Adam Lax
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01-28-2018, 03:26 PM
In-Ring Name: "The Outsyder" Adam Lax
Wrestler's Real Name: Adam Lax
New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New
Wrestler Date of Birth: August 8th, 1981
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 245lbs
Hometown: Akron, Ohio
Personality: A veteran of wrestling for 17 years who won't back down regardless of who's in front of him. While usually very calm and reserved Adam has a tendency to take things to the extreme if pushed far enough, but that is a very rare occasion.
Alignment (heel/face/tweener): Face
Looks Description: Shoulder length long brown hair he pulls back during matches. Medium build. Not super muscular, but not fat either. A few tattoo's on his arms. When wrestling he wears plain black wrestling underwear, with a black elbow pad on his right arm with the word DIE written on it. Black boots with white kick pads and black knee pads on his feet and white hand and wrist tape.\. During his entrance he tends to wear a black leather jacket.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Pic Base: ECW/WCW era Raven
Strengths: Smart, Veteran wrestler.
Weaknesses: Old knee injury, can get frustrated easily.
Entrance Theme Music: Echoes by Pink Floyd
Special Entrance (if any): The lights in the venue go out and a spotlight shines upon the entrance. Adam walks out and makes his way to the ring and halfway runs and slides under the bottom rope. He stands in the middle of the ring and then raises his hands in the air. As he brings his arms down he slowly looks towards the enterance or his opponent while taking of his leather jacket.
5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
- Russian Leg Sweep
- Running Dropkick
- Drop Toe Hold
- T-Bone Suplex
- German Suplex
- Corner Clothesline
- Running Knee Lift
Trademark Move(s):
- Mindbender
- Superkick
Finishing Move(s):
- Chaos Engine
- 450 Splash
- Death Valley Driver
- 450 Splash
Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots:
-Death Valley Driver onto a chair
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