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Chasing Cars
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Abigail Away
1st EVER Bombshell Champion

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08-17-2017, 03:25 AM

continued from "Raining on Parades"

"Your father can be a stingy old man at times, you know."

"What'd he do now?"

Two men speak quietly to each other while having a cigarette just outside the facility. The one is the scientist from before, the other is apparently the boss's son.

"He was all for proceeding to Phase C a month ago and couldn't wait for the girls to be ready. Now, it seems like he's frightened to pull the trigger."

"He give you reason why?"

"No. I took him down to see them yesterday and he didn't seem impressed with them at all."

"You show him any of the simulations?"

"He wasn't interested. He was pretty against it from the start. He just stared them down and asked me if I thought they were 'too beautiful'."

He looks at the scientist confused.

"Don't ask me. I questioned him too and he got kinda pissed off. He thought it would draw too much attention to them, but I don't see that being a bad thing either. Pretty women usually get what they want."


He puts out his cigarette and throws the butt in the can beside the door. As he opens the door he looks back.

"You sure they're ready?"

The scientist looks at him with a straight face.


Present Day

She walks slowly down the highway as casual as anyone possibly could. She had no place to go, no agenda, no mission. Just a few notes and rules to abide by and stay out of trouble.

Not many cars have passed her in the time she has been walking. A few large trucks and a vehicle now and then in between. After starting in the wooded area she did with the old gravel road, it was a relief to find something that she knew led somewhere. Even if she wasn't in a hurry, she wouldn't mind seeing more signs of a life other than passing cars.

From behind her, she hears a loud engine zooming closer and closer towards her. She stops and turns around to see a pink convertible going at least 80mph across the flat highway. The engine roars and growls some more as the driver down shifts and slows down. As the convertible passes her, the brakes squeal and leave skid marks before it finally stops. The engine roars again as the tires scream out and the car comes back in reverse and stops beside her. Leaning over from the driver's side and peaking up through a pair of sunglasses is XWF Owner, Vincent Lane.

Well, hello there.

She smiles and approaches the car.

I remember him.


Abigail, right?



"What are you doing way out here girl?"

Sprinting for freedom.

"Oh, just doing some traveling."

Vincent looks her up and down, notices the bag, and nothing else. He was going to ask where she had been, but instead,

"Need a lift?"

She looks hesitant.

"And by lift, I mean ride. To where ever it is you're going up here."

Yeah, right.

"I'm not really sure where I'm going."

Vincent looks a bit confused at whatever Abigail is up to, but shakes it off and smiles as he looks back at her. He throws the shades up on his head, looks her up and down, and leans back in the driver's seat.

"Hop in. I have a proposition for you."


Abigail lets her bag go and smiles back.

"What kind of proposition?"

[pinkl]"I'm not sure how up to date you are on things, but after the CCWF and Shane fell back into obscurity, I bought the XWF."[/pink]



Shut up!

"What? . Shane ."

I'll explain later.

"Oh, yeah, right."

Vincent takes a hit from his vape and throws it back in the cup holder. He talks with a mouthful of smoke.

"Anyway, there's some pretty good opportunities for a gal like you in the fed these days."

Such as?

"Such as?"

"The XWF Bombshell Championship."

You don't say?

So you're the surprised one, Jenny? I told you I had fare more to say than to just point out the obvious like some others can not help but to do. Anyone that cares more about your looks, habits, or relationship than kicking your face in is foolish. You even thanked me for refraining in doing so. Too bad you couldn't do the same, huh? Going all "bitch-mode" on me. Yeah, really clever. The bitch from high school. Most of those antics you talked about 'bullying' with remind me of something a prepubescent boy would do, Missy. What's that all about? Plus, commenting about my attire? Really? I thought I had enough to say last time to keep you entertained enough to stay on subject rather than resorting to my "cop outfit". I'll try harder this time.

As much as I hate how conceded your are, there is no real heat between us, Missy. It's not like we have a history, not like yours and Madison Dyson's. F.Y.I., I did not forget she would be in the ring with us on Saturday as the Special Guest Referee, I just didn't care. Whether it's mutual respect you have for each other or you have some big feud brewing, what ever you were trying to say there... "The agreement." I've got news for the both of you, it doesn't matter which corner, if any, Madison wants to take. If she gets in my way, then she's going down with you. If I was her, I wouldn't care who won the match. What difference does it make to HER who she would face for the title when the time comes? I wouldn't be so ignorant to not give her a shot. I wouldn't turn away anyone. Looking from the outside-in, Missy, how can you even say ANYONE is entitled to this? At this point, we're all even. You've had a few matches under your own belt, sure, but this isn't my first rodeo either. My resume is a bit more extensive than you give me credit for. Long before you and your boyfriend stumbled upon this majestic place, I was here working with the elites. Egyptian Snow Pharoh, T-Money, and the CCWF World Heavyweight Champion, or as you call it, the XWF Universal Champion, "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane. We ran this place, spear headed by Shane , himself. Try not to be so sure of yourself when you're not completely certain about facts, Missy, you come out looking like not JUST a bitch, but a dumb one, too.

Does Dolly Waters ring a bell, by the way? You give yourself all of this credit as the best female ever in the XWF, but I'm afraid Dolly, even at a young age, has done more than a lot of men here. I know, I know. Where is she now? I don't know and I don't care. My point is, you give yourself WAY too much credit. From the moment you walked through the doors behind Chris Chaos you have acted nothing less than a princess. Go ahead and follow that up too with, "Well, I am a princess!" *wink* *wink* *twinkle* *twinkle* Or let me guess? A queen? You live in a fantasy world and not many people care about what is going on in that powder puff brain of yours. The Mushroom Kingdom burned to the ground about a week, I wouldn't hesitate doing the same thing to Little Miss Priss and Candy Land.

What is it that makes you so special again? Tell us, because we forget. You live in the shadow of someone as transparent as a glass of water. Granted, I haven't done a thing since my return to the XWF, but you don't hear me chirping on about how much I deserve this and am entitled to it. Do I deserve the Bombshell Title? Who doesn't? Looking around, you can't tell me there is a single female on the roster who truly does. Will I earn the title by defeating Ezariah and Jenny Myst? You betcha.

Was I bashing the title a little too hard last time, Missy? I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to talk you out of t or downgrade it at all. I was just sharing with everyone what I thought it was worth. It's prize though. Enough to draw a few others into the mix and try out the XWF. I think I was right when I said about drawing in "outside talent", too. Kim Anderson? Jezzebel? The Sugay Sisters? Open your eyes, Missy, but I suppose since neither of them have done anything they're not even worth mentioning. You'd make a horrible champion.

I do have a confession to make here. This isn't even about ME wanting the title. Shocker, right? This is about someone, not to mention any names, that doesn't want YOU to have it. So, here I am. Like I said, there's no heat between us, Missy. You said Ezariah was placed in the match because Triple Threats are "best for business"? No, no. You have it all wrong. I'm best for business. The last thing the XWF needs is a sparkle in it's history books. The Bombshell Title will be won by exactly that. And unlike you, I'm not referring to my looks. I'm referring to the fact that is is the exactly impact I'm going to make at King of the Ring and the XWF following winning this title.

I was pretty confident coming into this match to begin with, but you just kind of cemented my confidence for me.


Have fun not winning another title. Smiley face.

[Image: NhkdMai.jpg]
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