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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap of Faith 2017 RP Board
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Neville Sinclair Offline
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(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-12-2017, 10:55 PM

October 12, 235 AD

[Image: Amandas-Stonehenge.jpg]

“If thou be fain to grace the burial-place of these men with a work that shall endure forever, send for the Dance of the giants that is in Killaraus, a mountain in Ireland. For a structure of stones is there that none this age could raise save his wit were strong enough to carry his art. For the stones be big, nor is there any stone anywhere of more virtue, and, so they be set up round this plot in a circle, even as they be now there set up, here shall they stand forever.”

Uther Pendragon sat and looked at the mountain of Killaraus, this was a mountain said to be magic. Strange things had gone on here. An army of heathens waited on the other side of the valley. There would be battle.

But Merlin had said it needed to be from here
To see pure magic, it could only come from one place.

Uther watched his men eating what they could behind him. A few of them had caught wild animals, some of them were eating food from home. This seemed like a crazy mission. They had to collect stones, from a mountain in a heathen land, and drag them all the way back home to England.

This seemed like a suicide mission, and it was the first time Uther had questioned Merlin significantly.

But the men were willing to die here. Knowing that there was a chance for them to live in immortality. They would erect a structure that would do more than exist, it would show the world that there was greatness in the Kingdom of England.

This was a chance to live in immortality.

On top of that, Merlin had promised that magical things would happen there. Not only would the monument stand as a symbol, it would create a place where the Britons could turn to for messages from beyond.

Many men questioned that, so Uther decided to keep it quiet. If it wasn’t their idea of God they were hearing from, they feared that the place might be cursed.
Maybe this next battle would stand in history as the point that would show whether the Britons were cursed or blessed. Every battle they entered would show either favour or dismay. Every battle mattered.

Uther watched as the heathens lit their torches in the early evening. Men would be trying to stop them. This would be a battle and men would die trying to do this.
But the promise was too great. This was for legacy. This was for the Kingdom.

This was one of the reasons Uther was placed on earth.

Merlin would call this place Stonehenge.

October 12, 2017

[Image: Stonehenge-near-Wiltshire-England-pic-9-...24x684.jpg]

Neville stood on the some of the world’s most famous ruins. He could feel the magic being here. There was something special about this place. In all his studies, he’d never found a scientific excuse for anything magical, but faith came from looking all around him. Where reason failed, there was always faith. It was interesting that this upcoming pay-per-view was called Leap of Faith. This was something Neville was learning more and more as time went on. Faith was believing in something outside of yourself, knowing that there was a bigger purpose to things. There was a bigger purpose to his match, and Neville could feel it as he stood in a magical place.

His match against Kropotkin and Phantom Panzer was an interesting one. Panzer was the one man in the XWF who had actually beaten Neville. Right at the start of his career, Neville had lost a match for King of the Ring. It was the biggest embarrassment Neville had felt, losing to a man with a bad clown gimmick. It had almost caused Neville to quit, but now Neville was in the conversation for being the greatest TV Title holder of all time, and there was no time to think about the past and regret anything, there was only opportunity to look ahead. Neville had a chance to right a wrong. Neville had the chance to scratch the blemish off of his record. By defeating Phantom Panzer, he had the chance to get back the one thing that caused him to question himself. From that point on, how could Neville not be anything but unstoppable?

XWF, I owe all of you a giant “thank you”. Not only do I get to face two men who I think might be worthy of a title shot, but I get to show supremacy over someone who’s beaten me. And we know there’s only one person in the XWF who can claim that. To say that I’m looking forward to this event would be an understatement. In many ways I feel that this match has a bit to do with my own destiny. I get to right the one wrong I’ve had in this federation. I get the chance to remove the blemish. And to get to do it on a big stage where the entire world can see that I am the most dominant TV Champion in history is icing on the cake. This is magic. This is destiny.

Magic’s not really something that you would expect a man of my caliber to be into. Magic is usually something reserved for those who want to believe there’s something more to this world. But I believe Magic is what happens when a man meets his purpose. When a man truly listens to what’s happening in the universe and takes heed to it. That’s when magic happens. This isn’t some Harry Potter shit with men waving magic wands. This is understanding that there’s a power in this world that can be tapped into when great men meet their destiny. England has sat on that power for years, and now it’s my turn.

I don’t want to overlook my opponents though. I’ve been given two opponents in a ladder match that very well plan on keeping me from my destiny. So allow me to instruct you in some things you need to know.

Lesson #1 – Bad Gimmicks hurt everyone

I had the pleasure of watching Kropotkin’s last promo from a hotel room in London. At first, I genuinely thought I was watching a sketch television show, but it turns out 30 years after the cold war, Soviet “bad guy” promos are still found acceptable. I mean, the man didn’t even bother addressing his opponents, instead he told a really bad story that ended with an assertion that the Soviets were still relevant. It had me wondering if Kropotkin himself even wanted to be relevant, or if he was a comedy act wanting to make a name for himself.

Do you want to know why Anarchy will never work Kropotkin? It’s because there will always be great men and lesser men. You tout anarchy like it’s an answer to the world’s problems. Anarchy is reactionary and can never stand on it’s own. Once anarchy becomes normalized, it ceases to be anarchy because there’s nothing to react to. Chaos can’t win, and revolutions always lead into democratic or communist governments. Do you really want to challenge me on political thought? Go ahead, shoot another promo, I’ll be waiting tomorrow for it.

And Phantom Panzer, you’re still going with the obnoxious clown gimmick. It’s funny, because clowns are so in right now. You have the number one movie in America right now about an awful clown that kills people called “:It”. Now I get to battle against a bad knockoff who’s half-assed and hardly scary. I hear they want to make a movie about you and call it “shIt”. Panzer you’re the most embarrassing loss I’ve ever had in my career and I don’t even care about Kropotkin. I want to kick your ass all around Leap of Faith. Look out. I’m coming for you.

Neville smiles thinking about his “it” pun. He hadn’t had time to watch movies in almost a year and a half, but he gave himself a pat on the back for that one.

Lesson #2 – Don’t Try and Get in the Way of Greatness

Why are you two even trying to beat me at Leap of Faith? I mean everything about the both of you screams laziness. Phantom Panzer comes at things like he doesn’t care what happens. Kropotkin comes at matches like he has no idea what is going on. Both men seem confused by anything that comes their way. And these are the two who are in title contention? Not since Chris Valerius had Neville thought anyone so annoyingly dumb.

Do you understand that I’m not going down without a fight? I actually value the TV title. While you two think that this would be some great kind of accolade to add to a very small awards shelf. I see this as something I’m willing to fight to the death for. I don’t plan on going down unless it’s on my terms, not yours. And to get to do it in one of the greatest cities in the world – Vancouver. Well I’m not going to lose there. So bring your A-Games and try to do something. Actually show up for a fight, and we will make this a match for the ages.

Did you wonder why the odds were so bad when they came out guys? Did you wonder why absolutely no one took you in this match? There are classes of people, and once more I get to show you the difference between the two.

Neville decides now is a great time to take a drink. He can only imagine what a Scotch at Stonehenge would feel like. The sun is starting to go down. This was the magic hour. It’s time to drink.

He pulls a flask out his front pocket. This was the time. It was a Glenrothes single cask from 1976. This was a bottle worth over $2000 and every shot he took would be a $100-200 shot.

Neville takes the shot and feels the burn go down his throat. In an instant, he feels a flash of electricity and sees an image of a King. This was either some really good shit or this place really was magic. He would drink this stuff later to see if it had the effect on him, but for now he would attribute this to druidic magic.

Lesson #3 – Have some Faith

Do you ever have things in life you can’t explain? I love logic, but lately I’ve also seen the need for faith. In my quest for greatness, I know a hell of a lot of things have to go right. Including leap of faith. It’s a great title for the Pay-per-view, all of us putting ourselves on the line because we believe we’re great. And I don’t plan on losing. This is my reset button. This is where I get to start things fresh.

So Phantom Panzer, Kropotkin are you taking this match as seriously as I am? The both of you seem to have a penchant for lazy, irresponsible behavior.

Kropotkin, you love your anarchy, you enjoy the fact that you think revolutions are necessary, but do you put in the work to make it happen? Right now I see a guy who is a shit-load more talk than action, and that’s never going to get anything done.

Panzer, you’re the one I can’t wait to beat in that ring. But I don’t know if I’ll even see you there. You show up when you want and try to call the shots. Good luck with that, I’m on to you.

The sun is going down quickly, from the corner of his eye Neville sees some lights coming towards him. He doesn’t know what this means, but he’s ready for anything.

[Image: 2.jpg]

Educating the XWF since 06/08/17
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