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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » King of the Ring 2017 RP Board
Raining on Parades
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Abigail Away
1st EVER Bombshell Champion

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08-11-2017, 01:39 AM

Wake up #217

She shakes her head and looks out to the blinding light in front of her. The long tunnel seems to go on forever and the light so bright it almost pushes you back.

"Are you alright?"

Her one escort asks her after he catches her off balance.

"I'm fine. Sorry."

She finds her feet again and marches on towards the light. Every sound echoes around her from the squibbling of pens to the footsteps of other visitors or whatever.

"Are you sure?"

She pulls her arm from his grasp and continues ahead.

"I got it."

When they reach the end, the two escorts open a double door for the three of them bringing a bright blast of light. She squints her eyes and continues on out to the hot pavement. Her eyes adjust to the bright light.

You gonna make it? Don't pass out, they might take you back in.

"I doubt it."

One of her escorts looks at her.

"What's that?"


You're not ready for this. You'll fail.

She ignores the voice in her head and continues towards the gate at the end of the yard. It opens as they approach and she steps outside the walls for the first time in a very long time. The one escort tosses a full gym bag down beside her, then the two of them walk away after saying nothing. She watches as the gate closes and locks, then looks down the old dirty road.

You'll be alright.

She picks up her bag and throws the strap around her shoulder and starts to walk. She reaches the road and just keeps going.

Where are we going?

"I dunno. This was your idea."

You know, I don't think I've really made myself clear around here. I know the first time I was around just sort-of deflated, but I atleast made a mark while I was here. Nothing to holler about, but I'm no Peter Gilmour.

I'm asked to return, hand-picked by the anonymous, to bring some fury.

I can handle that.

I'll come to the XWF and do exactly what I'm asked.

I must have impressed someone because I'm already in a match at the pay-per-view in the first ever Bombshell Title match. I look around at the competition for such title in the federation and I think it's a little scarce, but I'll bite. There's some there, I can hardly see it, but it's there. As much as anyone hates to admit it, Jenny Myst is no push-over. She over-rates her self a bit, but who doesn't? Ezariah, on the other hand, is in a little over her head, I think.

I anticipate the battle with Jenny Myst. I want to get something out of the way right away though. I know how us girls like to talk about how sexually active some of us others are, or what they look like, and stuff like that... I don't care who you're fucking Jenny. I don't care what you like. Who you look like. Who you WANT to look like. Whether you're a man in a dress. It's completely irrelevent and I don't care. I also don't care about your failures. The matches you've had before King of the Ring have no value there. All the practice getting your ass kicked in recent weeks and losing title matches, that's all it is. Practice. And Practice makes perfect. I, for one, think you've starting looking quite good at getting your ass handed to you. Getting some lessons from your boy-toy, or what?


Now, last time, we talked about humanity. What makes us human? What defines us as to what we are? Well, ladies and gentlemen, I have another one for you.

Self-entitlement and selfishness.

What other species in the known universe carries those traits around with them? You can't mistake animal instincts for that can we?

Jenny Myst the voice of self-entitlement around here. Especially when you get her talking about this title. She hasn't let up on it for weeks, barking at nothing but air because no one was listening, including her boyfriend, Chris Chaos. HE was more interested in a different pair of belts than that little pink and gold one she is SO hungry for. That was pretty selfish putting yourself before your "team" like that Jenny.

How can you even say that title was created for YOU? Come on, are you dense? Even I know Roxy created the title and doubt she did anything thinking about you. I'm pretty sure it was to attract some outside talent, hello, that would be interested in such a thing exclusively, but if you say so. We've had some dominant females in the XWF before you, too, Jenny Myst, and there didn't have to be a segregated division for those ladies to prove themselves. We just recently seen a little girl carrying around the X-treme Title for a while. That's not saying much for you being so proud over this new division and assuming the entire time that the title belonged to you. You're drooling over the opportunity to put your face on it and define your career as the first EVER XWF Bombshell Champion.

It's cute. It really is. Sparkles. It's kind of pathetic, too. I can't wait to rain on this parade and ruin everything that you've been hoping for since the first talks about the title. It shouldn't be too disappointing though should it? You say you're considered a "main eventer" now. So, is this Bombshell Title something you're just going to be doing on the side then since you'll be starrin in so many Main Events? Who the hell even gave you that idea? Probably Chris, huh? He should've just pleaded the fifth because he straight up lied to you. A TV Title match on Savage doesn't deem you that status, sweet heart, it deems YOU main event by default.

You're either really stupid or you're just playing all of this hype for the title out to get the BF boiling. You just want something shiny to flash in his face to get him all jealous for getting mad at you like that. Tell me I'm right. I'm not bashing the title, by any means, but that thing has the value of about one/third of the unified Trios Titles. One percent of the XWF is going to be interested, let alone, be allowed to compete for it. What ever little game your planning in the long run to get your boyfriend back isn't going to work. So I'd come up with another "PLAN B" really quick if I was you, Jenny.

I'm sure it will all blow over anyway. Who could stay mad at you?

One Week Earlier

"I can't approve something like this. Are you insane?"

An older man sits behind a large desk in a dark office. Another man, who looks like a scientist or something, stands in front of him picking up the papers that were just thrown at him.

"Just hear me out, sir. #201, #217, and #290 were advancing quicker and more efficiently than any other ABIGAIL we've ever engineered. The final test is their capabilities out in the world. If they can't function in, say, a crowded city, our efforts will be pretty much fucked in the ass."

The old man leans forward points his finger.

"There has to be more preparation. What if they do fail and start killing people? Any slip ups and this is all over and THEN we'll be fucked in the ass. And that ain't happenin.'"

"Understood, sir.. Listen, just come down, we'll run some more tests, and you'll see the progress they've made for yourself. Let that convince you."

"Very well, but it better be pretty damn impressive. The timeline for all of this was supposed to lead into next month. We don't need any premature babies here."

"You won't be disappointed sir."

One Day Later

The two men from before walk side by side down a dark, narrow hallway.

"#201 is the strongest of the three, but they're all pretty evenly matched. I think #217 is smarter than she's leading on, but she should open up soon enough."

"Than she's leading on? By God, you're telling me you're not in complete control of these things?"

He grabs the scientist by the arm and holds him back.

"Of course we are, sir, but they are still people. Still humans, with human brains."

"They're not fucking people."

The follow the hallway some more until they reach the doorway they needed and step through. Three girls stand in a row in a large room surrounded by armed guards.

"They've been waiting for us, sir."

The old man looks down from above and slowly starts to decend the many steps down.

#201 is a tall blonde. Muscular and toned. #217 was a bit shorter than the blonde, with red hair, and was thin and athletic. #290 was also very built just like #201, and was the same height as #217 with black hair. The old man stands close and inspects them all one at a time.

"They're almost too beautiful, aren't they?"

They were pretty flawless.

"The idea is obscurity, I think they would gain too much unwanted attention. This isn't a tits and ass spy movie, men."

He speaks loudly and his voice carries throughout the small room.

"This is an important operation and we have deadlines, we have a schedule, and we have same damn high demands on this project."

"Are you saying to make them ugly, sir?"

"No, I'm not saying to make them ugly, but Jesus Christ, use a little bit of common sense here."

The scientists are at a loss for words. Too beautiful? He's gone off the deep end for sure.

"Sir, I assure you that we've based our designs from the demands of the customer."

The old man stands and continues staring at the three ladies.

"I'm still going to have to think about this. Are they going to do anything else other than stand there?"

The scientist shrugs.

"They'll do whatever you want, sir."

[Image: NhkdMai.jpg]
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(08-11-2017), #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick (08-11-2017), Doctor Louis D'Ville (08-11-2017), JimCaedus (08-14-2017)

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