Does Fate Whispers Your Name?
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02-19-2018, 04:14 PM
As Mezian's body hit the floor the girls ran to Jessalyn, He was bleeding more than normal for a Seraphim, and his blood had an odd tint to it.Gaea began to attempt to find out where he was shot.
Son of a bitch!!!!...That asshole is using Blood Silver Bullets.He is trying to kill him off. If I ever see that asshole again I will kill him myself.
Gaea went to retrieve something to extract the bullets from his body. She found a long thin pair of tweezers. It was in one of Mezians bags he brought from home. It was like a first aid kit for Seraphim.It even had a coagulate agent to stop the bleeding and counteract the effects of blood silver.
Is he gonna make it? Is there anything I can do to help?He is my friend too, you know/
Gaea carefully puts the instrument into one of the wound, searching for the lodged projectile.She has trouble finding it.In unison, the two girls speak
We Will Help You Primordial Save The Seraphim.
The children's eyes turned an eerie white as they began to levitate slightly off of the ground. They began to wave their hands in small oblong pattern as they looked at Mezian. Serenity suddenly stopped and floated over to where Mezian
It's over there, half an inch away from the Lumbar 5 vertebrae.
The child said these word with such confidence Gaea had a hard time believing her. But with her being a Sister of Fate, she was almost always right. Gaea had never seen a Sister of Fate at work and it honestly impressed/scared her.There was little the most ancient of beings had seen but this..this was different.
It was if the children who had maybe been aware of their abilities a few years had complete control of them. She watched as a ten-year-old girl literally weaved the strings of fate to find where the bullet was.It was an astounding thing to witness. At this point Gaea could feel it in his lower back, She tried carefully to pull it out, not to damage his spine. The last thing she need was a paralyzed Seraphim. She had to think about humanity, Jessalyn, The sisters, Mezian and the fate they would all face if she failed.
I got it, its a bit harder than I thought but I can get it. Remind me to tell him he owes me for this.
Serenity stood over Gaea and pointed towards his shoulder.
Its stuck in his shoulder blade. It will be hard to get out unless you break it.
You cant do that. We are trying to save him, not hurt him more.
Look, Ezariaha, When a Sister of Fate tells you to do something you do it. I am as old as the universe itself but I know better than to tempt fate.
Why should we believe them? They are just children. I could do what they re doing. It doesn't seem that hard.
Gaea looks at Jessalyn bewildered by her statement. She was trying to break Mezian's shoulder. With no success.She let out a sigh...
You know, for some of the most powerful beings in existence you and Mez sure are dumb sometimes.
The younger of the two children spoke up. She began to move her head around as if she was looking for something.The child stops, her gaze fixed on the door leading to the outside.She began to quiver. She seemed scared, terrified even.
They're coming...They have found us...he said we would be safe.
Gaea looked up to where the child was.She could see the fear in her eyes.She could feel the presence of Angels. Not strong enough to be Micheal or the rest of the council, but strong enough to kill Mezian in his weakened state. She began to chant frantically.
Meanwhile inside the mind of Mezian.......He began to relive memories of his life...
August 23, 1925
New Orleans, Bourbon Street.
Tuesday Afternoon
Jack's Jazz Club
![[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT7QCyQ9OTNkOprpT6y1hc...uq9m4kj5jt]](
Mezian or as he was called back then James Everett, was sitting alone int he back of the bar drinking what smelled like whiskey but tasted like acid. The prohibition laws had made it really hard to get a good buzz anymore. James enjoyed coming to this bar while he was in New Orleans which as of late was very often. It was quiet and small. the bar smelled of cheap liquor and stale smoke. HE didn't mind though he collects is thought and clear his mind.
The door to the bar opened the sunlight ran across the floor, dancing off the brass fixtures of the bar and chairs like embers of a fleeting fire. A tall, slender woman walked in. Her hair dark as midnight, her eyes were a bright blue and clear as an early spring sky. She walked with purpose and she walking towards him.
This mystery woman spoke in low soft tones. She had a southern drawl that could melt the coldest of hearts. She shifted in her seat and parted her lips to speak.
Excuse me Sir, But have you seen the sunset lately?
Mezian smiled politely and responded.
I would love to but its so hard to see it at night.
She was another Seraphim.Fro the code words she used she was also another Greystalker.Which meant Mezian was gonna have to kill one of his own. By himself or with the help of this woman.He continued...
My name is Mezian, why are you here and who do I have to eliminate?
I am Cortessa, I am here with official council business. The council has an issue with a certain Seraphim who has broken the Covenant. He has willfully changed the fate of a human.
I'm sorry dear but I don't kill my own over silly things like changing fate. They have to do something really bad for me to end their life.
Mezian took another sip of his whiskey as she sat there staring at him with malice and anger in her eyes.
Believe me if I could go to anyone else I could. The council asked for you specifically. They said that you would get "great pleasure" from killing this Seraphim.
Mezian took another sip as he stared her down. he removed the glass from his lips and smiled.
They want me to kill him...They want me to kill Razial.Micheal has a fucked sense of humor. Look, I'll do it but this is y last one I'm not doing this shit anymore. You can go back to him and tell him that. And if has a problem he knows where to find me
Mezian stood up and left the bar, throwing a few bucks on the counter. |
Gaea pace one hand on Mezian and the other she pointed towards Jessalyn and the girls. The see to have faded into nonexistent. The primordial had a vast knowledge of glamour abilities and she taught the Seraphim how to use them. Thankfully she did right as the angels barged into the sanctum door.
The two angels stood towering over Gaea, each with a weapon in hand.They looked more human than angel. She knew that they were being controlled by Micheal they had no real power.
Oh ...Is Micheal too much of a coward to face me. Or did he send you two here as cannon fodder? Eather way this isn't going to end pretty for you. Although, you could just leave and I won't have to kill either of you.
The two angels lifted swords towards Gaea and charged.
Alright, suit yourself.
Gaea lunged her hand out to space beside her. She produced a sword out of thin air.It glistened, with a curved blade and a serrated edge. The two swung wildly at the primordial, each swing countered. Gaea went on the offensive. She began to attacking one angel with her sword while using her energy to knock the other one off of its feet. The angel and Gaea clashed sword, each strike making a loud booming sound.
The second angel got to his feet he ran towards Gaea.Only to be met with a foot to the chest by the Primordial. She continued to swing at the first angel. She had begun to wear down his defenses and he had the upper hand.The angel swung at her neck going for a killing blow.But it was stopped mid-swing.She had thrown a hand up in time to stop it. The angel dumbfounded did not notice that she had jabbed her sword through its heart.the angel looked down and saw the sword.It began to glow as the energy was released from its body and it was reduced to a dust as it died...
The second angel after seeing the first one die got to feet and tried to escape. Gaea using her energy caught mid-stride and lifted it towards her.
Now...Tell me what you know.Or I can just take it from you.The second option is more painful.
The angel spoke its last words
Allua Consulatis, Allua Mikeal
( Forever with the council, forever with Micheal)
The angel was speaking Seraph. He had been in fact turned by Michael. She knew what she had to do.She probed the angel's mind to see what he knew.The scattered Images and jumbled thoughts were confusing at first but she got what she needed.she began to choke the angel with her energy hold him.
You will never stop us, and every attempt will be met with aggression.We will kill you and everyone on the council. We are humanities last defense, will stop at nothing to bring you and the council down.
the angel drew its last breath and its body hit the floor.It too began to glow and turned to dust.Gaea dropped the Illusion of glamour to find Jessalyn and the girls hovering over Mezian.They all were trying his best to keep him alive.
The blood silver is poisoning him. If we don't get the second piece out he will die.
Serenity cocked her head to the left
I think I can get it from here but it will damage him more
If you can do it then do it we can heal him later.
The child extended her hand out towards Mezians body.It began to shake as concentrated on the wound.The poisoned blood began to flow out of the wound and then came the bullet.It rested in the palm of her hand, floating. The bullet fell to the floor and the girl went back to where she was next to her sister and Jessalyn.
August 25, 1925
Later that night
Mezian walked back to the bar from his hotel room down the street.He could hear the crowd that filled the small locale from around the corner. He never liked the bars when they were full. This time he had to make an exception. He had a job to do and there was little to nothing that would stop him.
Mezian walked into the bar. The cacophony of music laughter and conversation filled his eardrums. The smells of cheap perfumes, bad liquor, and cigar smoke fought a battle for oxygen through his nose. He moved his way through the crow to get to a man at the back of the room.
Hey Joe I need to speak to my brother.
What? I cant hear you, Jim.
Mezain Moved in closer to the man's ear.
I need to talk to my brother Ray.
Oh Yeah, he is in the back. Just walk on in.
Mezian made his way a little further to the back of the room where the door to his brothers room was.As he walked through he could hear the gasps of a woman. He went in any way, trying not to see whatever his brother was doing to some poor girl.He entered the room to the sight of his brother on top of a mid-twenties blond. He clothes were torn off and her body covered in small cuts.
Jesus fucking christ Razial. Just once id like to come see you and you are not doing something fucked up to a broad.
Com'on Mezian. She is totally into it. Look at her she is in extasy.
I highly doubt any girl is "into" anything you do to them.But hey get rid of her we need to talk.
Razial looked at the girl writhing underneath him. her face covered in the expressions of lust and enjoyment. He shrugged his shoulder and then broke her neck a twist of his hands.
The fuck did you do that for? I said get rid of her, like ask her to leave. I didn't mean for you to kill her. That is the kinda shit the council is pissed about.
Oh that is why you are here. Have you come to do their dirty work? have you come to kill your brother?
I don't have to, I don't want to. But you have to stop doing this kind of shit. The Sisters of Fate are pissed at you. The council is pissed at you. And me..well I'm just generally annoyed by the fact that all of it falls in my lap when you do this shit. I don't want have to clean up your mess all the time.
Raziel walked over to a table in the corner. stepping over the body the woman. He grabbed a bottle two glasses and two cigars.
Do you want a drink? maybe a cigar?
I'll take the drink but I don't smoke.
The two shared a bottle of whiskey and Raziel smoked his cigar. They sat there quietly as the stared at each other. Mezian knew that Raziel wouldn't go without a fight. But at the same time, he knew no one would here him if he killed him.
I knew you were coming. I knew that the council would send YOU to kill me. I had to make sure that didn't happen. I had to make sure I walked out of this place alive.I dropped the dime on this place. The Police should be here any moment, they are gonna find you here with a dead girls body. There is nothing you can do about it.
The whiskey is laced with mercury. Youll be rendered useless here in a few seconds. When that happens I am walking out that door and leaving it to fall into your lap. You know wone last time for good measure.
Mezian tried to move and he couldn't he tried to speak and he couldn't. He began to lose consciousness.The last thing he saw before he went out was Raziel leaving and the police barging into the bar.
Mezian was accused of that girl's murder and served 50 years of a life sentence in a prison. It was closed down and they found him in a solitary confinement cell in the basement. |
It looks like he is coming back! His eyes are open.We did it!
No I did it you just watched. No help me get him up and on his feet.[/color]
The two women picked him up and carried him to a nearby chair.He was unsteady, to say the least. Swaying and bobbing around the chair, unable to keep himself propped up.Dazed and confused he tried to speak.His words coherent but jumbled.
[purple]Its the blood silver its still in his bloodstream. its still poisoning him.
Maybe I can help him. You said that I was a part of some healing group for the Seraphims. Let me try and help.
Gaea cautiously left Mezian to sit up by himself and Jessalyn knelt before him. She placed her hand on his chest and began to concentrate. She began to shake and mumble. Her energy had become sporadic and uncontrolled.
Concentrate Ezariaha, find the poison.Get it out of him. Don't let him die.Listen to the other side. Follow their directions.
Jessalyn body calmed, her energy seemed more controlled. She started to pull her hand back slowly. The energy shared between her and Mezian became visible. The space between her hand and his chest became a bright light. The poison was visibly being pulled from his body.The odd green energy pulsed and fell to the floor. Ezariaha slumped to a sitting position on her heels. Mezian took a deep breath and spoke.
Oh Jesus Christ, what the hell happened? are the girls safe?
You were shot by blood silver bullets they poisoned you. You have been out for hours. Yes, the girls are safe, they helped us get the bullets out. Gaea fought off angels that came to kill you and the girls.but we are all safe for now.
Yeah, for now. We still need to find Hope. We still need to find Azoth.We need to get the hell out of here. Those were just scouts for Micheal, the real threat is still out there. We need to get you back on your feet.
Yeah, your right I have shit I have to get done.I have to go get Azoth, I have to save hope and I have a Pay Per View I need to get ready for.
To hell with your wrestling match. You need to get Azoth.
I will, I promise. I just need to focus on this for a little bit. I promise to get Azoth. You can send Jessalyn to get hope. She can handle it.
Yeah, I can handle grabbing a girl and coming back here.If I cant i will let you know.
Fine...But if either of you fuck this up we are all screwed.
to be continued.....
So let me get this straight. I have to face Drezdin, Random, Dr.Emo, Allister Sorenson and some new guy named Genocide. Vinnie my man, you don't have to make my life this easy. I know I don't have the best record in PPV's but damn.I'm not gonna complain an easy win is an easy win. So let's address the unknowing victims, one at a time.
When I saw you signed up for the PPV I literally laughed out loud. I was in a store and the people looked at me weird. At least more than normal. The idea that you even think you have a chance against me r anyone else in this match is entertaining. The fact that you have yet to beat me, the fact that you only show up whenever someone mentions your name enough time. Are you Beetlejuice or something? Seriously though about that whole not ever beating me thing. I know it sucks when you get matched up against someone over and over again and you keep losing. I should know its kind of my thing right now in the company.
But you keep striving on, you keep trying to make a name for yourself. I admire that, I really do. But the difference between you and I is talent. I have talent, I have the abilities to win I have the heart to win. Even if that means ai have to tear yours out. So ask yourself this is this the way you wanna be remembered? The no-talent hack, a has been or better yet the never will be. I think it's in your best interest just to not show up. Stay home get some rest and forego the ass whopping I'm gonna give you.
I don't know where to start with you. Hell, I don't think you where to start with you. Every time I see you, it's a different gimmick. I don't know if you are confused or you are trying to be the next mick foley. Either way, you should stop. What has it got you? what have great accomplishments been achieved through your personality disorder? I know its hard sometimes being a wrestler, keeping up this persona all the time. I mean being a normal everyday human being can be hard, and very confusing. So you can come at me with any persona you want. It's not gonna change a goddamn thing.
I have your number or should I say your numbers. I have no doubt in my abilities. Whereas you have nothing but doubts. Your persona, your Identity, and most importantly whether or not you wanna work her or not. So I give you an option. you can get your head out of your ass and figure out who you are. As a person, a wrestler, as an employee. Otherwise, you're gonna have to find room for my foot.
So.....let me guess, you longed for some unattainable girl.She never loved you for you are and she crushed your little weeping heart. Well, first off Robert Smith of the cure wants his gimmick back.So your an old school Xwf Wrestler, and you beat Holliday.That doesn't mean shit when you are in the ring with five other people. I have been here before, it's not fun I promise. But its okay I will make sure to have a jar to catch your tears after you lose, you know to write your shitty promos and god-awful poetry.
Allister Sorenson
You're big, You're Mean, You're calling out Scully. Good job did you get a match? Nope, you got stuck at the bottom of the card. You see here in this company you don't get to just drop names and act you're a big shot right out of the gate. I mean there has been tons before you and there will be more after you. I mean just recently I had to deal with some loud mouth upstart. Devon, I'm still waiting for you to sue me fuckhead. I beat him, I'll beat you. I dropped him on his neck, I drop you on your neck. Although I don't think you even have a neck. Matthews or Taylor should probably have you pee in a cup.I pretty sure your gynecomastia is showing.
Genocide, that is cute. You think that if you have some sort of imposing name that it will strike fear into your opponent's hearts and have afraid to fight you? Why would you think that? you should have picked a better name. You sound like a bad comic book character, like Apocalypse but dumb and with no talent. I have to tell you I have seen actual Genocide. I have been responsible for at least two myself. It's not fun or is it something you want to remember. I have no doubt that you chose your name from some synonym generator on google.So after turning point go back to google and find a synonym for loser.
I have been waiting for three months to get a chance at another Pay Per View. I have had loss after loss of these things but not at Turning Point.which is the most appropriate name ever, at least me for that is.I am not going to lose, I'm not going to be the laughing stock of the company. That is what they have you fools for. I may not be a Main Eventer but I will not be associated with the likes of you losers.So I hope you are ready.......
- W/L/D
- 23/15/0
- 3xHeavyp Metalweighti Championn