Hometown: Currently Residing in Yeehaw Junction, Florida
Personality: Watashi wa anata to anata no kazoku o koroshite, anata no niku o anata no gomi no bubun o taberu
Alignment (heel/face/tweener): heel
Looks Description:
Ethnicity: Asian
Pic Base: Asuka
Strengths: Juni is led by her maniacal manager, Danny Lome who is always at ringside for assistance. Juni hits hard with her strikes.
Weaknesses: Sometimes too wild and out of control
Entrance Theme Music:
Entrance Description: Danny Lome, wearing a suit and cowboy hat leads his wife/pet, Juni The Mutated Jap, down to the ring on a leash.
5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves:
Back fist
Diving splash
Flying cross armbar
Hip attack
Roundhouse Kick
Trademark Move(s): Anata o korosu
Finishing Move(s): Juni Lock
Favorite Hardcore Attacks:
Every Juni attack is hardcore
Additional notes:
Danny Lome
Danny is a washed up horse racing handicapper from Yeehaw Junction, Florida who purchased Juni at a discount through a mail ordered bride service. He is the primary mouth piece for Juni- a real scumbag who everyone despises.