Vincent Lane's attempts at removing The Kings from the XWF have failed. AX3 has been defeated. The tag team titles still belong to The Kings.
But not all is well within the kingdom. John Madison is on the run. Cadryn Tiberius, Jester to The Kings has been fired by Paul Heyman, a long time friend and associate of Theo Pryce. And John Samuels has taken off a quest to find his purpose.
All of this and a new King is to be crowned at the upcoming XWF Pay Per View - King Of The Ring. An event which will see Theo Pryce and Doctor D'Ville defend their titles against Team 2.0. The question is not will The Kings prevail but how? |
EPISODE II - An Unexpected Journey
Jackson Hole, Wyoming - Casa de Pryce - A few weeks ago |
Ch-thunk! Ker-rack! Thump!!
"What is that?" Bri Pryce, Theo's wife says as she rolls over in bed towards her husband but he doesn't respond.
Ch-thunk! Ker-rack! Thump!!
"Theo!" Bri says, this time a little louder than the time before and this time accompanied by a not so subtle shove to her husband's back.
Ch-thunk! Ker-rack! Thump!!
"What? What?" Theo replies, clearly still half asleep.
"Something's wrong. There's someone outside. Can't you hear it?"
Ch-thunk! Ker-rack! Thump!!
"What time is it? It's probably the gardener or something." Theo responds as he adjusts his pillow and tries desperately to fall back to sleep.
"No it's not the gardener. He's on vacation this week. I'm telling you something is wrong. Can you please go outside and check?" Bri pleads with her husband.
Realizing that there is no scenario in which his wife will allow him to go back to sleep Theo opens his eyes. The first thing he does is look at the alarm clock on the nightstand next to their bed. 5:57 am. Without saying another word Theo rolls out of bed, grabs a black robe off of one of the bed's posts and walks towards the bank of windows on the far side of the room.
"Mother fucker." Theo says somewhat aggravated at what he sees.
Ch-thunk! Ker-rack! Thump!!
"What? What is it?" Bri asks.
"Punishment for a lifetime of being an asshole I think."
"It's nothing. Go back to bed. I'll handle it."
Ch-thunk! Ker-rack! Thump!!
Theo closes the blinds to the room making it instantly dark. He grabs his cell phone off his night stand and then walks out of the master bedroom, quietly closing the door behind him. Once out of the room Theo heads down the hallway towards the back end of the house. Once there Theo unlocks the door before opening it and stepping outside. Allowing the cool, crisp Wyoming air to hit him like a wave.
Ch-thunk! Ker-rack! Thump!!
"What the fuck are you doing?" Theo yells out to the source of the noise.
"Oh hey bestie!" Cadryn Tiberius, Jester to the Kings responds.
"Don't hey bestie me! It's not even 6 o'clock in the morning and you are out here chopping wood. Again I ask, what the fuck are you doing?" Theo says this time angrier than the last time.
"Is it really that early? I hadn't even noticed. Anyway best friend, ever since I got fired I've kinda lost. Wondering around aimlessly trying to figure out what to do with my life and then it hit me..."
"You decided you wanted to work for Habitat for Humanity and you thought what better time and place to start than my property at 5:58 in the morning on a fucking Saturday?"
"Not exactly silly. But close."
Ch-thunk! Ker-rack! Thump!!
"Put the fucking axe down and please for the love of God, before I lose what little patience I still have left, answer my question. What the.fuck. are you doing here?"
"I'm getting there. Anyway as I was saying, ever since Paul Heyman fired me I've been searching for some meaning to my life and yesterday it came to me like a lightning bolt to the scrotum. I'm going to build a house on my besties property so that I can be there for him whenever he needs me. 24-7-365. So here I am. Chopping wood to build a guest house."
"Cadryn..." Theo pauses for a few seconds and then starts pacing back and forth, his fists balling up tighter and tighter until they look like snowballs thanks to all the blood draining from them.
"You ok Theo? Do you need some coffee? Maybe some water? Now that I live here I can get you whatever you need, whenever you need it."
Theo reaches into his pocket, swipes the screen and then taps in a 4 digit code unlocking it's various features. He taps the screen a few more times and then presses the phone to his ear.
"Paul it's Theo. We need to talk. Call me back when you can. Thanks."
Theo places his cell phone back into his pocket and then takes a few steps towards Cad. He grabs the axe from Cadryn's right hand and yanks it away.
"Oh great idea friend. Two people chopping is better than one. I'll go and get another axe."
"If you disap..." Without warning Cadryn
Poofs away.
"...pear I will lose my shit."
Two Days Ago - Offices of Decima Securites - Las Vegas, Nevada |
"You're not Theo." The unmistakable voice of John Madison rings out as the scene fades in to reveal an interior view of Theo Pryce's office at Decima, his Private Security firm based out of Las Vegas Nevada.
"Am I not?" The man seated behind Theo's desk replies. While the voice is remarkably similar to that of Theo Pryce the face certainly is not.
The man reaches towards the left lapel of his jacket and taps a small hidden button which results in the man seated behind the desk's face changing as if it were some sort of elaborate hologram. What once was the face of a man unknown to John Madison is now replaced with that of Theo Pryce.
"What the fuck?" Madison asks, somewhat startled by what he just witnessed.
"You like that? A little something my friends over at the D.A.R.P.A are working on."
"You're like the faceless man. And what the fuck is a DARPA?"
"The faceless what?" Theo asks as he gets up from behind his desk and walks towards Madison.
"Game of Thrones Theo. Jesus Christ, it's only the most watched show in the history of ever."
"Sorry John, I'm too busy to watch the latest television craze. I'm sure it's good though."
"Shut the fuck up Theo. Don't bullshit me. You watch Game of Thrones. Everyone watches Game of Thrones. Even the people in Game of Thrones watch Game of Thrones."
"And how could you possibly know that?" Theo asks as he walks over to his dry bar and pours himself a drink.
"Because I followed the little midget guy home one night and I saw him running around his house on a stuffed dragon while watching the show."
"I have so many questions right now but I'm not sure I even want to go there."
"You don't."
"I'm glad we can agree on that. So what can I do for you John?"
"I need some money."
"Why does this all sound so familiar?"
"I know I know. I only come to see you when I need money. I'm a loser and a horrible friend. I get it. Anyway I need money. Like yesterday." Madison says as he starts frantically looking around the room as if he were being watched.
"How much do you need?" Theo asks as he walks over to his desk and pulls a checkbook.
"Five hundred grand. And it has to be in cash. Unmarked bills specifically."
"Unmarked bills? Who are you into for a five hundred grand?"
"Some very bad people Theo. They told me that if I didn't get the money to them by the end of the day they'd cut my dick off, jam it down my throat and watch me choke to death and while that all sounds good I'm just not ready to die. I got so much I need to do first."
"Who do you owe the money to?"
"The Russians."
"Russians? What Russians? FSB? Bratva? Oligarchs?"
"Fucking Bratva. Remember that little mishap in Moscow a few weeks ago? The one were we all got pinched?"
"Yeah John I do. Getting arrested and thrown in a Russian prison because you broke into the Vladimir Putin's palace and caught him getting his knob slobbed by a midget isn't exactly something one easily forgets."
"Right ok so when I broke into the palace I had promised the Bratva a copy of what I found there. They paid me almost 15,000,000 rubles for the information. I was gonna be set for life and then...'
"First of all John. 15,000,000 rubles is like 250 grand US. And with the way you blow through money you would have been set for about 6 months at most. Secondly, if they paid you roughly 250 US then why do you owe them $500,000?" Theo asks as he takes a few steps towards Madison.
"Interest." Madison says as he takes a step back from Theo and puts his head down in shame like he were a dog that just took a shit on the carpet in the family room.
"That's a lot of interest." They says as he walks back over to his desk and grabs the receiver end of his phone.
"Well are you gonna give me the money or do I need to go and rob a few banks?"
"Yes of course I'll give you the money John, that's not an issue at all. When and where did they tell you to meet them?"
"They didn't. They said they would call me at noon today and give me the precise time and location?"
"Perfect." Theo remarks as he looks down at his watch.
"It's 11:30 right now. Have a seat there on the couch. When they call put it on speaker so I can hear what they say and then let me take care of everything else. You won't be making the meeting. I have something I need you to do and as odd as it may sound, you are the only person I know that can get it done"
"But what about the Bratva? And my dick?"
"I'll take care of the Bratva. Which in turn should allow your dick to live another day."
"You're the best Theo. The best. What do you need me to do?"
Theo doesn't respond, instead he puts one finger up in the air as he puts the receiver end of his phone to his ear.
"Neal it's Theo. I need you to put $750,000 in unmarked bills into a black duffel bag and bring it up here to my office. Bring Silas up here with you. I am going to need his team for a little task. Thanks." Theo puts the receiver back into the phone dock and walks over to where John is sitting.
"Now as for what I need you to do..."
The Next Day - Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary - Taiping, Perak, Malaysia
As the scene fades in we see Theo Pryce approaching a group of monks all adorned in saffron's(robes) of varying shades of brown and orange. The men all appear to be engaged in some type of meditation so rather than interrupt Theo instead stands silently along one of the load bearing columns in the room. A few moments pass and the groups meditation session comes to an end. A few of the monks look over at Theo and then chirp among themselves like a couple of cock craved soccer moms that just got a whiff of fresh meat. One of the monks, an older one and possibly the head monk walks over to Theo but says nothing. Theo pauses for a few seconds unsure if the man can't speak, won't speak, is just fucking with him. Eventually Theo grows tired of the Charlie Chaplin version of cat and mouse and decides to break the silence.
"John Samuels, is he here?" Theo asks the head monk.
The monk of course says nothing, instead he just looks around the room for a few seconds and then looks back at Theo.
"John Samuels. I'm looking for John Samuels. Do you know him? Tall guy, drinks a lot. Likes to smoke cigars. Have you seen him?"
Again more looks and more awkward silence.
"Fuck none of you speak English. How cliche."
Theo reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone, he swipes the screen to activate it's features and then...
"Of course. There would be no cell service here. Uhhhh..." Theo pauses and starts looking around the room in hopes that he can find something, anything that will help him identify what he is after but nothing sticks out to him.
Finally, across the room he sees a few tourists looking through the windows and Theo quickly walks out of the room and over to the group of tourists.
"Please for the love of God tell me that one of you speaks Malaysian or brought a pocket guide or something that I can use to translate. Anything?" Theo asks in mild desperation.
"Here." An older gentlemen says as he hands a small paperback book to Theo.
"Thank you. I'll be right back." Theo says as we opens the book and starts leafing through the pages looking for words or phrases that will help him.
He gets back into the room, spots the old muted monk and approaches him.
"I'm looking for the tall angry looking black guy." (Translated From Malaysian.)
Something in the phrase connected because the monk's face lights up like a Christmas tree. A big smile comes across his face and then he starts pointing to a doorway off to the far end of the room while repeating the same three words over and over again "lelaki berkulit hitam"(black guy)
Theo bows his head at the monk, hands the book back to the tourist and walks over towards the open door at the far end of the room where all the monks had been gathering. Theo slowly pushes the door open which of course is accompanied by some creaking. Once the door is open Theo sees John Samuels in a quarter lotus position, his eyes closed, completely unaware that someone is now in the room with him.
"John it's Theo. John I need your help."
"Why are you here?" Samuels asks as his eyes open.
"I told you I needed sometime."
"Yeah I know I get that. And I'm sorry. But I need your help with something and you are the only person I can trust with this."
"Can't you see I am in the middle of something here? I told you I need some time. Why can't you just respect that?" Samuels asks as he stands up and walks over towards the window.
"It's not that I don't respect what you are saying, it's that I need something done, and you are the only person I trust. I'd do it myself but I have a match to prepare for. Doc is already a bit frustrated with how things are going, the last thing I want to do is compound that by taking this match lightly."
"Oh that's right. The XWF. Wrestling. Why did you make me give up that title? You know that's why I'm here right?"
"I didn't make you do anything. We all agreed it was the best thing for the business. Besides, you were all for it. Is that really why you're here?"
"No of course not. What do you take me for? Some snowflake
like Jim Caedus?"
"No of course not. You have more talent in your pinky toe than Jim has in his entire body. Can you help me or not?"
"Regrettably I can not."
"Seriously? When did you become the kind of guy that runs away at the first sign of trouble or failure? When did you become the black Robert Main?"
"Fuck you!" Samuels yells and then immediately covers up his mouth like he were a little kid that just realized he said a bad word.
"You see what you made me do? I hadn't said a curse in a week. You've been here 5 minutes and I'm already dropping F bombs. I'm not running away from anything. I just needed sometime to collect myself and this was the best place to do it. It's so peaceful. Not like out there. Out there the world is cruel. In here it's peaceful and calm."
"John, I love you like a brother from another mother but you sound like the world's least fucked homosexual right now. What is the problem? Why are you here?"
"I'm broke. Tapped. I got no money. I'm poor. And not white people poor. Black people poor."
"What? How? Your vodka deal? I thought that stuff was killing it? Last I heard you were making money hand over fist."
"I was. But fuckin' Putin is pissed about the new sanctions. He's cutting ties with all American businesses, especially an American business that sells black vodka. I got nothing. I'm ruined."
"Did you forget who you're talking to? How much you need? A mil? 5 mil? I just gave the Russians $750,000 to keep them from killing Madison. At least with you I know you'll invest it instead of blowing it on booze and blow."
"What did that crazy fucker do now?"
"Fall out from the whole Russia thing. Anyway look, I got more money than I could spend in 10 lifetimes and I can't take it with me. I'll take care of you. Don't give it a second thought. It's only paper. Now come on, I need your help."
"Fine. I'll help you. But not because you're giving me money. Something tells me that I'm going to like what you need me to do and I could use a little enjoyment in my life. But after that though, I got somethings I need to take care of. Including a trip to a seminary in Ireland."
"Ireland? Why Ireland?"
"It's just something I gotta do. So who you and Doc facing? The MF'ers? Chaos and his bitch? The tards?"
"Ding ding ding."
"Seriously? How in the fuck did those guys win that tournament?"
"I honestly don't know. But somehow they did. Guppy is an underrated guy that's for sure. Two weeks in a row he's rolled up a former Universal Champ to get the win. And Scully...I guess Scully is just there to take a beating so Scully can get the win. You know what I find most interesting though? We leave the fed for two years, come back to help Doc defend the titles and it's not some new upstart team that wins the tournament. All these wrestlers on this roster and it's two guys from our era that wins the tournament. What does that say about the current roster of the XWF?"
"That it sucks?"
"Those probably aren't the words I would have used but it's hard to argue with the facts.I guess it's a good thing though. The last thing I would have wanted to do was give the now defunct AX3 a third chance at the titles. If we are being honest here, the first shot was a gift and the second was simply so we could take the trios from them. Which we did. With ease. But I don't need to tell you that. You were there.
"It's kind of sad when you think about it, but a tournament was held to find suitable opponents for Doc and I and now that they've been found this match will actually be the easiest one I've had so far. My first match back featured two of the very best this business has ever seen in James Raven and Vincent Lane. Two former Universal Champions and sure fire Hall of Famers. And of course Jon Brown was involved but that wasn't my call. Follow that match up with a 4 on 4 that features not one, not two but three former Universal Champions and Micheal Graves. A guy whose won a few titles in his own right. And of course another victory for the Kings. In fact, if you throw out Steve Davids cash in, I've won 11 matches in a row. Not a huge number mind you but nothing to sneeze at either.
"To tell you the truth I'm a little surprised Lane didn't spend the entirety of the tournament trying to find a few ringers to face us like he tried to do at High Stakes. But apparently he's decided to make a mockery of the actual King of the Ring tournament."
"Oh Christ what did he do now?"
"Apparently he was camping outside of a Planned Parenthood and came upon the shoulda-been aborted fetus of Poppa Feder and instead of entering him in the tournament at the beginning he decides to just give him a pass for a few rounds and throw him into the semi finals. Unbelievable. The guy actually made me feel bad for Phantom Panzer, something I previously thought was impossible."
"Wait a second...Poppa Feder has another kid?"
"That must be one ugly son of a bitch."
"Genetics are certainly not on his side that's for sure. But back to the matter at and, the truth of the matter is, I'm actually looking forward to this match up. I get to face two guys I've never faced before. Guppy Parsh for all his weirdness he's a fairly accomplished wrestler. The guy has walked out a winner against 8 Universal Champions. Which is extremely impressive. Especially since according to my research only two people on the roster have beaten more Universal Champions than Guppy. And wouldn't you know it, their names are Theo Pryce and Doctor D'Ville."
"Imagine that." Samuels says as he walks over towards as a small table and starts riffling through the things on top of it.
'Guppy's also a two time trios champ. You know how much I love the trios titles. So much so I've won them three times. Retired them twice. Of course I couldn't have done that alone though. Speaking of not doing things alone, Scully, the self proclaimed Champion of the Mentally Deficient."
"Mentally deficient? Just call him what he is. A
"I could John but I'm trying to be nice here. I'm trying to say nice things about our opponents and it's hard. Really hard. The simple fact that these guys happily identify themselves as the second and potentially more
iteration of Team
makes using that low hanging fruit kind of pointless. Sure I could sit here and call Scully a
like Chris Chaos did but why? Does it even count as trash talking a guy when the guy on the receiving end of your verbal jabs is proud of the fact that he's dumber than a box of dildos?
And yet, despite the fact that he makes Peter Gilmour look like he belongs in Mensa, this guy is not only a 3 time tag team champion, and a former Xtreme Champion but he's a former Universal Champion. Can you believe that? This guy who used to basically be enhancement talent back in our heyday managed to become a Universal Champion."
[color=#FFFFFF]"Get the fuck out of here. Who did he beat to win the title? Gilmour?"
"No actually. In fact, he is the guy Gilmour beat to win the title. Which should tell you something in and of itself but no, he didn't beat Gilmour. Better."
"Steve Davids?"
"No..." Samuels pauses for a second as the name suddenly comes to him as if it were plucked out of the sky by God himself and handed down to him.
"Really? Scully beat Vinnie Lane to win the Universal Title? No way."
"Way. Speaking of, remember when you lost to Scully's partner Maverick from Team
Poof Suddenly a wild Cadryn appears.
Pepperidge Farms Remembers And...
Poof away he goes.
"Fuck you. Both of you."
"He's gone John. Let it go. So yeah Scully,
and all, he beat Vinnie Lane. Though I'm not sure if he was actually
at the time. Apparently this guy goes in and out of being
like it's just some kind of switch he can flip whenever he gets bored."
"Speaking of bored. Can we go now?"
"Harsh but yeah. Let's get out of here. I'll explain what I need you to do once we lift off."
-End Credits-
Brianna Pryce
Cadryn Tiberius
John Madison
John Samuels
Special Appearances by:
Ken Watanabe as The Muted Monk
Kevin Nealon as Random Tourist
Theo Pryce