The Sugay Sisters
Double Trouble!
XWF FanBase: Men and Lesbians (physically attractive female on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)
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Joined: Sat Aug 12 2017
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09-10-2017, 06:49 PM
scene one . the development of xwf's new power couple...
The scene opens inside Jim Caedus’ Long Beach, California home. The cameras zoom inside the master bedroom and sitting on the edge of the California king sized bed is Jim Caedus. Tala brushes her hand through her hair as she’s kneeled up on the edge of the bed, sort of snuggled right beside Jim. She has her hands holding his biceps while he’s grinning. Across from him is the flat screen that has been mounted on the wall and below it is an entertainment stand. He’s watching replays last week of Saturday night Savage. It is to the point after Tala Sugay rolled Chris Chaos up with a diving crossbody and John Holliday surprised the world by attacking Chris Chaos after the match. Tala runs her hand through the top of her hair as she brings a strand of her hair down the front of her chest.
“Tsk, tsk, it looks like Holliday made your work out there very minimal.”
She snickers as Jimmy shrug.
“Good for John. He still needs to make a name for himself and desperate for attention. I’ve got nothing to prove; I’ve beaten Chris several times in the past and now, you have nothing left to prove.”
“Nice win by the way.”
He grins as he rubs his hand over the top of Tala’s head.
“I guess the pissy champagne had more of an effect on them than they thought. Poor Jenny and Chris trying to get back what they had. They should have left it alone and realized we are the newest power duo in XWF!”
She leans closer to Jim and kisses his pink lips.
“I couldn’t have beaten Chris without our little rundown about him. It was the perfect ending to a pitch perfect warm up!”
“Chris can come off as an arrogant little fucker, but he’s all bark and no bite. I’m glad you put him on his back like the bitch he is!”
She sits on her knees and scoots over in Jim’s lap, stretching her legs out over his leg soon after. He wraps his arms around her midsection.
“Anything I can do to make sure you’re several steps ahead of toxic assholes like Chris Chaos, I will do. You deserve to be this company’s sole queen.”
Tala shakes her head in disagreement.
“Baby, the name queen is so outplayed and overused. I’m sick of all these bitches putting queen in their names or nicknames. It’s like, really? Do you feel important now? Cause no matter how many times you call yourself a queen, you’re always going to be just an ordinary twat!”
Jimmy leans back and laughs outloud.
“Baby, you crack me off, but it’s so true! Isn’t your partner on Wednesday night the Queen of Obscene or whatever!?
Tala turns her head toward him with her eyebrow arched.
“Why would you even bring that bitch up? I don’t trust the bitch not to mess things up on Wednesday! I hope she stays the fuck out of my way or else I’ll just lay her out along with the Motherfuckers!”
“Just be careful out there because Jack, Robbie, and Travis mean business.”
Tala rolls her eyes.
“They all might be ten times bigger, but hen I’m not worried about them. They all walk around with a chip on their shoulder and like a group of angry monkeys. Just wait until I sock their faces so hard, their frowns will get turned in the upright positions!”
Jimmy rubs his larger hands and rubs it up her spine. He grips the back of her neck and starts caress her sexually. She starts to roll her neck while letting a moan out.
“What do you want for your celebration on Wednesday night?”
He asks with a sexually motivated grin on his face while licking his lips as he stares up and down her body. Tala temporary bites down on her left forefinger and cocks her head to the side while rubbing her right index finger down the front of his chest.
“I’ll be happy with just you and I alone for the night. You still owe me a night out for my Saturday night celebration.”
She arches her eyebrow and winks at Jimmy.
“Oh, I didn’t forget baby. I was just waiting for the right time.”
She kicks her legs out behind Jimmy and flips her calves up as her feet are flat on the top of the bed. She wraps her forearms around Jim’s neck and leans in as the two begin to passionately kiss each other. The scene fades to static.
scene two. flip this bitch...
Several hours later, the cameras fix itself and the scene opens in Los Angeles, California: twenty minutes away from Jim Caedus’ Long Beach home. Everybody in the Los Angeles’ county is near each other, when there’s no traffic. The cameras open in a local park and the park looks quite tore up. Sitting on picnic table with her feet flattened on the bench portion as she grips the edge of the table. She leans her head up and looks forward as Jaslene stands to the side of her. She raises her arm and starts waving her hand.
“Tala Sugay is about to start World War III!”
Tala brushes her hands through her hair.
“Blah, blah, blah, I’ve heard dirt-sheets online about my victory last week. I heard how deplorable my actions were after the match, but guess what? I don’t give a fuck! Jenny and Chris got exactly what was owed to them and Jenny’s just lucky she didn’t get her little touché pinned. Believe me, that was my goal. But now she can walk into this week’s Savage with a loss under her belt and just try to get her grubby little man hands on the title. I highly doubt she’ll be anything more than a contender, still, after Saturday night!”
“I intend to take my little victory with me and walk into the Air Canada Centre with a massive advantage over my opponents. Yes, I was that bitch who pinned Chris Chaos in the middle of that ring! Yes, I was that bitch who divided and conquered the former power couple of XwF! I’m not afraid to push limits and break barriers! In order to make a name for yourself in this business, you have to be able to elevate yourself! I am going to elevate myself as the top bitch in Xtreme Wrestling Federation!”
“I know, I know, Robbie can say he beat Chris’ ass too. Robbie won by a technicality as I just outright beat him! Team Motherfuckers didn’t beat Chris Chaos and Jenny Myst, but I did! I did that bitches! The Sugay Sisters owned Chris Chaos and Jenny Myst!”
“This might not be for the number one contender’s spot for the tag titles. This might not be for a shot at Hart’s title… bombshell’s title… or the Universal Championship. This match is all about putting the entre backstage locker room on notice!”
“I’m about to flip this bitch and cause World War III! Bitch, World War III is a technological nuclear war and I don’t need anybody to have my back, but I have a team I’m comfortable with and it doesn’t include Kennedy Robinson’s ass! Motherfuckers, with or without Kennedy’s ass it’s going to be my damn arm held in victory! It’s going to be my face you all see just before I lay you out in the middle of the ring!”
Tala adjusts her baseball cap on her head. She pulls it off the top of her head and puts it back on backwards as she streaks her fingers through the front strands of her hair.
“At this point, I don’t even give a fuck who I pin in the middle of the ring! Let it be Robbie… let it be Jackie… Hell, it can even be Travis McCoy, who was taken out of the King of the Ring tournament by non-other than Chris Chaos! Yes, you were that guy who let Chris Chaos advance at your expense! I would never allow that washed up has been to advance over me! Travis how does that make you look in everybody’s eyes?”
"You could have been 2017's King of the Ring and stride your happy ass all the way to the Universal Championship, but that's not what happened. If I was here during the 2017's King of the Ring, we would have had the first-ever Queen of the Ring because I would have owned it!"
“Yeah, it makes you look like a total joke!”
“Travis, there is no way on God’s green earth I’m going to allow you to beat me on Warfare! So, bring your army and every single gun in the woodshed because it’s going to be a war. We will be colliding face to face and brawling like you have never brawled before. Hell, you’re going to have a whole new perspective on the name Tala Sugay after Wednesday night!”
“So, don’t treat me like a chick; don’t treat me like a dude; just treat me like your damn equal!”
Jaslene walks up from behind Tala and runs her hand across her back. Jaslene steps out on the other side of Tala and slants to the side with her right hand perched on her hip.
“Wow sis, I can’t believe you’re wreaking havoc and laying down tracks!”
While Jaslene takes the floor, Tala leans over after opening a jar of Vaseline. She dips her fingers into the Vaseline and starts rub it onto her face.
“While my sis is over here preparing for war, blood is thicker than water and I’m always going to be there for my big sis. Don’t get it twisted when people disrespect her, they disrespect me. We might be a few years apart, we are still one!”
“Jack Cain wrestled on the same Savage as us last week, but unlike us, he couldn’t get the job done. He loss to Ravenhill and I really don’t know where his mind is going into Warfare. If he’s anything like the Sugay’s, he’s going to be looking to bounce back. Just like we did. We loss to Jenny Myst and Shelby Cobra, but bounced back last week on Savage.”
“I hope he doesn’t think his bounce back is going to be a different outcome than his match with Ravenhill. His bounce back is going to be epic all right, but it’s going to be an epic…”
Tala turns back to the cameras with her face glimpsing from the Vaseline as she pulls her hair back.
“I don’t even care where Jack’s mind is at, going into this match. I don’t care about his mental state going into this match. Sis, you need to understand the only thing I care about is my mental state going into the match!”
“I know all I need to know about Jackie. Jackie, you want to put on this bad boy persona and it might work for you up to this point, but let me tell you something sis… I’m a bad girl. You spent some of your time in the army and marines; well, I spent a lot of my childhood in the streets. No, I wasn’t a cracked-out whore being passed around like a cheap whore. That’s Jenny Myst’s life. I did grow up in the streets.”
"I saw things you wouldn't even imagine. I've seen the most wicked side of people and how brutal the human race can be told another. So, unless you fought in World War II, war has nothing on what I witnessed in my life!
“The streets can be compared to war in the south pacific, Iraq, and Vietnam. In the streets, I’ve been shot at and stabbed in the middle of a fight. In the streets, the first and foremost interest is survival. The thing is Jackie, I don’t let my past hinder my future. I don’t walk around here like a bitter motherfucker who has a chip on my shoulder.”
“Maybe it’s because you haven’t found the thing that makes your life click. Maybe, you have. Or maybe you just don't care about life. The only thing I know is the whole angry asshole persona isn’t really working out for you. Nobody is really taking you seriously and when was the last time you had a shot at any gold? Yeah… Jackie, you need to take a cold hard look in the mirror and realize your shit stinks like everybody else!”
She holds her hands out in front of her and sides them away from each other.
“Our beginning is already in motion and there’s no stopping it now!”
“So, buy some lube boys because it’s going to sting without it. I’m about to turn this shit up a notch and flip this bitch into a main event status match! Best of luck and I hope you boys can hang with two bad bitches!”
“Bye, bitches!”
She holds her right hand up and spreads her index and middle fingers apart as she quietly utters the word, “peace.” The scene faded to black.