Chris Chaos
Corporate Chaos
XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
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Joined: Tue Jul 12 2016
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Hates Given: 14
Hates Received: 67 in 59 posts
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01-30-2018, 10:24 PM
“...the beginning is where the end gets born.”
This is it, the moment he has been waiting for. The opportunity that has long eluded him. Staring at the drop ceiling wall in his hotel room, Chris let out a sigh. This was the moment he had been waiting for, against an opponent that should be a walk in the park, but his thoughts were solely on Jim Caedus? Was he sleeping on Finn, perhaps. He was certain nobody blamed him. But he would have to go through Jim to win this tournament, and to get HIS belt back. He remembered all of the moments. The I Quit match where he never actually quit. The Triple Threat X-Treme rules match with Duke and Caedus that went to the wire. The briefcase match that came down to the two of them dangling 20 feet in the air.........he could still feel the sweat on his finger tips.....falling from that height was till burned in his mind. He rolled over and put an arm around Jenny, who was breathing lightly through her nose. She was so tough, so brilliant, but was so innocent and serene like this. He owed this to her. He made her that promise that day by the pool under a cloudless blue sky. As he held her, his thoughts drifted to that day.
Jenny sauntered over to him, laying her towel down and laying on the lounge chair next to him. “Hey there” she said, “you should come into the pool with us in a few. The water is beautiful.”
Bruce was still in. Sitting on the steps and smoking a cigar. “Maybe the hottub”, Chris said, “I need to loosen up this back a little. I need to relax a bit. I have the biggest match of my career coming up. I need to be relaxed—and as focused—as possible.”
She smiled. “You know, Chris. I admire that. I mean, I know we have hooked up and what not. I know that the reason you chose me as your manager was because of how I look—but I think I have proven to you I can be street smart as well. What I admire, however, is that you have been so focused. You didn’t let my looks get the best of you. You went into every match with a mission and left the ‘celebration’ to after your victory.” The way she said ‘celebration’, the inflection she put on it, was so sexy. She knew how hot she was, but she also knew how important she was to him. She slid her sunglasses on and rubbed her chest and arms with suntan lotion.
“I can’t afford to let your sexy ass get the best of me” Chris said, “but when I am Universal Champ—well---let’s just say you may not be able to walk for a few days.”
She smiled, sticking her tongue between her teeth.
“For real, though. You should get on the active roster. I can train you. How cool would it be—think about it---to create a women’s division here. How cool would it be to be the first ever XWF Women’s Champion?”
She did just that. She wasn't the first ever, but that was because of politics and the women's division equivalent of a burlap sack fucking it all up. But what he loved about her was that she didn't quit, she kept fighting, kept pushing, and was determined. She was the top female wrestler in the world, and at Turning Point he would once again be the top male wrestler. He owed her at least that. His end of the bargain. But as he sat there in his thoughts, he thought about the word love. He had been so filled with hate for nearly his entire life, it was about time to love. Did he love Jenny, sure he did, but he just couldn't get past the love he had for the Universal Title. It was an obsession. It was his life-blood. It was almost a sickness at this point, an ailment that could kill him. He had said time and time again that he didn't care as much as he used to about the title.........
He lied.
He just hadn't been this close to it in some time. It dominated his thoughts. It became his everything.
He kissed Jenny on the cheek before rolling over and going into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror he ran his hands through his hair. This was the beginning. This was the first step towards his second reign for a title he felt he didn't truly lose. He had gotten rid of everything--and everyone--else plauging him. Reno was gone for good and now his sights were set on Jim Caedus. As far as he was concerned, Finn Kuhn was Jim Caedus this week. He was going to take out all of his rage, his frustration, his desperation on Finn. As he ran his hands over his goatee, he looked at the image staring back at him in the mirror. It was the same image that had stared back at him for his entire adulthood, but this time it felt, more.......real.
This tournament was his to win. As he ran the water, which sputtered out of its third world fountain, over his face he couldn't help but think about the feeling. That fuzzy feeling like when you have your first kiss or see your first baby for the first time.......that fuzzy feeling when he held up the Universal Title. He craved it like a crack addict.
James Raven, who is going to get a shot at Vinnie at Turning Point, Chris had beaten twice. He had held the belt. Robbie Bourbon who fucks up more than a doing calculus held the belt. It seemed like every "top tier" superstar had a run at this belt since it was stolen from him. This belt had been passed around like a blonde at a brothel. It was time it came home.
He walked back out to the dark bedroom after drying his hands and crawled into the bed. He put his arm back around Jenny, sniffing her neck a little. Her pink tipped hair in his face as he settled in.
"I love you" he said as he nuzzled in.
"I know" she said under her breath, sleep talking.
Funny thing was, he was talking to the title.
Tunisia is really more Middle Eastern than it is African. It doesn't have the same flowing plains and jungle landscapes. It is boring, dry and brown. Its architecture is Muslim oriented and the language is Arabic. When you think of Africa, you sure as shit don't think of Tunisia. Where the elephants, the lions, the sprawling mass of non-human life, unbothered by interactions of the worlds most detrimental force, us?
Nowhere to be seen.
The Rhode Island of the African continent, that is all it is.
As his boots stepped foot on the dirt-laden ground of this shit hole that XWF decided it was a good idea to go to, he looked around, surverying his surroundings. There wasn't much to see that was worth seeing, much like the XWF roster. A few winners, a whole lot of losers.
There were a lot of so called landmarks in Tunisia, and Chris wanted to see them. He wanted to see the structures from the rise of the the Ottoman to the fall of modern day civilization. Hell, look at this place, as far as Chris was concerned, it was still the Ottomon Empire. Everything just looked, old.
![[Image: XDicdHh.jpg]](
A once proud Roman-Berber civilization, they had all the riches. Now look at what they had become. He walked past the crumbling stone ruins, his shoes making a shuffle noise from the rock and dirt even when he wasn't trying to, and squinted a bit in the Tunisian sun.
He hated when people phrased shit like that. Tunisian sun? It was the same fucking sun as everyone else's sun, when were people going to stop being so pretentious.
The rocks clicked and clacked under his Doc Martin's. He had given Jenny some money to go shopping for whatever the fuck they sell in this shit hole, and decided he would take some time to "reflect". Why would he choose ruins to reflect? Simple, they reminded him of him. They were beautiful in their greatness. They were iconic. Sure, they weren't what they once were, but neither was he.
He was better.
He looked at these old memories of glory that once was and swore he would never be like them. He wouldn't be a dusty old reminder of something that used to be great.
He was going to be great and stay great because he was great. Finn Kuhn reminded him of these ruins also. So much potential to be great, and yet he was looked over, passed by, and an afterthought, because he didn't stack up to bigger, better, and more advanced competition. Finn was supposed to be the next big thing, but then he fell apart.
Even the Roman colesium is falling apart.
As he sat out looking over the Tunisian landscape, he thought to himself how great it would be to hoist that title again and realized, right then, that every end had a beginning. These ruins were in their end of life stage, but they began sometime. Everything did. WE did. And one day we will end. But in order to end you have to begin.
The Era of Chaos would begin with Finn Kuhn.
"Finn, I actually don't hate you as much as you may think. I think you're a douche whose dreams are bigger than your ability, but then again what rookies aren't? I just think this is wrong place wrong time for you, because that Universal Title means more to be than anything else, and I would go to the end of the world and back for it. I refuse to be put down again. I have been run around the block, been screwed left and right, and have been within a fingertip of obtaining a belt I never cleanly lost. I have been eliminating obstacles left and right. The biggest thing haunting me in this business was Gabe Reno, and I finally put him on the shelf. Now, it is Jim Caedus, and he is in my cross-hairs with a finger on a ever-delicate trigger. You aren't on this level, it is simple. It is nothing against you, but the wrestling business isn't about story book endings. It is about days, weeks, months, years on the road. It is about putting your body through tremendous amounts of strain and trauma, and your mind through even more. I was wrestling in gymnasiums in Florida while you were eating your mothers packed lunches in elementary school. You have to earn things around here, Finn. You think you've earned this? Finn, you haven't even earned a Big Mac. You're still dollar menu, bud. I am sorry to be the one to break it to you, but it is true. You aren't always going to hear things in life that you will like. You aren't always going to get what you want. I don't care if you are on our side in this battle with Taylor and her crooked authority. I don't care if you agree with anything we say or do. You don't register on my chart, Finn, but when the Universal Title is involved it is a different animal. Hell, a daddy long legs could garner my attention if it came to gaining a step towards MY belt. I don't play games with this title.
Erik Black doubted my abilities last week. He didn't think I still had it. I showed Erik why I am the best in the world at what I do. Now, it is time to teach you. I know you like to give history lessons in your promo's Finn, so why not make a little history? Why not be the first person to lose to Chris Chaos on his quest for his second Universal Title reign? I am undfeated since my return, and I plan to stay that way. What have you done since you've been here? Been hyped up, been promoted, been talked about, been on tee shirts, been on lunch boxes, talked a big game......and lose in every match that isn't versus Drezdin calibur compeition. You've been exhaustingly underwhelming, Finn. You've been agonizingly disappointing. You're nothing but another Cris Valerius, a fly by night passing fad that never really caught fire in the first place. You should be a Barney Green guy, Finn, because your level of shitstain matches his. It is only a matter of time before John Holliday gets run over like monster truck by me in our little tag match he wanted so badly before people realize that Barney Green is as shitty at picking talent as he is at eating salad. Finn, your nothing but a plastic seem sturdy but you bend at the first sign of resistance. You matter to nobody here, you simply exist.
Now, you probably have a sack of questions bigger than Berlin, and most of them probably include why we made it our purpose to screw you over at every turn during my absence. Why Jenny had to wear a hood and run with the whole druid gimmick just to make Finn's life a living hell. Well, I think it about time I give you some answers, I at least owe you that.
Finn, we saw potentia in you. She still does, for whatever reason, and we saw you as a rising and up and coming talent. But we knew that this administration does their damndest to suppress talent who isn't a total John Holliday lick-ass. So, we wanted to test you. How would Finn Kuhn handle distractions in the ring. How could he handle it when the heat was turned up. Want to know how it went Finn? Not good. Not good at all.
When we revealed the plan and you found out it was Jenny, and then I damn near broke you in half with a spear, we still were testing you. We thought Finn Kuhn would go on a war path to hunt us down and hang our heads on his mantle. We thought the Kaiser may want to start a war. What did you do? Hurled a few hastily thought out insults our way and promise revenge then fade back into the shadows. Now, after all of this, your pussy ass takes our side? Hell, if what happened to you happened to me, I'd be out for blood. Finn you should be the first person to sign up for Mayde's army to make sure neither of us see another successful day here. But no, your passive-aggressive ass took too long and she went with Neville....a true, cold-hearted, cold blooded assassin. Something you will never be. Face it Finn, maybe this business just isn't for you. Your not a bad looking dude, maybe look to GQ. Hell, they gave citizen of the year to Kaepernick.....your country is a Muslim meat factory fight now....maybe you'd get a center fold.
Just stay away from a wrestling ring. Let the big boys play before you get hurt. Finn, all I can do is shake my head at you. So much talent, so much potential, a ceiling higher than the Sistine Chapel......and THIS is what we get. We wanted to groom you Finn, because we saw that anger you have within you. We saw your frustration at constantly being overlooked, at constantly being shit on. We know how passionate you are, and nobody is questioning your passion........but we are questioning your work ethic. If you want this as bad as you claim you want this, you'd be setting this place on fire. You think I am lying? Ask Erik Black. Black thought this place was going to part like the Red Sea and he was Moses, and that we would all shake in our boots over a few tough words. You think that too, Finn. You feel like you are entitled to be good here. You go as far as to call yourself the "Kaiser." Bitch, you aren't no Kaiser, you're barely a private. You have a lot to learn. I will say the same thing I said to Black. You're young. You have a lot of time left, you have a while to make your mark and build your brand, but something needs to change. You need to learn to humble yourself, and if you can't learn on your own allow me to be your Hooked on Phonics. When you reach my level, you have a right to be entitled but until then, keep those thoughts to yourself playboy. If I had anything at all to teach you out of all this, it is that every beginning has an end, but also, every end has a beginning. What is the end? The end is Turning Point going off the air with Chris Chaos holding the Universal Title high in the air as confetti and pyro go off, the hottest chick in the business on my arm and every member of that locker room knowing that their job just got that much tougher. The bar raised that much higher. That end, it has a beginning and that beginning comes Wednesday Night when I beat you like you stole something and move on in this tournament.
The Chris Chaos Universal Title Tournament begins Wednesday, and it begins with you laying on your back in the center of the ring, 1-2-3. How does that make you feel, Finn?
Let it soak in. Chaos is coming and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.