay the rent?"

"I can't ask you to do that, that's not fair on you."

"Of course It is, I insist. I have a bit of money in the bank."

"Did you want a job at the Xtreme Wrestling Federation?"

"What you reckon you could get something?"

"Yeah I don't see why not. Alfie gets paid for being my personal camera man and he does some work for them, taking some pictures for the magazine etc..."

"Okay that'll be great. Thanks man. Are you gonna come out for a drink later?"

"I can't really, I got the Turning Point pay- per-view tomorrow.. I got A TV title shot."

"Of course you have. I reckon you've got this."

"I know I've got this! If you want, you can come with me. Chill backstage."

"I'm definetely up for that."

"I'll text you later on."

"Okay... Sweet. Laters mate."


Bear, Natalies dog was led next to him on the bed. Skull stroked his fluffy companion. He stood up and walked to the store cupboard, he opened the door to grab a towel to get in the shower. Skull accidentally knocked a yellow hand towel out of the cupboard. It landed on Bears head, who was next to Scully. Skull looked down at Bear and chuckled.

"You remind me off one of my Turning Points opponents. Chris Chaos is his name.."

Bear just looked at Scully.

"Well actually you're cute, he's not. But he wears a collar like you and his Mrs takes him for walks all the time. He's her bitch. hahahaha... Better get a wiggle on I suppose...."

It's me, it's me, it's Scully. Are we already for the crowning of a NEW XWF TV Champ? Cuz you better be. Are you ready for the pay-per-view known as Turning Point? Because you have no choice but to be ready for that. I will enter a fatal four way elimination match against two former TV champs, one being John Holliday and the second being Drew Archyle. Yep, it's written in the stars that Drew WILL lose the championship and I will take it off his hands. Chris Chaos has been spitting shit as usual, everytime he speaks I smell shit. He is good at verbal diahrea, he is a pro. But that's the only thing he is good at apart from being Jenny's lap dog. The so called Power Couple are destined for failure at TP. Jenny Myst will get the rider off her life and Chaos will be Scullanated!"

Jenny's bitch! Said:"Scully.....I should have expected you to be the first on to open your mouth. You just can't stay away from the camera's can you? Whatever ounce of limelight there is to soak in, you have to shove your nose in it with all your glory. I mean you can't even keep your story straight long enough to talk shit about me. First I've never won another title besides the Universal, then I was Tag Champions. Which is it?"

"There's nothing worse than when someone opens their mouth and tries to insult you, but fails miserably. I mean here we have Jenny's bitch repeatedly calling me, right? As soon as he began talking, he immediately said a word incorrectly. He dribbled, he slobbered and he can't say the simple word, 'one'. I mean come on, that's the first number you start with when you count. Aston can count to fuckin' ten and you can't even say 'ONE'. I actually said, no other single titles to your name and you've been given enough opportunities? Shame on you! You had one half of the tag titles and your partner didn't even like You! If you opened your ears the first time, you would've heard that correctly. No other single titles. You made me repeat myself because you were too dumb to listen the first time."

Jenny's bitch! Said:"You spent the first 5 minutes of your promo telling us about how James Raven beat you and how you beat up on some nobodies in order to stock pile wins for your resume. Facing Muddy Waters doesn't make you top tier. Hell, Muddy Waters went on hiatus after I lit his ass on fire last year. Then I beat his daughter like most men in Kentucky do. These matches don't make you good, Scully, they make you just above average."

Once again, you prove you're good at talking out of your arse. Before you make some excuse as to why you didn't pay attention, I NEVER said I beat Muddy Waters because I didn't face him. You've already made out like I beat him and proud when the match didn't happen in the first place and considering it was meant to be at TP, if anything that makes you even more of a tool. Instead I'm imprinting my boot into your already fucked up face. Wanna hear a joke about your chin??? 
Never mind, its too long. Hahahaha... I laughed at my own joke, sue me! Are you going to chin me? I'm going to tell you a joke anyway. One of those childish ones you like because you're so perfect that nothing you say is immature. That's not a chin it's a Hong Kong phone directory opened at the pages with all the Chins on...

I heard you say I failed to leave details out about my Universal title reign? And that I held the title for almost a year, ducking title matches? 22nd of July I defeated Vinnie Lane, Peter Gilmour beat me on the 19th of November. Well considering I can actually add up, that's like 4 months. Since when did 4 months almost equal a year? I admitted when I was , I believe you need to do the same. 4 months, about the same length of time as you had it. I wasn't a great champion and that makes me more determined to become the TV champion. Because that's what I'll be, a champion. You're going to leave empty handed, like you always do.

Jenny's bitch Said:"I'm actually honored. It showed that Engy respected my ability to be a threat to him for long enough that he needed to ax it. Not only that, but he and Jim had some sort of a butt play relationship going. He wanted him and his buddy to be champions. He didn't choose me because I was the "weakest champion", he chose me because of his alliance with Jim. You dumb motherfucker."

"Yeah they must be real good mates. Pfft... Maybe the rest of the Apex didn't want the Engineer to join the group? Just like Jim liked him after all. You believe that's why he pinned you? Not everyone is as dilusional as you. He pinned you cuz you're an easy target.
I would say we could ask Drew why Engineer pinned you or why he isn't a member but it seems he's too scared to cut a promo.

Talking off stables, I've been in a few yeah but it shows people actually wanna team with me. Well as I already stated, Jim didn't wanna team with you, Chris. Partners may come and go, stables may break up, nothing lasts forever. The fact remains, NO ONE wants to team with you. No one likes you. Ask John Holliday, he just ran you down and reversed over your head. He didn't really say anything to me, you know why? Because he knows that I'll own him just like I own you. Bark for me, boy! Your Mrs doesn't like you, hence why she beats the fuck outta ya and not in the bedroom either.

Should I be annoyed that one of your gay buddies wants to fuck me in the ass, Chris? Erm... No. Why should I care? Do I blame him for wanting a piece of the Scullmeister, NO not really. You should've asked what he thought of you. You should've been like , would you shitstab me? He's reply would be, not by the hairs on your long chin. Haha I'm quite disappointed that you're the only one I need to own. I suppose you're used to it with Jenny. Being owned. Why is it, people like you think that because my surname is Scully that tagging it with X-Files because of a character is good banter? Erm... I'm afraid you have absolute shit banter! And you have shit hair.

John Holliday, it was good of you join us at last. If you're lucky, I might let you have a few digs at Chris before I take him out but I'm not promising anything. This is my match for the taking and MY championship to be won. Who's gonna stop me?

All of you tune in to Turning Point to witness your NEW XWF TELEVISION CHAMPION, Scully be handed the gold and watch Chris Chaos fail again. Watch Drew lose the title and Holliday not able to regain it. I'm Scully and I'm #MADE4TV... Da End, Scully Has Spoken!"
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