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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » King of the Ring 2017 RP Board
A Little Talk
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Phantom Panzer Offline
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08-07-2017, 12:28 PM

"To be honest, I should be resting up after that fight. After that shit, I should have a paid fucking vacation. Buuuut, when all of time and space is yours, you can have a vacation for ten years and come back in time for supper. I won't do it, so, honestly, this promo isn't about my match with Seth. This is for the future, when I beat Seth. Because Trax is talking shit. Yes, Trax. He wants to be called Mr. Killjoy. It's still Trax. Nobody cares.

However there is one thing I do have some care about. How fucking Trax is becoming, so he might as well join Team 2.0.

Trax Said:One of the other semi-finalists has already been busy it seems, yes Phantom Panzer has already squatted and churned out two promoturds with all his might already. Panzer, the clown who can seemingly manipulate reality and traverse and even create other dimensions. Well Panzer in absolutely no reality or dimension are you fit to be the declared King of any federation, despite your godly powers which I admit triumph even my own, your clown appearance is still quite fitting when observing your wrestling skills, or lack of so to speak. As intrigued as I am about your space-bending abilities I'm more intrigued on just how exactly you've made it to this point. I won't put too much thought into it however, because I doubt you'll be making it past the Feder boy, and no not because Seth is any good, in fact on the contrary me thinking you won't be making it past Seth is a testament on just how trash I think you actually are Panzer.

Now. You want to speak about me, that's fine and dandy. You want to call my promos 'turds', that's fine and fuckin' dandy. But the moment you talked shit about me being a clown?! THAT WAS CROSSING THE LINE, FUCKO! Oh, and your understanding of the different universes, but I'll get to that in a moment.

Now, what the fuck is wrong with me being a clown? I can't believe how many clowncists in this fed there are. Fucking coulrophobics. There's nothing wrong with being a clown. The problem is, some clowns will decide that your frowns, don't need to be upside down. Some frowns should be stuck that way, permanently, just like you, because it seems like every time you talk, you look like you just smelled some of the hottest shit that got dropped in your pants. Here's a hint: check your underwear, might be some boo boo you let slip, because you're a fucking mentally disadvantaged human.

You're a walking testament that shit literally can talk. Not even talking about your skin boy, my nig, I'm talking about how you're a fucking bag of garbage wrapped in black skin. How you got anywhere, I'll never know. What I do know, is that I will become the King of the Ring, and you won't fucking stop me. You can look down upon me as much as you want, but once I'm King, you'll be put back into the fucking 1700s and your black ass will be serving me in the goddamn fields. Get that through your fuckin' skull, Fucko. Don't you EVER talk down about clowns. Because this is one clown, that isn't down with you. And you're not going to be down for anything, when I break your fucking legs.

By the way, Trixxy, I'm using promo time I should be using for Feder, but I might as well as put some work in to deal with you. Because you've done and fucking opened your fucking mouth and it's cashing checks that your fuckin' black ass can't cash. And you won't be able to call in yo baby mama to come and bail your stupid ass of prison because even she knows you're a fucking who decided to step to the clown GOD!

Speaking of. You said in no reality or dimension would I be King. Dude, there's INFINITE REALITIES! INFINITE TIMELINES! INFINITE UNIVERSES! There's a fucking universe where you didn't lose to Lane like a fucking punk ass bitch when you tried to unify the Uni belt with that one stupid belt nobody ever talks about here anymore. There's a timeline where Drezdin is actually the Uni champ at this point in time, and has been set on a record to beat Bruno Sammartino's record holding length of 2,803 days, with him nearing 2738 in one reign. So, in all of every fucking universe, out of all the timelines and fucking realities, there's a universe where at least SOMETHING has fucking happened you didn't think would be possible.

Be fuckin' ready to make this the reality where you lost to a goddamn clown.

Also, here's a tip I learned from Peter, and with my own little twist, which I also happened to give to Lane, which I'm now giving it to You.

Here it is.

Are you ready for it?

It's coming!


[Image: hvu6R0Z.png?2]
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