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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Order in the court(Collab with Guppy)
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Scully Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

08-04-2017, 03:28 PM

Friday 4th of August
Location: Miami-Dade County Courthouse

Scully is stood wearing a dark blue suit, white shirt and navy tie, smart brown shoes. He didn't have to dress like this for the sentence. There was no jury, just a judge, Scully and very few people watching.

Bailiff: "All rise."

The few people in attendance except the judge stands.

Baliff: "Department One of the Superior Court is now in session. Judge Herman presiding. Please be seated."

Judge Herman F. Kooman: "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case of the the State of Florida versus Michael Scully.

I have your plea and I have the sentence already in place. However, I want to just go through the crimes committed.

On April the 10th of this year, you decided to enter your 2016 Subaru Impreza whilst being under the influence of alcohol and then proceed to speed through Miami. You were then tailed by MPD in a high speed chase. Other people's lives were put in danger as you drove like a maniac.

A Citezens pick up truck was damaged and a cop car was ruined. You also smashed your own car into a lamppost which needed replacing.

You've pleaded guilty and I can see this is a first time offence for you?"

"Yes! Can we just get on with it..."

Judge: "Very well, Mr. Scully. I will now show you evidence."

The bailiff presses the play button.

Bailiff: "Video A your honour."

Footage begins to show of Scully's joyride. Scully interrupts the video..

"Do we have to watch this shit? I know what I did... "

Judge Herman F. Kooman: "Yes Mr Scully. You will watch this footage."

"Okay honour, keep ya hair on, oh wait it's a wig."

Judge Herman F. Kooman: "You're not helping yourself at all."

The video evidence proceeds to continue.


The first cop car is hit in the side by a pick up truck. Cars stop after the accident, the second police car continues on, calling for back up to get ready.

Scully was screwed. Up ahead there were pedestrians, waving like crazy at Skull to stop, screaming, running away, and stupidly recording him on their mobile phones. His car was at 70 mph down this road, if he didn’t stop now someone was going to turn into a pancake. Then, he'll be screwed for sure.

More cars let them through as the road ahead has been blocked off by a few cop cars. It was just Scully, his Subaru and cops now. Spikes were led in the road and the cops had stopped to get out of their cars to point their guns at the car. Skull suddenly brakes as he attempts to turn the car back round. He loses control of the vehicle and it spins round and round.....


The passenger side of the car crashes into a lamppost causing it to bend back a little.

The footage is finished.

Judge Herman F. Kooman: " I don't need to watch the other footage recordings we have. I have seen enough in this one.

Mr. Scully. You drove recklessly and luckily no one was hurt.
It's clear by your attitude that you're not that bothered about your actions.

I am going to fine you $2000, a 9 month driving ban, 9 month suspended licence, and I am sentencing you to 9 months in jail."

Just as the copper is about to take Scully away......


Batman steps through the door, and gives the judge and Scully a smile and a wave, "Good day your honor! May I approach the bench?"

Judge Herman F. Kooman: "Why?"

"I have information that could affect your sentencing."

Herman F. Kooman motions to Batman that he can come forward.

Judge Herman F. Kooman: "This is extremely unusual."

"So was what I let you do with that rapist, condolences by the way,"

Judge Herman F. Kooman: "She got what she deserved. Rape is bad. You did the right thing."

"I agree, and your honor, I think drunk driving is bad too, but he didn't hurt anybody, or mean to hurt anybody. He might not look it, but he's really sorry, and I promise he won't do it again. He's needed, your honor, I need him wrest-as my sidekick to help me kill rapists. I would have never been able to kill your wife without Scully's help!"

Judge Herman F. Kooman: "What you do is very noble, Batman. I don't know the extent of what would have happened to me for giving her slant eyes on night but I know she wasn't considering my well-being or consent. You did me a service, and I mean, there is no minimum sentence...."

"Here," Batman hands the Judge a card that reads 'One Free Favor Courtesy of Herman F. Kooman', "Just scrap the jail time, that's all I ask."

Batman turns his back to the judge and leaves the courtroom.

Scully watched as Guppy left the court and looks back to the front. The Judge takes a sip of the water next to him and pretends to look back through his paperwork.

Judge Herman F. Kooman: "Well Mr. Scully, after looking back through my notes, it has come to my attention that you have been to rehab on 5 occasions.
You have also attended some counselling and I also see that you have some sort of disorder?"

Scully mutters under his breath, "Fucking Cunt!"

Then Scully answers the question for all to hear, "Yes....."

The judge stares daggers at Scully, waiting for those two word's, "Your honour."

Judge F. Kooman: "Very well. After careful consideration, I will readjust the sentence. You will pay a fine of $1500, 6 month driving ban, 6 months suspended licence and 50 hours of community service. If you reoffend you will be sentenced to jail."

Scully swallows his pride.

"Thank you, your honour."

After being released, Scully quickly leaves the court to meet Guppy outside.

"Howdy partner! How did it go? Nice shirt!"

Skull smirks and sarcastically says, "Alright Sheriff Woody...

I could be locked up now behind in bars if it wasn't for you. So yeah I appreciate that. Thanks.

Anyway what did you say to him? How do you know him?"

"Judge Kooman and I go way back. The details of how we met are a bit explicit and convoluted, but let's just say he owed me a favor and now he doesn't. I had a flashback to it in my last promo."

Scully rudely brushes off Guppies reply m.

"Woah Gupster you don't have to go on about yourself all the time.

I suppose you needed me for Savage right? That's only reason you got me out off this fuckery. I mean I've been carrying you and without me you won't be facing the so called kings. Kings of sucking cock.

I was going to give you the plot device back, I won't be needing them. If I can beat the likes of Jim Caedus and Trax in mode, well I won't have to break sweat in this final tag match. Maybe I'll let you do the work for a change...

Oh and make sure you get out of that costume, its embarrassing...."

"I know Scully! You literally hold this team on your back! We can talk about my Batsuit later, but dude I couldn't have trapped Jim Caedus in a purely transitional pin attempt without you, and if you didn't put Engy up on your shoulders and lifted him, not once, but twice we wouldn't be anywhere near this tournament final! You're the best partner ever!"

Scully raises his eyebrows, he was surprised at Guppies response.

"I know, I know. I told you letting Jim and Trax throw us around like bitches was the perfect stragedy. They thought they were going to win easily... I mean I gave you that secret wink so you could do the roll up and I mean i give you some credit, it was perfecto. Then I gave Engy two German suplexes too like I was Brock Lesnar, but we all know I'm better than that meat head. Two Plot Devices and two pins. If the referee had a brain he would have just counted to six."

"Together we beat legends in the XWF and legends outside the XWF, and Robbie Bourbon thinks he can just grab a rookie he's never teamed up with and succeed? When did he get so arrogant? Did you rub off on him?"

Skull smirks.

"Don't compare me to Robbie Bourbon. Number one: He's never held the Uni. Number two: He wears a bra.
He may be uglier and fatter, I give him that. I mean he makes Peter Gilmour look like he is anorexic. Again that's a success story in itself, the guy who's claim to fame is being three sizes bigger than Gilly. Bravo. Bravo."

Scully claps sarcastically.

"I hope he's working on that. It's unhealthy." Guppy looks at his watch, "The judge thought Chris Chaos was a cuck, do you think he's a cuck?"

"Probably, it wouldn't surprise me. At the end of the day.... "

Scully starts singing the song 'Jenny from the block' by J-LO... with different lyrics.

Don't be fooled by the cocks that she got
She's still, she's still Jenny from the block
Used to suck a little, now she sucks a lot
No matter where she go, I know where she came from (Red light district!)"

Guppy hums along with the tune and taps his foot, "That's also unhealthy. I hope she's working on that too. Some of our opponents have made bad lifestyle choices. I feel bad because hurting them won't help them with their problems. Oh well, their own fault for steeping in the ring with us." Guppy checks his watch again, "It's about time we check up on that rapist that got away. If we hop into the BatJet now we could be there and then in Hollywood in no time."

"Guppy I'm not going rapist hunting with you. However, I can give you a hunch into a future rape..

Someone tipped me off. That Jenny Myst is gonna get a fist.. ing. You heard it first. I'm going to rape that bitch, show her what a real cock feels like!"

Scully is smiling inside at Guppies shocked face. He obviously believes it.

"That's not a very respectful thing to say! Just ask her nicely! She'd love to do that if what you said before is true! Rape is bad!

"Rape is bad, if you don't believe me, ask my dad....

Anyway Gup, you know you said earlier, that I'm the best Tag-Team partner?"

"I do remember that! Do you remember that the rapist I want you to help me find tried to rape you?"

"You mean your butler who likes handsome men?

If I ever see him, I'll chop his penis off and feed it too...

Erm.. Jack Cain."

"Well? What are waiting for? The sooner we interrogate his friend the sooner we can kill him!"

"So even though he didn't actually rape anyone, we still gotta rape hunt him? And who's his friend? What's he gotta do with it?"

"I'll tell you all about it on the way over."

"I ain't now you know.. So fuck whatever stupid idea you have. You want to go and kill rapists? Go on ya own. You want chase them and run around like a fly on shit... Then be my guest.."

Guppy shakes his head, pulls out the plot syringe and inects Scully's arm. "Sorry I have to do this."

While Scully twists and transforms, Batman straps him into the BatJet and sticks a lolly in his mouth.

To be continued by Guppy......
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