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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » High Stakes (May 25th) PPV RP Archive
The Rise of the Apprentice
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Nightmare Offline
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05-22-2013, 03:22 AM

Stood upon the roof of Caesars Palace hotel and casino Nightmare looks intently down over the strip. It is a cool evening which suited him well. Looking down over the people rushing around in and out of casino’s with pockets full of cash, or being chased back out after losing more than they had. These are the people that Nightmare is here to help. These lost souls whose ancestor’s arrogance has been passed down through the generations. They must all be fixed.

You have the same problems as all of these people I can see that in your eyes as I stand before you now, however I can also see that you can change or are more willing to change than some of the others that walk this earth with you. With that your Nightmare will end now. You have a lot of potential, I can use you.

???: Use me, never!

“Don’t be so foolish, you haven’t a choice in the matter.”

???: Haven’t a choice? I think I do. I will never join you or help you.

“Help... you misunderstand me, I do not need help, and I need my future.”

???: Your future, what do you mean your future.

“The next Demon to follow on from me is my choice, I am choosing you. I have many years left in me yet but my apprentice is chosen. You will follow me now, you are mine.”

???: I will not follow you.

“You have been following me for the last few weeks, you are still here. You are still here because I want you to be here, now my decision is final”

Nightmares hand reaches down out of site and there is a crack of thunder.

“It is done; you are now my follower and my apprentice.”

Nightmare turns away and walks over to the far side of the roof and sits with his feet hanging over the edge. Without turning and looking towards the camera he just begins to talk, to tell a story.

The Story of the Senator’s Nightmare

The story of the senator’s nightmare is a new one. In fact it hasn’t really begun. It begins in fact this weekend in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event is called High Stakes and the prize, the European championship belt. This will be no normal title defence for the most successful European Champion in XWF history. No it will not be normal at all. There will be weapons ready for The Senator to use to his advantage; there will be a cage to stop his opponent getting away. Most importantly though is his opponent. His opponent is me...


[Image: ProfilePhotos]

This changes things you see. I the Senator’s night demon have already shown the obnoxious, arrogant cowboy hat wearing poor excuse for a specimen that there are things in life to fear. One of the most dangerous things to fear is in fact fear itself. The Senator has openly omitted that he was afraid of me, every week when I came to visit him on Monday Night Madness.

The Senator knows just as I do that no matter what comes out of the hole on the front of his head that he calls a mouth, he is afraid of me. He can act the confident act, but by the time Saturday Night at High Stakes arrives the fear of failure will rise up inside of him. It will make him weak, it will make tremble and it will make him fall. No longer will he be stood atop the bloated egotistical perch his has made his home, he will be down at the bottom looking up at all he and the disgusting human race should be. Begging me for forgiveness, begging. Will I forgive? Well it is not my place to forgive. I am nothing more than messenger to a higher power. It is unfortunate for this poor excuse for a man that the higher power, they don’t forgive. They have never forgiven anyone that they have sent my predecessors or me to visit; it will not start with you Senator.

For all you have been and how you have acted to me your punishment should be more severe. However in the interested of fairness the higher order have decided to act as they have with your punishment being the loss of you European title belt. I have already stolen it once, why not just keep it? People will ask of me. I have thought this myself briefly. But what is a more severe punishment. Having your prized procession being stolen out of your grasp or losing you prized procession fairly in front of the world. This Senator is why I returned your little title belt to you and now why again you can keep it close in the hope that it will never go away again. It will be leaving you again senator; it will be coming with me.

The Senator is only the next part of my mission. My mission never ends. I will forever be roaming the world show you all that this over populated, arrogant lump of rock is not everything, it is not all there is and it is most definitely not at the highest point of the food chain. You people abuse yourselves, each other for fun. It is all of your own faults I am sent he to do my job. To bring some sort of order back to this world. Will I succeed in my overall mission? No not on my own. Like I have said I am not the first type of me, there have been others. Once I have finished, done all I can do it will just be time for another demon to take over the reins and continue with our mission against all that is bad with this world. The Senator you are only the beginning for me, there will be thousands more after you, but you are the beginning. I will not fail at the first hurdle, I will succeed where others I am sure have failed, or had seen you as a lost cause. I found the secret to fixing you, the secret none of the other demons could see, and come Sunday morning when you are rising out of your bed you will look to the left, then to the right and your precious title belt will be gone, forever.

Please don’t let your over confidence destroy you before we can finally meet. I want the world to see you defeated, to see you beaten, broken and bruised.

I will leave you with that thought Senator. Your time is almost upon us, your nightmare is here.

Nightmare stands and turns with his back facing out over the Las Vegas strip. His stare is intense as he looks towards the camera before beginning to lean backwards out over the edge of the tall hotel. The next second happens what seems in slow motion as his body disappears backwards over the edge of the hotel and out of sight. The camera quickly moves over towards the edge and leans over looking for the fallen nightmare who is nowhere to be seen.

The Rise of the Apprentice.

The Rise of the Apprentice.

The camera pans back round to the sport where Nightmares new apprentice was left lying unconscious in a dark corner of the rooftop. Moving slightly closer the figure is slumped down with his back against the wall head looking down. Moving closer still the camera still can’t quite make out any facial features until the head begins to slowly rise up until it is fully looking into the camera. The eyes look cold but the expression is menacing. The camera reels back as the person or demon’s apprentice stands up. The apprentice then quickly sprints and launches itself off the edge of the hotel and disappears out of site just as Nightmare had previously.

Thinking he had the first ever interview with Nightmare, Steve Sayors of the XWF is stood frozen to the spot. He never could have imagined what he has witnessed tonight. He has witnessed a Nightmare.

Who is Nightmare and who is his apprentice.

[Image: nm_zps35d07197.jpg]
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