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Imperial Offline
The Unchained Prince


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04-21-2017, 10:03 PM

Guttural vibrations due to his hunger raked through his body as he swung from pole to pole. Sweat made his hair glisten in the light as it also coated every inch of his skin. His muscles were taut as he meandered through the “jungle gym” or so he lovingly called his high-altitude monkey-bar course. A cord tied to a harness on his waist assured him some form of security if he were to miss the next bar and fall.

[Image: dQWLMhoKju0Ny.gif]

Jackson walked below his ward, eyeing the execution of every motion with all his attention. He took notes of any sign of weakness, loss in form or carelessness. The course was aimed to challenge the body to it’d limits, twisting in areas, varying in the distance between bars and alternating the angles by just the right amount so as to make it impossible to move through absentmindedly. This was a test of mental and physical endurance and was essential to Danny’s performance in the ring.

Danny bit back his words as he felt the tips of his fingers graze the next bar and miss. His body swung forward and through pure reflex he extended out with his other hand and gripped the previous bar tightly. His body lurched forward, a sharp pain running along his shoulder and down one side of his back. He couldn’t get frustrated, that was part of the training, full composure and a cold heart. Jackson watched from below, approval etched on his features. Taking a deep breath, Danny swung forward from his bar, this time successfully grasping the next in his hand.

Reaching the end of the course, Danny glances down at Jackson, with a wry smile on his face.

“Aight, you can get me down now.”

“One more thing, your response to Caedus and Slathe.”

“What, now? Fuck off, get me down.”

“No emotion, just calculative logic.”

“Are you fuck-“

[Image: l0HlLlSdg81ONAefS.gif]

Danny cut himself off, knowing the rules of the course; this was no place to get angry. Sighing, he nodded towards Jackson who whips out his phone and begins to record. Danny grimaces at his muscles that have begun to shake from his lack of motion.

“Both of you come into Savage clearly with greater experience than me. Defending your championship since January, you’ve wrestled everyone, from wrestlers in their prime to shoddy upstarts. Caedus this is your home ground. Tidbits, you’ve similarly danced with the devils of XWF long enough to be aware of what to expect coming into this Saturday.

I however, do not. My bouts here have been simple, posing unto me little deterrence and really taking minimal effort on my part to prevail in. I’m not here to rattle off my accomplishments prior to coming here, I’m here to help both of you understand just what it is you’ll be tangoing with in that ring. I may not have had similar opponents to either of you, but my training has been constant, hard and grueling. I may not hold the same accomplishments as either of you but my resolve is steady, firm and unrelenting.


I never said you had an unbeaten run from the day you set foot into XWF. If you had, you’d have mentioned it. Yet in the past couple of weeks you have been unrelenting and destructive in your passage through the roster, as you so clearly put it, Kato needs to feed you and you’ve kept devouring. So if you wish to take my words, twist them and grotesquely regurgitate them out of your mouth to impress your hillbilly, bigoted, racial-slur throwing fans and give them a straw man to laugh over, go ahead. Why are we even arguing about my complimenting of your run so far, you confuse me, and that’s something. I usually do the confusing, but lord you’ve done a pretty good job this past week.

For some reason my belief that you’ve had a good run has led you to come to the conclusion that I couldn’t challenge you in the ring, I couldn’t make you break a sweat. You’re an odd manchild to think a challenger recognizing his opponent’s strengths and being aware of what his prey can do is suddenly a sign of incompetence. Someone’s been chopping down too much wood and inseminating too many chlamydia filled holes in a drunken stupor, the bacteria looks to have gotten to your brain, chump. Unfortunately battle isn’t all about who can chug the most cans of Bud Light, get themselves in a anger-fueled fuzzy feeling and just walking into a ring. Some of us like to actually use our God-given brains.

What did you say next… Hmm…Yes yes. Thought you’d take a page from every single sun burnt, gun toting, cousin-lovin’ Neanderthal and take a shot at my biological heritage? Hah? Is that to throw my ass off guard and catch me by surprise? As classless as I’ve said you are, that really takes the cake my friend. Racial bigotry falls just under homophobic slurs in the scale of “Weak Avenues of Argument for IQ’s of 65 and under”. I don’t know who thought it’d be funny to hand you a belt that symbolizes a witty mind and a sharp tongue… Twice at that. You and your “white man” are nothing more than just a blip into the audio recording, irrelevant.

Is that what you tell yourself though, that Kato has been driven to sending you men just because he has to? I mean, a lack of manpower would most definitely result in a triple threat wouldn’t it? We’re running out of bananas to feed to our monkey, boss what do we do? Feed em’ two today, that’ll solve our problems. I guess simple problem solving skills like this still take an iota of intelligence to comprehend and solve, maybe if you and the rest of your motley crew came together you’d be able to get somewhere with this. Your combined IQ would at least cross the 100 threshold, I’m sure you could come up with something.

I know the fates smile upon me, and I know I’ve done nothing to negatively affect the path of my destiny, I know I deserve this bout against you and Tidbits and if you can’t get that through your shit-addled brain after three straight promotional videos, I don’t know what else I can do but show you on Saturday. I’ll rattle that skull like a game of boggle and make the pieces fall in line so even a wide-eyed cretin like you can understand.”

[Image: XyPjOmQycivra.gif]

Danny pulls his torso up, so his elbows bend slightly, elevating the strain from his shoulders. Muttering a curse under his breath, he continues.

“Slathe, your mindless gimpboy strikes no fear in me. You can whip him, cut him to pieces, put him in a full PVC suit and parade him around for your other kinky little friends but I’m not buying it. Your pulp fiction audition was the previous left, but since you’ve zoomed through that, the porn industry is a few blocks further.

No man without his own mind even deserves to step foot into the ring let along beat you. This Saturday you can stand quietly to the side of the ring, from the moment the bell rings you can wonder how you’re going to punish the insolence of your son for his failure. His chances at prevailing against me are nonexistent, so I shan’t worry your little head much longer.

There will be blood on the mat, I’m sure of it, pools of it dripping out of our insolent champion and gushing out of your ambitionless son. And I will bathe in it, I heard it’s actually pretty good for the skin, I hope neither of you are smokers or anything icky of that sort, that taints the blood it does.

You work so hard to emasculate your own son, he will be no longer a man you say? A man destroyer. I’m not usually one to do this, but when Jackson and I watched that reel I must admit even we giggled. I’m sure Jimmy has some choice words of phallus taking and bending over that I’d rather not get into. I guess even my cultured state isn’t immune to some idiocy when thrown with such gold.

You did give me some good advice though, Tubthumping by Chumbawamba is one of the greatest tracks of all time and I appreciate you paying homage to it. I will train to get knocked down, and I will get up again… Because you’re never gonna keep me down. See, even Htaed has a sense of humor, I very much approve.

I did get a sense of unease once though. I realized both you and Jimmy, at some point, mentioned my decapitation. For you I’d be a headless chicken, he was going to take my Polynesian head and stick it on something or rather. Is that some weird innuendo for a joke I’m not quite catching? Or did both of you meet up at the local Starbucks and decide that my face was no longer pleasing in its current position. I quite like where I find my head and I’d like to keep it on my shoulders, thank you very much.

I’ll take pony boy though, I do have a certain flair about me. Trotting about in my little stumpy legs, making the girls go crazy and the dad’s bleed from my pocket, yup that’s me. I won’t refute that one statement, how could I, I’m certain it was a compliment of the highest regard coming from you. I’ve always wanted to have a pony of my own, but you know, living in New York and all… Not the best idea. But Slathe, one thing, real quick, quick talk, this pony is going to gallop off into the sunset on Saturday with Jimmy’s Television Championship around its rotund torso.



Jackson bursts out into the laughter he’d been holding in since Danny started quoting Tubthumping. He reaches for the other end of the pulley holding Danny in place and slowly begins to let him down. An audible sigh of relief can be heard from Danny as the weight of his body is taken off his arms and he’s finally allowed to rest. Jackson tilts the camera towards his face just then.

”See you lot on Saturday, he’s ready to hunt.”

[Image: UAxOiMCkOgmoU.gif]

The Unchained Prince

[Image: werwolves-eyes-for-Jason-Momoa.gif]
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(04-22-2017), JimCaedus (04-22-2017), The Monster of Htaed (04-21-2017)

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