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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap of Faith 2017 RP Board
Fight Until The End RP 3
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Barney Green Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

10-13-2017, 02:58 PM

I know I am not the guy I was when I first showed up in XWF. I mean. Look at what I used to look like.

[Image: DSCI0033.JPG]

A young and dapper looking me back before my knee became fucked up making it difficult to walk some days. It's amazing when you think about the sacrifices you are willing to make to your body. Just for that moment to achieve total victory. Once that bell rings, The pain will subside in my body until I reach my goal.

I have seen what you have said, D'Ville. I may not be a legend in the sense that I have won tons of belts but out of everyone, I have never really left outside of taking a couple of hiatuses. You talk about how help is hard to find. You are gonna need more than just a couple of weapons to stop once that bell rings.

I'm begging you to end me. Nobody else has. Chasm couldn't even finish the job when he took my eye away from me. Most people would have quit and called it a career yet I am still here. Fate is a funny thing. I have always been the type to throw caution to the wind and do what I feel I need to do.

The one thing you and I can agree on is its a sad state of affairs that everyone is so scared of The Kings™ that the only people willing to stand up to them is me and Tyler Cross. The fact that one of the people is getting such a shot with me and I am honored to fight beside him in this war.

I know the stakes are high and this is a battle I cannot lose no matter what happens. The Kings™ like to throw their weight around and I can't stand people like that. My faith is what keeps me going. I will see this damn thing through to the end and will never surrender.

I have been losing sleep preparing for this fight. You may be called The Kings™ but you certainly aren't my king. You may own 50% of this company, Pryce but that doesn't mean I have to respect you. You are nothing more than an obsessed megalomaniac who wants control of everything. Why not just strip the Universal Championship and give it to one of your goons.

I'm the one person that you will never break even when the odds are stacked against me. I may not be the same guy I was back in 2008 but I still got that veteran instinct and skill. As long as the fans keep chanting my name, I will find a way to keep getting back up for more punishment.

No matter how many times you may think you have me beaten, I will pop back up like the energizer bunny. The blood is gonna flow and its gonna flow heavy. I am ready to sacrifice years of my life for this battle. I will stand with Tyler Cross until the bitter end. I will see his dream and my dream realized when I raise the Tag Belts above my head.

When all is said and done, It will be Barney Green and Tyler Cross who take down The Kings™. Not AX3. Not Gabe Reno and whoever he is teaming with this week. Not Robert Main. Not Micheal Graves. Not James Raven. Not The Motherfuckers. But an aging veteran with one eye and a bad right knee alongside a rookie.

I am gonna prove to everyone that their dreams can be realized no matter how old they may be or how badly damaged they are. I may love a bottle of Colt 45 every now and then along with some Busch but I am only human. We all have our vices in life.

I know you have a lot on your mind right now, D'Ville. I mean with Unknown Soldier supposedly coming back. Talk about a shocker. I thought he was finally dead but that crazy bastard is still alive and kicking. Don't think I have forgotten about you. I have no respect for a man who has to run for help when his meal ticket splits which is what happened with you. You needed three men to hold onto your tag belts. Talk about pathetic.

You should be out enjoying retirement but like me, You love the misery and misery always loves company. I am getting up there in age myself and know that one day, I will not be able to get into the ring. You wanna bring the dagger to my throat and end my career. Go for it. I am begging for you to end my career. What a fitting way to go out. The good doctor trying to kill a man. Talk about your stale cliches.

Go Fuck Yourselves, Kings™. Your time is drawing near and I am gonna be the one that slays the dragon in a sense.

[Image: juXb2Dg.jpg]
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