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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
"Dawson's Creek Bullshit"
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Thomas Nixon Offline
Saving the Lizards

XWF FanBase:
Kids, women, some teens

(fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by adult males)

03-14-2017, 03:20 PM

Thomas Nixon is breathing hard. He just stepped off the treadmill after a rousing cardio session, and he planned on taking a brief break from his work out. Earlier in the day, Nixon was contacted by one of the higher ups in XWF management. They wanted him to find some time during his day to hype up his match with Shade on Wednesday Night Warfare.

Still dressed in his workout gear, Nixon left the hotel gym and found himself sitting in the lobby. He’d been notified that Shade released his first promotional footage for the bout! Nixon pulled out his tablet and pulled up the video, figuring that he should at least see what Shade has to say before he talks more about their match up.

Nixon found himself watching something interesting.

A tension filled romance between two members of XWF staff. A camera man and an interviewer. Nixon returned to the XWF homepage mid-way through the video, before attempting to watch Shade’s promo again. Alas, he found himself watching the same footage. Nixon skipped ahead to where he left off.

Michael: C'mon Kate It was just an accident, I didn't mean to hurt you. I just drunk ad was acting out by instinct. Don't hold me to something that I wasn't in the right mind to act civilly.

[Seriously, what the fuck is this? I can’t wait to see how he manages to tie this into our match up. I’m thinking this might be an allegory of sorts. Some subtle comparison? I don’t know. ]

As Nixon continues to watch the promo, he sees Shade arrive. He seems to be aware of the drama between Mike and Kate. Then he cuts into a promo about his last match and his upcoming bout with Nixon. Then the video ended.

[Wait, wait, wait. Who the fuck are these people? What am I watching here? Okay, whatever. Shade said some stuff about me, wedged between the Hallmark Channel tier shit. And he covered a lot of topics I’ve been faced with before. Shade says he needs to recalibrate after his loss, so he needs a win over me. But his words remind me more of Broken Hart a couple months back. How can you lose momentum if you never had any in the first place? Shade says that I’ll be an insect under his foot. He talks the talk, but what has he done in his time here? He debuted over a year ago. I accomplished more than him in my first month. The same old spiel I gave to Hart in the past. Shade can say that he’ll beat me, but his words are hollow. Especially when he doesn’t do anything special in the ring, and then hangs around staff members doing some Dawson’s Creek bullshit in his free time.]
Shade: Also Mcbride is a close friend of mine and I didn't appreciate what you did to his face and to be honest I don't know the full situation,But from my perspective you attacked one of my friends for no reason. So you know the saying ''An eye for an eye ". Well I'm going to return Mcbride a favor, So don't hold it against me if I do something equal to what you did to Mcbride .

[Jesus, this guy is out of his mind. Y’know, he would be a lot better off he didn’t let me in on that information. A friend of McBride? Looks like I’m going to hit another 20 minutes of cardio. I don’t want to just beat this guy, when I could be sending a message. I was planning on treating him like any other competitor, but a great opportunity has fallen into my lap. The chance to hurt someone that McBride thinks fondly of. And I’m more than happy to pounce on that offer.]

Quote:Shade: I would like to challenge for XWF Universal Championship, But the lucky bastard is currently having a blood feud with Chaos. So I'm out of luck there. So If Vincent doesn't mind I want a shot at either the television title, The Xtreme belt or I'm going after Undead Soldier Briefcase to aleast make sure I am in contention for a title. So Vincent I ain't fighting an pointless match you hear.
[Okay. Fuck this. I can’t do this anymore. I could get in front of the camera and rant about Shade being another delusional fuck, much like Hart and other early opponents in my tenure, but I don’t need to waste my time. I’ll just text, Vinnie that I can’t do it. Instead, I’ll make the most of my time because I want to be in tip top shape when it comes to teaching this buffoon a lesson. And if he’s healthy enough, he can go after “Undead Soldier Briefcase” after I beat the shit out of him. There’s no point in talking the talk, I’ll send my message in the ring.]

Nixon pulls out his phone to shoot a text to Vincent Lane, as the scene fades to black.

Ambassador of the Lizard People
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The Monster of Htaed (03-14-2017), Vincent Lane (03-15-2017)

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