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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Lethal Lottery 4 RP Board
Sins Of Our Fathers #1
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

03-25-2017, 11:43 AM

Sins Of Our Fathers

[Image: 8wzEuF2.jpg]

The old church everything is the opposite of what Robert expected. He was supposed to be awed. Just by being here. The feeling with in. He should have known better. Church is what it always seems to be. The same old stories read from a book. Portrayed differently each time because of whomever is reading at the time. Many people see church and religion very differently. Ready to argue with you until they are blue in the face. Religion has started wars. People have been fighting over religion for centuries. Just go against someone and their beliefs! They'll fight you right there on the spot. Maybe not physically. Verbally, trying to get their point across and change your mind. Bring you over to their side. Seeing the light! Some folks can be persuaded. Others no so easily stubborn to their very cold core. Robert sees it the way he always has. If you were lying in the street about to die! Would your last words be about the peace within? Or would your last words have much more truth behind them? Telling the truth so many others seem to side step throughout life. Afraid of what people might think. Robert has always told it like he sees is. Nothing more or less. He's been told his entire life He is supposed to have some feelings about the whole subject but he's just numb. Maybe he'd catch that feeling next time around. The Holy Spirit would grab ahold of him and dig deep into his bones. Then again maybe not. Robert looks around for a few moments taking in what there is to see. He removes his aviators and sees the old stone walls, a few feet in front of these walls sits a row if decaying benches. Here church goes would sit before and after church. Talking about the day's sermon. One thing is for certain. Even though these people are at church. They would still sit outside on those very benches and spread rumors. It's just human nature. To gossip! The ladies did it more than the men. Real Christian like? Robert stops and listens for a moment shutting his eyes taking everything in, he can hear the organ music playing from yesteryears and smell the fresh cut flowers. Robert can hear the children chasing each other to their parent's exasperation. Their laughter echoing loudly.

The building before him used to be very beautiful. Now the stained glass windows shattered. Sitting broken and alone. At one time this was the church, everyone far and wide would come to. Until that one day, they just stopped coming. Maybe it was something they had seen on television that shook their beliefs? The world has very quickly become a cesspool. Death, greed, hunger, famine. It's like the four horsemen of the apocalypse were already here. It's hard to believe when there is so much wrong everywhere you look. To Robert, it isn't that he doesn't believe! He looks at things much more simply! He believes you can think and worship who or whatever you choose where you like. Just because you do not go to church. Doesn't mean your faith isn't strong. He looks at church like a cage for God. He is supposed to be everywhere all the time. All around us! In everything, we touch see and smell. He is your emotions. Your everything. He cannot be contained by four walls and a roof! He doesn't need a pastor to bring God to him. No. He is in the mountains, the rocks, the rivers. He is in the spirit of all animals, including us. But there is a very fine line between God and the Devil. Robert tries to be a good man. Follow the rules. Abide by the laws of the land! But the problem with doing that! It's boring! Robert sees himself as something else. There is a very fine line between the darkness and the light. Robert stagers in between. Although he cannot shake the feeling that stronger powers are at play. A darkness follows closely. He can feel it deep within his very being! What is it? Where did it come from? How long has it been there? He's not for sure. But it is there, pointing him in the direction of destruction. Although he does indeed believe in God. With a god, there has to be a devil! Robert walks towards the old tattered benches and knees down beside them. He reaches down grabbing a hand full of gravel. He looks at the rocks for a moment before tossing each one. Watching them land in their new home. Robert watches as the trees sway from the light gentle breeze. The oversized weeds and tall grass dancing about because no one has taken the time to do anything with this place. Besides, let it rot away into nothing locked in time forgotten about. Robert stands up from his kneeling position dusting off his blue jeans. As he dose a small amount of gravel dust litters the air. He then adjusts his black XWF A3X t-shirt before looking into the camera speaking softly.

[Image: s2OV0ps.jpg]

" The XWF is about to see something like never before. The apocalypse is upon us and yes my friends the end is very near indeed. In the new testament of the Bible, the book of Revelations to be exact. 6: 1-8. In this chapter tells of a scroll in God's right hand that is sealed with seven seals".

[Image: yObyGM3.jpg]

"The Lamb of God then opens the first four of the seven seals, which summons four beings that ride out on white, red, black, and pale horses. With the first of the seven seals broken. A thunderous voice was heard. Shouting, "COME". There stood a white horse, he who sat on this horse has a bow and crown. He then went out conquering. There is one man that comes to mind when I think about it! He is a man who has conquered all. He has torn the XWF down. The body count endless. H has shattered many men's dreams and crushed their hopes. He also wears a crown, known as the Television Championship! Jim Caedus! Do you not see it? He is the horseman of Pestilence! Like the plague, Jim Caedus has spread, and will not be stopped"!

[Image: JScxG5R.jpg]

"When the second seal was broken, the second living creature could be heard "COME". A red horse appeared he who sat on this horse a man, was granted to take peace from the earth and men would slay one another. A great sword was given to him. This is the horseman of War! This horseman is none other than Micheal Graves. Look at the wars he has been in over the years. Look at the wars he has started over the years. Graves is a man who will single handily bring War to the XWF"!

[Image: muAtcI8.jpg]

" The third seal was broken, a voice could be heard "COME"! Behold a black horse stood. He who sat on this horse had a pair of scales. The voice of four creatures could be heard all at once. This horseman is Famine. This man is The Radical Gabe Reno! Soon Reno will face Chris Chaos and take the Universal Championship. Using his scales for checks and balances needed throughout the XWF."

[Image: DCBwcRR.jpg]

" Once the lamb broke the fourth of the seven seals, the voice of a creature saying "COME". There stood an ashen horse. He who sat on this horse had the name of Death! With Hades following with him. This horseman know as Death was also know by another name. Thanatos! Of all the horsemen he is specifically given a name! Not depicted as carrying anything like the other horsemen. His only commission was taking your life! I bet your wondering who this man is? Look no further. I'm standing right here. Robert Main is the horseman of death! Me! I'm the monster so many of you should have become! Now LJ Havok! It seems you finally had the backbone to come out from whatever rock you have been hiding under for so long now. I heard rumors you used to work here and actually wrestle. Wrestle is a strong word! More like fail! The question I have for you is why now? Why come back now? You haven't been in the ring in god knows how long. Not that you have ever done anything that anyone remembers. All you have ever done is give others easy wins! Do you actually think you're old out of shape ass stands a chance in the ring nowadays? Old man this is the era of the new breed of wrestling. The limelight is far gone.!

[Image: AsGRLy4.jpg]

You call yourself the chosen one? You feel sorry for the poor bastard who has to take the pin fall or submission? You'll be lucky to make it to the ring without breaking your hip let alone wrestle a match. See LJ, even though you did decide to come back and wrestle again. Your return will be one that is short lived. After the PPV I'll have placed you in retirement permanently. In this match, you seem to be biting off way more than even your oversized mouth can chew. Writing you off is an understatement! Your nothing! You've never been anything great. You've never even been the flavor of the month! A stepping stone? You are giving yourself way too much credit. I see you more like a turd I stepped in running. Annoying, needing to be wiped away! Your nothing more than a small blip on my radar. The fact that I'm even mentioning LJ Havok is almost a waste of my breath. If you think for a single second beating you helps me move up to the top. You are insane! LJ Havok is a no one. You do nothing for anyone! Especially me! I've come in here and beaten the best. I'm going to the top either way. You see Havok! Maybe you should worry less about my way of thinking and more about who the hell I actually am! Learn a thing or two!

My way of thinking does one thing! Win me matches. You are correct I am underestimating you! I've seen the tape and you have nothing at all to threaten me with. Nothing! You do not belong in a championship match. You belong on the pre-show! You are nothing more than a has been do nothing at all. Maybe that way of thinking has, fail others in the past that has faced you. You have fought many men over the years in the ring. But there is one thing in common with each and everyone of those men. None of their names is Robert Main! You mock me calling myself the "OMEGA"! I'm called "OMEGA" all over the world. I'm called that for a reason! I'm far superior than other men in the ring. See LJ I am what is called a winner. Something you know nothing about. When the big matches come you lose! I don't go out trying to find the best to wrestle! I don't put the top stars names in my mouth. They all find me. They drop my name. If you can beat me! I assure success, maybe even a championship match. I'm up in the rankings because I'm a winner! You talked about an end. Yes, there will be an end. The end will be your career. Because I am going to drop you on your prissy little ass. Your nothing more than a fruity boy. Who I will put an end once and for all. Once the final bell rings. This time you'll never come back to the ring and wrestle again! I'll make sure of it. The day you put me out of my misery I'll quit wrestling and retire.

A clown? Funny! I'd rather be a clown than a bitch! Soon LJ I'll be the Heart Champion! Then when I am king! Instead of you leaving again. How about you be my court jester? When I say dance! You dance! I love the fact that you called me a clown! It's amazing coming from a guy like yourself. Look at yourself for a moment! You're a joke LJ! A shit stain in the XWF. You have the nerve to call me anything it should be sir would you like fries with that! It's okay, though. I'll make you pay for all of your trespasses. It's one thing to talk tough in front of a camera it's another altogether when I'm in your face beating your ass down in the canvas. Little big man syndrome at it's finest. Eating through a straw will be a good look for you! Scared? I really don't know if you're scared of me. You should be! But honestly, I believe your too damn stupid to be scared! That is until I look across the ring into your coward filled eyes and you shit yourself! You've claimed to have danced with the devil before! That I don't understand? How can you dance with the devil if you have never been in the ring with me? More tough talk right LJ? Trying to make me think your something that you are obviously not or never will be. You have shown me one thing you can run your mouth and that’s about it. At least you can do something! I've seen some tapes and God knows you cannot wrestle worth a damn!

You'll behead the monster huh? Do you know how many times I've been told something along these lines? LJ. Just stop! My brain is literally hurting from the dumbness flowing from your mouth. You cut my head off two grows back in its place! Too damn good to be outshined? LJ I could outshine you with both hands tied behind my back. I beat you every time. I'm better than you have ever been. Even at your greatest! Not only will you be outshined. You'll be outclassed in every way.

[Image: AJr84Z5.jpg]

Suddenly the old church bells rang out loudly. Surprised Robert watches as a flock of pigeons, quickly fly from the bell tower in disarray. The pigeons coo out to one another, feathers falling from the sky like angels losing their wings. The pigeons flap their wings violently trying to get away from the bell tower. As they fly off into the distance Robert smiled letting out a small chuckle. With each slow chime, echoing off the old stone of the old church! Robert walks into the entrance of the church, still listening to the bells sound bounce from each old wooden church pews. Then off the walls finally coming to a rest at the altar itself. Robert looks at his gold Rolex before placing one of his cigars into his mouth lighting it looking around the old abandoned church. He blows a few smoke rings looking at all the dust covering everything in sight. Bibles still sitting in the back of each bench covered in dust, sitting untouched for years. The walls are covered in graffiti from kids. Trash covers the floors of the once beautiful church! Robert looks to the alter and smiles before taking a seat in the back row. As Robert flops down a cloud of dust flies all around him! He draws heavily on his cigar before blowing a few more smoke rings laughing. He sees the bibles in front of him sitting there locked in time. He reaches forward and grabs a bible. Robert wipes away the dust and opens it. The once white vibrant pages now yellow and brown. He starts moving through the bible looking for something! Vigorously he looks finally coming to a stop. He uses his index finger like a laser pointer. He leans back onto the dust covered bench staring up at the alter the camera moves in very close as Robert speaks.

[Image: JzCu8nq.jpg]

"Some people see religion as a crutch. Needed by the weak and needy. Needing a higher purpose to make it throughout life! Some people just don’t have the independence to get through life on their own! Religion has never been my crutch! To be honest, humans are fragile. Always needing something! Always needing more. Needing the comfort. Not dependent always needing an external source to survive. Needing food, water! Needing to be loved! Needing interaction. The needs are endless! What do I need? I need to be hated and take from others what I want! I need to be the greatest of all time. But seeing how some of us are playing the religion game! Looking to their false fathers and false gods! I too can play that game. See as the horseman of death I'll read to you a small scripture! Revelations 19:11. So it reads.

" I saw heaven standing open and there before me was an ashen horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice, he judges and makes war."

Interesting isn't it? War I will most certainly bring! Tidbits I've watched for weeks now! You and Father Slathe. He preaches to you to no avail. You still cannot seem to see what he is trying to show you! You have failed countless times over the past few weeks. When it matters the most you seem to fall short unable to reach that crown you desire. The Heart Championship! Now you get a third chance. Someone likes you! Maybe it is fate! You continuously get so close and just when you think you have done it. You are stopped. You are on a loop! One of devastation and failure. You follow this father around aimlessly. I can only hope he s not catholic. You do know how those priests are. Maybe he is just warming you up for the BIG finally! Either way! Your following blind. You're just another sucker! Following something that is broken. I have one suggestion don't put on the matching jumpsuit and drink the red punch. I've heard it ends badly! Though you hold your head high. I can see through you. Even behind the mask, you hide behind! You know you’re a failure! The stench is all around you! You know you cannot win the Heart Championship. But hey look on the bright side maybe you will find that spiritual awakening you've desperately been searching for.

Father tells us there is nothing to worry about! He ha faith in you. Mr. Tidbits! Faith will not get you through this match! Faith will not place that championship firmly around your waist. Your faith will fail you again! Faith will not slay the demon I am. Good vs evil the age old battle. This time around Tidbits! Evil rides in and wins! This time around the third time isn't a charm! Tidbits I takes the Omega one time. That's it! You will have failed three times now! Looks like riding shotgun with evil works. Though you and I have never crossed paths before. I'll let you in on the outcome! I beat you. Just Like Havok! Just like Robbie! Whether I am full of arrogance or piss and vinegar. It doesn't matter. It isn't that I have my little heart set on winning the championship from Robbie. It's that I am going to. This will be my first title reign in the XWF! I will take this championship. Look at it like a stop along the way to the Universal Championship! Which I will hold one day as well. MY SINS?

Robert laughs slamming the bible closed tossing it to his side. He takes another hit from his cigar looking down at the bible. He smiles as he pulls the cigar from his mouth and puts it out on the bible tossed aside like yesterday's garbage! The bible also calls sin transgression. This is the idea of overstepping god's Law! Putting your will against gods! Robert glances at the camera standing up brushing himself off. He walks out from behind the benches grabbing the burnt bible he put his cigar out on wand walks towards the altar. Talking into the camera kicking trash about leaving a trail. The sun shines brightly through the broken stained glass windows shining down on Robert.

"What the hell do you know of my sins? It just goes to show you know nothing! You know nothing about me and the sins I may or may not have committed! The only sin I see Father is you pretending to be a man of god! Once I get my hands on you. I will cast you into the fiery lake know as hell! You preach about the good. You never talk about the evil! I am that evil, people check under their beds at night for. I am the evil people pray about! You've talked about my attitude and how it could get me hurt. It hasn't. Thus far! Why would it start now? I would think that you are threatening me but then I look at you and see that your too pussy to do so! If someone has something to say I'm not hard to find. I take on all comers. Puls, I surround myself with helpful friends! Everyone you are associated with is shit! I spoke ill of you and your people! Step up and I'll knock your ass out! I'm not scared of the cult you're involved with! I bring hell with me wherever I go! My mouth does seem to work wonders huh? My Talent, on the other hand, will indeed bring you closer to god! You'll see the light at the end of the match. Only in a different way. Tidbits you'll see the light in the rafters as I'm pinning you to the canvas! I don't believe I'm the gold standard. I know it!

Robert kicks some trash away from the altar steps and takes a seat staring into the camera

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[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
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Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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[-] The following 5 users Like Robert "The Omega" Main's post:
(03-30-2017), JimCaedus (03-25-2017), LJ Havok (03-25-2017), Peter Fn Gilmour (03-26-2017), The Monster of Htaed (03-25-2017)

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